Lu Guan's thoughts were confused.

I repeatedly recalled the scene when I went to the Internet cafe with Liu Feifei that day.

And the scene on the sofa just now flashed in my mind.

The girl's dimples look like she's smiling.

Her skin was as radiant as snow, and her clear eyes were like a pool of blue water.

The delicate collarbone reflected in the light also seems to be a work of art, which is unforgettable.

And the more graceful curves below...

Lu Guan was shocked and didn't dare to think any more.

"Wairui, have I become a monster?" He murmured softly.


Night is not only a time for Batman and the Joker, but also a world for young people.

[Emerald] is online again.

Concubine Liu couldn't sleep again tonight.

She boarded Douyin's trumpet.

After hesitating among a bunch of female fans for a long time, I finally chose the message from the stranger.

[Feise] sends a message to [Doudouzi].

"You really didn't block me, Xiaodoudou."

the other side.

Lu Guan had just laid down in the bedroom when his cell phone rang.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be the perverted netizen sending a private message.

After much thought, I still chose to reply to the message.

[Doudouzi]: "What do you want to do?"

[Emerald] sent a blushing emoji and attached text.

"Of course I want you, I really...want it so much..."

Lu Guan was not in the mood to chat with this pervert today, so he replied casually.

[Doudouzi]: "I also want... prosperity for China... peace in the world."

At the same time, Concubine Liu saw the news and her eyes changed.

The two thin lips were raised upward, and the smile was beautiful and shining.

Hehe, this little sister is really a fool.

Although the Internet is not a lawless place, it is also a way for most people to release the pressure of reality.

Perhaps young men and women will have more open conversations online.

And this is even more true for this pair of strange "netizens".

One pretends to be a good girl, and the other pretends to be a lesbian.

The topics the two talked about were even more exaggerated and explicit. (My own thoughts, we can’t describe it)

Unknowingly, [Doudouzi] and [Feise] chatted until late at night and gradually fell asleep.


Early morning is another day for workers.

With a pair of dark circles under his eyes, Lu Guan yawned and got up to go to work.

Hey, it’s all because I was too boring last night.

I chatted with that pervert on the Internet and stayed up until early in the morning before falling asleep.

After simply washing up, he walked out.

When passing by the corridor, he paid special attention to Liu Feifei's door.

He raised his hand to knock on the door, but put it down after hesitating again and again.

He sighed and shook his head, silently walked into the elevator and went out.

Forget it, it's not like we can't meet each other at the company.


Time flies.

Another week has passed, and the company’s payday on the 15th is getting closer.

Lu Guan rubbed his hands, unable to conceal his excitement.

For workers, the happiest day is when the company sends out offers and pays wages.

On other days when I go to work, I have a dead look on my face...

There is one more thing to be happy about.

The task of the system [Fishing Master] was also settled last weekend.

As expected, the system received a perfect score.

After Lu Guan’s unremitting efforts, all members of the project team are fishing...

He alone has taken over everyone else's work, how can he not fish for it?

A total of 100,000 points were credited to the account, making the originally poor single instantly rich.

Lu Guan has already planned it.

First, gradually upgrade your development, algorithm, architecture, and product field capabilities to the top level.

Then, suitable technologies will be selected based on the blueprint of the GPT artificial intelligence project and prioritized for learning.

I have to say, in fact, 100,000 points are just a drop in the bucket.

In the early stage, his development capabilities can only be greatly improved.

As for algorithms, the field involved is too broad and too deep.

Lu Guan has figured it out.

If the algorithm in each direction is to be promoted to the top level, it will take at least 30,000 to 40,000 points to start.

So after careful selection, Lu Guan chose to spend 40,000 to upgrade his development capabilities to [Software Development Expert].

Then he spent another 30,000 to upgrade [AI big data algorithm] and [storage network algorithm] to [expert level].

The former is applicable to a variety of fields.

Many major Internet companies are involved in their work, so it is very cost-effective to learn.

The latter was obtained in a previous lottery and already has the relevant foundation. It would be a pity not to improve it.

Save the remaining points for emergencies.

After all, lottery draws also cost points.

What if one day I might win a small target?

You always have to have dreams, and your passion for betting on dogs must never stop!

"Good morning."

When Concubine Liu saw Lu Guan, she greeted him as usual.

It's just that the tone is much calmer.

Lu Guan touched the tip of his nose and said hello as usual, "Yes, good morning."

Since Lu Guan moved to his new home, the relationship between the two has not become closer, but has become much calmer.

In an extremely delicate state.

Regarding the embarrassing scene that night, the two seemed to have reached a silent consensus.

Everyone kept silent, as if it never happened.

Although, nothing happened originally...

Sitting at his workstation, Lu Guan fished for an hour as usual before working.

If you don’t fish at work, you will have a problem with your thinking.

Just when he was about to do something fancy, the private mailbox on his computer suddenly moved.

After Lu Guan clicked it, he took a closer look and couldn't help but be stunned.

"It turned out to be an email from a certain headhunter."

In recent years, Jiejidou has become an emerging force playing on the Internet in China.

Especially in the field of Internet entertainment, it is very powerful.

There is a vague tendency to become the industry leader.

Unexpectedly, the headhunter of this company would find me.

People who are generally favored by fellow headhunters.

In a sense, he is already the leader in this industry.

Not to mention that he was attracted by a certain dance, and he was Lu Bu among men and Red Rabbit among horses!

Thinking of this, Lu Guan felt that he still needed to meet the other party.

"Dear Mr. Lu, hello, I am Shen Xichu, a headhunting consultant from a high-quality talent pool in a certain section."

"After learning about your industry background, I sincerely extend an invitation to you..."

The form of the email is very long and basically contains official language.

The main purpose is to say that the headhunter wants to meet Lu Guan privately.

He probably wanted to recruit him into his own company.

Lu Guan rubbed his chin, and then sent the other party an email to confirm.

He will arrive as promised.

Let alone the matter of whether to change jobs or not, we have to go whoring for this free meal.

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