I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 808: Summon all the generals! The

Long guns were leaning against the wall.

A handful of knives were stuffed into the barrel casually.

The muskets were arranged neatly.

From the floor to the walls, from the door to the deepest part... there are weapons everywhere as far as the eye can see! Full of decorations! It's like a small arsenal!

Looking at the warehouse full of weapons, Nagakura Shinpachi was stunned for a full 2 ​​seconds before he finally calmed down.

His face was ashen, as if ice water would flow out of his cheeks at any moment.

"Nakajima, Suzuki, Sato, you follow me."

After calling the names of Noboru Nakajima and the other two team members, he stepped into the warehouse.

Noboru Nakajima was about to follow him, but as soon as he raised his feet, he suddenly heard Nagakura Shinpachi’s reminder:

"You probably don't have any kind of fire on you, right? If you do, throw it away quickly!"

When Noboru Nakajima heard this, as a long-time smoker, he quickly took out the match he had in his arms to light his cigarette, threw it far away, and then touched his whole body again to confirm that there was no fire on his body. Enter the warehouse with confidence and boldness and catch up with Nagakura Shinpachi.

Suzuki and Sato - the other two team members whom Nagakura Shinpachi had just named to follow - followed suit. Before entering the warehouse, they did a 'full body check' and threw away everything on them that might cause a fire. things.

They don't dare to be careless.

After all, anyone with any brains knows that causing a fire in an arsenal is no joke...

Nagakura Shinpachi and others walked around and carefully looked at every corner of the warehouse.

With every step they took, their facial expressions became gloomier, and the solemn look on their faces soon reached the point where it could not be further increased.

After walking in, you can more intuitively feel how amazing the amount of weapons and equipment stored in this warehouse is!

Although it cannot be compared with the arsenal of the Shinsengumi, equipment reserves of this size are enough to arm a combat team of a hundred people!

Suddenly, Nagakura Shinpachi seemed to smell something. He twitched his nose vigorously, then turned and pointed to the wooden box on the left:

"Open this box! Be gentle!"

Noboru Nakajima responded and waved to Suzuki and Sato, and the three of them surrounded the big box from three directions.

It was sealed with iron nails, and more than a dozen large iron nails nailed the lid tightly, making it impossible to open it with bare hands.

Noboru Nakajima pulled out his wakizashi from his waist, inserted the blade into the gap between the box and the lid, secretly used a strong force, and pried it hard - with a click, a corner of the lid was pried out, and it was already there. Enough to see clearly what's inside the box.

Nagakura Shinpachi hurriedly leaned over and took a closer look - in an instant, his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of pinholes.

I saw that the box was full of black powder, and the choking smell came to my face... There was no doubt that it was gunpowder!

After the Shinsengumi introduced guns and cannons, Nagakura Shinpachi had witnessed countless times how this inconspicuous powder could make small bullets break armor, and let bulky cannonballs crush huge rocks!

Therefore, he knew that this entire box of gunpowder contained the terrifying power that could blow them to pieces!

So, he subconsciously took half a step back and distanced himself.

After he calmed down a bit, he turned his eyes and glanced around.

I saw that there were still many large boxes of the same appearance in the warehouse.

What he could see with his naked eyes was more than he could count with his hands!

Nagakura Shinpachi took a deep breath and ordered in a deep voice:

"Nakajima, go to the camp and call for help!"

"Move 50 people... No! Send 100 people here! Completely seal this warehouse!"

"No matter the common people in the city or the friendly forces of Aizu and Satsuma, no one is allowed to come near this place!"

"If anyone breaks into this place by force, no matter who they are, they will be killed without mercy!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran out of the warehouse without stopping.

Noboru Nakajima chased after him, swallowed his saliva, and said half excitedly and half nervously:

"Captain, your intuition is so accurate! We really got into a big case!"

"...Nakajima, you are wrong."

Facing the puzzled look cast by Noboru Nakajima, Nagakura Shinpachi quietly continued:

"Didn't you see that warehouse full of gunpowder?"

"This amount of gunpowder is enough to fight a big battle!"

"A major case of this level has exceeded what we can handle...! We must report it to Mr. Tachibana immediately!"

