I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 812 The enemy is in Ikeda House! [Leopard Update 6K3]

Surprise, confusion, nervousness... In an instant, the scene was filled with all kinds of emotions.

Facing this series of instructions from Qing Deng, everyone had different expressions.

As soon as Qing Deng finished speaking, Fujido Heisuke asked first:

"Divide the troops into two groups? Mr. Tachibana, is this really okay?"

"We don't have many people, only 20 people."

"In this case, we still have to divide the troops. In this way, won't our forces be greatly dispersed?"

Fujido Heisuke's words expressed the thoughts of many people present.

In fact, when they learned that the combat personnel participating in tonight's operation were only those who gathered in the Gion Club, many people felt that it was inappropriate.

After all, the Sonjo Faction is not a soft persimmon that is easy to pinch.

If the Sonjo Faction is really a soft bone that is easy to bully, they would not have caused headaches for the Shogun Faction until now.

Under the leadership and call of Qing Deng, the Shinsengumi gathered a group of swordsmen who have both superb skills and rich practical experience.

The current Shinsengumi can be called the strongest swordsman group in the world - but the Sonnōfaction also has no shortage of experts!

Katsura Kogoro and Yoshida Minoruma are both masters of swordsmanship.

Especially Katsura Kogoro, before Aoto became famous, he was famous in Edo for his superb swordsmanship.

What's more, as the leaders of the Sonnōfaction, they must be followed by many powerful bodyguards.

With only 20 people, attacking the summit meeting attended by Miyabe Teizo, Katsura Kogoro and others... Even if they have the advantage of "surprise attack", it will definitely be a bloody battle!

There are not many people to begin with, and they have to split into two groups... This, this... This is really too risky!

Qing Deng had expected that everyone would have such questions, so he answered calmly:

"The 9th Division has not yet found out the specific location and time of the meeting."

"It is getting dark, and time is running out. We can't wait for news from the 9th Division."

"However, what we can be sure of now is that the meeting place is in the northern area from Gion to Sanjo Bridge, and there is no mistake."

"Although the range is still large, there is a target at least, so we won't be running around like a headless fly."

"In this way, if we want to catch the bandits headed by Miyabe Teizo, we can only disperse the troops and search one by one."

"There is no other way."

"'Using stupid methods' is always better than 'having no solution'."

Speaking of Qing Deng paused for a moment, then smiled:

"I know that we don't have many troops to begin with, but we have to split them up, which is quite risky."

At this point, he changed the subject:

"But isn't this what we are best at?"

"Hasn't it been by winning one fierce battle after another that we have come this far?"

"So, don't panic, don't worry."

"We are just playing to our strengths of 'getting stronger when facing a strong opponent' and 'being indomitable'."

"No matter what kind of strong enemy we encounter, no matter what kind of crisis we encounter, we will hold the sword in our hands without hesitation and move forward - this is the Shinsengumi!"

The talent "Failed Art Student +2" is activated!

[Note·"Failed Art Student": The speech is contagious]

With the blessing of this talent, plus Qing Deng's own prestige and courage, the words he just said seem to contain special magic.

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere on the scene changed suddenly.

Although newcomers such as Matsubara Tadashi and Nakazawa Koto still looked nervous, everyone no longer hesitated or doubted, and a bunch of determined eyes wandered in the air.

No one raised any more questions.

As if they had agreed in advance, everyone dispersed, hung up their swords, tightened their cuffs, and made a final check on their equipment.

Qing Deng turned his head to look out the window beside him, looking at the sky in the distance.

The sunset had already completely sunk into the end of the town, and the afterglow gradually faded, and the color also changed with it.

The initial pale gold had quietly turned into orange-red, vermilion, and finally changed into a gorgeous purple.

And now, the approaching dusk was like a glutton, greedily swallowing up the purple in the sky.

