I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

072 The Most Perfect Ending! Platinum Games, Presented To You! !

Silent Hill's...world's first video footage?!

With inner doubts.

The excited people at the scene all raised their heads.

I glanced at the large LED screen that started playing on the stage——

"I buy it. I buy it!"

“Gift crab!!”


This is a replay video from YouTube.

After all, I can come to the scene.

They are either seniors in the gaming industry or hardcore players from all over the country.

They are well-informed.

Naturally, he recognized it at a glance.

Right in the center of the picture.

The black guy wearing a gaming helmet was so frightened that his whole body was shaking and he was shaking crazily when he spoke.

It is Speed ​​who has tens of millions of fans abroad and is famous for his various life-or-death operations. He is known as one of the most popular anchors in the world!

For a while.

The friends, businessmen and colleagues in the audience were all a little shocked.

The look he looked at Yu Luo was a little subtle, and he didn't know whether to describe it as envy or jealousy.

They really didn't expect that it would be a small and medium-sized game company like Platinum that took the lead in going abroad.

Let your game be seen by international streamers like Speed ​​and promote it live!

It seems that this terrifying sales of 100,000 on the first day is no accident.

There may even be a large part of the income coming from contributions from foreign players!

Just don't wait for these old foxes and old fritters in the mall to continue thinking.

Their attention was attracted by the screams coming from the screen!

On the large LED screen.

This is the first perspective of the black brother Spedd’s live broadcast!

I saw blood-red lights flashing continuously in the dark corridor!

The chandelier on the ceiling also disappeared for some reason.

Very strangely, they turned into hanging refrigerators, swaying there creaking and squeaking.

The door of the refrigerator was opened, and the fishy smell came out.

What seeped out drop by drop was scorching hot blood!




And in the ocean of blood.

The terrifying female ghost Lisa seems to have lost all her mind and can no longer restrain her rage!

Appearing in front of everyone.

It’s the terrifying scene of the twelve-level cycle when the game is about to be completed!

A pale female face with a hollow right eye and a severe giant look disappeared fleetingly.

Suddenly close!

Against the backdrop of strange red light.

This is the first time that everyone has seen the full face of the female ghost Lisa.

His height almost reached the ceiling, and he felt very oppressive. His face was pale and swollen, as if he had been soaked in water for too long.

The dirty white dress on her body seemed to have dried blood stains on it, and it looked like misplaced shadows from the lights.

There seemed to be drop after drop of liquid falling at the hem of the skirt at the base of the thigh.

It was filled with the unique fishy smell of blood.

And at this moment.

Her dislocated head was hanging at a strange angle, her legs were standing side by side, and her two long arms were hanging naturally.

"Fuck! Fuck! fuck!!"

Lisa, who was twitching and flashing wildly on the spot as if she had a bug, came closer little by little.

This young black man with distracted eyes was so frightened that he almost cried.

I feel like I can’t hold on any longer!


"I'm sorry! Fake!"

have to say.

There is a reason why there are so few people abroad.

In order to become the first anchor in the world to clear Silent Hill.

After staying up all night and playing Speed ​​for almost fifteen hours at high intensity, my spirit is already on the verge of collapse!

The whole person was almost exhausted after being frightened again and again!

If his heart rate hadn't exceeded the limit, it would still be within the range of shock that humans can bear.

I'm afraid I might have been kicked out of the somatosensory warehouse long ago, so the game is over!

"Oh my God! I seem to have experienced a nightmare!"

In order to make myself strong, in order to forcefully suppress the fear in my heart.

Speed ​​played the song "Sunshine Rainbow Little White Horse" in the live broadcast room, which made him feel a little bit alive.

Fifteen hours of shock and torture.

After twelve cycles.

Even though he was very nervous and famous for his big heart, he felt like he was almost having a mental breakdown!

He couldn't imagine it.

This was a miserable night.

What on earth have you experienced!

First it’s the ninth cycle!

He followed the radio's instructions, closed his eyes, and rested his head on the door.

About half a minute passed.

Lisa floated behind him and cried against him for a while.

As long as you can survive it.

You can open the door in front of you and enter the next cycle!

And a weirder and more horrifying inner world will unfold!

The tenth cycle!

The originally gloomy corridor will be filled with blood!

The original chandeliers on the ceiling will become blood-soaked refrigerators one after another!

A large amount of blood sprayed out from it, and finally gathered into a sea in the corridor.

And what emerged next was the unsightly ghost baby.

And its miserable and frightening scream!

The eleventh cycle!

This is almost the limit of all anchors on Shark Platform!

In the strange light.

You will see a line of [HELLO] appear at the corner of the corridor.

And what the players have to do.

It’s about traveling back and forth between the two worlds, the outside and the inside!

Every time there is a round trip, the letters HELLO will be transferred to the blank space at the door.

till the end.

It will be separated into the letter HELL (Hell) and the letter O!

And this last O will crack and turn into a cat's eye on the wall.

Look inside.

You will see the truth of the matter, a murder that once happened in the bathroom!

