I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 807 It's the Shinsengumi! Routine search! [5000]

After the Zunban faction goes underground and launches terrorist attacks, every street, alley, and house in Kyoto may become a bloody and fierce battlefield!

Intricate intelligence, street chases, sword flashes in the streets...Spy wars and street battles have become the most mainstream methods of confrontation between the two factions of patriots (Samu Zunbo).

It would definitely not work if the cavalry, gunnery and ninja teams were to engage in street fighting.

The Ninja Team is busy conducting espionage activities and secretly launching invisible battles with patriots.

Needless to say, the cavalry team has a relationship with street fighting that is the relationship between a sword and a chicken - the same is true for the gunnery team.

The reloading speed of the musket is too slow. If you fail to kill the enemy after one shot, you are finished.

Before you can reload, the enemy will flee or kill you.

Although the musket can be used as a spear after being equipped with a bayonet, its effectiveness in the streets and alleys with complex terrain is obviously far less than that of a more flexible sword.

Not to mention cannons, etc. You can't fire cannons in urban areas like Napoleon did.

Never mind how difficult it was to transport the cannon. With one cannon blast, not only the enemy was shattered, but the neighborhoods around him were also shattered.

The humanitarian disaster and compensation issues arising from this are enough to make Qingdeng very anxious.

In the Edo period, samurai lands, public lands, and temple lands were not only vast in area, but also had a small population.

On the other hand, if a person with cryptophobia sees the dense population and densely packed buildings in the town, they will definitely faint.

The towns and communities in Kyoto are a typical example of this. There are countless dilapidated neighborhoods that resemble the "Shityama Code". Their complexity is dizzying.

Here is a two-person wide path, there is a long house that is difficult to turn around... It is simply a natural and the best street fighting venue.

People with lofty ideals naturally know the truth of "leaves disappear into the forest, and water droplets disappear into the sea."

They generally hide in towns and cities, which greatly increases the difficulty of arresting the Shinsengumi.

Even if they are discovered, the complex terrain of the town will facilitate their escape.

Because the terrain is too complicated and cramped, in many cases, it is not even possible to use a katana, and you can only draw out your wakizashi to fight.

In this case, it is even less suitable to send artillery teams to maintain public security in Kyoto.

To sum up, looking at the current 11 divisions of the Shinsengumi, the only ones suitable for garrisoning in Kyoto are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th divisions that still retain swords and specialize in close combat.

It would definitely be unrealistic to ask all five squadrons to patrol Kyoto.

For Ayoto, Kyoto is certainly important, but Otsu cannot be missed either.

Finally, after careful research, Qingto's specific arrangements for the five divisions are as follows -

The first team is stationed in Ojin to guard the heart of Qinjin Fan.

The other four teams are divided into two groups - the second and fourth teams are one group; the third and fifth teams are one group - and they rotate in Kyoto according to the month.

If the second and fourth teams are allowed to go to Kyoto this month, the third and fifth teams will stay in Otsu.

By the next month, the 2nd and 4th divisions will return to Otsu, while the 3rd and 5th divisions will head to Kyoto.


It was July now... the month when the 2nd and 4th divisions were stationed in Kyoto.

The first year of Yuanzhi (1864), July 17——

Kyoto, four small bridges——

Kyoto in midsummer is really like a steamer.

The sunlight during the day was blazing and scorching, and the entire Kyoto was shrouded in a humid heat wave.

There was no wind, and the air was thick and mushy, making people feel out of breath and having difficulty breathing.

The cicada was hiding on the branches, chirping manically and tirelessly, and its sound spread to every corner of Kyoto.

"It's so hot...I'm almost melting..."

Nagakura Shinpachi had his head drooped, sweating profusely, and looked depressed.

"What the hell kind of weather is this... Summer in Kyoto is really torturous... I'm starting to miss my hometown... Nakajima, is there water?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong man beside him immediately replied:

"Yes, there is a little left."

With that said, he took off the bamboo tube from his waist, unscrewed the mouth of the tube, and handed it to Nagakura Shinpachi.