Qinjin Fan, Dajin, Judi——

The Souji tilted his head, put his left ear on Sanako's belly, and listened attentively.

"Huh? I seem to hear a baby's voice! 'Gulu', 'Gulu'!"

Upon hearing this, Ah Wu smiled evilly:

"Xiao Si, what you heard is probably not the sound of a baby, but the growling of Sanako's stomach. Sanako just ate sweet potatoes."

"...Miss Wu?"

"I-I was joking! Don't look so scary!"

Having said that, Ah Wu lay face up, upright and very skillfully beside Sanako, just like a cat showing its belly to show its goodwill to its owner.

"Hmm... my calf seems to be cramping again... Miss Sanako... help me..."

Sanako curled his lips and stared at Ah Wu with an unkind expression, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed:

"Sigh...I feel more and more like your old mother."

Although she was full of disgust, she still silently put Ah Wu's legs on her lap and massaged him skillfully.

Awu let out a "hehehe" laugh that sounded like she was being naughty and coquettish.

Qing Deng sat aside with a smile on his face, stroking the big orange cat Duoduo on his lap while quietly watching this warm scene.

After Kiryu boss temporarily closed the Senjiya and moved back to Osaka, he also took the big orange cat Duoduo with him.

At Awu's strong request, this big fat cat with its belly touching the ground returned to its owner's arms.

It now lives in the Tachibana residence, living a comfortable life of eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, and occasionally accompanying the two pregnant girls to relieve boredom.

It is worth mentioning that this big fat cat has formed a deep friendship with Luobo.

It ran to the cowshed where the other lived every now and then, and did nothing else, just lying on Luobo's back.

Luobo seemed to like this "little friend" very much, and did not drive it away, allowing it to lie on its back.

Luobo even often took the initiative to stick out his long tongue to help the other comb his hair.

Recently, whenever I go to Luobo's cowshed, I can always see Luobo lying on the ground, Duoduo lying on Luobo's back, and the two animals, one big and one small, taking a nap together.

Qing Deng and Souji are both free today, so the whole family is reunited.

Looking at the three girls who are getting along and making noises, Qing Deng's smile is getting stronger.

Although it may sound a bit exaggerated to say this... but every time at this time, Qing Deng will sincerely feel that the reason why he has eyes is to witness these scenes!

Qing Deng wanted to take this opportunity today to accompany the three girls and fulfill his husband's duties.


"...Tachibana-kun, I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

Suddenly, the voice of Shannan Keisuke came from the direction of the corridor.

"Can you please come out for a while?"

Qing Deng's hand that was stroking the cat stopped suddenly, and his eyes were slightly fixed.

Shannan Keisuke certainly knew that Qing Deng was resting and accompanying his family at this time.

As Qing Deng's core confidant, Shannan Keisuke is one of the people who usually come into contact with Qing Deng.

Therefore, he knew very well what kind of life Qing Deng led after becoming the lord of Qinjin Domain.

Busy with affairs of state, working late into the night... these were just Qing Deng's daily routine, and it was common for him to be unable to return home for more than ten consecutive days.

Qing Deng rarely had free time, and if it was not necessary, Yamanami Keisuke would never come to disturb him without permission.

Since he appeared here at this moment and did not hesitate to disrupt Qing Deng's rest time... the meaning behind it was self-evident-

There was a major event that even the head of the Shinsengumi and the elders of the Qinjin Domain were unable to deal with, and the Gyeonggi Pacification Envoy and the Lord of Qinjin Domain had to come forward in person!

The three women all stopped what they were doing, turned their heads, raised their eyes, and looked at Qing Deng with complicated expressions.

Although Yamanami Keisuke said "Please come out for a while", everyone knew: once Qing Deng went out, he would definitely be away for more than "a while"!

Although he felt strongly reluctant... Qing Deng would never sacrifice his public duties for personal reasons.

Qing Deng hugged Duoduo without thinking and said to the three girls with an apologetic look:

"Sorry, you guys continue playing first, I have to leave first."

After that, he stood up hurriedly and walked out of the room.

As soon as he came to the corridor, he ran into Shannan Keisuke with a serious expression.

"Tachibana-kun, I'm sorry..."

