I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 632 The old order was overthrown

At this time, a rapid bell rang.

Hogg put his daughter down temporarily, picked up the phone, and saw that it was the call from his ex-wife who divorced him and fell into the arms of another man in less than a week.

Hogg chose to refuse without hesitation.

However, within less than ten seconds, the opponent came over again, looking very anxious.

"Amanda, please stay here for a while and I'll take a call."

Hogg thought for a moment and said something to his daughter.


Hogg's daughter also guessed who called, so she obediently agreed.

If it proves that Dad is not crazy, everything he did was right.

Then his mother, who didn't believe in her father and got divorced and married someone else's uncle, would realize her mistake.

Hogg left the room directly, went to other locations in the air-raid shelter, and answered the call from his ex-wife.

"Honey, where are you now?"

As soon as the call was connected, a somewhat anxious voice came.

"Caroline, we're divorced."

"So don't call me honey, just call me by my name."

When Hogg heard what his ex-wife called him, he seriously corrected her and clarified their relationship.

"Forgive me dear, you are right."

"Chaos is about to begin. Wherever you are now, can you let me go too!"

When Hogg's wife heard these words, her voice sounded a little guilty. She quickly apologized and admitted her mistake, and also expressed her hope to evacuate together in the past.

The various evidences now exposed on the Internet and the scolding war caused her to feel frightened.

"Where am I?"

"Don't worry, I'm ready to stay in a very safe place with my daughter who believes in me."

When Hogg heard that his ex-wife wanted to come over and take refuge with him, there was no mercy in his eyes.

The chaos in the United States at this time is not the chaos of the end of the world, and there will be no shortage of resources.

But the chaos caused is comparable to the end of the world, and the following period of chaos will inevitably lead to fighting in countless places.

Because those outsiders who have been benefited by ZZZQ cannot easily agree to leave the United States.

Hogg doesn't want to judge whether these things are good or bad, he just knows how to survive.

So we started preparing almost a month ago.

"Honey, let me come and stay too."

"Amanda also needs her mother's presence."

Hogg's wife heard that it was very safe and quickly said good things.

"You never believed me before, but that's not what you said after you divorced me."

"You won't tell me that ruthless look, have you forgotten?"

Hogg had a sneer on his face when he heard his ex-wife's regretful words because she found out that he was right.

Of course he wanted to protect his family if he could, but his ex-wife, like the people around him and some relatives, thought he was crazy.

"You were just saying that chaos was coming, chaos was coming."

"I don't know what you mean either."

Hogg's ex-wife also choked when she heard these words, and then said quickly.

"If you feel wronged, go to your sweetheart for comfort."

"There's a new call coming in. If it's okay, I'll hang up."

"May you survive the chaos that has begun to erupt."

Hogg saw that his ex-wife didn't believe him and looked aggrieved after finding out the truth. He didn't show any emotion at all and hung up the phone immediately after speaking.

Then Hogg went to get some snacks and went back to see his daughter with a smile.

"Good baby, wait for a while until we can get out of here."

"How about I find you a mother you like?"

Hogg gave the delicious snacks to his daughter and asked with a smile.

"Okay, but you must pass my level."

Hogg's daughter Amanda said with a smile upon hearing this.

She was able to follow her father because when her mother divorced her father, she never thought of taking her with her.

Otherwise, she would not be able to follow her loving father now.

"Okay, I will only be able to become your new mother if I pass your test."

Seeing his daughter's well-behaved appearance, Hogg petted his daughter's head lovingly.

At this time, some people who came to him to inquire about detailed conditions some time ago also received direct messages.

Everyone was thanking Hogg and thankful that they were smart enough.

However, some white people felt that they couldn't bear it and decided to go out and join in the chaos to expel the black people.

Hogg also quickly advised not to go out.

The big hand behind the scenes of the United States will settle all this. Don't go out and join the chaos and put yourself in danger.

Hogg knew about this matter, and since it was caused by Tony Stark's plan, he must be able to completely resolve it.

Ordinary people like them should protect themselves honestly and don't cause trouble and lose their lives.


Even white people who were prepared to prevent chaos wanted to go out and expel black people.

Not to mention the countless white people who suddenly learned the truth.

