I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 833: Transform Vairocana into a black knife! [4500]

Boss Kiryu’s tone was calm, but the content of what he said was explosive!

Even the well-informed Qingdeng couldn't help but be stunned.

The Yamada Asaemon clan secretly arrested people to refine medicine—Aoto had also heard about this.

He only regarded it as a common urban legend among the people and did not take it seriously.

And now... Boss Kiryu, who is a direct descendant of the Yamada Asaemon family, has personally admitted: This matter is true!

In order to treat a big shot, arresting innocent people to make medicine... Although it is shocking, if you think about it carefully, it is not surprising that this happened to the shogunate.

After all, this is a regime that regards "keeping farmers half-dead" as its basic national policy.

Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Edo shogunate, once said: Keeping peasants half-dead is the secret of politics.

In the feudal era, farmers accounted for the vast majority of the population.

Therefore, if the farmers determine the country, the country will be stable, and if the country is determined, the world will be stable.

Farmers live a very good life, and it is easy for them to have unreasonable thoughts.

When farmers live too hard, they are prone to rebellion.

To sum up, keeping the living standards of farmers at a level where they "neither starve to death nor have enough to eat" can ensure the long-term stability of the Tokugawa world.

Since Tokugawa Ieyasu, the phrase "let the peasants live half-dead" has always been the basic national policy of the Edo shogunate.

Participating in the pilgrimage, helping the villagers... all kinds of weird policies and weird methods, torturing both the daimyo and the common people, and torturing the people all over the world in different ways, just to ensure the prosperity of the Tokugawa family.

Although extremely cruel, facts have proven that these methods are indeed effective, and the Edo shogunate was able to become the longest-lasting and most stable samurai regime in Japanese history.

For such a feudal regime that does not take human life seriously, it is not unusual for the Yamada Asaemon family to use living people to refine medicine.

After all, with the master-disciple relationship, Qingden and Boss Kiryu are considered old acquaintances.

Although we cannot generally use words such as "kindness" and "amiable" to summarize the character of Boss Kiryu, there is one thing that Aomori is sure of: he is by no means the kind of ruthless person who kills the people!

Among other things, he would never approve of such fucked-up things as "sacrifice the lives of innocent people just to treat a big shot."

Discovering that his father was using innocent people to make medicine... No matter how imaginative Qingto was, he couldn't imagine how disappointed and uncomfortable Boss Kiryu felt at that moment.

After a brief period of shock, Qingdeng took a deep breath to calm down, held his breath and continued to listen carefully.

Now that things have happened, no matter what Boss Kiryu says, he won't be surprised anymore.

"Since we have talked about my life experience, let me talk about the origin of Vairocana."

Boss Kiryu said, turning to look at Vairocana on Qingden's waist.

"This knife was designed by my grandfather."

"Although we, Yamada Senemon, have read countless swords and are recognized as sword appraisers, we have never had a sword of our own."

"So, grandpa, he consulted the sword test data passed down by his ancestors and decided to forge a unique 'Supreme Great Property'."

"His ideal ideal knife should not only cut iron like clay, but also be extremely tough."

"The knife test data left by our ancestors can be said to be overwhelming."

"Grandpa looked through the 'origami' paper and worked hard. It took several years to finally complete the design."

[Note: Origami: The file used by the Yamada Asaemon clan to record the results of knife tests]

"Then he spent a lot of money to find a swordsmith who could forge this sword."

"In the end, the swordsmith he chose was Shikisaki, who had no interest in worldly affairs and lived in seclusion in the mountains."

"Although the knife designed by my grandfather is perfect, it is relatively difficult to forge."

"Even Shikizaki, who has superb sword forging skills, suffered a lot."

"Although I don't know how many scrap swords Shikizaki forged, it's at least a thousand."

"Although our family is not as rich as the rest of the world, we are not short of money either."

"But even if it's like this, I can't stand such trouble."

"In order to forge this sword, it can be said that grandpa spent all his family wealth."

"Although the process was tortuous, fortunately, the end result was beautiful."

"After countless setbacks, this unparalleled 'greatest asset' has finally appeared!"

Qingdeng was fascinated by it.

He never expected that the knife that had been with him for so long would have such a history!

Hearing this, he couldn't help but pull out Vairocana from his waist and point the tip of the knife to the sky.

Under the sunlight, the blade bloomed with a coquettish purple light.

Boss Kiryu raised his gaze and looked at Vairochana's smooth blade, his eyes flashing with half nostalgia and half emotion.

"From the steel material to the length of the blade, to the arc of the blade, the width of the handle...every place and every inch of detail is perfect!"

"I guarantee it in the name of Yamada Sen'emon - if you want to choose the one that is 'most suitable for slashing' among the swords in the world, even if this sword does not win the first place, it will definitely be among the best!"

