I formed the strongest swordsman group

$ Chapter 813: Dharma punishes Prajna, please join us! 【Leopard update 6K2】

Chapter 813 The Dharma Punishes the Party·Prajna, please join us! 【Leopard update 6K2】

Kyoto, Sanjo Bridge (west of Kamogawa), Ikedaya, a room on the second floor——

Katsura Kogoro took off the sword from his waist and held it with his right hand.

When he entered the room, there were already many people sitting inside.

Seeing Katsura Kogoro coming, like Moses parting the sea, everyone in the room moved to the left and right to make way for the main seat.

"Mr. Gui, please come here!"

A humble-looking samurai—he was Odaka Matajiro, who was also the leader of the Zunbo faction—came forward and made a "please" gesture to Katsura Kogoro.

Katsura Kogoro nodded and stepped forward.

At this time, Otaka Matajiro looked confused.

"Mr. Gui, who is this?"

As he asked, he raised his gaze and looked straight at the young samurai who was following Katsura Kogoro, looking him up and down carefully.

I saw that this man was slender and quite tall, about 1.7 meters tall. He had no waist and was only wearing a sword with a red and purple handle and a sheath.

He was obviously wearing a formal kimono, but he had a Western bowler hat on his head and a Western cloak hanging down to his waist.

A mix of Japanese and foreign... This look is as weird as it gets.

After seeing this person's outfit, everyone in the room showed displeasure.

Everyone here is a fan of Zunxing Thought.

They were viscerally disgusted and repulsed by everything related to the West—ideas and clothing.

Therefore, it is no wonder that everyone has such a reaction now.

When they saw this man wearing a Western-style hat and a Western-style cloak openly in front of them, they all felt angry and cast displeased and angry glances at him.

Katsura Kogoro explained calmly:

"This is my bodyguard."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man raised his hand to press the hat on his head and bowed slightly.

"Gui'an, I am Katsura Kogoro's bodyguard. Please give me your advice."

As he spoke, a playful look emerged from the brim of his hat.

"...Hey, what's with you looking like this?"

What is supposed to come will come - a strong, thick warrior suddenly stood up, raised his feet and moved to the side of the "Top Hat Samurai".

The "Top Hat Samurai" spread his hands with an "innocent" look on his face:

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with my outfit?"

The "Majestic Warrior" gritted his teeth and pointed at the opponent's hat and cloak.

"Your hat! And your cloak! It's really an eyesore! We don't welcome people wearing Western clothes here! I'll give you two options now, either take off your hat and cloak, or get out with your clothes on." !”

Having said that, the "Majestic Warrior" raised his right hand and held down the handle of the sword at his waist. The threat was no longer strong.

However, in the face of the fierce threats from the "Majestic Samurai", the "Top Hat Samurai" reacted very calmly.

He raised his head slightly and glanced at the other party calmly.

"What if I say 'I refuse'?"

"I will neither take off my hat and cloak nor leave Katsura Kogoro's side."

"What can you do to me? What can you do to me?"

Suddenly, the room was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

The "Majestic Warrior" suddenly frowned, his eyes bulged, and veins popped out on his neck and temples.

Then he heard a "clang" sound - he raised his left thumb, pressed it against the tangent of the knife, and pushed the knife out just over an inch, revealing the red copper tenon.

The opponent's murderous intent has appeared! On the other hand, the "Top Hat Samurai" - he didn't move at all, everything remained the same, standing upright, with his arms hanging naturally, looking calm and calm.

At this critical moment, a large and generous hand poked out from the slanting thorn and stood between the "top hat warrior" and the "majestic warrior".


Katsura Kogoro raised his voice and his sharp eyes swept across the audience.

"Are we gathered here just to fight?"

"It's such a shame to start fighting before the meeting even starts!"

"The internal fighting between our lofty ideals has gone on for too long! Enough blood has been shed!"

"Are we going to continue fighting among ourselves even in this small space?"

