I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 612 Carrying out a lifelong philosophy

"Since there are so many evils in the world that cannot be eradicated except complete destruction, why do you defend peace?"

After hearing what Irani said, the Heart of the World quickly calculated and found that what Irani did was different from what she said.

He was not given the idea of ​​bringing peace to the Xandar Empire, so he did not have the idea of ​​destroying the Xandar Empire to bring peace.

"It is precisely because the evil in the world cannot be eradicated."

"That's why we have to do everything we can to control the balance between good and evil."

"Letting each other have space to live is the ideal I have thought about and pursued throughout my life."

"It's just that this pursuit should be almost at its end."

Irani paused after hearing the words, and also expressed her feelings.

It turned out that her physical condition was getting worse every day, and she was getting closer and closer to death.

Throughout her life, she devoted almost all her time and effort to her ideals, and she had no regrets even if she died.

It was just that Kassadin, the God of the Void, took a fancy to her and gave her a chance to choose.

Give her a chance to live for eternity.

Now Irani has personally experienced the changes brought about by the blessing of the void.

The Void Cult is indeed a great terror and an unstoppable force.

It is not difficult for Irani to resist desire and not be swallowed up by desire.

Because she has been resisting the test of desire her entire life.

From the unknown bottom, step by step, he relied on his own abilities to climb to the position of supreme commander.

As long as she lets go of her bottom line a little during this period, she won't be what she is now.

And after reaching the position of supreme commander, as long as she wants, she can get close to 99% of everything in the universe.

Joining the Void Cult and receiving the blessing only gave her an eternal lifespan that was unobtainable by ninety-nine percent of others and power that ordinary people could not imagine.

Irani often thinks about why Kassadin, the God of the Void, gave her the opportunity to choose.

Kassadin once said that as long as the Xandar Empire does not seek death, even if it conquers the Xandar Empire in the future, it will not interfere with the governance policy of the Xandar Empire.

This can be confirmed from the fact that God King Odin is willing to join and the Nine Realms are still passed on to Thor, the God of Thunder.

It was precisely because of this that Irani couldn't figure out what Kassadin, the future God of the Void, would want her to do.

But what Irani understands is that in the future, she may not be able to do everything she wants to do based on her own personal will and ideals.

It's just that as the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire, she is respected by countless creatures and has many names.

She couldn't understand the truth that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight, otherwise she would have been corrupted by power.

So for the Xandar Empire to continue.

Even sometimes, there is no way to do something against your own will.

Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory. Who can say that their life will be smooth and smooth? This is also a part of balance.

"There is evil, so we have to protect the good... Miss Irani, how do you want me to find your successor?"

The Heart of the World heard the philosophy of life that Irani had stored in his heart for who knows how many years. He thought about it and felt helpless.

At the age of fourteen, Irani Rell relied on her super consciousness and strong combat qualities to pass the rigorous test and join the Nova Corps to become a Nova officer.

As a member of the Nova Corps, Irani finally entered its sight.

That was the beginning of the legend of Irani Rael, who never flinched or weakened even though she was a woman.

He rushed to the front line regardless of his own safety, established a good career and was promoted to centurion step by step. It only took sixteen years.

At only thirty years old, he became the youngest three-star centurion in the Xandar Empire.

During this period, I have been learning all kinds of knowledge, and I have an endless passion for exploring the truth of the world.

After Irani reached a high position, she began to do her best to help those she could help.

These seemingly benevolent actions have been questioned by countless people, and they have been said to be deceptive and just a joke.

He has been impeached, assassinated, and even ostracized by various factions.

But no matter how she questioned, was ostracized, and was rejected countless times, Irani Rael still unswervingly helped the weak and lobbied the strong.

It took twenty years to truly get countless civilians, as well as officers and soldiers within the Nova Corps, to let go of their prejudices.

Endorsed the belief of Irani Rael.

Finally, with the support of countless people, he was appointed as the highest officer of the Xandar Empire at the extremely young age of fifty.

Countless people thought that the legend of Irani Leal was over, and most people were right.

But that was just the end of the legend of Irani Lehr as a three-star centurion.

Supreme Commander Irani Rael begins to forge a career as a legendary commander.

During his more than two hundred years in power, he endured a lot of pressure and countless abuses, and revised various laws, but finally received a real response.

Ordinary people would not be able to see the true meaning of Irani Lehr's actions at first. It is not until they see the changes later that they will suddenly realize it and then be amazed by it.

