Typing on the phone rapidly for half an hour is really tiring and my fingers are sore.

In particular, many mathematical symbols cannot be typed out at once, and it takes a long time to switch to the input method, which is so troublesome that it makes people want to vomit blood.

Half an hour into the lecture, Song He finally finished typing the first solution to DeWitt's problem and sent an email!

After sending it, he could only wait quietly for a reply. He put away his phone anxiously and raised his head to listen to the lecture.

The atmosphere in the lecture hall at this moment is like a university classroom.

Only some people raised their heads to listen, mostly middle-aged and elderly scholars who were over the age limit. Many of them were lying on the table busy with calculations, while all the young scholars were obviously still trying their best to solve the DeWitt problem.

Song He prayed in his heart, hoping that no one would hand in the paper faster!

Dining room.

Lectures were being held in major lecture halls, and the scholars had all gone to listen. The restaurant was empty except for two white-haired old men sitting at the table in the corner, one in a chair and the other in a wheelchair.

The old man eats mostly very slowly, skipping one meal at a time. At this age, there is nothing worth being impatient about. Enjoying food is the important thing.

As I was eating, my phone vibrated on the table.

DeWitt picked up his phone and took a look at it, and was pleasantly surprised, "Someone sent me the answer to the question!"

"Who?" Deng Puhe raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Evariste Galois, the name suggests that he was raised as a mathematician since childhood." DeWitt said with a smile, "I have a bit of an impression of him."

Deng Puhe also took out his mobile phone, searched the summit list, and quickly retrieved the information.

"Gallois, a doctor from Princeton, won the Sloan Research Award, was nominated for the Cray Mathematics Research Award, and proved an important conjecture of Terence Tao's semi-linear wave equation." Deng Puhe commented, "Not bad! There is a chance. Shock Fields!”

"Oh, it's him, I remembered him! A young man with full potential!" DeWitt nodded, patiently flipping through the emails on his phone, and after a long time he hummed, "It's a little flawed, but it's not harmful. He successfully solved the problem. !”

"So this year's first winner of the DeWitt Dinner is Galois?" Deng Puhe said with a smile.

"Well, that's right." DeWitt was about to put down his phone when suddenly it rang again, "Hey, another answer!"


"Katrina, this girl needs no introduction. We are all familiar with her. She is a leading figure among young Russian mathematicians and a winner of the Bennett Mathematics Award for Newcomer. I have received news that she will win a more valuable award this year." DeWitt said.

Deng Puhe nodded, he was indeed a familiar face.

DeWitt flipped through the email for a long time, "Well, her steps and answers are also correct, and the details are more beautiful."

Before he finished speaking, the phone in his hand vibrated again.

"Another one?" Deng Puhe said with a smile.

"Well, this is... Tang Jiang?" DeWitt looked blank, "I've never heard of it!"

"Tang Jiang is a new lecturer at Frontier University of Science and Technology. I met him during an academic conference before." Deng Puhe said, "His ideas are quite smart, but he has not won any awards yet."

"The steps and answers he wrote are also correct." DeWitt flipped through the email and said, "Gallois, Caterina, and Tang Jiang, these three people all used the same method to solve the problem!"

"But it's only a few minutes away." Deng Puhe said, "It can be considered done at the same time. Do you want to meet all three of them?"

"Let me think about it," DeWitt said. "Gallois and Catalina are both young people with great potential. Tang Jiang...how old is he?"

"Less than thirty, maybe twenty-six or seventeen years old." Deng Puhe said.

"You're twenty-six or seventeen years old and haven't won any awards yet?" DeWitt frowned. "It seems that his level is a little low. I'll look for his papers."

"He...may not have many papers." Deng Puhe hesitated.

DeWitt searched carefully on his mobile phone and quickly found two articles. He frowned as he looked at them, "It's really mediocre. It's just a very conventional paper. It's even... a bit like making up the numbers. Many people spend money to buy degrees from private universities. People will also spend money to buy some papers that make up the numbers, and these two are very similar."

"I suggest you meet him. Since he can solve the problem, it means he has some ability." Deng Puhe said, "The absence of blockbuster papers and awards does not explain everything. It is difficult to produce results in some directions, but Once the results come out, it’s big news.”

"According to my habit, he is the third person I meet, and his level seems to be relatively poor, so I will definitely not let him come to the dining table." DeWitt paused and smiled, "But since you suggest that I meet him, then I Better meet him.”

"Do you need me to make a notice for you in the name of the summit organizer?" Deng Puhe asked.

"No, I have a short lecture in the afternoon, and it happened to be announced during the lecture that we would go directly to dinner after the lecture." DeWitt said.


Song He arrived at the lecture hall early. This was another short lecture by DeWitt. If you didn't listen to it yesterday, you would have missed the big event. Don't miss it today!

Although he arrived forty minutes early, he was still startled when he walked in. Half of the seats were occupied, and the front row was full, so he could only sit in the middle and back seat.

Although I didn’t manage to get a front row seat, I was lucky enough to get a seat, so I didn’t have to pick and choose.

Before the chairs were warm, a group of Asans poured in from the front door and filled the seat next to Song He.

On the left is the scholar Asan who was eating fried buns in the morning. The good impression between the two has disappeared. They didn't say a word and just sat there, like two strangers who happened to squeeze into a bus.

After sitting down, the Ah Sans started chatting with their curry accents. The pan-fried bun Ah San seemed to have the highest reputation among the group. Everyone gathered around him and talked in admiration.

“Many people have submitted their problem-solving emails, but when I asked, most of them submitted their papers later than you!”

"You'll definitely qualify for DeWitt's dinner! DeWitt will pronounce your name in a moment!"

"I said you can definitely do it. Your strength is very strong in the world. You are almost invincible among your peers!"

"Yes, yes, if you ask me, the organizer is discriminating against us, otherwise you wouldn't be able to give a lecture on the first day because of your level? Can Catalina compare to you?"

A group of Asans touted it vigorously, quite like star-chasers.

Jianbao Ah San was also in a state of excitement, smiling in response, his face full of excitement that he was about to become famous!

Song He couldn't help but take out the combat power detector and shot him.

Platinum level 02?

It’s so hard to stretch, can you still blow it with this level of odor? You like to brag, right?

Song He was speechless. Sometimes it was difficult to understand where Ah San's overwhelming self-confidence came from.

Groups of scholars continued to pour into the lecture hall, which was more lively than the Golden Week tourist attractions. The seats were quickly filled up. Some scholars who were not shy couples even sat on each other's lap, so they shared a seat. Location. Immediately afterwards, there were no more places to stand in the back, and the scholars who came late could only wait in the corridor.

Finally, applause broke out in the corridor!

A white-haired figure rocking a wheelchair came in from the front door. It was DeWitt!

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