I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 752 [Yuan Yang 7]! Qing Deng's kidneys are getting better! [6700]

Chapter 752 [Yuan Yang +7]! Qingdeng’s kidneys are getting better and better! 【6700】

"Tsk! Damn it! The ghost is still here!"

Okada Izo lowered his face, jumped up, and held the knife in his hand as if facing a formidable enemy.

Wushi Banpingtai frowned with a solemn expression:

"Izo, be careful, the person coming is none other than 'Nioh' Tachibana Aoden!"

Okada Izo's pupils shrank slightly.

He was shocked at first, then twitched the corners of his mouth and sneered a few times.

"Tachibana Aoden...ah, the famous 'Nioh' Tachibana Aoden actually took action in person. I'm really flattered."

Outside the woods——

Although Takeichi Hanheita and Okada Izo managed to escape from the small ruined temple where they first hid, the Shinsengumi always clung to their tracks.

The soldiers of the 1st, 4th, and 5th divisions continued to pursue and narrow the blockade area.

Living in a suburb with sparse houses and in broad daylight, how easy is it to escape under the noses of the Shinsengumi?

As soon as the two of them escaped into the woods, the Shinsengumi followed them and surrounded the place.

Looking around, the soldiers outside the woods are all ready to go.

With just one order from Qingdeng, they will launch a general attack! Uncovering Takeichi Hanheitai and Okada Izo

The current situation of these two people... is truly difficult to fly!

Qingdeng stood with his hands behind his back.

The captains of the 1st, 4th, and 5th divisions...that is, Souji, Serizawa Kamo and Shinami Nishiki were waiting quietly behind him.

Qingden raised his head and said again:

"Wushi-kun, surrender!"

"We have had some interactions for the time being."

"If possible, I don't want to fight with you."

"If you can put down your weapons and walk out of the woods obediently, it will be good for both you and me."

What Aoto said about "having some interactions" was referring to the sky-high price of 100,000 taels of gold that he exchanged for Iwasaki Yataro's personal freedom from Hanheita Takeichi.

As early as that time, Ayoto made a judgment based on the quality of the Tosa Kinnoir Party members, ideological concepts and other appearances: it won't take long for the Tosa Kinnojo Party to die!

This kind of organization, whose members have their own agendas and whose ideas are extremely naive, has inherent shortcomings, and it is also an extremely fatal shortcoming!

If such an organization can succeed, then there will be trouble.

Therefore, Qingtengda had no intention from the beginning to pay this organization that would be finished sooner or later.

As of now, his promise of "100,000 taels of gold" still exists in words, and not a penny has been delivered.

Facts have proved that it is exactly what Aishoto expected - the Tosa Kinwang Party was defeated, and it was defeated very quickly and suddenly.

It looked like a piece of tissue paper. After wiping his buttocks, Yamauchi Dou threw it away.

In just one night, the once glorious Tosa Kinnobu Party came to a tragic end.

In the woods——

"Damn...! Damn...! Who will surrender...!"

Okada Izo cursed loudly, his face full of anger.

“If you want to kill, then kill, if you want to fight, then fight, what nonsense!”

He spoke beautifully, with a righteous and awe-inspiring look.

However... his eyes could not help but flash with fear.

Nioh is here in person... His concentration has not reached the level where he can still be calm and composed in the face of such news!

Okada Izo had just secretly climbed up a nearby big tree and quietly checked what was going on outside the woods - as far as the naked eye could see, there were light green feathers everywhere!

For the first time in his life, he hated the light green color so much.

No matter how conceited and confident Okada Izo was in his own strength, he would not dare to claim that he could kill the numerous enemy soldiers outside the woods with Nioh in charge.


He groaned secretly, with a thoughtful and uncertain look on his cheeks.

For a moment, he suppressed his fear and hesitation, and then said sonorously and forcefully to Takeichi Hanheita beside him:

"Teacher, I'm going to attract the Shinsengumi's attention, and you can take the opportunity to escape!"

Using one's own strength to deal with the army headed by Qingdeng... If you think about it with your buttocks, you will know that this kind of mission is no longer a narrow escape, but a tenth death!

Looking at Okada Izo who wanted to die, Takeichi Hanheita said nothing at first, and then silently pulled out the sword from his waist with a determined expression.

"Yizang, I'm serious, don't worry about me anymore, just run away for your life!"

"Ju Qingden wants me, not you."

"As long as they catch me, they won't make things difficult for you anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, Okada Izo blocked him back:

"Teacher, I'm serious too!"

"I'm just a rough person with no knowledge."

"However, I still understand the simple truth of 'a scholar will die for his confidant'!"

"For you, I am not afraid of sacrifice!"

After that, he said no more, turned around and ran out of the woods.

"Teacher! Let's go!"

Takeshi Hanpei stared blankly at Okada Izo who was getting further and further away.