When the last purple light dissipated and the sky was completely covered with night, Qing Deng turned back - behind him, everyone had already lined up, ready to go, staring at him in unison, waiting for his departure order.

Qing Deng turned his sight, swept across the circle, and shouted loudly:

"Shinsengumi, go out!"



In the night, a light green "torrent" rushed out of the Gion Club and rushed onto the street.

From a distance, it was full of momentum!

Everyone lowered their upper bodies, lowered their center of gravity, and trotted forward, with the hem of the haori fluttering under the wind pressure.

When passing a fork in the road, this "torrent" split into two.

The smaller one went straight to the west.

The larger one went east.



Kyoto, Kiyamachi (west of Kamo River), a hotel——

"Routine search!"

Without waiting for a response from inside, Kondo Isami pushed open the door of the shop, and Souji, Nagakura Shinpachi and others filed in.

The owner of this store probably didn't hear the words "routine search!" and thought that a group of rude guests had arrived. He smiled and hurriedly ran to greet them.

"Here we are! Here we are! Are you going to stay at the hotel, or... gulp!"

Before the boss finished speaking, he made a "gurgling" sound as if he was being choked, and the second half of the words was stuck in his chest. He couldn't say it out and couldn't swallow it down. He felt very uncomfortable and turned red in the face.

Everyone will be frightened when the famous Shinsengumi, who has the power to "kill first and then report" and enter any house he wants, suddenly comes to kill.

At this moment, the boss's mind was racing, thinking whether he had committed something recently, causing the Shinsengumi to come to arrest him. At this thought, he couldn't help but feel his legs weakening, and he collapsed directly on the ground.

Kondo Isamu and his party ignored the distraught boss, bypassed him and broke into the depths of the hotel.

They spontaneously dispersed into two groups, one group searched the first floor of the hotel, and the other group ran up the stairs to the second floor.

To this day, the reputation of the Shinsengumi is well known to everyone in Kyoto.

Looking at this group of menacing "light green swordsmen", the staff and guests in the hotel were all silent.

After a while, everyone returned to the entrance.

Chief Souma: "Director, there is nothing unusual on the first floor."

Director General: "Brother Kondo, there is nothing strange on the second floor!"

Kondo Isamu's expression remained unchanged and he nodded gently:

"Well, let's go."

With that said, he turned around and left.

The boss was still slumped on the spot, his eyes wide open, his cheeks stained with confusion, and his face was at a loss.

Kondo Isamu nodded to him:

"Boss, excuse me."

The rest of the people didn't even look at the boss, and followed Kondo Isamu's footsteps, leaving the store and returning to the street.

The general manager, who was walking at the end, suddenly stopped when he passed by the boss, with an apology on his face:

"Boss, I'm very sorry that it has affected your business. Please forgive me."

After leaving these words, she took another step and caught up with Kondo Isamu and others - when leaving, she did not forget to close the shop door with her backhand.

With the click of the shop door closing, silence returned to the inside and outside of the hotel.

The boss opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth slightly, staring blankly at the door of the shop, blinking hard, as if to confirm whether he was dazzled.

The Shinsengumi barged in without even saying a word about their purpose. After searching the store, they left directly... It was all so baffling that the boss felt that his brain was about to run out of ideas.

The too rapid and confusing changes in the situation make people feel like they are in a dreamland...

Kyoto, Nawate Street (east of Kamogawa), a certain hotel——

"Routine search!"

Niimi Nishiki is responsible for lifting the curtain, and Serizawa Kamo is responsible for pushing the door open-the two work together quite well.

They showed off their "door-to-door debt collection" momentum. After breaking into the store, like two bulls, they stretched out their hands and pulled open every door they could see.

After a while, I saw a young man - he was the owner of this shop - holding a naginata and rushing out angrily.

"Hey! You... Oh, you two gentlemen! What do you do for a living?"

In the blink of an eye...it really only took a blink of an eye. The boss personally demonstrated what "changing face" means.