No longer care about those so-called ZZZQs. Since you say I am discriminatory, then I will show you the discrimination.

The root of the chaos in America lies in the high-ranking officials and Judahs who have been liquidated.

However, the large number of blacks and Hispanics who have been used as tools in the plan are also the main culprits of the chaos.

Because the annual crime rates caused by blacks and Hispanics are also announced and pinned to the top.

Countless people have found it, causing everyone to be afraid to travel freely at night.

Asians also discovered this at this time.

The scolding war that started on the Internet did not involve me, so everyone remained silent.

Instead, he quietly started to buy supplies, and was prepared not to leave home for a short period of time. Fighting with weapons and guns on the streets would definitely be inevitable.

Fortunately, as Asians, many people have the habit of saving money and have not been completely brainwashed by consumerism, leaving little savings.

So everyone immediately prepared two months' worth of food, and also bought some board games that the family can play together to pass the time.

Such as chess, mahjong, poker, and some dice-throwing team games. I also bought some steel plates to reinforce my doors and windows.

Although the network may not be cut off, you should be afraid of the worst case scenario.

The chaos became more and more serious, and the Internet lines were cut off. By then, I would be bored to death if I was stuck at home with nothing to pass the time.

Not just the United States.

The information exposed also contains black material about the chess pieces planted by some Jewish people in Europe and the United States.

At the same time, the concepts of freedom, democracy, and equality that the United States has always flattered have been subverted.

Even some forces that followed the United States were also affected.

The people at the bottom of the country who have been troubled by ZZZQ have also become angry and started a war of words.

One country in particular, whose landmark building was the Iron Tower, was completely bombed at this time.

For a time, chaos broke out across Europe and America.

Other forces that have not had much influence from the United States are all sitting on the fence.

Only Zheng Xian was extremely shocked when he saw all the evidence that Tony Stark released.

He had some expectations about Tony Stark's plan to expel blacks, Jews, and Hispanics.

But he didn't expect that the dispute would start like this.

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with Tony Stark’s approach. The truth is a sharp knife, and a single spark can start a prairie fire.

But how to do this was what shocked Zheng Xian.

Each of these incriminating evidences can be considered top secret, and some are even higher than top secret and have been directly destroyed.

Logically speaking, no evidence can be found at all.

However, Zheng Xian was completely confused as to how these criminal evidence and information were collected.

However, Zheng Xian saw Tony Stark doing what he expected, and now he is waiting to see the end of the situation, as long as the process and result are the same.

Then he has to start taking action. It is unlikely that he will copy Tony Stark's approach, but he also has his own way to solve it.


Far away in the Void Island of Xandar Star.

Harvey also woke up, and this time he looked down at Blue Star and discovered that Europe and America were in turmoil at this time.

“A lot of people will die if we deport black people and Hispanics this time.”

Harvey was also a little emotional after seeing it.

"If you want to completely eradicate the darkness in America and eliminate hidden dangers, it is normal to bleed to death."

"In the past, more people died in the Xandar civilization because of the Dark Ages."

"The United States has not yet reached the stage where black monkeys start to take over power in large numbers."

"The number should not be less than one-third of the entire population, so this is still pretty good."

Sonia just happened to bring some drinks and delicious fruits for Mr. Cassadine. She heard this sigh and said softly.

In the dark ages of the Xandar civilization, there was truly bloodshed, and an extremely heavy price was paid to eradicate the darkness of Xandar.

It was also because after the abnormal rules were liquidated that time, the Xandar civilization began to get on the right track of development.

Although there was still a lot of interstellar colonization in the middle, which led to laziness and pride.

This caused the Xandar civilization to enter an extremely slow development cycle.

However, it was not until the horror of the Kree Empire was discovered that the ideas of Xandar civilization changed.

Xandar civilization has always been on the right track.

Not only did it proactively return all the freedoms of the former colonial planets, it also helped those former colonial planets develop, allowing their education and technology to begin to soar.

The talents and wisdom of many civilizations were quickly gathered to promote the birth of the super optical brain world heart.

This allowed the Xandar Empire to be established, and the concepts of peace and balance that were originally established have continued to this day for a hundred thousand years.

Unless there is any major turmoil that causes the Xandar Empire's concept to undergo another huge change, this concept will continue to persist.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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