I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 753 Qing Deng's new name! [Genjuku Neju Akimori Qing Deng Shengqing] [6300]

After Ii Naosuke was murdered... that is, since the "Sakuradamon Incident", the Sonjo faction has tasted the sweetness of "using physical means to eliminate dissidents".

From then on, the Sonjo faction was particularly fond of killing people.

They killed both shogunate officials and ordinary people, and called it "heavenly punishment" and "doing justice for heaven".

When the Sonjo movement was in full swing, Kyoto was once shrouded in blood and rain.

The so-called "Four Great Killers" headed by Kawakami Hikosai and Okada Izo became famous during this period.

It was not until the Shinsengumi entered Kyoto that the bad situation of "the Sonjo faction killing people at will" was alleviated.

Not long ago, many people in the Shinsengumi suggested to Aoto: Why don't we learn from the Sonjo faction and clear obstacles with the most direct and violent means!

In fact, if Aoto also played the trick of "sending assassins" and "assassination", it would definitely be a terrible nightmare for those people and forces hostile to Aoto.

After all, Qing Deng has the most powerful swordsman group in Kyoto!

It is not uncommon to find swordsmen with superb skills and top strength.

After the "Black Ship Incident", in order to resist the invading Westerners, a "martial arts fever" broke out in various parts of Japan, and a large amount of fresh blood poured into the Japanese swordsmanship world.

Not only did the number of people practicing swords increase, but even the average level of swordsmen has also improved significantly.

Having said that, swordsmen like Nagakura Shinpachi and Saito Ichi who have both extraordinary skills and extremely rich practical experience are rare!

Whether you have experienced actual combat and whether you have seen blood - this is a watershed for warriors.

Once you cross this hurdle, your own strength will be greatly improved!

What's more, Qing Deng has two trump cards under his command, Souji and Kinoshita Mai.

Souji is the first general of the Shinsengumi except Qing Deng, forming a huge gap with others.

If Qing Deng is the TO of the Shinsengumi, then Souji is T1, and the rest are all in the ranks of T2 and below, and are not qualified to be compared with the first two.

Even Serizawa Duck, who is arrogant and always acts like "the sky is the boss, the earth is the second, and I am the third", has to admit that Souji's strength is far above him.

As for Kinoshita Mai, she is a female ninja who is proficient in body movements and infiltration.

In terms of assassination techniques alone, I am afraid that even Qing Deng is not as good as her.

Imagine: if Qing Deng sends Souji, Kinoshita Mai, Nagakura Shinpachi and others out, and orders them to secretly wipe out all those who are enemies of the Shinsengumi like the "Four Great Killers", what will it be like?

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Qing Deng has that intention, few people in Kyoto can escape his "hunt order"!

Those who are against the Shinsengumi and the forces should feel fortunate - facing the "assassination plan" proposed by his subordinates, Qing Deng firmly rejected it.

Qing Deng once announced publicly that he would not nod to the act of "assassination" either now or in the future.

Qing Deng always believed that if there is an organization that is very keen on assassination and likes to rely on assassination to eliminate dissidents and solve enemies, it means that this organization is really weak and has no real ability.

Because of incompetence, it can only rely on such low-level and despicable means to solve problems.

The assassins of the Sonjo faction attacked everywhere, killing people in large numbers, and at first glance, it seemed very powerful.

But the question is... did their assassination actions really work?

Human politics is far from being so simple that problems can be directly solved by destroying the bodies of one or two people!

Assassinating others is not only impossible to solve problems, but it may also intensify conflicts and even lead to bigger problems!

It's like the "Sakuradamon Incident" - after Ii Naosuke was killed, did the shogunate stop opening the country? Did the Sonjo faction usher in the prosperity they wanted?

Not at all!

The murder of Ii Naosuke completely intensified the conflict between the pro-shogunate faction and the sonjo faction, directly leading to the current chaotic times.

The sonjo faction killed so many people, from shogunate officials to the elderly, women and children, and killed so many people that blood flowed everywhere. Did they ever achieve any political goals?

Not once.

Qing Deng disdained assassination and such unpresentable tricks.

If judged by the standards of politicians, Qing Deng was still a novice.

