I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 834 Qing Deng has the strongest

"It is impossible to find out who Katsumi's parents are."

“While he was still an infant, he was laid at the door of the temple.”

In the Edo period, temples were not only equivalent to "neighborhood committees", but also assumed some functions of orphanages.

When poor families cannot afford to raise children and cannot bear to abandon them in the wild, they often leave the children at the door of the temple and let the temple take them in.

Of course, the temple is not a charity hall after all, and whether you are willing to accept all the temples depends on the wishes of others.

"The temple that housed Katsumi was once rich in monk soldiers."

"Although monk soldiers have been banned under the suppression of the Edo shogunate, this temple has always retained the atmosphere of 'practicing martial arts and keeping fit'."

"Kenji grew up in such an environment full of martial arts, and he was deeply influenced by martial arts since he was a child."

"When my brother met Katsumi for the first time by chance, he happened to be practicing swordplay in the courtyard."

"It is no exaggeration to say...when I saw the sword skills of Katsumi, who was only 8 years old at the time, my brother was simply shocked!"

"An 8-year-old child wields a knife with ease."

"The straightness of the sword's tendon, the speed of the sword, the power of the sword, and the skill of the sword are so wonderful that my brother almost thought he was being practiced by some swordsman."

"My younger brother was already over sixty years old at that time. The position of head of the family has long been passed on to the younger generation. At the same time, he may not have adopted a son for a long time and only wants to live a leisurely life."

"Kenji's appearance made him change his mind."

"He couldn't bear to see such geniuses being buried."

"So, my brother made up his mind: Letting Keji become a monk is really a waste of natural resources. He should not be with the Ancient Buddha of Qingdeng. What should be his companion is the sword!"

"In this way, my younger brother approached the abbot and truthfully informed him of his intention to accept Ji as his adopted son and closed disciple."

"The process of adopting Katsumi was pretty smooth."

"However, before leaving the temple with Keji, the abbot suddenly approached his younger brother and warned him earnestly: Although Keji is an unparalleled swordsmanship prodigy, he has a fatal flaw - he is too competitive and only knows how to look at himself and cannot see Others.”

"The abbot saw through his character flaw, so he gave him the name 'Kenji'."

"Haha... Now that I think about it, what the abbot said is true..."

"Anyway, my brother successfully adopted Katsumi and took him out of the temple."

"From then on, Katsumi officially changed his name to 'Yamada Asaemon Katsumi' and became a member of the Yamada Asaemon family."

"Kenji has lived up to his brother's expectations."

"He is indeed a swordsmanship wizard who is rare to see in a century."

"When he first performed the 'Knife Splitting Tatami' training, he successfully cut the blade into the gap between two tatami mats with a wave of his hand."

"After being carefully trained by his younger brother, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds."

"In just half a year, he completely mastered the 'executioner swordsmanship' passed down from generation to generation in the Yamada Asaemon family."

"Unfortunately... not long after, my brother fell seriously ill and his health deteriorated."

"The reason why my brother adopted Katsumi was not out of profit considerations."

"We don't expect him to become the future head of the Yamada Asaemon clan, nor do we expect him to have any outstanding achievements in the future."

"I just want to cultivate this swordsman prodigy and don't want his talent to be buried - that's all."

"Therefore, on his deathbed, my brother begged me to teach him self-denial."

"To be honest, I felt sorry for my brother at that time, so I just nodded in agreement."

"I had not seen Katsumi then."

"I have absolutely no idea what this person looks like or what his talents are."

"It wasn't until I saw Katsumi with my own eyes, and saw with my own eyes that he was only 10 years old and had achieved terrifying strength that everyone had heard of, that I finally understood why my brother valued this person so much."

"The gift of self-denial delights me greatly."

"Having both an innately strong physique and unparalleled talent in swordsmanship, he is truly a martial arts prodigy that is rare to see in a century."

"When I was his age, I wasn't that good."

"Before I met Katsumi, I had been looking for someone to inherit my mantle, but to no avail."

"It is no exaggeration to say that I even felt a little desperate at that time."

"I have no choice but to be mentally prepared, 'I'm afraid my secret knowledge will be lost.'"

"Kenji's emergence gave me hope again."

"After my younger brother passed away, I took Katsumi away from the Yamada Asaemon family and took him with me to nurture him carefully."

"Although it sounds like I'm boasting, I have indeed devoted all my efforts to the cultivation and education of self-denial. I am fully worthy of the term 'teaching with all my resources'."

"While further improving his sword skills, I also taught him the 'Liu Guang' sword drawing technique."

"Kenji's performance did not disappoint me."

"It only took him a very short time to completely master the 'streaming light'."