Before he finished speaking, Qing Deng waved his hand and interrupted:

"Keisuke, no need to apologize, business is more important. What happened?"

"Tachibana-kun, Kyoto is different!"

Yannan Keisuke told the details of "the second squad discovered the arsenal" in detail.

"The second squad blocked the warehouse and strictly prohibited irrelevant people from approaching."

"The fourth squad strengthened the security of the garrison to prevent the Sonjo patriots from taking back Yuya Kiemon."

"Hijikata-kun has already rushed to Kyoto."

Qing Deng listened to the end calmly.

After Yamanami Keisuke finished speaking, he stood straight, waiting for Qingdeng's instructions.

Qingdeng's eyes flickered imperceptibly, "thinking" and "guessing" were pulling back and forth.

After a moment, he said in a deep voice:

"... Keisuke, gather all the generals!"




Kyoto, Mibu-go, Shinsengumi Station, Prison——

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah——!!"

The screams that made people's scalps numb were stirred and lasted for a long time.

In the dimly lit prison, Yuya Kiemon's hands were tied behind his back, his thighs and calves were tied together, and he was forced to kneel.

Two huge stones were placed on his thighs.

Kneeling is not a comfortable sitting posture.

Not only was he kneeling on the ground, but there were also two big stones pressing on his thighs... The pain can be imagined.

The weight of the stone made the bones in his legs creak and creak as if they would break at any time.

This is the classic punishment of the Edo period that caused great pain to the prisoner: stone hug.

Perhaps he had adapted to the pain, Yuya Kiemon gradually stopped screaming, and lowered his head with a pale face and dazed eyes.

"Confess quickly!"

"Confess quickly, as long as you confess, you don't have to suffer."

"Let me tell you, we are masters of execution!"

"That's right! We have plenty of ways to make you unable to live or die!"

Several executioners stood around Yuya Kiemon, either playing the good cop or the bad cop.

However, in the face of the endless threats and inducements, Yuya Kiemon turned a deaf ear and kept silent.

Serizawa Kamo stood aside, looking at Yuya Kemon who still remained silent, his expression so gloomy that he looked like he had been splashed with ink.

For the sake of safety, Nagakura Shinpachi personally took action and led the second division to block Yuwu's arsenal.

Serizawa Kamo is in charge of the camp, and all the soldiers of the Fourth Squadron are in close contact, preparing to kill the enemy.

Although the true identity of Yuya Kiemon has not yet been confirmed, what is certain at present is that he is definitely not a good citizen! He is most likely a person with high ideals!

In order to save their comrades and prevent the leakage of information, the patriots are likely to rush to the Shinsengumi camp and take back Yuya Kiemon.

Therefore, Nagakura Shinpachi and Serizawa Kamo have issued military orders to "stand ready".

The entire Shinsengumi camp is filled with an atmosphere of tension that is about to break out!

Soldiers in full armor and solemn expressions could be seen everywhere inside and outside the camp, either sticking to their posts or patrolling back and forth.

On the one hand, to supervise the torture, and on the other hand, to protect valuable intelligence sources, Serizawa Kamo visited the prison in person and prevented Yuya Kiemon from leaving his sight.

The executioners tried their best to talk, but the other party remained unmoved.

As a last resort, the executioners gathered together and discussed softly:

"Tsk...he has such a tough mouth..."

"This guy is quite capable... Logically speaking, when you add 2 stones, basically no one can resist him."

"What should I do? Do you want to add another stone?"

At this time, everyone suddenly heard Serizawa Kamo smacking his lips vigorously, with strong dissatisfaction and anxiety in his voice.

The next moment, he was seen running up to Yuya Kiemon in three steps and two steps at a time, grabbing his bun and lifting his head up.

"I've lost my patience...!"

"Come on! Who are you?"

"What's with all the weapons in your store?"

"What are you bastards planning?"

Yuya Kiemon weakly raised his eyes and glanced at Serizawa Kamo coldly.

"We...are planning...to take turns tasting your mother...and then send your mother...to the banks of the Rashomon River in Yoshiwara..."