After Nagakura Shinpachi reached out to take it, he drank it in one gulp.

"Why is this water warm...?"

The strong man smiled bitterly:

"Captain, this is the water I just brought from the well. It was ice cold at first, but it turned into warm water after a while."

"Tsk...I hate summer in Kyoto more and more..."

Nagakura Shinpachi sighed and handed the water bottle back to the strong man.

This strong man whom Nagakura Shinpachi calls "Nakajima" is none other than Noboru Nakajima, the vice-captain of the Shinsengumi's second division.

Noboru Nakajima, born in the ninth year of Tenpo (1838), is 26 years old this year, one year older than Nagakura Shinpachi. The eighth prince of Tama County, Musashi Province was born in Terakata Village.

Tama, the Eighth Prince... With such a background, it is not difficult to see that he is the descendant of the Eighth Prince, and he is also a fellow villager of Isamu Kondo and Toshizo Hijikata.

Because he was fond of martial arts, he practiced the natural Rishin-ryu style that was widely spread in Tama since he was a child, and he obtained the Chuukoku ranking at a young age.

In this way, his relationship with Kondo Isamu and Hijikata Toshizo is not only from the same hometown, but also from the same school.

After the "Grand Recruitment" started at the beginning of the year, he successfully enlisted in the army and became a recruit of the Second Division after being recommended by Isamu Kondo.

In terms of swordsmanship alone, he has not yet obtained the exemption, so he is not that superb.

However, he is very courageous, a brave and brave hero.

He is very strong and has a very loud voice, so just shouting is enough to make the rats tremble.

With his strong strength, he was promoted from an ordinary soldier to the current vice-captain of the second squad in just 3 months.

It is worth mentioning that due to their similar personalities and like-mindedness, he and Nagakura Shinpachi soon became good friends who could talk about anything.

They both have loud voices and love to chat.

Whenever they meet, they always talk and talk endlessly, from the sun, moon, stars in the sky, the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas underground, to the chopping, stabbing and piercing of swordsmanship, and the neck, chest, hips and feet of women. The loud voices of this pair of live treasures can be heard from a long distance.

In this way, it forms a very significant contrast with the third squad.

The captain and vice-captain of the third division (Saito Ichi and Nakazawa Sadaki) are quiet and can't even fart for a long time.

On the other hand, the captain and vice-captain of the second division... are very noisy!

So, after the third division was nicknamed "the quietest division", the second division also got their own nickname: "the most noisy division".

While hanging the empty kettle back on his waist, Nakajima Noboru asked casually:

"Mr. Nagakura, if I remember correctly, your hometown is located in Matsumae Domain in Ezo, right?"

Nagakura Shinpachi nodded.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm from Matsumae Domain."

Nakajima Noboru showed curiosity.

"The Matsumae Domain is located in the far north, so it should be cool, right?"

Nagakura Shinpachi grinned.

"Yes. Although it is hot in summer, it is not as stuffy as Kyoto. It is quite cool at night."

"If it is winter, the scene will be incredible."

"Countless snowflakes are everywhere. When you wake up, the outdoor scenery is very different."

"Looking up, the whole world is dazzlingly white, and the snow is as high as your knees."

After listening carefully, Nakajima Noboru looked longing:

"Oh! Knee-high snow? I really want to see it!"

"If I have the opportunity in the future, I must go to Matsumae Domain and learn a lot!"

Nagakura Shinpachi smiled:

"When you are ready to go to Matsumae Domain, you can come to me and I will be your guide."

Nakajima Noboru laughed:

"Okay! Captain, it's settled!"

At this time, a young soldier ran towards Nagakura Shinpachi and Nakajima Noboru in two steps, panting.

"Captain, Vice Captain, the target Yuya Kiemon has appeared! The target Yuya Kiemon has appeared!"

After hearing this, Nagakura Shinpachi lowered his eyelids and focused his eyes.

"Well, I know. You've worked hard, you go down and rest first. Hey, bring him a glass of cold water!"

