I Found A Planet

Chapter 140 One Hundred Thousand Pennants, Countless Thank You Letters!

Started on April 15th.

It has been more than a month since the Xiaoxing learning machine was officially released.

The logistics department of Xinghai Technology Company began to receive some items one after another.

Bright red pennant!

Thank you notes written on stationery or printed out with a printer!

Mailed from all over the country, the signatures are generally "From XX Parents", "XX Classmate's Parents".

The content is basically the same.

For example, what is written on the pennant is generally——

"Learning Magic Machine"

"Thanks to Xiaoxing learning machine for helping my son win the first place in the class"

"Conscience company, conscience product"

"Thank you so much! Thank you so much!"

"My daughter got the first place in the school, thanks to Xiaoxing Learning Machine"

This kind of pennant, Xinghai Company's logistics department does not accept one side and two sides, but collects them in batches!

"On the 18th, the logistics department received 13 pennants from parents, received 56 thank you calls, and received 24 thank you letters."

"On the 22nd, we received 146 pennants from parents and 77 letters of thanks."

"On the 26th, we received 787 pennants from parents across the country and 951 letters of thanks."

"On May 6, we received 5,264 pennants and 5,011 thank you letters from parents across the country."

"On May 10th, the warehouse of the logistics department was overwhelmed. There were more than 80,000 pennants and more than 100,000 thank-you letters. It was impossible to store the extra pennants and thank-you letters. However, the parents hung the pennants on the staff to express their gratitude. In the office, the walls of all office areas are covered with pennants."

"But this is not the end. There are still more banners and letters of thanks on the way to the logistics department."

"The company's customer service calls have been completely blown up, and the service has to be suspended for short-term maintenance."

The person in charge of the logistics department is constantly updating the latest situation.


Xiaoxing learning machine is completely popular.

In just one or two months, his strong learning and guidance ability has given birth to countless No. 1 in the class and No. 1 in the whole school in all major primary schools across the country.

On online forums, in the circle of friends, many parents shared their use, which caused a sensational impact.

"I am an ordinary primary school mathematics teacher. I have nearly 20 years of teaching experience and have educated countless children. However, my son's academic performance makes me feel extremely disappointed. I often doubt whether he is my own. He How could he be so stupid, so stupid? Sometimes I get angry and want to knock his head open to see what's inside? It's either the bottom one in the class or the second. Looking at his report card, I despair countless times , until I bought a small star learning machine..."

"Hey, remember me? I was the one who was so angry that my heart was bypassed when I was helping my son with homework. The doctor told me not to be angry anymore and to stop helping my child with homework. I followed the doctor's orders. I have accepted the fate of my child who is always at the bottom of the class. Yes, I have given up. My child can learn whatever he wants. At worst, he will be an ordinary worker in the future. But do I really give up completely? Xiaoxing learning machine, for my last hope..."

"My child is a congenital mentally handicapped patient with an IQ of only 65, which belongs to mild mental weakness. He is 13 years old this year and is still in the third grade of elementary school. The teacher at the school suggested that he transfer to a school for the disabled early, because his intelligence , it is impossible to finish elementary school, but my child is a normal child! He can eat normally, go to school normally, communicate with others normally, and he is also very sensible. Everyone praises him for being polite, and he often takes the initiative to help his mother. live.

I feel very sorry for my child, and I don't want him to grow up in a discriminatory environment, and I don't want him to go to a school for the disabled! I want him to grow up healthy, happy and carefree, but the school issued an ultimatum. If he fails the final exam this semester, he can only be forced to withdraw from school. No matter how much I plead, it will be useless. That night the child ran to my bedside and said, Mom, I’d better go to the school for the handicapped, and don’t cause trouble for others... I held the child and cried all night.

My poor child, you are not mentally retarded, you are just a little handicapped in learning!

Until one day, a parent recommended Xiaoxing learning machine to me, introduced various functions of Xiaoxing learning machine, said it is very easy to use, but the price is a bit expensive, my family conditions are not very good, even so, I still didn't tell the child's father, and bought a small star learning machine.