"Because of its great power, grandpa named this sword after the Great Sun Tathagata."

"It's a pity that it was not included in "Huai Bao Sword Ruler"."

"Otherwise, the hierarchy of the 'Supreme Great Property' will have to be rearranged."

After Qingdeng heard this, he nodded solemnly in agreement.

The "Kaibho Sword Ruler" published by the Yamada Senemon clan uses cutting power as the criterion for judging swords.

The criterion for judging "The Greatest Karma" is that with one blow, there is an 80% to 90% chance that it can cut off the human body directly.

"Huaibo Sword Ruler" records a total of 228 swordsmen's swords, among which there are only 12 types of "the highest great assets": Choso Ni Kotetsu, Choso Ni Xingmasa, Seiguan Kangen, Sun Liu Kanegen, Shodai Guobao, Shodai Sukehiro, Shodai Tadayoshi, Mutsu Moronagachi, Tatara Nagayuki, Nagafune Hidemitsu, Mihara Masaie, Nagafune Motoju—all are great swords worth thousands of gold, or even ten thousand gold!

After the "Ikedaya Incident", Souji's sword Kaga Kiyoshi was broken.

Qingdeng originally planned to simply give her a "Supreme Great Property".

However, large swords of this level will basically not enter the market. Most of them are collected by wealthy families. They are typically priceless and have no market. Even if you want to buy them, there is no supply.

If swords are appraised according to the standards of "Huai Bao Sword Ruler", then there is no doubt that Vairochana definitely belongs to the "Supreme Great Karma"!

When Qingden wields Vairocana, no body is left incomplete and broken with every blow!

In addition to being as tough as clay and extremely tough, what’s even more valuable is that its feel is unparalleled!

Regardless of the length and curvature of the blade, the weight of the blade, and the size and width of the handle, they are all extremely comfortable.

Qingdeng has never used such a comfortable knife.

After getting used to using Vairochana, when I hold other swords, I feel like I am "making fun of a prosthetic limb", which is unnatural and uncomfortable.

It is no exaggeration to say that after receiving this sword, Qingden has completely transformed into the shape of Vairocana!

At this time, Boss Kiryu seemed to have recalled something, paused for a moment, and then changed into a meaningful tone.

"Actually, this sword still has a chance to rise to another level."

When Qingdeng heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and listened carefully.

"There is a very rare steel in this world."

“We call it ‘Wanliang Steel’”

"As the name suggests, this is a special steel that must be tempered thousands of times before it can be forged."

“For knifemakers, this steel is truly a dream steel!”

"The blade forged from this steel is not only extremely sharp, but also extremely hard, resistant to burning and corrosion."

“What’s even more amazing is that this steel turns the blade a deep black.”

"And this is the rare 'black knife' in the world."

"I have considered finding this steel and using it to recast Vairocana's blade."

"In this way, Vairocana will become the well-deserved 'No. 1 Sword in the World'!"

"It's a pity...'Wan Liangang' is very rare."

"I have traveled all over the world for decades and have never seen this steel with my own eyes."

"As for the black knife, I've seen one before."

"The lord's sword is the black sword."

"When we were young, we were always puzzled as to why our lord's sword was black."

"I only know that a very special steel is used, but I don't know the name of this steel."

“It wasn’t until I gained experience that I realized that the knife was forged with ‘Wan Lian Steel’.”

"My lord once said to me: If I want to, she can give me her sword and let me extract the 'Wanliang Steel' from it."

"I don't know how I could possibly melt the lord's beloved sword."

"There is nothing we can do..."

"Using Ten Thousand Refined Steel to recast Vairochana's blade - this matter can only become a thought of mine."

Black Knife—a name full of style.

Just hearing the name makes people feel amazing!

Qingdeng didn't know how to forge swords.

However, based on the chemistry knowledge he learned in his previous life, he felt that the "ten steelmaking" mentioned by Kiryu's boss was probably tungsten steel!

Tungsten steel is a cemented carbide, known as the tooth of modern industry. It has a series of excellent properties such as high hardness, wear resistance, good strength and toughness, heat resistance, and corrosion resistance.

In particular, its high hardness and wear resistance remain basically unchanged even at a temperature of 500°C, and it still has a high hardness at 1000°C.

If tungsten steel could be used to forge knives...that would be incredible! It is completely capable of crushing the swords of the same era!

But... to be honest, in the feudal era when iron was still made with hammers, it was hard for Qingden to believe that any blacksmith could make tungsten steel.

Even with tungsten steel, it was hard for him to believe that a blacksmith could control this kind of carbide that could still maintain its hardness at a high temperature of 1,000 degrees.