However, he always kept two principles in mind.

The first was "do not promote unknown teachers."

The second was "make more friends and fewer enemies."

He felt that as long as he grasped these two basic principles, he would be able to do politics well.

All theories and ideas other than these were just appropriate supplements to these two principles, or outrageous and crooked ways.

When Qing Deng was still an unknown person, he was very keen on making friends, so his friends were spread across all walks of life.

He would show goodwill to anyone who could make friends and was worth making friends with.

Whether it was the people like Saigo Yoshinosuke who were jumping around, or the suddenly emerging Yamauchi Dodo, Qing Deng was happy to make friends with them.

He treated the court the same way.

Even though he didn't like the court and looked down on the court that only knew how to make noise and couldn't do practical things, Qing Deng still pinched his nose and bit his scalp and tried not to make enemies with it.

Any human with a normal brain would not like a guy who was keen on assassination.

Who can guarantee that he will not be included in this person's "assassination list" in the future?

Therefore, in the long run, being keen on assassinations will only greatly damage your popularity.

Don't talk about anything else, even just in terms of practicality, "Kill if you don't like it" will be thrown away by the "unfavorable and unknown master".

Regardless of whether it is the previous Choshu and Tenchu ​​groups, or the current Tosa Kinou Party, Qingto faces every opponent and adopts the strategy of "never take action until the right to send troops is obtained".

While actively accumulating strength, he secretly waits for the best opportunity to fight.

After getting the right to send troops, he immediately struck out with thunder, crushing these little ones like a mountain of insects.

If you don't take action, that's it. Once you take action, the situation will be decided.

On the other hand, the Zunban faction has assassinated so many people, but has not even achieved the slightest commendable political results!

To give a vivid example - the Zunbo faction's assassination operations are like pulling out human hair. Although it hurts to have body hair pulled out, it does not damage the fundamentals.

Qingdeng's method is to directly throw a heavy punch and knock down the opponent in one go.

All in all, no matter which angle you look at it, Qingdeng has no reason to favor assassins.

When engaging in politics, the right way is to be overlord and domineering!

The so-called "assassination" is always a low-profile thing.

Even Takeichi Hanheita, who loves assassinations the most, never dared to nod and admit that he was the main messenger of "Human Killing Izo".

Although the person involved vehemently denied it, everyone has concluded that the birth of "People Killed to Hidden" must have been promoted by Takeshi Hanheita!

What a pity that even today, no relevant substantive evidence has been obtained.

Okada Izo is a very important witness, so now is not the time to send him to the west.

As the "blade" of Takeichi Hanheita, Okada Izo must know many unspeakable secrets, especially the scandalous affairs of the Tosa King's party.

When he reveals the truth, a series of criminal evidence against Han Pingtai in Wu City will be revealed.

In this way, Takechi Hanheita can be driven into the deepest part of hell, and the last row of nails can be sealed in the coffin of the Tosa Kintoi Party.

Following Qingdeng's order, the surrounding team members rushed forward one after another.

Okada Izo has completely lost his fighting spirit.

With his mind on the verge of collapse, he was easily pinned down like a dog.

In just the blink of an eye, he became a "zongzi" tied with five flowers.

Only then did Qingdeng have the time to check the talent he had just copied.

——"Yuan Yang +3"...not bad.

Qingdeng slightly curved the corners of his mouth, and a happy smile appeared on his cheeks.

In this way, his "Yuan Yang" was upgraded to "+7" in one fell swoop, which was close to the full level.

Needless to say, there is no need to elaborate on the benefits of having sufficient kidney qi.

Since possessing this talent, Qingden has felt that his body has improved a lot and his physical and mental condition has improved greatly.

Having a refreshing mind, full of energy, and seemingly endless energy all over the body is one of the most practical talents.

Of course, the biggest change this talent brings to Qingdeng is naturally... his energy in "that aspect" increases greatly!

Before that, when he was still "Yuan Yang + 4", his excessive energy made the director very dissatisfied.

Qingdeng is a busy man and is often too busy to keep his feet off the ground.

The Shinsengumi is like this. Souji and others only need to devote themselves to managing their respective divisions, but Aomori has many things to consider.