"Not long after that, he completely mastered the secret of 'Snap'."

Hearing this, Qingdeng couldn't help but frown slightly, and his facial expression became solemn.

Secret moment - this move, Qingden has not fully mastered it until now!

On the other hand, senior brother... Judging from Boss Kiryu's description, he seemed to have mastered this magical skill without much effort.

This alone is enough to prove the terrifying strength and terrifying talent of Keji!

At this time, Boss Kiryu's facial features softened a little.

"My relationship with Katsumi is that of master and disciple, but also family."

"I'm not married, I don't have any children, I'm used to living alone."

“What does it feel like to have offspring?”

"It's like asking me where the edge of the universe is - how could I possibly know."

"Kenji's appearance filled this 'blank' for me."

"He made me understand for the first time that having descendants is not a bad thing."

"I treat him like one of my own."

"For me, Katsumi is both my precious apprentice and my half-son."

"In terms of strength, he is my favorite disciple and has a bright future."

"In terms of origin, he is a member of the Yamada Asaemon family."

"No matter from which point of view, entrusting Vairocana to him is the most appropriate choice."

"Logically speaking, this is how it should be..."

Speaking of this, Boss Kiryu stopped and remained silent for a long time.

He closed his eyes and looked up to the sky, seeming to be regulating his emotions.

Although he seemed expressionless, Qingden could clearly feel countless complex emotions surging in his chest.

Qingdeng said nothing and waited quietly.

After a moment, Boss Kiryu slowly opened his eyes and continued:

"Everything is just as the abbot said."

"Kenji is too competitive."

"His eyes can only see himself and no one else."

"Even though the abbot gave him the name 'Kenji', he failed to 'control himself'."

"Kenji is a standard martial artist."

"He has no interest in money, beauty, power and other worldly things."

"He has one and only one goal: to continue to become stronger, surpass the 'Four Sword Saints', become the strongest swordsman in history, and become the 'unparalleled one for thousands of years'."

The Four Sword Masters - Ogata Issei, Kinoshita Genichi, Kamizumi Nobutsuna, and Tsukahara Buden.

Throughout Japanese history, only four of them have been awarded the title of "Sword Masters", so they are collectively called the "Four Sword Masters".

Boss Kiryu sneered "ha".

"Ordinary warriors just pursue 'unparalleledness in the world'."

"His ambition is not small. He actually wants to become unparalleled in a thousand years."

"However, on the other hand, his obsession with being 'unparalleled for thousands of years' also forced him to continuously improve himself."

"Keep practicing and keep challenging."

"When you see a strong person, you are happy; when you see a weak person, you are disgusted."

"I only think about getting stronger and don't ask about anything else."

Boss Kiryu paused for a moment, then turned to look at Qingto beside him.

"Tachibana-kun, what kind of 'sword' do you think is the most powerful 'sword'?"

The sudden rhetorical question made Qingdeng startled.

After thinking for a moment, Qingdeng replied:

"Although I really want to answer 'the fastest and most powerful sword is the most powerful sword', I know that there will definitely be a philosophical answer to a question like this."

Boss Kiryu chuckled a few times as if he was amused.

When he was done laughing, he continued quietly:

"A sword is a murder weapon, and swordsmanship is a killing technique - if you hold this view, then your answer is not wrong."

"If you just want to kill people, you really don't have to worry about anything else. Just swing the knife fast and hard."

"But in my opinion, this kind of 'sword' is not the strongest."

"Tangerine-kun, listen carefully."

"Decapitate the enemy you want to kill and protect the object you want to protect - only by doing this can you be the most powerful 'sword'"

"The most powerful 'sword' must also be the weakest 'sword'."

"When you have the desire to kill, you can cut iron like clay."

"But when I feel compassion, I can't even cut a thin piece of paper."

"A sword that destroys everything it touches cannot be considered a 'sword', it is just a claw of a beast."

"It's funny... I actually only gradually understood this truth recently."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Qingden.

"Tangerine-kun, thank you very much."

Qingto was stunned and looked at Boss Kiryu with a puzzled expression.

"'Thank you'? Boss Kiryu, why do you want to 'thank' me."

Boss Kiryu smiled slightly:

"Ji Jun, since I took you as my disciple, I have been watching all your behaviors."

"Compared to Keji who is ambitious and regards 'Millennium Unparalleled' as his goal, you are too pure-minded."

"For a long time, I even felt that you were a little unprogressive."

"It seems that the only thing you can call 'ambition' and pursue hard is to marry the young master, Miss Chiba and Miss Okita, and start a big family."

When Qingdeng heard this, he couldn't help but look away and blinked in embarrassment.