Although it is unbelievable, Boss Kiryu just made it clear that his lord...that is, Kinoshita Rin, owns a black sword!

So, maybe this era does have the mysterious technology to make tungsten steel and use tungsten steel to forge knives.

No matter what, Qingdeng silently remembered the words "Wan Liangang" and "Black Knife" in his heart.

Boss Kiryu’s narration continues:

"After Vairochana appeared in this world, Grandpa regarded this sword as a family heirloom sword."

"He personally stipulated that only the head of the Yamada Asaemon family can own this sword."

"After my grandfather died, this knife was passed down to my father."

"Since Vairochana came into being, the execution process on the execution ground has become a little more gentle."

"Because Vairocana is so sharp, in many cases, the victims do not realize that they have been beheaded, and they die very happily."

"Because it is the heirloom sword of the 'Executioner Family', it has been soaked in the blood of countless sinners, and the blade glows purple due to the addition of special materials, so it got the name of the 'Demon Sword'."

"I dare not say whether there is a knife in this world that is sharper and tougher than Vairochana."

"But I dare to say that when it comes to 'killing people', there is probably no sword in this world that can beat Vairocana!"

"Throughout the four generations, grandfather, father, me, and you, the number of people who have died under this sword is six thousand if not eight thousand."

When Qingdeng heard this, he couldn't help but asked:

"Boss Kiryu, you just said: Your grandfather personally stipulated that Vairocana can only be passed on to the head of the Yamada Asaemon family."

"If this is the case, then I am not qualified to own this sword."

As he spoke, he specifically raised his gaze to look at the demon sword in his palm.

Boss Kiryu smiled slightly:

"Tachibana-kun, you don't have to worry."

"Since my father's generation, no one has followed this ancestral system."

"If we really act according to this ancestral system, I am not qualified to own this sword - I left the family long ago, and I am not the head of the family."

"I won't go into details."

"In short, after I left the family and went through a series of things, my father and I were reconciled."

"Father decided to entrust Vairocana to me."

"No matter what, this sword will always be the family heirloom sword of the Yamada Asaemon clan."

"So, as I grew older, I began to think about whether to return Vairocana to the family or entrust it to a trustworthy descendant."

"Tachibana-kun, before I met you, I had thought of handing Vairochana to Katsumi."

“This way, you get the best of both worlds.”

"Not only can the sword be returned to the family, but it can also be placed in the hands of a trustworthy junior."


Speaking of this, Boss Kiryu's tone suddenly dropped.

There was a look of sadness that could not be concealed on his cheeks.

He half-closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

After calming down, he calmly continued:

"Perhaps it's because our family has committed too many crimes, so we received bad retribution."

"Almost every generation suffers from the problem of 'infertility'."

"My father's fertility is already considered the best in the family. He has two legitimate sons, my brother and me."

"As early as the fourth generation, the entire family has been extinct, without a single son."

"As a last resort, I can only adopt a son to inherit the name of the fifth generation."

“Since then, our family has continued the practice of ‘adopting children’.”

"We widely adopt talents with extraordinary swordsmanship and train them carefully."

"This will not only ensure that the family's incense continues, but also expand the family's business of testing knives and refining medicine."

"After I left the family, the name of 'Yadaime Yamada Asaemon' was inherited by my younger brother, Yamada Asaemon Yoshitomo."

"My younger brother, like our ancestors, also has the problem of 'infertility'."

"He had no heirs throughout his life."

"Therefore, he can only follow family practice and adopt a wide range of children."

"He has many adopted children. At the highest number, there were more than a dozen of them."

"Although my relationship with my father is very delicate, my relationship with my brother is very good."

"I've been in constant contact with him."

"About 20 years ago, I received the news that my younger brother was seriously ill."

"When I hurried back to my hometown in Edo, my brother was only half-breathed."

"I still vividly remember the scene at that time."

"My younger brother tried his best to hold my hand and said to me: 'Brother, Kenji will be given to you. Please be sure to train him carefully. He will definitely become an unparalleled swordsman in the world.'"

"Yamada Asaemon Katsumi - the last adopted son adopted by his younger brother, and also the adopted son who amazed him the most."

"Kenji was originally an orphan adopted by the temple."

“This temple is often visited by our family.”

"By chance, my younger brother met Katsumi in the temple and was impressed by his swordsmanship talent."

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

ps: Bao Baozi’s high school chemistry score is always around 30 points. I don’t understand alloys at all, so everyone can just watch and enjoy it and don’t delve into it.

PS: After 40 hours of hard work, Leopard Leopard successfully cleared "Black Myth Wukong". I am very touched. I never thought that one day we would be able to make such a great game. I am so honored. (Leopard Leopard Head with Tears.jpg)

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