I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

071 A Miracle Is Born! Silent Hill's World Premiere Record! !

Is it going to show up?

That man!

There were media reporters and colleagues and businessmen who came to exchange experiences.

It was all cheers and excitement.

The excitement is beyond words!

To know!

Since Yu Luo joined Platinum Stars.

This is an unremarkable small company that originally had no sense of presence in the industry.

The three works became popular overnight, with various sales reaching the top, and the media officials even praised it, calling it a masterpiece!

The gaming community is extremely curious about this brilliant and mysterious genius designer who appears like a shooting star.

I just want to know more about this mysterious man!

Just a moment!

The event site became agitated!

Everyone is standing on tiptoes and looking around!

As for the media reporters who have been waiting for a long time, it is even more exaggerated.


The spotlight flashed, and the whole hall shone like stars!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is attracting everyone’s attention!

"Shh! It's coming!"

And in the midst of exclamations!

I saw Yu Luo with a calm face, walking confidently on the red carpet.

He did not resent the flashing lights, and did not forget to wave to the media reporters in the audience.

Until he came to the stage and raised the microphone slightly.

After the cheers and discussions in the audience quieted down a little. 16

Then he smiled and said.

"Thank you Mr. Lu, thank you all journalists, friends, businessmen and players. Good morning.

"I am the chief designer of Platinum Star, Yu Luo."


The words have not yet been spoken!

The applause was like waves, overwhelming!

See you soon!

As the shocking music plays!

Yu Luo, who has a handsome face on the stage, puts his two fingers together.

Xiaosha said hello to the audience!

It's not just this boiling and exploding scene.

Even the audiences in the major live broadcast rooms cheered together!

‘ohhhhhh——Old thief! Really an old thief!!

'All rise!'

Platinum is awesome! Old thief is awesome!’

Damn I can’t accept it! The old thief is actually younger than me?!"

'This wave! This wave is called young and promising!'

'It looks like he smiles so warmly, but he turns out to be a guy who specializes in designing underworld games!

'But then again, although the old thief is not old, he looks much more mature than the platinum boss.

Indeed! Going on stage is as welcoming as going home, look! It’s the most outrageous thing to still be there facing the camera!’

'Sure enough, my mental state is not normal...

Seeing the old thief that he had longed for, he was surprised and liked appeared.

These audiences are really excited!

Don't look at the fact that they usually show disdain for old thieves, underworld games and so on.

But in fact, deep down, I was already impressed by this man's perversion.

Just like a fake M.

If you don't get abused by Platinum's games for a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over!

‘Huge Gift Crab! This pussy is so handsome. I smoked all night and I still can’t figure out how such a sunny boy could play such a game of the underworld!”

'He smiled! He smiled! This is the old thief's smile!'

'First of all! Let me emphasize again, I am not a male ketone! Secondly, I want to say that I really want to fence with the old thief!'

'Old thief! Mom loves you!'

‘Mama, get out of here...․ Me? Is she really a girl?!"

‘How come an old thief can have a female fan!

As the first female player couldn't help but lose her temper, the remaining girls stopped pretending.

They all started a raging offensive!

‘Jimei people, avoid lightning! This old thief, when I was queuing up at the supermarket yesterday, he jumped in front of me’

If the full score is 100, I can only give the old thief 22, because 78 is in my stomach

'Nonsense! The old thief is obviously a very good person. When collecting the five blessings during the Chinese New Year, the old thief gave me all his dedication (smile.jpg)'

'It's so scary...

Watching one after another abstract barrage float by.

All the male fans in the live broadcast room had their pupils trembling and looked back tactically!

I originally thought the old thief was perverted enough, but I didn’t expect you guys to be even more perverted than the old thief.

It’s over! It’s over! I’m not pure anymore! I seem to understand everything!’

‘That’s ridiculous! This live broadcast room is so incredible that even if you flick the test paper twice, there will be two lines!