After saying that, he supported the sword on his waist - Banzhou Shuba Yamashige - and stood up slowly.

"Okay, let's stop chatting. It's time to work."

Nakajima Noboru put away the playful look on his face and nodded solemnly:

"Captain, let's go."

Nagakura Shinpachi waved his hand.

"Second Division, follow me!"

Before he finished speaking, he took the lead and stepped out of the alley where he was hiding.

Immediately afterwards, Nakajima Noboru and the soldiers wearing light green feathers followed closely behind him.

They looked solemn and hurried.

If you look down from above, it looks like a light green dragon swimming!

Passersby saw this and immediately knew that it was the Shinsengumi on a mission, so they all retreated to the side of the road to make way.

In the blink of an eye, this aggressive "dragon" rushed into a very inconspicuous block of Shijo Bridge and rushed straight to an ancient props store with a simple appearance and a "Yuwu" door plaque.

Nagakura Shinpachi did not hesitate at all. He raised his right hand, firmly grasped the handle of the knife, and was ready to fight at any time, while swaggering towards the door.

Nakajima Noboru slightly quickened his pace, rushed in front of Nagakura Shinpachi, and pulled open the door curtain.

Nagakura Shinpachi followed closely - bang - he pushed the door open roughly and shouted:

"We are the Shinsengumi under the command of the Gyeonggi Pacification Envoy! Routine search!"

Before he finished speaking, Nagakura Shinpachi had already forced his way into the store.

Nakajima Noboru and the rest of the team entered one after another.

In an instant, there was chaos.

Just like its simple exterior, the interior of this store also highlights a shabby, shabby and poor feeling.

Nagakura Shinpachi rolled his eyes and scanned the area. He saw only two young employees busy at work.

Looking at the sudden arrival of the Shinsengumi, the two were immediately startled, their faces showing fear and pale.

Nagakura Shinpachi stood majestically, as straight as an iron tower, his right hand still tightly grasping the hilt of the sword, continuing to maintain a posture of "ready to draw the sword at any time".

"Which one is Yuya Kiemon?"

"I am."

A deep male voice came from the direction of the inner room.

After a while, a young man who was not too old appeared in front of Nagakura Shinpachi.

He walked slowly to the front of Nagakura Shinpachi and asked:

"May I ask who you are?"

"Captain of the 2nd Division of the Shinsengumi, Nagakura Shinpachi. Are you Yuya Kiemon?"

After Nagakura Shinpachi introduced his family, Yuya Kiemon's face suddenly changed - everyone knows the strength ranking of the Shinsengumi: "Tachibana, Okita, Nagakura, Saito".

The person in front of him was the third master of the Shinsengumi... When he thought of this, his face turned a little pale.

However, he quickly suppressed his panic and pretended to be calm:

"Yes, I am Yuya Kiemon."

"Take it!"

Following Nagakura Shinpachi's order, the two soldiers behind him immediately stepped forward and held Yuya Kiemon's shoulders, one on the left and one on the right, to prevent him from moving.

Faced with this sudden arrest, Yuya Kiemon finally panicked.

While struggling, he asked sharply:

"W-What are you doing? Why are you arresting me? What crime have I committed?"

Noboru Nakajima responded quietly:

"Yuya Kiemon, we now suspect that you are colluding with Choko, please just follow us."

"The ugly talk is ahead. You have no right to refuse, let alone a chance to resist."

"If you are good, not only will you suffer less, but we will also be happy and relaxed."

"But if you don't listen to our advice and act recklessly, then we will make you suffer a little."

As he spoke, he raised his right fist as big as a casserole and shook it in front of the opponent's eyes. The threat was self-evident.

In order to vent their resentment, the people of Choshu called Qinjin, Aizu, and Satsuma "Qin demons", "Hui traitors", and "Satsu thieves"... This made the people of San Francisco and the Shinsengumi soldiers very unhappy.

Now that we have broken our skin, there is no need to be polite to them.

Adhering to the idea of ​​"treating others with their own methods," the Samu faction now uniformly calls Changzhou people "Chang bandits."