After a while, he gritted his teeth, turned back, and fled in the opposite direction to Okada Izo.

The sound of blades of grass and soil being trampled.

The sound of branches being broken.

Someone is running this way!

Within a moment, the face of the visitor came into clear view of Qingdeng and others.

Shinmi Nishiki quietly said to Qingden:

"Mr. Tachibana, this person is Okada Izo."

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows:

"Oh? He is 'People Kill Yizang'..."

The general secretary raised his hand and pressed the knife, took a step forward and walked to Qingdeng.

"Ji Jun, leave this person to me..."

Before she could finish her words, Qingdeng interrupted her and said:

"Director-General, in my opinion, this is probably a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

"'People Killed to Hidden' deliberately made a huge noise to attract our attention."

"Takeshi Hanheita should be fleeing in another direction now."

"Wushi Hanpingtai will be left to you."

"You go after Takeshi Hanheita."

"I'll handle the 'people are cut to hide'!"

The Souji blinked his beautiful eyes a few times, then nodded lightly and stepped back quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Serizawa Kamo and Niimi Nishiki also retreated.

Choking, choking, choking, choking… Qingden pulled out Vairocana from his waist and stepped forward.

The purple sword light shoots into the sky!

The soldiers along the way consciously stepped back to make room for fighting.

Although he didn't tell the director and others explicitly, they should have thought of it.

The reason why Aoto came to the front line in person was to compete with Okada Izo, one of the "Four Great Master Slayers" who almost killed Toudou Heisuke! See how capable the other party is!

Ever since I copied the talent "Unknown Prophet +9" from Kawagami Hikosai, I haven't tested its power yet!

Seeing someone approaching him, Okada Izo immediately perked up.

Although no one introduced him to him, his subconscious mind had already determined that this person was the "Nioh" Tachibana Aoden!

Soon after speaking, Okada Izo raised the knife above his head and let out a harsh roar:


Show current flow!

Such a harsh sound of Qi and Qi cannot be thought of except for the current flow.

Seeing this, Aomori chuckled meaningfully, then held the knife with both hands, and then raised the knife above his head like Okada Izo did.


It is also a manifestation of current flow!

The two of them both showed modern starting moves.

In the next breath, the two knives chopped down at the same time hit each other in the air!

clang--! ! !

This loud sound makes people wonder, "Are these still two knives colliding? Isn't it really two sledgehammers?".

The extremely fierce air wave, centered on the point where the two knives met, rolled and spattered in all directions.

The nearby soldiers who were watching the battle were affected by this wave of air and couldn't help but lower their eyelids and use their eyelashes to filter the strong wind.

But in the blink of an eye, this sudden confrontation came to an end.

There was a loud bang, as if being bounced away by an invisible shock wave. Okada Izo looked like a standing long jumper, except that he did not jump forward, but jumped back.

He "leap" backwards for nearly 3 meters before he could stabilize his body.

Qingdeng, on the other hand - remained as still as a mountain, maintaining the posture of drawing the sword, with his feet firmly planted on the ground.

Even a person who knows nothing about martial arts can clearly tell who the winner is.


Okada Izo smacked his lips vigorously, his expression became extremely solemn, and he raced against time to relax his swollen hands and fingers.

At the same time, Qingdeng was also moving his wrists.

Although he had successfully repelled Okada Izo just now, the opponent's heavy slashes also made his hands numb.

It's been a long time since he met an opponent like this that could make his palms numb!

——Being able to force Heisuke into a desperate situation is indeed something he is capable of.

As soon as he thought of this, Qingdeng suddenly felt the fighting spirit boiling in his heart!

He never expected that in just one month, after "people killed Yan Zhai", he would become an enemy with another person.

But...this is just right!

As his strength increases day by day, there are fewer and fewer opponents who can arouse his interest and motivation!

"A while ago, my brother was 'taken care of' by you."

As he said that, he heard a "clang" sound - Qingden raised Vairocana and started to move in the middle.

"Come on, 'kill people to hide', let me see how capable you are."

Seeing that the opponent on the opposite side was already in a fighting stance, Okada Izo did not dare to neglect, and immediately raised his sword and adopted the Blue Eyes Formation.

The scene immediately created a tense atmosphere.

The atmosphere between Aoto and Okada Izo...if I could describe it in one sentence, it was on the verge of breaking out!

The people watching the battle couldn't help but hold their breath, for fear of making any noise.

The silence is only for a moment.

"Look at the knife!"

Before he could finish speaking, there was a "buzz" sound as he raised his hand. The blade in Okada's hidden palm drew a thrilling arc in mid-air, heading straight towards Qingden's eyes.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is really a lightning-fast strike.

However, Qingdeng didn't even look at this "Thunder Slash". He took half a step back as if taking a leisurely stroll, dodging the blow with ease.

