I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 633 Tell him not to do stupid things

"Bring me the history books of the Xandar civilization."

Harvey heard that Xandar civilization had more bloodshed in the past dark ages, and he became somewhat interested.

Sonia stretched out her right hand, released the power of the void, and entered the library in the villa for just more than ten seconds.

A thick book fell into Sonia's hands.

"If Mr. Kassadin wants to read about the Dark Ages of Xandar Civilization, just read this book."

"But my suggestion is that since you can directly see the evolution of history, you might as well read it after reading it."

Sonia placed the book in her hand on the table in front of Mr. Kassadin.

The library in the mountaintop villa can basically be said to be Sonia's library.

Because of Mr. Kassadin, it is impossible to go into the library and look through some books.

Only Sonia would read and study after get off work every day.

"You can read a book and watch the evolution of the situation."

Harvey said with a smile when he saw Sonia directly finding a book for him.

"Then let me activate the projection mode for you."

Sonia opened the book immediately after hearing it, clicked a few times, and a projection appeared in the sky.

While the text is displayed, images also emerge, allowing people to understand history more intuitively.

"Sonia, do you hate black monkeys?"

Harvey saw the dark-skinned people in the image and found that there were some differences from the black people in Blue Star, but not too different. He noticed what Sonia called the black people just now.


"Originally, I thought that what was recorded in the history books was exaggerated to a certain extent."

"It wasn't until I went to visit Blue Star and talked with Sarah that I realized that the historical records were not false at all."

Sonia nodded directly without denying the words and expressed her opinion.

"Then I'll take my time and watch it myself, and you go and do your work first."

When Harvey heard Sonia's frank admission, he didn't let Sonia watch it with him and explained the history to him.

"Although I hate black monkeys, if possible, I hope Mr. Kassadin can wait until I finish my work today."

"I will watch it with Mr. Kassadin after I get off work in the evening."

"I can review history again and educate you on some things that are not recorded in this book."

Sonia also noticed Kassadin's caring heart and said with a smile.

"Then wait until you get off work and then watch this slowly."

"I'm going to watch the evolution of the situation at Blue Star now."

Harvey saw Sonia wanting to popularize science for him, and after thinking for a moment, he reached out and closed the book, and said with a smile.

Because Sonia wants to teach Sarah, Sonia really has a way of teaching people and science.

And Harvey also understood Sonia's feelings that she wanted to share with others, so naturally he did not refuse.

"Well, then I'll go out first."

When Sonia saw Mr. Kassadin agreed, a happy smile appeared on her face, she waved her hand and went out in a happy mood.

When Harvey saw Sonia's mood improving, he couldn't help but smile and put down the book in his hand.

While drinking the after-dinner drink and tasting the delicious fruits, he turned his attention back to Blue Star again.


At the same time, Blue Star is here.

Spider-Man Peter Parker is also very anxious at this time.

He finally knew why Mr. Tony planned this plan.

This is to dig out all the truth hidden in the dark.

This has the advantage of allowing the United States to begin to eradicate these evil practices.

But the bad thing is that it has plunged the United States into chaos.

Peter Parker wants to help others as much as possible.

But his Aunt May and Uncle Ben asked him not to leave home.

Of course, Peter Parker can choose to reveal his true identity to his relatives.

It's just that after showing that his actions may be restrained.

If he insists on attacking, he may put Aunt Mei and Uncle Ben he cares about in danger.

After all, the chaos in America has begun.

So this puts Peter Parker in a dilemma.

But at this moment, a phone call came.

After seeing the name of the caller, Peter Parker quickly picked up the call.

"Hello Mr. Coulson."

Peter Parker addressed him respectfully.

"Peter Parker, you should be thinking about how to settle your relatives right now, so that you can help those in need, right?"

Coulson asked directly after seeing Peter Parker connected.

"Yes, Mr. Coulson, these are the things I'm worried about."

"But how do you know?"

"Did you see me?"

Peter Parker was a little happy to have his thoughts revealed, but he was also a little surprised when he looked at various places outside the window. He didn't find anyone watching him, so he was a little confused.

"Because I haven't collected any information about your activities at this time."

"So given your character, I knew you were in trouble."

"But since you really think so, then I will handle the placement for you."

Coulson smiled and explained and made a promise.