The banks of the Rashomon River - the lowest area of ​​Yoshiwara. The wandering girls here are either sick or unable to be sold due to old age. In short, the most unwanted and lowly people gather together and can only wait slowly. A place where old, weak and wandering girls die. In order to survive, these old and weak wandering girls can only forcefully solicit customers. They don't care about anything and drag passers-by directly to their houses. They look like evil ghosts from hell, so they are called "Rashomon River Bank".


Serizawa Kamo stared at the other party without sadness or joy.

In the next moment, he whipped out the iron fan engraved with the four characters "Serve the Country with Faith and Loyalty" from his waist, and knocked it against the opponent's face.

There was a muffled bang, and the opponent was beaten hard, and a large piece of swelling suddenly appeared on his face. Then he heard the sound of "vomit" and several broken teeth fell to the ground.

Serizawa had no intention of giving up. He swung the iron fan in his hand again.

At the moment when he was about to be thrown away, a big hand suddenly came out from behind and grasped his wrist like an iron pincer.

"Serizawa, calm down."

"Hijikata...why are you here?"

Serizawa turned his head and looked at Hijikata Toshizo who suddenly appeared with a gloomy look.

"After receiving the news from here, I rushed here non-stop."

"Fortunately, Otsu is not far from Kyoto. After riding on a fast horse, we arrived in less than an hour."

After saying that, Hijikata Toshizo let go of Serizawa Kamo's wrist, stepped forward, and passed Serizawa Kamo.

"He is deliberately irritating you so that you can kill him. Don't fall into his trap."

At this moment, Yuya Kiemon was like a dead dog, with his head hanging down, panting heavily, and a viscous liquid mixed with saliva and blood dripped from his lips.

Several teeth were abruptly broken... It is difficult to describe the pain in specific words.

Seeing Hijikata Toshizo stop Serizawa Kame, a look of joy flashed in his eyes - this emotion was keenly captured by Hijikata Toshizo.

"Oh? You seem very happy?"

"Ah, by the way, I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself."

"I am the deputy chief of the Shinsengumi, Toshizo Hijikata. He is also the 'Deputy Chief of the Demon' that people often call him."

As he spoke, he slowly squatted down so that he was at eye level with the other person.

At first glance, Toshizo Hijikata looks like a good gentleman.

He has a soft face, a smile on his face, and a friendly tone.

However, when this "nice gentleman" finished introducing himself, Yuya Kiemon seemed to have seen a ghost, his expression changed drastically, his eyes widened, and his pupils tightened.


From a certain perspective, he has indeed seen a ghost - in the eyes of the enemy, the decisive and ruthless "Deputy Commander of the Ghost" is the real evil ghost!

"I have just heard someone explain your situation in detail."

"Although you are an enemy, I have to admire your perseverance."

"After suffering so much torture, I can still grit my teeth and would rather die than say a word. It is really rare."

"But...that's it."

This moment...it was really a moment! Hijikata Toshirō's appearance suddenly changed!

The soft smile disappeared, the friendly tone disappeared.

Instead, there was an indifferent expression without sadness or joy, and a cold tone that seemed to be mixed with ice.

"Now that I, Hijikata Suisan, am here, I will not let you have another chance to show off your power."

"I have a lot of questions for you."

"I don't want to waste too much time on a simple 'torture'."

"I will use the most drastic means to make you quickly, obediently, and dare not hide anything and confess everything."

"So... now, let me tell you why I am called the 'Demon's Vice-Captain'."

As he said this, he slowly stood up and looked down at Yuya Kiemon.

"In fact, the reason is very simple - I am very cruel to my own people, and even more cruel to my enemies!"

"Come here, get two five-inch nails and two hundred-eye candles."

[Note: One hundred-eye candles: candles weighing one hundred taels (about 375 grams) each]

"Drill five-inch nails into his feet, from the instep to the sole, and then hang him upside down on the beam, and light the hundred-eye candles on the two nails!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent.

Whether it was Yuya Kiemon, Serizawa Kame, or the executioners, they were all stunned.

"What? Didn't you hear my order just now?"

Please vote for the monthly ticket! Please vote for the recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Cry.jpg)

PS: This chapter is a historical fact. Yuya Kiemon refused to confess, and Hijikata Toshizo personally took action and tortured him with this torture.

Finally, it's the famous "Ikedaya Incident"! Leopard Leopard is full of energy now! (Leopard.jpg)

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