"Matsuda-kun, put your sword back!"

"Tonight... no, no matter when or where we are, we, as lofty men and women, can no longer draw swords against our companions!"

"It is in order to achieve this goal that I have been running and struggling until now!"

The "majestic samurai" called "Matsuda-kun" hesitated for a moment, snorted coldly, and put the sword back into its sheath with a clang.

"Boy, save your life!"

As he spoke, he glared at the "top hat warrior" several times, then sat back down angrily.

The "Top Hat Samurai" shrugged, and a meaningful chuckle came from the corner of his mouth.

Katsura Kogoro glanced at him angrily.

"Let's go!"

Before he finished speaking, Katsura Kogoro strode towards the main seat of the room.

"Top Hat Samurai" raised his heels.

He slightly closed the distance between him and Katsura Kogoro, and whispered at a volume that only the two of them could hear clearly:

"Kogoro, you saved that man's life. Your dissuasion just now was very timely. If you had been even half a minute slower, that man's meal would have fallen to the ground."

Katsura Kogoro lowered his face, put on the same volume that only the two of them could hear clearly, and said half warning, half pleading:

"Let me make it clear first, you can't mess around tonight."

"The samurai in the top hat" laughed:

"I'll try my best."

Katsura Kogoro tilted his head slightly, stared at him with complicated eyes, and then stopped talking and ignored him.

After sitting down on the main seat, Katsura Kogoro turned his head to look at Ohtaka Matajiro:

"Ohtaka-kun, where is Mr. Miyabe? Hasn't he arrived yet?"

Ohtaka Matajiro replied:

"Mr. Miyabe should be here soon."

Coincidentally, just as Katsura Kogoro finished asking, footsteps came from the corridor.

With a sound of "Hua--", the door was pushed open.

A middle-aged man around 45 years old walked into the room slowly.

When the middle-aged man appeared, everyone at the scene, including Katsura Kogoro, cast respectful eyes at him.

This man had a neatly shaved head, was neither fat nor thin, and had an ordinary appearance.

However, his thick and heavy eyebrows and his bright eyes are very eye-catching.

Especially his eyes, which are the best annotation of the phrase "eyes like lightning", look majestic without being angry.

He is not someone else, but Miyabe Teizo, who even Katsura Kogoro has to respect!

Miyabe Teizo - born in the third year of Bunsei (1820), was originally a lecturer of Yamaga-ryu military science in Kumamoto Domain and a close confidant of Sanjo Sanemi.

His eyes turned around the room and finally fixed on Katsura Kogoro, sending a greeting indifferently:

"Katsura-kun, long time no see."

Katsura Kogoro bowed slightly and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner:

"Mr. Miyabe, I haven't greeted you for a long time. May I ask if you are in good health?"

"Well, there is nothing serious, but I am a little old, so my legs and feet are not as flexible as before."

As he said, he sat next to Katsura Kogoro, and the two sat with their knees against each other.

At this time, a loud shout suddenly came from outside the door:

"Dear guests! We are here to serve drinks!"

The samurai sitting next to the door responded:

"Come in!"

Accompanied by a "OK", the door opened again, and Ikedaya's servants filed in - Tainosuke was among them.

The servants held wine trays filled with freshly warmed wine, tiptoed carefully, and walked into the room lightly.

The guests in the room were all samurai. They had followed the etiquette of the samurai family, untied the swords from their waists, and placed them on the ground on the right side of their bodies.

The ground was full of swords...If you accidentally stepped on or kicked the swords of these samurai masters, it would not be a joke, and there would be bloody disasters!

Therefore, for the sake of their own lives, the servants had to concentrate and be extremely alert.

For Yamazaki Zheng, a professional ninja, this little thing was naturally no problem.

While deftly dodging the swords on the ground and serving drinks, he quietly turned his eyes around, looking for important figures such as Katsura Kogoro.

After a while, he found Katsura Kogoro on the main seat, as well as famous sonnong patriots such as Otaka Matajiro and Kitazome Jima.

