I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

073 The Curtain Rises! Lin Keke’S Super Loss-Making Plan!

The big LED screen goes out.

Then it became quiet.

And everyone in the audience had dull eyes!


Although the story of Silent Hill is over.

It seems everything has settled.

The myth that no one in the world can pass the customs is also broken today.

But except for Lin Keke, the media reporters at the scene were shocked to the point of numbness.

They all looked like they had seen a ghost, their mouths opened bit by bit!

Because of this ending

I was really shocked because the tea tasted so long.

Let them, who are still immersed in Silent Hill and have not yet recovered, start thinking about it.

There are really too many mysteries.

No answer yet!


It’s the protagonist’s life experience!

What is the relationship between the protagonist who wakes up in the haunted house room and Lisa or the cruel and abusive husband?

Who is he? Why did he come to Silent Hill?

Do you just want to find the truth and expose the darkness to the public?

Perhaps, the answer to all this.

We still need to wait for the follow-up works of the old thief to get the answer.

Do not know why.

After witnessing the ending of Silent Hill, they felt something vague in their hearts.

It seems that the game is not complete, or even a complete version.

It's like the calm before the storm, the dessert before a big meal.

There is a feeling that due to the company's lack of financial resources or technology, it can only temporarily release the prologue of the game.

But anyway.

Although there are still a lot of mysteries waiting to be explored and deciphered.

But it is possible to have such a thrilling and thrilling journey that can be called an epic experience.

"Silent Hill PT", which made horror games great again, has become a god in their hearts!

Maybe in a few years, we can use the word "classic" to describe it!


Yu Luo's ambition seems to go far beyond that!

Actually at the very end.

Using a distress card that came with the wind, he laid one big Easter egg after another!

As far away as Colorado.

It seems that there is a place called Jushan Mental Hospital where cruel human experiments are being conducted!

The murders in Silent Hill have just ended.

But as the protagonist of an investigative reporter, the road to justice has just begun!

Yu Luo seems to have intended Silent Hill to be a prologue.

And the protagonist of this game is the legendary reporter Miles!

It will also become the key to the platinum horror universe!


The curtain rises!!

It’s really fucking shocking!

When clues and Easter eggs are connected one after another.

The truth hidden under the fog slowly surfaced.

Everyone has understood everything and understood Yu Luo's inner thoughts.

I just felt a numbness in my scalp, gasping for air like crazy and almost starving of oxygen!



Still fucking shocking!

In the eyes of game practitioners like them, the last letter for help from Jushan Mental Hospital...

It’s nothing less than an explosive trailer for a new work!

The ingenuity of its conception and the level of astonishment were so shocking that it had a huge impact on their outlook on life.

This group of friends and businessmen also found to their shame that they seemed to have been hit by dimensionality reduction.

They are just a bunch of bad game makers, more like greedy profit-seeking businessmen than designers!

Teacher Yu Luo, who has ambitions but not years, is really polishing the art carefully.

This is the real ninth art!!


The hall was quiet.

For a moment no one spoke, only heavy breathing.

Perhaps it was because she was stared at by too many scorching eyes, which made Yu Luo feel a little uncomfortable.

I could only shrug and said with a smile.

"Yes, maybe you already have the answer in your mind."

“The platinum card floating at the end is both an easter egg and a preview.

"Forgive me for not revealing too much information here."


"The journey of our legendary investigator Miles has just begun. Silent Hill is just his starting point, and Giant Mountain Mental Hospital will not be his end."

"The curtain is rising..."

"Whether it is the media friends at the scene or the audience in front of the live broadcast screen, please wait patiently!"

Another eloquent speech!

Almost the moment I heard there was a sequel to Silent Hill.

The originally silent scene exploded in an instant!


The spotlight is flashing crazily!

There were deafening cheers everywhere!

The reporters looked excited and wanted to pounce on Yu Luo and put the microphone in his mouth.

Lin Keke was confused...

No? (bgbg) Who am I? Why do I appear here? What do I want to do?