The crazy and violent husband yelled words such as "breed" and "bitch" with red eyes.

Immersed Lisa in the bathtub, while she cried and begged for mercy.

Cut off the trachea, cut out the child, and kill them brutally!

And the passage next to the gate is therefore complete.

【I heard the cry from hell】


This is the craziest and most devastating twelfth-level loop!

Tortured by intense fear, this black man almost went insane.

In a daze, he felt that the boundaries between reality and games seemed to be blurred.

The door to the other world slowly opened, seeming to be trying to break through the dimensional wall and invade his life.


All kinds of terrifying atmospheres have been exaggerated to the extreme!

Despair! Helplessness! Fear! Panic!

All negative emotions are gathered in the twelve-level cycle!

When he entered the Blood Sea Corridor, he seemed to be thinking in sync with the murderer.

Shouting hysterically, he crashed into the weird villa C!

The suffocating sound of Lisa's throat being cut, the heart-rending cry of the fetus, and the whispers of demons coming from all directions

It's like a nightmare, lingering in the player's mind, making people lose their money!


Back to the place where the tragedy originated!

At the moment when I was about to have a nervous breakdown!


With a gentle breeze blowing.

It seemed that the whole world had become quiet.

The black guy opened his eyes in confusion.

But I found that the corridor was still the same corridor, but it didn't have the gloomy feeling, and the sea also disappeared.

Only a patch of warm sunshine shone down.

The thing shaking on the ceiling is no longer a blood-soaked refrigerator, but a slightly worn chandelier.

The orange light symbolizing hope fell down and shone on him.


The fifteen-hour nightmare disappeared in an instant, as if it had never happened.

At this moment, he heard the phone ringing at the door.

Then a voice came out -

【You have been selected】


Just when he was confused and didn't know what it meant.

Just heard a click!

The door of the villa was finally opened.

The breeze blows through the crack of the door, mixed with the fragrance of earth after rain.

"A generous gift of crab! I bought it for you!"

this moment!

The black man who narrowly escaped death seemed to have seen heaven!

Weeping with joy, he no longer had any strength and could not even stand firmly!

I could only use my hands to twist and crawl on the ground, crawling towards the slowly opening door bit by bit!

He finally!

To be able to escape hell and end this damn cycle!

The experience of being reborn made Speed's eyes filled with tears!

He was crying so much that he even forgot about his work.


Free again!

this moment!

I finally found salvation and liberation!


The moment he climbed out of the villa door!

A thin card slowly fell in the breeze and lay on the back of his hand.

A white gold pattern as bright as a star shines on the two letters PT.

And on the back of this card, there are a few lines of small words——

[You don’t know me, please keep your story short]

[There is an extremely horrific human experiment being carried out deep in the mountains here]

【They may be spying on me】

[If you receive this request for help, I need your help to investigate and expose this huge conspiracy.

【Darkness needs to be revealed】

【I'm waiting for you in Jushan Spirit】

Looking at the wrinkled platinum card in his hand.

For a moment.

This black guy just felt goosebumps all over his body!

no doubt.

This is a heavyweight easter egg!

This card seemed to have gone through many twists and turns before finally reaching his hand.

Seems like a whistleblower's distress call.

The Silent Hill story may have come to an end.

But the horror of Platinum Universe has just begun!

After carefully putting away the platinum card, Speed ​​stumbled and pushed open the door of the manor.

But see you!

There is heavy fog outside!

The deserted town seems to be engulfed in fog!

There was no sign of anyone.

Even the lights were dim.

There was only a slightly shabby jeep parked quietly at the door.

The black guy patted his pocket, and sure enough there was a bunch of keys.

He quickly opened the car door, just wanting to get out of this nightmare place as quickly as possible.

However, just when he stepped on the accelerator and prepared to escape.

However, he discovered that there was a press card quietly pasted on the car's dial (explained to Wang Hao).

The writing on it was familiar to him.

[I will be committed to exposing the darkest and most desperate truth. This is my life creed]

【Just because I need to be


【——Miles Upshur】

That’s it!

Silent Hill ends perfectly!

It was like having a real nightmare.

Speed ​​was shocked and didn't know what happened or who he was.

But in the villa that is like a hell on earth, the truth of the murder case has been revealed.

And he will continue to embark on the journey as a reporter seeking justice.

Go find more dark, twisted news truths.

Before the jeep started, he took one last look back at the strange villa.

Speed ​​sighed deeply.

Maybe only he knows about this haunted house.

There was a happy family.

Maybe Lisa just wants people to know that she has never betrayed the family or done anything unfaithful or unclean.

That's all.

A black man who has a complex heart and wants to liven up his life and create a show effect, but is not in the mood at all.

I could only purse my lips, lightly step on the accelerator and leave.

And in the hazy fog, he seemed to vaguely see the signboard at the intersection.

【Silent Hill Winter】

【Leave here】

Accompanied by the resentful and low music.

Just like the ending of a movie.

The list of production staff also slowly emerged.

【Silent Hill P.T.】

【Director—Yu Luo(LuoYu)】

[Platinum Games, presented to you!].

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