Therefore, Qingteng cannot be intimate with the general secretary anytime and anywhere.

As a result, embarrassing situations that "have been held in for a long time" often occur to him.

Fortunately for Souji, her energy in "that aspect" is only at the level of an ordinary person.

That's not the case with Qingdeng... His energy, which is far superior to that of ordinary people, always makes him feel uncomfortable because he cannot discharge it in time.

There was one day when Seito hugged Souji for the first time in a long time and worked up all his energy - that night, Souji didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

Nowadays, "Yuan Yang + 4" has become "Yuan Yang + 7"...

Qingdeng didn't dare to imagine how abundant his "energy" would be now!

——It’s time to seriously plan the marriage with Sanako and the others.

Qingdeng thought to himself half jokingly, half seriously.

Although he accidentally wandered off, he quickly regained his composure.

Now is not the time to think about such things.

Qingden took a deep breath, suppressed these messy thoughts for the time being, and then began to review the battle just now.

To be honest, in his opinion, the threat posed by Okada Izo was even worse than Kawakami Hikosai.

Not to mention personal strength, even in terms of psychological quality, the former is not even worthy of carrying the latter's shoes.

After Kawagami Hikosai was suppressed, he still retained his fighting spirit and tried to fight back.

In comparison, Okada Izo's psychological quality is really terrible.

After discovering that there was a huge gap between himself and Qingden, his mentality immediately collapsed. The more he fought, the worse he got, and became more and more outrageous. In the end, he even became a trembling "ostrich".

After all, he was a powerful swordsman in Kyoto, but in the end he ended up like this... It's really sad.

Qingdeng sheathed his sword and murmured at a volume that he could only hear clearly:

"I didn't even break a sweat...it's so boring..."

at the same time--

Somewhere in the other direction—

"Whoosh...! Whoosh...! Whoosh...! Whoosh...!"

With a knife in hand, Takeichi Hanheita pushed aside the branches blocking the road, kicked the mud, rocks and grass clippings, and fled.

Although he just said righteously to Okada Izo, "Go away and leave me alone," he finally chose to turn around and run away after seeing the other person trying to attract the attention of the Shinsengumi for him.

The woods are not big.

After a moment, he suddenly felt enlightened - a dazzling light appeared in front of him!

We're almost out of the woods!

Looking at the approaching light in front of him, a light of relief slowly appeared on Takeshi Hanpingtai's cheeks.

However... in just a moment, his "relaxation" turned into "stiffness".

Because when he rushed out of the woods, what caught his eyes were rows after rows of light green!

Dozens of Shinsengumi soldiers waiting here were arranged in a tight formation.

Souji, Serizawa Kamo and Shinami Nishiki stood side by side at the front of the array.

"Wu Shi Hanping Tai, let's capture him without any hesitation!"

Xinjian Jin pressed the knife with his hand and said in a deep voice:

"To be honest, I admire you very much. If you can surrender obediently..."

Before Shinmi Nishiki finished speaking, he was interrupted by Serizawa Kamo on the side:

"Jin, don't talk nonsense to him!"

Serizawa Kamo put the knife on his shoulder and tilted his head:

"Boy, surrender quickly! Don't waste our time!"


The Director-General said nothing.

She just silently pulled out the Kaga Kiyomitsu from her waist, ready to fight at any time.


Also silent was Takeshi Hanheita.

He had a sullen face, pursed his lips, and while adjusting his breathing, he rolled his eyes and glanced sideways at the Souji and others blocking his way.

After a while, he slowly held the knife in front of him and assumed the upper position.

The upper section - a posture that only focuses on offense and does not care about defense.

He gave a firm answer with silent movements.

At this point, the General Secretary and others no longer hesitated.

Soon after, Souji, Serizawa Kamo and Shinami Nishiki rushed forward!

Justice three against one!

Takeshi Hanpingta stepped forward to meet him without fear.

Although his struggle was heroic, it could not change the already destined outcome.

The first person to be killed was Souji.

The Souji came forward with force, his movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the blade he swung out diagonally struck Takeshi Hanheita's wrist like lightning.