After hearing Noboru Nakajima's threat, Yuya Kiemon was startled for a moment, and then his cheeks were filled with panic at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, as if he was drifting.

"Wait, wait a minute! You must have made a mistake, right?"

"I am a good citizen who abides by the law!"

"Don't say it's collusion with Changzhou, I've never even seen anyone from Changzhou!"

The other party's noise made Noboru Nakajima frown, and there was a hint of impatience in his tone:

"Whether you are an innocent citizen or not is not decided by you, but by us."

"To be honest, I have met countless guys like you."

"He kept shouting 'unjust' and claimed to be a good citizen, but in the end he was found to be a true traitor to the party."

"Don't worry, if we really have wronged you, we will compensate you."

"Take it away quickly!"

Noboru Nakajima waved his hand, indicating not to let this guy stay here anymore.

The two team members, one on the left and one on the right, controlled Yuya Kiemon, responded quickly, and then dragged the opponent with brute force, forcibly dragging him away from the place and escorting him outside the store.

Maybe the broken jar was broken. Yuya Kiemon gritted his teeth, frowned, and said loudly:

"It's ridiculous to break into private houses and arrest people at will, even if it's the Shinsengumi! It's so lawless!"

Hearing his words, Nagakura Shinpachi seemed to be amused, shrugged and chuckled a few times.

He raised his hand to signal "wait a moment", then walked up to Yuya Kiemon and looked down at him from a high position.

"You said 'ridiculous' and 'lawless'?"

"You don't seem to know much about our Shinsengumi."

"In that case, I'll tell you now."

"We are a legion directly affiliated with the governor of Gyeonggi and shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending Gyeonggi."

"In the face of all thieves who may cause chaos in the capital, we will have the right to kill first and report later!"

“We can go to places where the practice of devotion cannot go.”

"We can take care of cases that cannot be handled by the law."

"We can provoke the forces that we dare not provoke."

"We can kill those who dare not kill in order to practice."

"In order to protect the capital and live up to the reputation of the 'New Selection', we have long been prepared to have our hands stained with blood and our bodies stained with stigma."

"Even if it means becoming a 'Ren Sheng Wolf', we won't hesitate."

"This is the Shinsengumi."

"Have I made it clear enough?"

After saying that, Nagakura Shinpachi no longer looked at the opponent. After saying "Pull him away", he turned to the other team members and ordered:

"Search for me! No matter it's the ceiling or the cellar, don't miss any corner!"

"Also, take all the people here away! They are all suspected of colluding with Chang Kou!"

With a unanimous "yes", the soldiers of the second division dispersed, each performing his duties.

Or escort the suspect.

Or duck into every corner of the store.

Or take out the sword from your waist and stab it at the ceiling above your head to check if there is anything hidden on it.

Nagakura Shinpachi still maintained his posture of preparing for battle, his right hand never left the handle of the sword, and his expression was solemn.

Seeing this, Noboru Nakajima couldn't help but ask:

"Captain, what's wrong? Why are you looking serious?"

Nagakura Shinpachi replied calmly:

"It's nothing, I just have an ominous premonition."

"An ominous premonition?"

"I feel like something's not right about this place... We're afraid we're going to run into a big case today."

As soon as Nagakura Shinpachi finished speaking, he saw a team member running towards him in a panic:

"Captain! Vice-captain! Please follow me! There is a situation!"

Upon hearing this, Nagakura Shinpachi moved his feet without thinking. Noboru Nakajima followed.

Halfway through, Nagakura Shinpachi asked:

"What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

The soldier looked strange:

"This, this... Captain, please go see it yourself..."

After a while, they came to the warehouse behind this ancient prop house.

The door of the warehouse had been opened, and two soldiers were guarding it.

After Nagakura Shinpachi walked into the warehouse with great strides, his eyes widened instantly.

"What is this...?!"

At the same time, Nakajima Noboru beside him also looked the same, with an expression dominated by strong shock.

The warehouse, which was neither big nor small, was filled with weapons!

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