——Which one is Miyabe Teizo?

Compared with Katsura Kogoro, whose portraits are flying all over the sky, Miyabe Teizo, who often works in secret and rarely comes to the stage, has a very mysterious appearance.

So far, the shogunate has not drawn an accurate portrait of him.

Just when Yamazaki Jun was secretly worried, someone offered him an "assist":

"Miyabe teacher, please put your sword here, so that it won't be stepped on."

The person who spoke was a young man, at most seventeen or eighteen years old.

He had good intentions.

However... as soon as he finished speaking, a bunch of sharp and fierce eyes cut towards him!

Yamazaki Zheng immediately squinted his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man sitting next to Katsura Kogoro.

——He is Miyabe Teizo...!

He was secretly happy in his heart, but he pretended to be calm on the surface, pretending that he had not heard the conversation just now.

After remembering Miyabe Teizo's appearance, he and other assistants quickly handed over the drinks and then slowly left the room.

As soon as they left, severe questions broke out in the room.

"How can you casually mention Miyabe teacher's name in front of outsiders, you bastard?!"

The young man just lowered his head with shame:

"Ten, ten thousand apologies! I was stupid!"

The young man became the target of public criticism.

Fortunately, Miyabe Teizo spoke up to save the situation:

"Okay, it's just a little negligence, don't worry about it, just pay more attention in the future."

Since Miyabe Teizo said so, everyone could only give up and no longer pursue the young man's fault.

Miyabe Teizo glanced at the wine in front of his knees, and then looked at everyone present.

After a while, his eyes fell on the "top hat samurai" next to Katsura Kogoro.

"Katsura-kun, who is this?"

"Mr. Miyabe, he is my bodyguard."

Miyabe Teizo raised his eyebrows and changed his tone to surprise:

"Bodyguard? Mr. Katsura, you actually hired a bodyguard, it's really strange."

As far as Miyabe Teizo knew, Katsura Kogoro had never hired a bodyguard to protect himself before.

Katsura Kogoro smiled bitterly:

"He is... one of my 'friends' forced me to take him with me. He said that Kyoto is currently in danger and it will be much safer to bring him."

Somehow, when the word "friend" was mentioned, Katsura Kogoro had a strange look on his cheeks.

Miyabe Teizo showed an expression of "I see" and turned to look at the "Top Hat Samurai". After looking him up and down for a few times, he asked:

"May I ask your name?"

The "Top Hat Samurai" curled his lips, raised his hand, and pretended to press the top hat on his head.

"I don't have a name to tell you, you can just call me 'Prajna'."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze...

Miyabe Teizo has an extremely high status in the hearts of most people present.

Miyabe teacher is asking you a question, and you are pretending, but you don't even want to give a proper name!

Everyone here already hates this guy in Western clothes, and now they hate him even more.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Katsura Kogoro had to explain helplessly:

"I'm very sorry, he doesn't know the etiquette, please forgive me."

The "strong warrior" who had just clashed with the "top hat warrior"... that is, with Prajna, sneered a few times and mocked in a muffled voice:

"Hmph! You are hiding your head and tail, don't you even have a name to show people?"

Prajna didn't tolerate the other party and directly hit back:

"I'm just too lazy to tell you my real name."

The title of "good-for-nothing" is like a boulder falling into the lake, which immediately caused a thousand waves!

In an instant, a bunch of angry eyes pierced Prajna directly.

"What did you say?!"

The "strong warrior" stood up, and the anger in his eyes was about to burst out.

Prajna calmly crossed her legs, propped up her right arm, and propped up her chin:

"Hmm? Did I say anything wrong?"

"You don't think you are very capable, do you?"

"Let me ask you--"

"Is there anything about you that doesn't make people think you are good-for-nothings?"

"Is there anything about you that makes people look up to you?"

"Is it the disastrous defeat in the 'Shimonoseki War'?"