After seeing the light green haori on Serizawa Kamo and others, the anger on his face instantly dissipated and turned into a vivid and flattering look.

While hiding the naginata behind his back, he actively asked "How can I help?"

Faced with the boss's enthusiasm, Serizawa Kamo's response was brief:

"Go away."

Serizawa Duck is always alert, nervous and ready for battle.

They don't miss every room in the hotel, and whenever they encounter a room, they must break in and check it out.

It's interesting to say that this process is like "Schrödinger's cat" - you never know what the room will be like before you open the door.

You might see a ronin drinking alone.

You may meet travelers from far away.

It is also possible that... you will encounter a sexy scene.

Although it had just fallen into the night, there were already men and women of various ages doing some shameful things under the covers.

When Serizawa Kamo pushed open the innermost room, he suddenly bumped into a woman and two men.

The two men looked poor and looked like ordinary townspeople.

As for the woman, although she is a bit older, her charm is still there.

She looked at Serizawa Duck who suddenly broke in, and then looked at the two men in front of her, her expression was very calm, as if she was not surprised:

"Why is there another one? Forget it, you just need to pay enough."

Kyoto, Kiyamachi (west of Kamogawa), Izakaya——

Nakazawa Qin swallowed, mustered up his courage, and pushed the door open.

"Example, routine guard (search) and cross (check)!"

She could still pronounce the first two words clearly.

But when it came to the last two words, she bit her tongue and got a screw.

Although he has the experience of "being a member of the New Recruitment Team and patrolling Edo", Nakazawa Qin is only good at work that does not require showing his face or speaking.

She is really not used to this kind of "publicity" work.

For a moment, everyone in the izakaya - whether it was staff or guests - turned to look at Nakazawa Qin, who was feeling embarrassed because he had eaten a screw and was standing frozen on the spot.

After seeing the light green haori on Nakazawa Qin's body, no one dared to laugh.

However, the joking meaning in their eyes cannot be hidden.

As if being steamed, Nakazawa Qin's delicate face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kyoto, Nawate Street (east of Kamogawa), a certain hotel——

Saitoichi: "..."

Nakazawa Sadaki: "..."

The former thought that the latter would be responsible for shouting "routine search".

The latter believes that this handsome job should be done by the captain.

As a result, the two people, who maintained a strange tacit understanding, just barged into the store without saying a word.

Because both of them had straight faces and didn't say a word, the owner of the store was scared to death.

It is said to be a "yamaboko patrol", but Kyoto is so big, it is naturally impossible for Yamaboko to visit every corner of Jiangdu.

In fact, Yamaboko only patrolled "Lakuzhong" and would not go to "Lakuwai" - and this is in line with the three views of "Old Kyoto".

In the eyes of "Old Kyoto", only "Luozhong" is the real Kyoto, and "Luowai" is the stinky place.

Thousands of Kyoto residents flock to "Rakuchu" to watch the annual "Yamaboko Parade".

For this reason, the flow of people in "Luowai" has been greatly reduced.

The entire block from Gion to Sanjo Bridge belongs to "Rakuwai".

As a result, there were not too many people on the street at this time - this was a great benefit to Qingdeng and others.

If there is a large flow of people on the street, it will definitely bring great inconvenience to the search operation.

The road was quiet and sparsely populated... Swordsmen wearing light green feathers were running back and forth.

"Team Aoto" and "Team Kondo"—the two teams who searched all the way north visited every inn and izakaya along the way.

However...so far, both teams have failed and gained nothing...

Time passes quietly...fatigue and anxiety are accumulating.

The feeling of powerlessness of "trying your best but with no results" consumes everyone's patience.

Except for a few people such as Qingnobo, Hijikata Toshizo, and Kondo Isamu, everyone else showed irritable and restless expressions.

At this moment, the same questions emerged in their minds:

Where is the meeting place...? !