Sequel? What sequel to Silent Hill?

I do not know!

Looking at the bosses of game manufacturers around him, they all cast envious looks at him.

Lin Keke was still thinking hard just now, planning to take revenge next time and try his best to lose all his pants.

Completely dumbfounded.

She has no memory at all. When did she promise Yu Luo to release a sequel to Silent Hill?

Mr. Wolong is going to rebel?

Am I the boss of Platinum...or is he the boss of Platinum?


Lin Keke had a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if he had recalled something.

First, her delicate body trembled, and then her face quickly turned pale!


She remembered!

She remembered it all!

It was about a month ago [not long after the Silent Hill project was launched].

I happened to pass by Yu Luo's office and found Mr. Wolong sitting there with a sad face.

He was also talking about how the process was too short, the company was short of manpower, and the technical skills were insufficient.

Seeing his company being eliminated in this way, Lin Keke, as the big boss, was not happy at the time!

But he was short of money and couldn't afford tens of millions for Yu Luo to squander.

We can only settle for the next best thing.

Promise him to release a small prologue first, and wait until the game sells well and the company has money.

Dedicate yourself to the idea of ​​​​the Platinum Horror Universe again!

How could she have known at that time.

Can a body-sensory horror game that has long been dead on the market become a hit after Yu Luo’s hand?

Seeing that Yu Luo was so frustrated that he still wanted to make a sequel to Silent Hill, I was so happy that my face almost broke out in laughter.

I thought he, Mr. Wolong, had finally figured it out and knew how to take the initiative to lose money for the company...

It was so refreshing to say yes, and I didn’t even take a look at the plan that was delivered to my desk!

"Yu Luo, you idiot!!!"

After realizing it later, Lin Keke finally understood everything.

Just like a kitten whose tail was stepped on, it screamed and jumped up!

But after all, if you say it out loud, water will be thrown out.

Yu Luo even boasted in front of so many media that a sequel would be released in Haikou...

The players are now in high spirits, and the whole audience is shouting "Long live Platinum"!

When she was having so much fun, if her boss jumped out and raised all kinds of objections and protests...

That would be too unlucky! It would disgrace the scenery!

"Yu Luo you fucking...!!!"

I burn your dreams!!

Watching the people on the stage swearing and promising to release a sequel to Silent Hill——

To let Platinum Games enter the overseas market, the world-famous Yu Luo.

Lin Keke, who doubted that he might never lose a penny again in his life...

I just feel like my eyes are black!

I really want to spray a mouthful of old blood on his face!

Under the spotlight.

Yu Luo, who is surrounded by the media, becomes more dazzling and attracts more attention.

Lin Keke, who was leaning on the chair without love, looked even more helpless and pitiful.

If you often walk by the river, how can your shoes not get wet?

I thought Lin Keke was smart all her life, but she didn't expect that she would eventually capsize in the gutter and become an investment agent with Yu Luo!

I seem to have misunderstood.

Although Mr. Wolong is very abstract and his eyes are pure and uncontaminated by knowledge, his old silver coin...

He really knows how to make games!!

What a bad fate!

It’s really a bad fate!!

He gritted his teeth and stared at Yu Luo, who looked like a successful person.

Lin Keke was restless, as uncomfortable as taking a bite of the original nine-turn large intestine!


In addition to being annoyed, she also decided to learn from the painful experience!


We can't let Yu Luo continue to mess around like this!

We can no longer lose money so aimlessly!

You have to have a plan even if you lose money!

Three consecutive losses made her feel uncomfortable.

She must find out the reason and try to avoid it in her next work!

Yu Luo, the sixth child, must not be able to count on him, if all hopes are placed on him.

I might really become the richest man in the world...

But it’s useless no matter how much money you make from games! Anyway, it will all flow into the group’s account in the end, and it has nothing to do with your own treasury!

You still have to rely on the system’s tenfold rebate to achieve true financial freedom!