"Or the embarrassing escape in the 'August 18th Coup'?"

"Or is it the cowardly situation of being chased and beaten by the Shinsengumi, unable to walk openly on the streets of Kyoto, and even daring not to give your name in a Kyoto hotel?"

After throwing out this series of questions like a machine gun, Prajna leisurely swept his eyes--his eyes were full of strong sarcasm--passing across the faces of everyone in front of him.

Anyone who was swept by his eyes, as if they had done something wrong, lowered their heads, looked away, and dared not look at him.

There is a saying that "lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharpest knife".

What Prajna said just now was really like a thorn, and every sentence was like a knife.

Even if you want to argue, you can't refute it.

In recent years, the performance of the Sonnōjō faction is indeed very bad - to put it bluntly, it is a disgrace!

First, Choshu boasted about expelling the barbarians, and on May 10 last year, it showed its "guaranteed that the barbarians will never return".

Even the imperial court had high hopes for Choshu and praised Choshu's righteous deeds.

However... the US-French coalition only sent a few warships, and beat Choshu to a pulp without losing a single soldier. How shameless it was.

Not only did the Sonnōjō faction lose face, but even the imperial court, which had always supported the Sonnōjō faction and believed that Choshu would fight a good battle, also became a ridiculous clown.

Then came the "August 18th Coup", and Choshu was driven out of Kyoto by the Kai-Satsu coalition forces, losing the biggest advantage of "holding the imperial court hostage".

Then, there is the current "fear of the Shinsengumi like a tiger".

After the "August 18th Coup", Kyoto completely became the world of the pro-shogunate faction.

The Shinsengumi is in charge of Kyoto's public security and hunts down Sonjo patriots everywhere.

Although the Shinsengumi has not caught any big shots so far, it has caught a lot of small fish and shrimps.

As a result, Sonjo patriots can only hide in various corners of Kyoto secretly. When they see the samurai wearing light green feathers, they turn around and run away. It's almost a stress response.

Although what Prajna said was true, the dignity of the samurai and the Sonjo patriots made them unwilling to face this cruel fact, let alone spit in their faces.

"You bastard...!"

The "strong samurai" squeezed out a hoarse roar from between his clenched teeth.

The next moment, he pounced on the other party like a tiger!

In a flash, his big hand had grabbed the other party's collar.

At this moment, Miyabe Teizo suddenly spoke:

"...Matsuda-kun, stop it!"

The "strong warrior" stopped immediately, his big hand stopped in mid-air, his fingertips only half an inch away from Prajna's collar.

"Miyabe teacher?"

He looked at Miyabe Teizo with a puzzled look.

Miyabe Teizo repeated calmly:

"Matsuda-kun, stop it."

"Your anger will only make people look down on us more."

"Don't we, the son-jō warriors, have the ability to humbly accept criticism and face accusations honestly?"

At this point, he pointed his finger at Prajna and raised his voice.

"Did he say anything wrong?"

"He was telling the truth, wasn't he?"

"If we get so angry and even resort to violence to support our pitiful self-esteem just because someone else told us the truth and pointed out our failures and shortcomings, then we should just disband and go back to our own homes!"

"How can such an arrogant and closed-door organization succeed?"

The loud voice of Miyabe Tingzang was clearly heard by everyone present.

Looking up, whether it was the "Majestic Warrior" or others, everyone looked ashamed at this time.

After hesitating for a moment, the "Majestic Warrior" bowed respectfully to Miyabe Daizo:

"Teacher Miyabe, I realize that I was wrong..."

After that, he silently sat back down, his appearance becoming extremely docile.

Just a few words made everyone who was originally furious regain their composure... The prestige of Miyabe Kedou among respected people is evident.

After harshly criticizing, Miyabe Daizo turned slightly sideways and faced Katsura Kogoro.

"Guijun, I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

After hearing this, Katsura Kogoro quickly responded:

"No, it was our side that was rude first! It was me who wanted to say 'sorry' to you!"

