The crowd quickly filled the entire lecture hall, and a group of male and female Asan scholars quickly surrounded Song He.

Ah San next to Song He couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing? Why didn't you come to take a seat earlier?"

"We were already halfway there, but suddenly we saw a lot of people running back in a hurry, with very excited expressions." The female Ah San in the front row turned around, ordered one of the male Ah San's fried buns, and said as she ate, "We just asked the people running back, guess what?"

"What's wrong?"

"There's a new hint for DeWitt's question!" Female Ah San's eyes shone brightly, like a gambler who has learned a new trick for gambling. "We quickly turned back and rushed to DeWitt's dormitory. At least four to five hundred people gathered there and lined up. As a reminder, we waited in line for a long time, took a photo and came back quickly!”

"There are actually reminders this year? DeWitt is so kind! Are you afraid that there will be no room for dinner? Show me the photo!"

The female Ah San took out her cell phone and clicked a few times. The male Ah San next to Song He immediately received the message, became excited, and quickly opened a new piece of writing paper to calculate desperately.

The same situation occurred throughout the lecture hall, with young scholars noisily passing news to each other:

"Who took a picture of the complete prompt for DeWitt's question? Lend me one!"

"Did DeWitt himself write this prompt? Could it be that someone deliberately wrote it to mislead us?"

"Impossible! If it was written randomly, DeWitt must have covered it up and would not have kept it on the wall! It was definitely written under his instruction!"

"What a surprise, there is hope for DeWitt's dinner! The first tip opened up my mind!"

"Calculate quickly, calculate quickly, everyone has a hint this time, let's compete with who can do it faster!"

A group of young scholars had glowing faces, as if they had received some great opportunity.

Song He was so curious that he couldn't help but look at Ah San's table next to him, wanting to see what topic was so popular.

But as soon as he stretched out his head, Ah San next to him suddenly raised his hand to block the scratching paper and cast a wary look.

"What are you doing?" Ah San said in a bad tone.

"I want to know what questions you are doing." Song He told the truth.

"It's DeWitt's question, don't look at it!" Ah San snorted coldly, "I can't show you the new hint. I solved it right away. The dinner opportunity is mine, don't try to compete for a spot!"

"DeWitt's question? What kind of dinner opportunity?" Song He looked confused.

As soon as he said this, the surrounding Asans looked at him with strange eyes, and some people sneered. The meaning of the laughter seemed to be "What are you pretending to be?"

Scholar Asan beside Song He ignored him and sneered again. He turned sideways and covered the papyrus paper tightly, as if protecting his ancestral treasure, never letting outsiders take a peek, and then concentrated on calculating. .

This posture made Song He full of curiosity, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Judging from the demeanor of the people around me, it seems that "DeWitt's question" and "dinner" are some important events that everyone knows about, but I haven't received any news at all? Am I the only one from Menggu?

It doesn't matter, there are so many acquaintances, as long as it's a big deal, just ask around.

Song He also took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Lou Jinghui.

"Old Lou, I heard a lot of people talking about DeWitt, and what kind of dinner is there? Do you know what it is about?"

After waiting for a moment, the reply came.

Lou Jinghui: "Ah? Boss, don't you know about such a big thing?"

Song He was confused, why did Lao Lou have the same reaction?

Song He: "I don't know. Where did you get the news?"

Lou Jinghui: "DeWitt's lecture yesterday! Boss, you didn't go to such an important lecture?"

Song He's heart skipped a beat, bad food!

He really didn't listen to this. He was immersed in Deng Puhe's lecture yesterday and couldn't extricate himself. It was already several hours later when he got out, and DeWitt's lecture hall had already ended.

At that time, he comforted himself, and it was the same when he looked back at the replay of the lecture. Now it seems that he really missed something big by accident!

Lou Jinghui: "Boss, you always know DeWitt, right?"

Song He: "Then you must know it. How could you not have heard of a master who is slightly more awesome than Deng Puhe?"

Lou Jinghui: “DeWitt comes to the Mathematics Summit every year and always proposes a problem for young people under the age of 30 to solve. Whoever can solve it before the end of the summit will have the complete steps sent to his mailbox, and he will get a question together with DeWitt. Let’s talk about math problems together during dinner.”

Lou Jinghui: “The DeWitt Dinner is quite mysterious. More than half of the Fields Medal winners have eaten the DeWitt Dinner, so young scholars take this opportunity very seriously. Every year, 29-year-old scholars cry because they cannot eat the DeWitt Dinner. Last night I saw several people crying in public, crying as if they were diagnosed with a terminal illness."

Song He suddenly realized, "Isn't this the mathematical version of Buffett's lunch? Buffett is the god of finance, and DeWitt is the god of mathematics. One opportunity depends on auctions, and the other depends on solving problems."

Lou Jinghui: "It can be understood this way. In short, it is a dragon gate. If you jump over it, you will become a focal point in the mathematics world!"

Song He: "Send me the questions quickly. I have to try this opportunity!"

Lou Jinghui: "It's too late, boss. You are a day behind others. Moreover, this morning, DeWitt wrote a few new lines of prompts on the question paper. Half an hour ago, hundreds of people gathered at the door of DeWitt's room to copy the prompts. Many of them People say that after adding hints, they can solve problems very quickly, so it won’t take long for someone to hand in the paper.”

Song He: "Stop talking nonsense and send it to me quickly. I'll take a look before talking."

After waiting for a moment, Lou Jinghui sent the photo.

The photo clearly shows the corridor of the resort, with a sea of ​​people and heads of various colors huddled together. A large group of young scholars are vying to push forward with pilgrim-like eyes, raising their mobile phones to take pictures on the wall, or copying on the spot with paper and pen in hand.

This kind of grand occasion is comparable to Li Bai writing a poem on the wall of a restaurant. After word spread, it was crowded with spectators, and thousands of people came to see the poet's original work!

Song He started to enlarge the photo and looked at the title paper on the wall.

There is only one question written on it, and there are five lines of pencil writing at the bottom.

The moment he saw it clearly, his face was stunned.

Damn it?

Isn't this the same question I did in the middle of the night? Isn't it the question that Ah San next to me just worked hard on?

How did the pencil writing become the reminder left by DeWitt? I obviously wrote it!

Lou Jinghui: "Is it difficult, boss? It's too late. Let's fight again next year."

Song He: "Turn off the mic and it will be done in half an hour."

Lou Jinghui: "Boss, I understand that you really want to attend the DeWitt dinner, but half an hour is unrealistic. Shekov is really good at Katarina. He worked on it all day yesterday and didn't finish it. This question is harder than it looks. many."

Song He exited the chat interface and stopped talking nonsense with Lou Jinghui.

Is Katarina awesome? The level of feeling is just that.

Editing a new email, he furiously typed on his phone with two fingers, typing in the complete steps to solve the problem.

I hope it’s not too late!

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