Kyoto, Sanjo Bridge (west of Kamogawa River), Ikedaya——

This Sanjo Bridge is one of the inns on the Tokaido Road starting from Nihonbashi Bridge. There are densely populated hotels along the east-west road of the bridge.

Ikedaya is one of them.

This hotel is three and a half rooms wide (approximately 6.4 meters) in front and fifteen rooms deep (approximately 27.3 meters). It is a two-story building.

There are lattice doors and windows on the left side of the first floor, and a red shell lacquer wall on the left side. The second floor is surrounded by fine latticework, allowing people to peek outside from the inside, but pedestrians outside cannot see what is going on inside.

"Retreat to the aid! Retreat to the aid!"

The boss of Ikedaya called out to Yamazaki Hao.

Yamazaki Hao ran out of the kitchen in three steps at a time and ducked in front of the boss.

"Boss, I'm here! What are your orders?"

The boss stared directly at Yamazaki Hao's face. After a strange silence that lasted for several seconds, he showed a suddenly enlightened expression and said quickly:

"Huizuzuke! Big business is coming! Suddenly a generous guest came, saying that he would have a banquet immediately! The guests will be arriving soon, there will be about 30 people! This is a big job, you go to the kitchen to help Handle it!”

Big business, a banquet will be held soon, number 30... After hearing these words, Yamazaki Hao's eyes moved slightly.

As one of the most outstanding ninjas in the Shinsengumi, he quickly suppressed his emotional fluctuations and recovered as before.

After Lang said "yes", he silently retreated to the kitchen to cook and prepare drinks with the chefs and helpers.

On the one hand, he remained calm, and on the other hand, he raised his ears and paid attention to the movements outside the kitchen.

Suddenly, he heard dense and noisy footsteps coming from outside.

He suddenly became energetic and a serious look appeared on his brows.

After thinking for a while, he found a reason and quickly left the kitchen and went straight to the entrance.

"Guests! Please go this way! Watch your step! Watch out for the steps!"

Before reaching the entrance, Yamazaki Hao first heard the boss's enthusiastic voice.

Finally, he arrived at the entrance in time before the group of guests climbed to the second floor - looking around, he saw a crowd of people, shoulder to shoulder.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Yamazaki Hao, the boss asked in confusion after another strange silence:

"Oh, it's Tainosuke, what's wrong? Why are you here suddenly?"

Yamazaki Hao skillfully put a smile on his face:

"Boss, so you are here! I am looking for you!"

"Looking for me? What happened?"

"It's no big deal! I just want to tell you that our salt is about to run out! If we don't buy salt tomorrow, we won't be able to open!"

The boss patted his head.

"Ah, yes, I forgot to buy salt again today! Huinosuke, please remember to remind me to buy salt tomorrow!"

"Okay, okay, no problem!"

Yamazaki Hao deliberately slowed down his tone and talked more useless nonsense in order to delay time.

Pretending to talk to people or doing other things while observing the surrounding environment - this is one of the compulsory contents of the "Ninja Class" opened by A Wu.

While discussing with the boss, Yamazaki Hao quietly squinted his eyes and secretly observed the group of guests who suddenly came here to hold a banquet.

Thanks to his ultra-low presence, no one noticed that this very inconspicuous hand was quietly casting a hunter-like gaze at them.

All of these people, without exception, were samurai with swords on their waists.

They were of different ages, including middle-aged men in their forties and young men in their teens and twenties.

After taking a few glances, Yamazaki Cheng’s heart sank.

Although he was not good at martial arts, he was an excellent ninja who had received rigorous training. He had learned a lot of close combat moves from Awu. Before joining the Shinsengumi, he had also practiced a little judo, so compared to ordinary people, he could be called a warrior.

Therefore, even though he only observed with his naked eyes, he could easily find many martial arts masters who were worthy of vigilance among these people.