If you retreat, he will advance - Okada Izo stepped forward and pursued relentlessly.

One sword, two swords, three swords, four swords... The continuous chops were like waves, and a large silver net was outlined in the air, covering Qingdeng with an overwhelming force.

Although his momentum should not be underestimated, Qingdeng was still able to handle it with ease.

He can always find the imperceptible gaps in this "silver net" and then "drill" through these gaps nimbly.

Only less than half a minute has passed since the two of them fought together.

In such a short period of time, Okada Izo had already struck dozens of blows, each of which was deadly and aimed at Qingden's vitals.

I have to say, its cutting speed and accuracy are truly amazing!

But the result... so far, his blade can't even touch a corner of Qingdeng's clothes!

Qingdeng was like a magnet that repels the blade - whenever the blade struck, he would automatically dodge.

The closer the blade came to him, the more he would avoid it.


Okada stared with hidden eyes, bloodshot eyes gradually appeared in the whites.


He gritted his teeth and tensed the nerves and muscles in his body, trying to force out all the power hidden in his body.

——How could the gap between him and me be so big...!

He had already tried his best and used every trick he could think of.

However... However...

He put all his knowledge into every slash he made, but he couldn't even hurt Qingdeng's hair!

In fact, Okada Izo made the same mistake as Nasu Shingo and others who fell under Aoto's sword before - he underestimated Aoto too much and at the same time looked too high on himself.

Even if I lose to Nioh, I can always fight with him based on my skills! Maybe it can even leave one or two deep wounds on his body!

Okada Izo doesn't expect to be able to defeat Aoden on his own.

From the very beginning, his goal was to hold back Seito and the large forces of the Shinsengumi to buy time for Takeshi Hanheita to escape.

If conditions permit, try to injure Qingdeng as much as possible.

In this way, he can die in peace.

The swordsman who injured the "Nioh"... This is a reputation that is enough to make him famous all over the world!

But in the end...he never expected that what he would receive would be a one-sided crushing!

——I am obviously Teacher Wushi’s proud disciple...

——I am clearly the strongest member of the Tosa Kin-King Party

——I am "cutting people to hide them"!

Swordsmanship is the skill that Okada Izo relies on for a living, and it is also his pride.

His damaged self-esteem, combined with worries about Wu Shi Hanping Tai, and anxiety that he couldn't hit Qingdeng, made his eyes gradually turn red.


He growled, swinging the blade harder.

Some people with keen senses can now more or less see that Qingdeng seems to be experimenting with something.

Apart from the initial sword fight, Qingden did not take any offensive measures.

He lowered his arms, letting the tip of the knife touch the ground lightly, maintaining the lower position, dodging the opponent's attacks without counterattacking.

——No wonder that Kawagami Hikosai always dodges my sword.

Looking at the blade that cut through the air again in front of him, Qingdeng couldn't help but sigh.

Whenever Okada Izo launches an offensive, a strong signal will be sent out from the depths of Ayoto's mind.

This signal also pointed out to him the direction of danger.

There is no doubt that this is the effect of the new talent he just obtained - Prophet +9!

It has a strong ability to perceive the dangers that are about to happen around it. The degree of sensitivity will increase with the severity of the danger. However, this ability will not be triggered for people and objects that are not threatening in one's subjective judgment - even if you just read the text introduction, You can also vaguely feel its power.

Qingdeng knew that this was an immeasurably powerful talent, but it was not until this moment, until he participated in actual combat, that he deeply realized its power!

In terms of "early warning ability" alone, its effect is far greater than "Godly Speed ​​+6"!

It really is as its name says, as if it has the ability to predict the future!

However, this talent only targets those hostile behaviors.

In other words, for those behaviors that are not hostile, this talent will not be activated.

No matter what, this is a god-level talent that can rival talents such as "God Brain +9" and "Blood Lock +7"!

Its early warning ability, coupled with Qingdeng's extremely abnormal body functions, can easily avoid enemy attacks.

All in all, with the blessing of this talent, Qingdeng's reaction speed and dodge ability have been greatly improved!

Qingnobu originally wanted to fight Okada Izo for a few more rounds and continue to experiment with the limit of "Unknown Prophet + 9".

But he didn't expect... He hadn't even counterattacked yet, but the other party had already collapsed.

At first glance, Okada Izo seems to be getting braver and braver as he fights, and his sword skills are getting more and more powerful.

Others may not notice the difference, but as a combatant, Qingto clearly senses that Okada Izo has become weaker.

To put it bluntly, Okada Izo's current swordsmanship is nothing more than strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

In the world of martial arts, "peace of mind" is the most important thing.

Once you lose your composure, you will not be able to make a correct judgment, and the cutting blade will be clouded by impetuosity and never regain its original sharpness.

