Lu Guan snorted and nodded.

"Yes, I just rented a house and moved here today."

Concubine Liu opened her mouth slightly, her expressions and movements were comparable to those of an experienced actor.

I have to say that she pretended to be quite real and deceived Lu Guan into a daze.

"It turns out this person is you."

"I also heard from the community that a new neighbor will move in today, and I was thinking about saying hello."

"What a coincidence."

Lu Guan touched the back of his head and said, "Yeah, what a coincidence."

At this moment, an uncle in the corner of the elevator started coughing.

"Ahem, do you two want to get off? I've been listening to you for a long time."

Lu Guan and Liu Feifei turned back at the same time and gave them a "friendly" look.

Uncle: "..."

The uncle was exhausted mentally and helplessly: I didn’t offend any of you.

After a while, the elevator went down.

Liu Feifei and Lu Guan stood outside the elevator door.

They looked at each other and couldn't help laughing at the same time.

However, after laughing, the two fell into embarrassment.

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment.


Lu Guan looked like a wooden man, motionless.

Concubine Liu was also drunk.

Can't this guy take the initiative?

I have to ask this lady to teach me in person.

Concubine Liu mustered up her courage and took the initiative to speak: "Do you need to come and sit at my place?"

For some reason, Lu Guan felt a little restless inside.

He swallowed and became a little nervous.

"Well, it's a little late today, isn't it?"

"Don't you girls all need beauty sleep?"

"How about you go back early...and rest?"

Lu Guan asked tentatively, but he regretted it as soon as he finished speaking.

However, there is no way to turn back when you shoot the bow. You can only blame yourself for being too stupid.

Liu Feifei's little hands were now clenched into fists, and she forced a smile.

"It's okay. The Internet speed here is fast, so I can play chess and games."

Lu Guan reacted and suddenly realized: "That's right, I haven't applied for broadband yet."

"Then I won't bother you tonight."



To be honest, Lu Guan was still a little excited.

This was the first time he was officially invited into a girl's boudoir.

With an uneasy mood, she followed Liu Feifei and walked into the door.

As soon as he entered the door, Lu Guan became nervous and even stammered when speaking.

"Do you... do you... usually live alone?"

Liu Feifei had a feeling in a trance.

I seem to be kidnapping an innocent male?

"Well, I live alone."

Speaking of this, Concubine Liu paused.

"But sometimes I go back to my parents. They live in a relatively remote place in Hangzhou."

The private areas in wealthy areas are relatively large, so there is really nothing wrong with living in a more remote area.

But Lu Guan thought she was talking about the rural suburbs of Hangzhou.

The round trip is dozens of kilometers, so I can’t help but admire it.

" quite powerful."

Concubine Liu is wearing a vintage horse-faced dress today.

The elegant makeup on her face, just a touch of light lipstick, can highlight her lovely posture like a lotus.

Outside the house, it suddenly started to rain lightly.

Lu Guan stood up in a flash and took the initiative to close the window.

When I turned around, I saw her beautiful appearance under the soft light, and my heart tightened even more.

Oops, should I say something at this time...

Why don’t I usually feel like this in the company?

Lu Guan also wanted to say something, but his mind went blank.

The instructor didn’t teach you this kind of thing! ! !

In fact, Concubine Liu was also very nervous.

My heart was ups and downs, and I kept rubbing my little fingers.

But she is better at pretending, and Lu Guan can't tell at all.

Oops, should I do something?

Really, wasn't it me who pulled him into the house?

At this moment, Lu Guan took the initiative to speak.

"Uh, what's the password for the WiFi in your house?"

Concubine Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

By the way, fortunately there is this topic.

"Give me your phone and I'll connect it for you."

Liu Feifei took the phone and accidentally touched Lu Guan with her delicate jade fingers.

Lu Tongxie didn't dare to say anything, and their heartbeats suddenly accelerated.

Hormones in the body are secretly at work.

Concubine Liu lowered her head, pretending to put her messy hair up.

There was a fragrance in the air that the man couldn't put down.

Lu Guan sat cautiously next to her, looking straight ahead.

His eyes were firm as if he was about to enter.

And his hands were slightly moist.

I don't know if it was from closing the window just now, or from the sweat on my hands due to nervousness.

Suddenly, Concubine Liu's words broke the silence.

"The WiFi is connected, please take a look."

Lu Guan took the phone at a loss.

Outside the window, the swaying treetops rustled.

The rain and the howling wind intertwined together, seeming to play a soul-stirring nocturne.

Concubine Liu's eyes fell on this boy for a long time, and a bold idea came to her mind.

She bit her lip, leaned closer, and murmured softly.

"Are you feeling unwell today? Why do you keep stuttering?"

"No, no!"

Lu Guan is still arrogant.

Only then did he notice that from the moment he entered the room, his speech was not right.

After suddenly waking up, I felt much calmer instantly.

The Lingtai is clear and bright, and the expression gradually returns to nature.

Lu Guan felt his scalp was numb and laughed, "Maybe it rained today and my tongue got a bit cold."

After saying that, Lu Guan nodded, folded his hands on his chest, and made an expression of "no wonder it's like this".

Concubine Liu was slightly startled: "...Okay."

At this time, a strong wind howled, and the rain pattered on the window glass.

Lu Guan looked out at the night scene and suddenly thought that he had forgotten to buy daily necessities.

Then he quickly stood up and prepared to leave.

"I have something else to buy later, so I'll withdraw first!"

Before Liu Feifei could say another word, he ran out quickly.

Looking at his disappearing back, Liu Feifei gradually came back to her senses.

She touched her face subconsciously, and couldn't help but feel frightened when she thought of what had just happened.

Are you obsessed?

Oh My God......

She quickly ran to the bathroom, applied cold water to her face, blushed and spat in the mirror.

"Concubine Liu, what on earth do you want to do, you idiot..."

If your parents find out about this, they must not be broken into pieces.

Lu Guan went out to finish shopping before he became a drowned rat.

After taking a shower, lie quietly on the bed.

Staring at the ceiling in trance.

His mind was in a mess at this moment.

How stupid I am!

Why did I forget to get broadband? Otherwise, I could play computer games now.


Why didn't the designer strengthen Noxus and nerfed Noxus' hand?

I really can't stand this.

But should I say it, that day...she played really well.

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