"You can't think like this. It's coming out all at once, hoeing here and there. Who knows how long it will take to lose money like this!"

Think of this.

Lin Keke took out the small notebook he carried with him and began to record and analyze——

Why can Platinum become a god in every work and have all kinds of sales stars explode?

The first is the gameplay type!

From the sledgehammer to Dead Cells, and now the burning Silent Hill...

These games are all carefully selected by me. They are so unpopular that no one in the industry is willing to try them. They are almost a must-have game type!

But Xiao He also succeeds and Xiao He loses!

It is precisely because these games are unpopular and rare in the market that they are more likely to attract the attention of players.

This is terrible!

You must know that his games have no competing products on the market!

Once such an unpopular game becomes popular, it will easily form a monopoly effect!

As the eldest daughter of Lin Capital, Lin Keke has been exposed to high-end events since she was a child.

Of course we know the horrors of monopoly.

In any industry, whether it is gaming, entertainment or catering, once you monopolize the market, you can make money even while lying down.

"How careless, Coco! You actually ignored such an important thing!"

He slapped his face in annoyance.

Only then did Lin Keke realize how dangerous and immature his previous ideas were!

She takes losing money too simply and for granted!

It seems that I need to change my thinking in the future and try to find popular game types to do.

We need to catch Yu Luo off guard and force him, the old man, out of his comfort zone!

Competition in game tracks such as racing and shooting is fierce!

It must be difficult for a small company like theirs to stand out, and the probability of overturning is very high!

"Old thief! Give me a break

Get off the altar!"

Lin Keke muttered, scribbling and correcting in her notebook!


It’s just about the cost and pricing of the game!

This is also a very low-level mistake!

In the past, I always thought that the higher the investment, the lower the price, and the slower the cost recovery would be.

The easier it is for you to lose money!

That's why.

Lin Keke was often very angry with the stingy old man at home, who was unwilling to donate even a penny to her.

Otherwise, she, who is so open-minded as a lion, would like to lose all of Lin's capital!

By the time.

Under the system's rebates, those exaggerated astronomical figures...may even cause shocks to international monetary relations!


The frowning Lin Keke sighed again and again!

I really don’t know what I was thinking before.

He doesn’t even understand the simple truth of small profits but quick turnover!

"It seems that lowering the price of the game is of no use at all! On the contrary, it will give players the reverse mentality that it is so cheap anyway, so if you don't buy it, you won't buy it for nothing!"

"Damn it! What a miscalculation!"

Lin Keke was very upset!

I decided to be more honest in the future and stop thinking about any evil ways.

Just price it honestly!

She really didn't believe it if Sledgehammer was priced at thirty yuan, Dead Cells was priced at ninety-eight yuan, Silent Hill was priced at one hundred and ninety-nine yuan...

It also became a hit overnight and sold so many copies!

Since I failed to steal the chicken before, then this time I will be honest and stand still and take the beating!

Lin Keke, who had almost summarized all his failure experiences, closed his notebook with satisfaction.

She believes in her unremitting efforts.

God rewards hard work!

I will definitely lose money this time!

We can't let Yu Luo, an old man, win, win, win all the way to the end, right?

She doesn't agree!

She wants to change her destiny against the will of heaven!

"If I remember correctly... there should be a 100-fold rebate card in the system space, right?"

Since there is a veteran like Yu Luo here, it is difficult to overturn in terms of game quality...

Then you might as well do the opposite.

Work hard on cost and investment... Stud a big wave?


You can also try to recruit a bunch of losers into the company...not Mr. Wolong like Yu Luo!

He is really useless and will only hinder the company! He is a loser!!

Anyway, as long as it helps to lose money, you can consider it!

Otherwise, if you are merciful to an old man like Yu Luo, then you will be the one to cry!

You must do whatever it takes!!

It seems that something has been decided!

Lin Keke gritted his teeth and glanced at Yu Luo, who was surrounded by the media and being interviewed on stage.

He said indignantly.

"It's my turn now..."

"Mr. Wolong!!".

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