Qingdeng could tell at a glance that the other party's heart was in chaos.

Now he was attacking purely for the sake of attacking, fighting randomly.

His anxiety was like a drop of ink dropped into clear water - although it was only a rare drop of ink, it made the entire basin of water filthy.

The threat he now poses to Qingdeng is not as good as it was just now.

Qingdeng couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"...Boy, before defeating the enemy of the sword, you must first defeat the enemy of the heart."

The moment he finished speaking, Qingden jumped up lightly and easily dodged another slash from the opponent.

The moment he landed, the Vairochana in his hand flew down in the air! Go straight to Okada Izo's face!

His sword was more powerful and terrifying than every sword Izo Okada had just wielded!

Okada Izo looked horrified and subconsciously raised his knife to catch it.

With a loud bang, he barely blocked Qingdeng's slashing attack.

However, due to the hasty defense and the fact that his strength was not as good as Qingdeng's, although he took the sword, he was unable to withstand the huge force transmitted and took several steps back. , and then fell to the ground.

"What's wrong? Stand up quickly."

Qingden dragged the knife and walked slowly towards Okada Izo with an indifferent expression.


Okada Izo cursed secretly and struggled to sit up.


Again, it shows the current flow.

He was as powerful as a rainbow, swung his sword and rushed towards Qingdeng.

Aoden first jumped diagonally, and while dodging this move, he ducked to the side of Okada Izo, flew up with a kick, and hit the opponent in the belly.


He screamed, flew backwards, and immediately fell heavily to the ground.

"Uh... ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh-!"

He felt like his stomach was churning, and the intestines in his belly seemed to be twisted into a ball.

Before he could get up, he vomited uncontrollably, vomiting everything in his stomach and wanting to vomit out the bile.

"The battle is not over yet, stand up quickly."

Moving forward at the same slow pace.

The same indifferent expression.

Okada Izo wiped his mouth bitterly, stood up with force, and regrouped.

Another mid-section kick sent Okada Izo down to the ground again.

"What's wrong? Isn't this okay? Stand up quickly."

Aoto swung his sword diagonally, but Okada Izo couldn't completely dodge it. There were dazzling cuts on his chest that oozed blood like oil.

"Is the strongest swordsman of the Tosa Kintoi Party only this good?"

Aoto feinted, and Okada Izo made a misjudgment. When he hurriedly changed his moves, his lower body became seriously unstable. After staggering a few times, he collapsed heavily on the ground.

"Can't you even do the most basic steps of stabilizing your footing and setting your footing?"

Cat playing with mouse - this term is really suitable to describe the battle between Qingto and Okada Izo.

Qingdeng's moves were so casual.

Or ordinary horizontal and vertical chops, or straight punches and kicks.

However, even with such a common move, Okada Izo couldn't resist it!

He fought back again and again, and was beaten to the ground again and again.

In the process, his demeanor undergoes a significant and progressive change.

It was full of fighting spirit at first.

Then came resentment.

Then came the unwillingness and frustration.

And now...it's timidity and fear.

The swordsmanship that he was so proud of was like a child's juggling in front of Qingdeng...

It was as if Qingdeng was deliberately teasing him. He had countless opportunities to kill him, but he never took action. He just teased him, played with him, and played with him...

It is difficult to use specific words to describe the psychological impact Okada Izo suffered.

At this moment, he sincerely felt powerless,

Qingdeng held his own life in his hands and rubbed it at will - just like the poor people he had killed before.

After falling to the ground again, he did not get up again.

He collapsed on the ground like a dead dog, gasping for air.

The tip of the knife wiping the floor, the silent footsteps... His vision was once again filled with the "thick" figure slowly walking towards him.

Qingdeng walked to the best attacking position, then held the knife in one hand with his right hand, raised the knife above his head, and pointed the tip of the knife to the sky.

Under the sunlight, Vairocana reflected a purple glow.

Looking at the blade that had been raised and could be chopped down at any moment, Okada Izo's cheeks were full of fear.

To be more precise, this is not simply fear.

Mixed with it is the despair of having your self-confidence completely destroyed!

This time, he didn't dodge or defend.

"Ah, ah, ahhhhhhh!"

He groaned without objection at first, then screamed, and then subconsciously hugged his head tightly, "sticking" his head on the ground like an ostrich, his back arched, and his whole body trembled.

It seemed that as long as he hid his head in the darkness, Qingdeng's knife would not hit him.

Qingdeng saw this and narrowed his eyes——


The blade cuts down.

Something snapped and flew out sideways.

Looking closely - this thing is not Okada Izo's head, but his bun.

As the bun fell off, Okada Izo's hair spread out.

The top of the head is smooth due to the shaved Tsukiyo, and the hair is scattered on both sides of the head... He looks very much like a kappa, as embarrassed as he is.

【Ding! Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Yuan Yang +3\

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