Takeshi Hanheita used a fierce force to deflect this move.

Souji took advantage of the situation and pounced forward. The two of them passed each other and exchanged positions.

In the next breath, the swords in their hands turned back one step ahead of their bodies - the two swords clashed again.

The sound of gold and iron is deafening.

At this time, Serizawa Kamo and Shinmi Nishiki arrived one after another and joined the battle.

The three of them each occupied a corner, forming an equilateral triangle, surrounding Takeshi Hanheita in the middle.

For a moment, sword lights and sword shadows danced between heaven and earth.

Takeichi Hanpeita is indeed a top swordsman who surpasses Tosa in strength.

Being in a desperate situation with one against three, he actually resisted for a while!

Regarding his skill and perseverance, even Serizawa, who always had a bad mouth, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

But it's a pity... In the face of this one-sided and unfavorable battle situation, he can only resist "for a while".

After countless battles, Wushi Banpingtai was clearly at a disadvantage.

The three men's offensive gained momentum, and he was quickly suppressed.

Anyone can see that if he continues like this, he will be defeated before long.

Takeshi Hanheita gritted his teeth and thought: Either way, he will die, so he might as well risk it all!

As soon as he thought about this, he immediately decided to switch from defense to offense!

He saw that Shinmi Nishiki was the weakest, so he planned to use this as a breakthrough.

I saw him raising the tip of the knife and switching to Qingyan's posture in one breath.

At the moment when his midsection changed to blue eyes, his sword briefly left the midline of his body - this fleeting flaw was clearly reflected in Souji's eyes!

The general manager saw it correctly, stepped forward, and slashed with his sword without hesitation——


Kaga Kiyomitsu drew a graceful arc in mid-air, hitting the blade of Takeichi Hanheita's sword.

The blade and back of the katana can withstand a lot of force, but the blade surface is very fragile.

Once the blade surface is hit hard, it is easily damaged and broken.

So, as expected - with a crisp sound - Takeshi Hanheita's saber broke into two pieces.

The upper half of the broken blade flew out laterally and fell into the ditch not far away.

The General Division's offensive is not over yet.

After breaking the knife with one blow, she pulled Kaga Kiyomitsu back and slapped Takeichi Hanheita's cheek with the blade of the knife.

This is a big piece of iron.

Being hit in the face by such a hard and thick thing... the feeling will definitely not be pleasant.

Wushi Hanpingta screamed in pain and immediately fell to the ground.

Half of his cheeks swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He seemed to want to get up.

But after struggling for a few times, he was finally defeated by the dizziness that hit his brain.

His eyelids lowered little by little - at the moment when he closed his eyes completely, a strong look of unwillingness burst out from his eyes.

Seeing that the other party finally lost consciousness, the Souji let out a long breath, then turned to look at his subordinates not far away.

"Tell Tachibana-kun that we have successfully captured Takeichi Hanheita."

In less than half a day, the "Tosa Kinou Party" completely became a historical term that was eliminated.

The top leaders of the organization, headed by Takeshi Hanheita, were all wiped out and no one survived.

Aomori packed them into a truck and sent them to Tosa Domain immediately.

The Shinsengumi's full help soon received a positive response from Yamauchi Hall.

He was very tactful in returning the favor.

Not only did he promise "a generous reward", but he also said very enthusiastically: We Tosa will be the eternal friends of the Shinsengumi!

Qing Deng did not take Yamamoto's slightly corny words to heart.

Old foxes like Yamamoto are best at telling lies with open eyes.

However, Qing Deng did not dislike this.

He was not afraid of dealing with shrewd politicians, because their behavior was traceable.

As soon as the Tosa Loyalist Party and the Qinghe Party were destroyed, the "mole" bribed by Qing Deng - Ikeda Toritaro - was eager to find Qing Deng.

His purpose was very simple, that is, he hoped that Qing Deng could fulfill his promise.

The reward of 12,000 taels of gold and the household registration in Nagasaki - it was for these two things that he would "jump" to Qing Deng's camp regardless of his safety.

When he found Qing Deng, his expression was very nervous.

It seems that he is afraid that Qing Deng will cross the river and burn the bridge.