'Want to rob the old thief? Have you asked Mr. Xiaolin for his permission?!"

Young! Handsome!


The potential is endless!

Yu Luo's appearance can be said to have changed the atmosphere of the whole venue.

All pushed to the climax!

“I am honored to receive the invitation from Mr. Lu of Xunyou to attend this event.

Facing the crazy flashing cameras and the gazes of thousands of people at the scene.

There was no trace of panic on Yu Luo's face. Instead, he was as calm as an old dog.

This actually made Xunyou's boss, Lu Guohua, click his tongue in surprise.

Yu Luo looked at Yu Luo who spoke well and faced reporters' questions with ease without any panic.

Lu Guohua always has an illusion.

It was as if Yu Luo had attended similar exchange meetings countless times and was already familiar with such occasions.

Very used to it.


Lu Guohua frowned.

If he remembers correctly, Yu Luo is still a college student who has not graduated, right?

This experience and maturity beyond age is very strange...

But Lu Guohua couldn't figure it out even after racking his brain.

I also gave up the entanglement.

Yu Luo's performance can only be defined as a born social cow.

Just thinking about it.

Yu Luo's passionate speech finally came to an end.

...Rules are meant to be broken! Never settle for the status quo, always create miracles, and always challenge yourself. This is our Platinum Soul!"

"In the future, we at Platinum Star will also carry the banner and march into a broader game market!"

"The person who creates miracles is as amazing as the miracle itself."

"Our journey is across the stars and the sea!"



A passionate and exciting speech!

Yu Luo's voice is infectious, sincere and powerful!

Almost at the moment he bent down and bowed.

The audience burst into thunderous applause again!

After the moderator indicates that questions can be asked.

The eager reporters in the audience cheered and screamed.

Like zombies besieging a city.

They all rushed forward with microphones in hand!

"Hello Mr. Yu Luo! What do you think of the stagnant gaming market in China?"

"Hello, Teacher Yu! I am Xiaotang from Game Star Sky. Does Platinum Star have any new development plans? This is the question that players are most concerned about!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Yu! Can you reveal the future development direction of Platinum Star?"

"What do you think about the record of no one completing "Silent Hill pt" so far?"


He looked at the reporters who were rushing towards him as if they had never seen a man before.

Yu Luo is numb!

He even doubted that it would have been blocked by railings and security guards.

Will these reporters who are so excited and crazy put the microphone directly into their mouths?

"And friends from the media, please don't be anxious."

In desperation, Yu Luo could only wave his hand to tell them to calm down.

"Well, after all, the event time is limited, I will briefly answer a few questions first..."

Looking at Yu Luo, who was surrounded by reporters and photographers, but still dealt with it in an orderly and calm manner.

Lin Keke, who was observing secretly, rubbed his eyes vigorously.

A head full of question marks!

It’s so ridiculous!

Why is he so skilled! So calm?

Just like a seasoned veteran who has been in the workplace for many years!

This is not the maturity and calmness that a college student should have!

What a hell!

A terrible suspicion was quietly born in my heart.

Lin Keke thought with some horror.

Could it be that he overturned from the beginning?

How does Yu Luo look like the retarded Mr. Wolong today!

She believes you when you say that he was a genius designer who was knocked away by a dump truck and reincarnated into a different world!

"As for why no one has cleared Silent Hill yet, I think..."

And just when the reporters' question session was about to end.

An excited voice sounded.

The host who returned to the stage once again attracted everyone's attention!

"Please be quiet, everyone!"

"Just now, our Xunyou platform received good news and wanted to tell everyone!"

"Just now! The record of no one completing Silent Hill was broken."

"An anchor from YouTube successfully completed the world's first broadcast!"


As soon as these words came out!

The scene exploded instantly!

Everyone opened their eyes in surprise and looked excitedly at the large LED screen on the stage!

And above it is playing slowly...

It is the world's first video of "Silent Hill Movie"!!


Thanks to "Tragedy" for your monthly vote!!.

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