Although the process was quite tortuous, a conflict that almost broke out was finally eliminated with the mediation of Miyabe Daizo.

Katsura Kogoro let out a long sigh of relief, then turned his head slightly and cast a murderous and murderous look at Hannya.

"You guys...are you here to protect me, or are you here to trap me?"

Prajna shrugged and spread his hands:

"Sorry, that's just me."

"I'm outspoken, I say whatever I want, and I never coddle anyone."

"Because of my unpleasant personality, I was often scolded by my master."

He was apologizing, but there was no sincerity on his face.

In short, after this small disturbance, the order on the scene was finally restored to normal.

Miyabe Daizo asked while scanning the entire audience:

"Is everyone here?"

Otaka Matajiro replied:

"Almost everyone is here."

Miyabe Daizo nodded lightly:

"So, without further ado, let's start tonight's meeting!"

At this time, Katsura Kogoro frowned slightly and looked around.

"Wait! Where is Yoshida-kun? Where is Yoshida-kun?"

The Yoshida-kun he spoke of was none other than Yoshida Minoru, one of the "Third Showmen of the Shoin Sect" and "The Four Heavenly Kings of the Shoin Sect".

Miyabe Daizo, Katsura Kogoro, and Yoshida Minoru—in tonight’s meeting, these three people have the most distinguished status.

Faced with Katsura Kogoro's question, Miyabe Daizo smiled slightly:

"Just before departure, Yoshida-kun accidentally kicked over the tea and wet his hakama. He had to change his clothes again, so he had to arrive later."

After hearing this, Katsura Kogoro smiled helplessly:

"Ha...Yoshida-kun is still the same, too serious."

Yoshida Minoru is a person who attaches great importance to tradition. His character is conservative at best and old-fashioned at worst. It is precisely because of this that he, like Hisasaka Genrui, went to the dark side on the road of "radical resistance to foreigners".

He enjoys the red tape that others fear to avoid.

"Yoshida-kun hasn't arrived yet, let's wait for him for now."

As soon as Katsura Kogoro finished speaking, Miyabe Daizo shook his head:

"No, Yoshida-kun told me personally, let's start the meeting first without waiting for him."

Now that Miyabe Daizo had said so, Katsura Kogoro was too embarrassed to continue to insist, so he could only nod in agreement.

As the instruction to "start the meeting" was given, everyone stood up and adjusted their seats.

Katsura Kogoro and Miyabe Daizo sat side by side on the main seat. The others were divided into two rows on the left and right according to their status, and sat below Katsura and Miyabe in order, facing each other.

Meeting, begin!

Kyoto, Kiyamachi (west of Kamogawa), somewhere——

"Shinpachi, where are we now?"

Souji asked Shinpachi beside him while looking around blankly.

Nagakura Shinpachi looked around.

"I don't know... all I remember now is that the river in the distance is Kamogawa."

How many hotels and izakayas have been searched since the battle was launched?

They have lost count.

All I know is that as soon as they see a hotel or an izakaya, they pounce on them, and then leave without any gain.

As time went by, their fighting will, which had been aroused by Qingdeng's passionate speech, gradually diminished.

Damn it, tonight happens to be a standard "tropical night".

The temperature is high, the humidity is high, and the body temperature is directly off the charts.

The extremely uncomfortable and muggy weather further dampened their morale.

After repeated blows, looking up, there was no trace of life left on everyone's face.

At this moment, they were trotting towards their next target.

Souji looked up at Isamu Kondo in front of him.

"Brother Kondo, where are we going now?"

Isamu Kondo took out the map from his pocket and took a look.

"The place we are going to now...is the 'Ikedaya' next to Sanjo Bridge!"

Today is another day when Leopard updates 6K+! The Four Thousand Leopards have not appeared for a long time, and now there are only 6,000 Leopards. Seeing how powerful the Leopards are, please be sure to vote for this book! Leopard needs your encouragement (Leopard in tears.jpg)

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