After complaining about Aoshinobu, Boss Kiryu changed the subject:

"However, you are so pure and stoic, but you can always burst out with amazing power."

"Defeated one strong enemy after another, and overcome one difficulty after another."

"It made me wonder: Why are you so powerful? Why are you so brave?"

"I thought for a long time and finally came up with the answer - you have a heart that is 'willing to protect others'."

"Tachibana-kun, you and Katsumi are completely different."

"Kenji only looks at himself and is superstitious about his own power. He believes that as long as he continues to train his body and improve his swordsmanship, he will definitely become stronger and become a 'Millennium Unparalleled'."

"And while your eyes are on yourself, they will also be on other people."

"You don't have strong ambitions, and you don't aspire to be a 'Millennium Unparalleled', but you are willing to become an unrivaled 'Unparalleled' in order to protect others."

"I can't say who is stronger now, you or Katsumi."

"After all, I may not have seen Katsumi for a long time. How powerful is he now? I really can't make a conclusion."

"But I dare to say that in the future you will be far stronger than Katsumi!"

“This is not just talk, it’s an ironclad fact.”

"We humans are not individuals."

"Being born between heaven and earth, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, laughing with others, and crying with others, you can be a human being."

"Guys who don't want to look at others and are superstitious about their own strength will eventually get into trouble or even go crazy."

"That's what self-denial is."

"Although Katsumi's strength has been increasing, he has actually been stubborn, and his realm has always remained at the stage of a 'beast'."

"His sword can only 'kill', not 'protect'."

"At that time, I didn't have such a deep understanding."

"I just saw that the 'evil' lived in Katsumi's heart."

"Despite my inner struggle, I have to admit: Keji... is not the person who can inherit my legacy."

"Therefore, I gave up the idea of ​​entrusting Vairocana to him."

"And this... became the starting point for my break with him."

"Maybe it's to get a good knife that's good enough for me, or maybe it's just to prove myself. He has an unusual obsession with Vairocana."

"His face suddenly changed color after I pointed out his shortcomings and bluntly stated that I would not hand over Vairocana to him until he corrected himself."

"To be honest, I fully thought we still had time..."

"Although Ji Ji has gone astray, as long as he is slowly taught and corrected, there is still hope that he can change his ways."

"At that time, it will not be too late for me to entrust Vairocana to him."

"However...Kenji didn't give me this chance."

"Not long after, Katsumi came to me with a real sword and said he wanted to challenge me. He will prove my mistake with actual results. He definitely has the strength to control Vairocana."

"There's no need to go into details about what happens next."

"He is indeed an unparalleled genius and my proud disciple."

"I pulled out Vairocana and entered the 'no-self state'. I tried my best, but I was just tied with him."

"After a series of hard battles, we managed to defeat him."

"After this battle, Keji didn't even leave a letter or a word, he just left..."

"I remember it very clearly. It was the autumn of 7 years ago... I have never seen Katsumi again since we said goodbye."

"When I heard about him again, I learned that he had joined the Dharma Punishment Party, and his name was: Prajna."

"The beloved disciple in the past has now become a part of the hostile force... Oh, what a twist of fate."

"I don't know what kind of psychology he had that led him to defect to the Fa Zun Party."

"He is a martial arts idiot and has no interest in politics. He does not look like someone who would work for a secret society like the Fa Zhu Party."

"Perhaps it's because of a rebellious mentality... He went out of his way to join the hostile forces just to deliberately anger me."

"All in all, this past incident is a thorn in my heart."

"Father and son turned against each other... This is probably one of the greatest pains in the world."

"For a long time... To be precise, even to this day, I still worry about this."

"I don't want to mention this past, or even let anyone know about Katsumi."

"That's why I never let you know that you actually have a senior brother."

"Ji Jun, I'm sorry for keeping this secret from you for so long."

"Sometimes, I can't help but think to myself: If I had discovered the shortcomings in Keji early and corrected them in time before they got worse, maybe we, father and son, would not be where we are today..."

"Oh...that's all."

"At this point, it is meaningless to talk about 'what if' and 'what if'."

"This is something I planted myself."

"So, it's up to me to end this with my own hands."

"I've been looking for traces of self-denial for so many years."

"Six months ago, on the eve of your wedding, I received reliable information - Katsumi is suspected of being in Gyeonggi."

"So, I temporarily closed Qianshiwu and returned to Osaka, always seeking information about it."

"I didn't expect... I haven't found him yet, but he met you first."

"It's not enough to defect to the Fanzhu Party, but it's also related to Changzhou."

"That's fine. This way, it saves me trouble. As long as I keep an eye on Changzhou, I will always have a chance to find him."

"This time... I will definitely end it with him!"

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