The last time Spider-Man, Peter Parker, realized that his abilities were insufficient, he stopped participating in some big things.

Instead, he honestly continued to be a friendly neighbor in Queens, helping various ordinary people solve some problems.

Now the United States is about to be in chaos, which is a dangerous situation for many ordinary people.

But for Spider-Man, this level of danger can obviously be dealt with.

After all, Peter Parker has not encountered Tony Stark and his gang, and Spider-Man's strength is still very sufficient on the streets of America.

He can save many people in danger and is a truly kind-hearted and humane superhero.

It stands to reason that Peter Parker sensed that the chaos was about to begin. As long as he was not in school, he would have gone out to save people.

But so many hours have passed, and there is no sign of Spider-Man appearing, so he must be stuck in some difficult decision-making dilemma.

"How to help?"

Peter Parker asked with some confusion after hearing this.

"Just wait at home, I've sent someone to pick you up."

"We will definitely give you a chance to be a hero when the time comes."

"Now America needs your hero, too."

Coulson did not answer directly when he heard this, but said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Coulson."

When Peter Parker heard these words, his worries were resolved, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, see you later."

Coulson hung up the communication after hearing this.

After hanging up, the smile on Colson's face disappeared and turned into a sad look.

He originally thought that it would be enough for Mr. Tony to clean up the existing top management in the United States.

He never expected that Mr. Tony would actually do this.

You must know that black people have indeed taken deep roots in the United States.

No matter which position one holds, there is always a presence of black people.

After the news was exposed, the atmosphere within SHIELD was about to reach a freezing point.

It is clear that white, Hispanic and black agents now don't see each other the right way.

He needs to find a way to rectify the internal affairs of SHIELD. He will not be able to free up his hands in a short time to protect the people of the United States.

That's why Coulson called Peter Parker after analyzing the cards in his hand.

Although Coulson saw all kinds of evidence, the dissatisfaction accumulated in his heart in the past was also ignited.

However, Coulson knew that Mr. Tony Stark's original intention was definitely not to exterminate blacks and Hispanics, but to expel them all from the United States.

In this way, America can truly gain new life and move toward a community with a shared future for mankind.

But on the way to expulsion, there will definitely be a lot of fights and bloodshed.

Therefore, it is crucial whether Spider-Man Peter Parker can take action.

If only a chaotic shootout between whites and blacks could be prevented.

Then it is not only black people who are saved, but also many white people who have been carried away by anger.

Mr. Tony Stark will definitely take action later.

So what Coulson can do is to minimize the casualties caused by the fighting between angry people in this chaos.

"Mr. Tony, you really caused me a big trouble."

Colson looked at the silent atmosphere outside the office, and his whole body felt numb.

"Falcon's signal is missing."

Natasha walked in at this time, her face immediately became serious, and she reported a piece of information.

"Already expected it."

"Let Ant-Man Scott Lang intercept the route to Tony Stark's private island in advance."

"If nothing else happens, Falcon will definitely go there. Let's go directly to Mr. Steve Rogers for an explanation."

"Have Ant-Man intercept Falcon and inform Falcon."

"Deporting black people is not the same as extermination. Let them not do stupid things and die."

"Mr. Steve Rogers may want to save Falcon's life based on past friendships."

"But in the face of that group of people, if we make stupid remarks or even make irrational actions, we all know the consequences."

Coulson was not too surprised when he heard Natasha say that the Falcon was missing, and quickly gave Natasha instructions.

Falcon is also black, and is one of the people who truly knows that Tony Stark planned all of this.

So Coulson can basically be 100% sure that Falcon is looking for Steve Rogers.

After all, ordinary people don't know the island where Steve Rogers retreated, but Falcon is one of the insiders.

Moreover, Falcon had been a guest on that private island several times before.

"Okay, I'll be back soon."

When Natasha heard that she was going to find Ant-Man Scott Lang to intercept Falcon, she immediately accepted the instructions.

Falcon's strength is not that great compared to those strong men from the universe.

But that's only relative to that group of people.

Compared to Blue Star's overall population of ordinary people and individual agents.

The technology the Falcon possesses gives him undoubtedly strong combat power.

Even she couldn't take down Falcon, so she had to ask Ant-Man Scott Lang to take action.

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