After the child used the Xiaoxing learning machine, a miracle appeared. The child said that he could understand and learned a lot of knowledge. In the monthly test at the end of April, he got 78 in mathematics and 66 in Chinese...not only did he pass the test for the first time, Mathematics also got a high score! My child's father and I were so happy that we didn't sleep all night.

My child is saved! He proved that he is a normal person!

Thank you Xinghai Technology, thank you Xiaoxing Learning Machine! "


On the Internet, the successful sharing of countless parents spread like a virus.

Some netizens questioned whether this was a request? Did Xinghai Technology play brainwashing marketing and emotional marketing, completely abandoning the bottom line in order to make money, and want to use fabricated stories in exchange for sales of Xiaoxing learning machines?

There are a large number of these doubting voices, and a group of professional "Xinghai Black" has developed, vowing to expose the true face of Xinghai Technology.

But these voices, compared with those overwhelmingly shared by parents, seem weak.

After all, the success sharing of ten or eight people can be said to be fraudulent, but what about the success sharing of 100,000 people or the success sharing of 500,000 people?

Some shared, even gave the specific school name, class number, and even specific to the individual student, and posted countless comparison pictures of transcripts.

Does this prove at least part of the story is true?



The little star learning machine became popular all over the country and caused a sensation in countless elementary school campuses.

Countless elementary school students said to their parents: "Mom and Dad, I want a small star learning machine!"

Countless parents are delighted to see that after using the Xiaoxing learning machine, even if the effect is not as exaggerated as some articles say, the progress is indeed very obvious.

Especially the rankings on the "Academic Ability List", the competition is extremely fierce. I am afraid that my academic ability will fall behind others, and I will catch up with those who are clearly ahead!

In order to build up a big lead, some academic masters actually start learning those high-grade knowledge points on the knowledge tree in advance, widening the gap in academic ability, and don't want to give anyone a chance to catch up with him.

If it is not the top of the tree of knowledge, it can only reach the sixth grade of elementary school. Some academic masters will start to challenge the knowledge points in junior high school.



Totally crazy.

After the word-of-mouth of the Little Star learning machine was fermented, it took less than ten days for the WeChat business sales system to be established, and all 3 million units of the Little Star learning machine were sold out!

Plus the 2 million units sold online.

A total of 5 million units were sold out and completely out of stock.

At this time, the Xiaoxing learning machine suddenly went out of stock just when the market demand was at its peak.

"Ten thousand yuan, who can sell me a small star learning machine?"

"20,000 yuan, I will offer 20,000 yuan!"

"30,000! My child will be promoted to elementary school soon, and I urgently need a learning machine for Xiaoxing! I will pay 30,000!"

"50,000 yuan! I beg the little star who sells the learning machine for me! Beg!"


I watched countless WeChat groups where parents frantically increased prices and frantically begged for Xiaoxing learning machines.

Zhao Tiezhu, with a full face and a rough manner, wearing a big gold chain on his chest, put his head close to the screen, his eyes turned red.

Suddenly spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth, and slammed his fist on the table!

He beat his chest hard again!

"Xinghai Technology, you are so ruthless!"

"Zhao Tiezhu, you are so blind, why didn't you stock up hundreds or thousands of units at the beginning?"

"Money, it's all money, millions, tens of millions of money, all flew away! Flyed!"

"Zhao Tiezhu listen to me, no matter what product Xinghai Company releases in the future, even if it releases a piece of shit, you will buy it for me, buy it desperately, buy as much as you can!"


Zhao Tiezhu is a professional scalper. In the past year, he has earned millions of high-level scalpers by reselling Wawa robots.

But this time, he miscalculated, regretted it so much, and even hoped that a thunderbolt would strike him to death, so that he would be reborn on the night when the Little Star learning machine was released.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world. He can only learn from this painful lesson and sum up his experience. In the future, he will never allow any chance to slip away!

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