The Heart of the World has also truly seen the excellence of women and men.

This excellence has long gone beyond the superficial impression of men and women.

"Heart of the World, what you are looking for is not my replacement, but the next supreme commander of the Xandar Empire."

"As long as you ensure that you have a firm will in your heart that can resist the erosion of desire."

"Your learning and growth rate far exceeds that of countless intelligent species. People's growth rate cannot be compared with you, but people will also grow."

"The supreme commanders of the past also wrote their own legends."

"The position I am in today is inseparable from the contributions of past commanders."

"If the path of ascent is cut off, the darkness will not be eliminated within the Xandar Empire."

"Then I am just one of the many living beings."

"I was just lucky. I was born in the right era and in the right place. I seized the rare opportunity in life and tried my best to pursue the ideal in my heart."

Irani sat on the seat that symbolized the supreme commander, touched the armrest of the chair with her right hand and felt the cold comfort, and said with a smile.

She will never deny the excellence of the great men of the past because of what she has done. Without the trees planted by the predecessors, there would be no shade for future generations.

If she had been born in the past eras of the Xandar Empire, she doesn't think she would have been able to do better than them.

"I'll observe it carefully."

The Heart of the World heard that people will grow, and also knew that it was impossible to find a replacement for Irani Rael.

"Although my time is running out, I think I still have at least ten years left to sit in this position."

"So you don't need to rush if you take your time."

Irani heard this and spoke.

Lord Kassadin said that she would wait for his call, but she still has the opportunity to guide the direction of the Xandar Empire in the future.

So this already means that if she asks Lord Kassadin in the future, she may be able to stay in this position for a long time, but it will definitely not be forever.


Of course, the Heart of the World knew that when Irani said there was not much time, she was being summoned by Kassadin, the God of the Void.

The other officers of the Nova Corps around them all looked a bit regretful when they heard the supreme commander, Sir Irani Reel, saying that they didn't have much time.

There is only one commander who can win the respect and love of countless creatures, Irani Rael.

But regardless of whether they think it or not, Irani Lehr is now approaching her twilight years, and the time to die is not far away.

I can still be in this position now, but there is no good successor, and Irani's body can still withstand it.

But after more than ten years, if Irani's health begins to deteriorate, it will be impossible not to abdicate.


Among Olympus.

Zeus saw that Thanos' men were destroyed in the hands of the Blue Star Void Cult, and he didn't care much.

Guys who have not reached the pinnacle of the universe are not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Thanos is at the top level of the universe, so he is equivalent to a small piece of trash.

Moreover, Thanos didn't even think highly of his two adopted daughters, Gamora and Nebula, and it was really embarrassing to let the two little girls betray him.

It is normal for Thor and Loki to also participate in the war.

After all, Odin has retired and the five Obsidian generals under Thanos are attacking Blue Star. It is certain that Thor and Loki will come forward.

If they don't show up, there won't be anyone in Asgard who can show up.

Heimdall's strength is not that strong. Only if the weapon Rainbow Bridge is included, within the scope of the Nine Realms, Heimdall's strength can be considered to be somewhat capable.

If you don't count Heimdall's strength at the Rainbow Bridge, he is not at the top level in the universe. At best, he is just a pair of omniscient eyes, which is pretty good.

It's just that Zeus is most curious about when Odin's funeral will be held after his retirement.

And Void Herald Tony Stark and Hulk Bruce Banner came from Blue Star, so it's not surprising to call a few friends to help deal with Thanos' invasion.

A few years ago, during Blue Star's battle in New York, Tony Stark called in these friends to help.

Because Kassadin, the God of the Void, did not move, there was no news that the Void God Cult had begun to expand its territory.

So Zeus quickly stopped caring and continued to immerse himself in the joyful atmosphere of the banquet, holding a male favorite in his left hand and a woman in his right hand.

The gods who were attending the banquet saw that Zeus did not make any comments on this matter, so they all stopped talking.

Although Zeus is now licentious, he is among the top powerhouses in the universe in terms of status and strength.

So no matter whether you like Zeus or not, in order to integrate into this society of gods, you can expand your network and help each other.

They still have to act based on Zeus's face.

If they had the strength of Asgard's God King Odin, then they would not need Zeus at all.

It’s just that there are gaps between gods, and some gaps can be called a heaven and an earth.

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