Apart from anything else, just their steady and powerful way of walking, strong and sturdy arms, and sharp eyes like eagles were enough for Yamazaki Cheng to make a judgment: they were definitely not ordinary people!

——Are they samurai who went out to practice together? Or...

Just as Yamazaki was secretly guessing the identities of these people, his pupils suddenly shrank - because he found a particularly familiar face among this group of samurai.

The face flashed a few times in the gap between the crowd, and then disappeared in the crowd of heads, and finally disappeared on the stairwell.

Because of being too surprised, Yamazaki almost cried out.

When the cry was about to come out, he came to his senses and tried his best to close his mouth, and finally swallowed the cry back into his stomach.

Before joining the Sonjo Movement, Katsura Kogoro was already a famous hero.

At that time, there was no one in the entire Edo martial arts circle who didn't know Katsura Kogoro.

Therefore, Katsura Kogoro's appearance was not a rare secret.

When Katsura Kogoro became a vicious criminal designated by the shogunate, wanted posters with his detailed appearance were scattered all over the world.

Katsura Kogoro looked good, with a dignified appearance and a handsome appearance.

At first glance, I thought he was a student at the Changpingzaka Academy.

[Note: Changpingzaka Academy: a high school directly under the Edo Shogunate. The highest institution of Confucian education in the Edo period. ]

For this reason, Katsura Kogoro's appearance is very memorable and easy to draw. A skilled painter can outline Katsura Kogoro's features with just a few strokes, unlike Yamazaki Cheng.

Memorizing the appearances of a number of wanted criminals such as Hisasaka Genzui, Kosaka Masanobu, Katsura Kogoro, etc. is the basic skill of the members of the Shinsengumi 9th Division.

Yamazaki Cheng had already seen the portraits of these people on the wanted posters thousands of times.

Therefore, although he only glanced at them quickly, he was still very sure that this person was Katsura Kogoro!

Katsura Kogoro appeared in Ikeda-ya-what does this mean behind this? A little thought can figure out the answer.

In an instant, Yamazaki Cheng felt a chill on his back-the cold sweat that suddenly broke out wet his clothes on the back.

At the same time, his heart in his chest began to beat vigorously - thump, thump, thump - this was both a nervous and excited sound!

After saying to the boss, "I'll go back to work first", he turned and walked towards the back kitchen.

However, when he was about to return to the back kitchen, he suddenly turned a corner and went straight to the back door of the store.

While walking slowly, the sensitivity of his facial features reached the peak! He did not miss any movement around him.

In a distance of about 100 meters, he seemed to have walked more than 100 kilometers.

Just as he stretched out his hand and was about to open the back door, a crisp voice suddenly sounded from behind him:

"Huh? You are... Oh! It's Tainosuke!"

Yamazaki Zheng was stunned for a moment.

After another moment, he had returned to normal, his face as usual.

"Miss Jian, why are you here?"

While asking, he turned and looked at the girl behind him - Jian, one of Ikedaya's hands.

A Jian held a basin of freshly washed rice in his hand and smiled:

"I was just about to ask you, what are you doing here in a sneaky way?"

Yamazaki Jun spread his hands:

"Nothing, I just heard the call of a wild cat outside the back door, so I wanted to drive it away."

"Wild cat? Ah, it seems to be like that. I don't know why in the past few days, I always hear the call of wild cats outside. These wild cats are so annoying! They always want to steal food."

After complaining, A Jian pretended to be annoyed:

"Okay, don't worry about wild cats! Although I really want to borrow the cat's claws now, cat claws are no match for human hands after all. Tainosuke, come and help quickly! Don't keep the guests waiting for too long! I don't want to be scolded by the boss."

As he said, A Jian held the rice in his arms, stepped on small steps, and hurried to the kitchen.

Yamazaki Jun smiled helplessly-a trace of regret flashed between his eyebrows.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you now."

He took a step to catch up with A Jian - before that, he quietly reached out to open the bolt of the back door.

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