It is normal for him to have such concerns.

With the destruction of the Tosa Kinno Party and the Qinghe Party, he is no longer useful.

In this case, it is not surprising even if he is killed to silence him.

However, he is obviously worrying too much.

First of all, Qing Deng hates assassination, he only likes to kill people openly.

Secondly, he will not go back on his word on such a small matter.

Moreover, Ikeda Toritaro has indeed made remarkable contributions.

It is precisely because of him that the Shinsengumi was able to annihilate the Qinghe Party and the Tosa Kinno Party in one day.

It is not reasonable to treat such a meritorious official unfairly.

Qing Deng immediately fulfilled his promise.

He readily handed over a reward of 12,000 taels of gold and obtained a household registration in Nagasaki for him.

After receiving the money, Ikeda Toritaro immediately rushed to Shimabara to redeem the prostitute he fell in love with.

Afterwards, he took the prostitute and rushed to Nagasaki without stopping. He didn't dare to stay in Kyoto for long - probably because he was afraid of meeting an "old friend".

In short, the relationship between Qing Deng and him ended here.

Whether Ikeda Toritaro would live or die, whether he and the prostitute could have a peaceful and happy life... all these things were none of his business.

Never seeing each other again for the rest of their lives was the best connection between them.

After sending Ikeda Toritaro away, Qing Deng began to deal with the trial of the Qinghe Party.

In fact, there was nothing to deal with.

The "Shinsengumi Law" clearly stipulated the following: Those who betrayed and collaborated with the enemy shall be executed on the spot!

It was written in black and white, and it was clear at a glance.

With the assistance of Ikeda Toritaro, Qing Deng had a lot of evidence that "Qinghe Hachiro was trying to rebel".

The evidence was ironclad, and there was nothing to judge.

Two days later, Qinghe Hachiro and his accomplices were pushed to Sanjo River Plain and beheaded in public.

Until the moment of his execution, Kiyokawa Hachiro was still shouting, "I have made contributions to the Shinsengumi! Let me meet Mr. Tachibana!"

Choshu was withdrawn, the Tosa Loyalist Party was gone, and Kyoto ushered in a long-lost peace.

The pro-shogunate faction won a comprehensive victory, and the air in Kyoto was no longer filled with a tense atmosphere.

Soon, production and life inside and outside Kyoto began to gradually recover.

In recent days, people can always be seen discussing heatedly in social places such as izakayas, teahouses, and bathhouses.

The content of their discussions is surprisingly consistent.

From the bigwigs in the military and political circles such as Saigo Yoshinosuke and Matsudaira Yoshiyasu to the ordinary people, everyone is looking forward to it - they are all waiting for the shogunate to reward Aoto!

What can be confirmed at present is that Aoto will definitely become a daimyo who will establish a state.

If he doesn't become a daimyo this time, it will be really unfair.

Therefore, the main focus of the military and political leaders is where Qing Deng will be enfeoffed and how much land he will get.

Qing Deng's enfeoffment location and the scope of the territory he obtains will greatly affect the political landscape in the next few years or even decades! All forces have to pay close attention.

Under everyone's eager anticipation... Unexpectedly, the reward from the shogunate has not arrived yet, but the reward from the court has come first!

On September 5, the emperor issued an imperial edict.

This imperial edict was written in hundreds of words, and all kinds of difficult sentences made people's tongues knot and their heads hurt.

To sum it up, it can be roughly summarized in one sentence-Tachibana Moriharu defeated the enemy in Yamato, clarified the universe, and made contributions to the country, so he was given the surname "Sukune"! The official position jumped 2 levels and was promoted to Aki-no-kami!

From then on, Qing Deng will have a brand new name-

Minamoto Sukune Tachibana Aki-no-kami Qing Deng Shengqing!

Today is another six thousand leopards! Leopard has been so kind recently, if you don't vote for him, it would be too unreasonable! (crying leopard head.jpg)

Please vote for him! Please vote for him! (crying leopard head.jpg)

Volume 3 is finally coming to an end!

By the next volume, Qing Deng will be getting married soon.

You should also be able to see that Leopard has been promoting Qing Deng's marriage recently~~

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