I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 90: The kimchi country has become the laughing stock of the whole world! The shame of world

Chapter 90: The kimchi country has become the laughing stock of the whole world! The shame of world history!

Bring the country, Guinness headquarters.

On stage.

The host invited Jiang Bai to the chair.


On the big screen at the rear, there appeared a video of Jiang Bai that was widely circulated on the Internet.

The host is going to use a video to let everyone present get to know Jiang Bai well.

Because it is a edited version, the length of the video is not much, only five minutes.

The host pointed to the video and introduced the road to everyone.

"Mr. Jiang from Longguo built a thousand schools in impoverished mountainous areas within two months, and the quality of school buildings even exceeded the building standards of some countries. 99

"Behind me, the scene from the digging of the mountain path to the erection of a thousand schools!"

"And this is the miracle that happened in the Dragon Kingdom, and it is also the next miracle of the world!

"Now let's enjoy this video!"


After the host has finished speaking.

The video on the rear large screen also played.

Because of the huge screen, the audience at the scene had a sense of immersion.

As if they had experienced it themselves, they saw the construction of thousands of schools from a first-hand perspective.


when they're done watching.

The video also came to an end.

Immediately afterwards, the audience present couldn't help themselves.

They raised their hands, with a strong shock in their eyes.

To say that 1,000 schools were built in 60 days, and it was still in various complex mountainous environments.

The difficulty of this matter is simply too great.

when this scene happened.

The audience at the scene wanted to say, this is God's will!

Only God can have such power!

thought here.

Applause suddenly came out.

At first it was a corner, and then it spread.

Not the same as the first applause.

When the people present had a detailed understanding of what Jiang Bai had done, they used a lot of force this time.

Every click is loud.

Clap clap clap‥...

clap clap clap...

After ten minutes of applause.

I saw the host hand over the microphone to Jiang Bai.

And it was time for Jiang Bai to speak.

Let's talk about Jiang Bai.

After he took the microphone, he opened his mouth and said:

"It's not my fault alone!"

Jiang Bai emphasized this point first.

Then, under the suspicious eyes of the audience.

Then he said:

"This is the common contribution of hundreds of millions of people up and down the Dragon Country!!39

Some sonorous and powerful words sounded.

The sound began to reverberate.

It reverberated in the minds of the audience at the scene.

Let's talk about Jiang Bai.

All he has to do is this.

He wants to return the credit to the hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom in front of the whole world!

And the group of people at the scene didn't seem to expect Jiang Bai to do this.

Eyes tightened, and they all looked at them seriously.

I felt the eyes around me.

Jiang Bai continued:

"When the day project started, we were faced with a very difficult problem."

"Because of lack of manpower, the project will be postponed indefinitely!

"But at this moment, the people of Wudu came to support them. There were tens of thousands of people. They didn't want money, just to help us build a middle school in Wudu Mountains! 99

"In the end, hundreds of millions of volunteers from the Dragon Kingdom all joined in spontaneously without asking for anything in return!

"Whether it is the Wudu Mountain Area or the Huijiang Mountain Area... Good news has been sent back in every mountain area!"

"Every worker said that they saw the most shocking scene, and this scene was volunteers from all over the country, spontaneously helping to dig mountains, access roads, and build schools! 55

"If it weren't for these people, the entire project would continue to be dragged down, and in the end, only a mess would be left!"

"But with the cooperation of hundreds of millions of people, the entire project was finally completed at an unimaginable speed of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"And this is the strength of the whole dragon country, united as a city! 35

"That's why I say, this is the common contribution of hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom!!

in the process of telling.

Jiang Bai's tone also changed from moment to moment.


Sonically powerful!!

Every time he talks about hundreds of millions of volunteers, his heart ignites.

After all, that scene from the past was still lingering in my mind for a long time and did not disappear.

And this moment.

For the audience present.

Their hearts were deeply touched.

Because of that kind of feelings, blood, and no return...

And there are hundreds of millions of people together.

Like this picture, as long as they think of it, their hearts are instantly restless.

And at the moment when they felt boiling, applause rushed to the top.


Echoes on the scene!!

at the same time.

Audience in the live room.

After they listened.

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes uncontrollably.

Everyone couldn't hold back, and they all shouted.

"This is the white brother we like, obviously he can take the credit alone, but he divides the credit to everyone! 35

"Wuwuwu, I burst into tears when I heard what Brother Bai said!"

"Hundreds of millions of brothers who are watching the live broadcast, all brushed up for me! 35

"Brother Bai gives us the credit, we will go back!

"Touched! Touched! Touched~~"

"Brother Bai doesn't know how important he is! Woohoo! Let's brush more!"


"The people have Brother Bai as the leader who has created a miracle of the world! We have Brother Bai who has witnessed this miracle of the world!!

"Mr. Jiang!! You are the coolest!!!"

"I have never admired a person so much, Mr. Jiang, you are the first!!"

"This is the credit of the hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom, but Mr. Jiang, you are the most important one!!""

I saw the barrage directly burst the entire screen.

can be clearly seen.

Under the crazy scrolling of the barrage.

Many people brushed "moved" and "tears"

And this is their most intuitive feeling.

You know, people all over the Internet are praising the miracle this time, that is to say, Jiang Bai is the default credit for this.

But came to the world stage.

The first thing Jiang Bai did was not to take all the credit for himself.

Instead, he directly gave the credit to the hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom!

When a scene appears.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back.

While moved, they also praised Jiang Bai.

After all, the other party is really worthy of praise.

Not only is it helpful, but the character is so good that it explodes!

And when it was boiling in the live broadcast room.

The scene continues.

The host put on a strong look of respect and walked to Jiang Bai's side.

Can not help but sigh:

"I believe that this is a miracle of the world created by the hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom!

"At the same time, I also believe that there is the most important person among them!"

"That's you, Mr. Jiang!"

"Then, Mr. Jiang, what else do you have to say to everyone? 35

The voice fell.

Everyone looked over with anticipation.

After all, everything Jiang Bai said will remain in the world chronicle.

And they also want to know what the other person will say.

Let's talk about Jiang Bai.

After he finished speaking about the hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom.

There is only one last thing left, and that is about kimchi country.

When the scene of blowing up the school appeared.

I saw his expression turned cold.

Under everyone's gaze, Jiang Bai said indifferently:

"I have something to say next."

"Giving it to the people of Kimchi is also for people all over the world!"

heard here.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Because no one thought that kimchi people would appear here.

with surprise.

They also listened carefully.

And Jiang Bai continued.

"Just yesterday, some people in the Kimchi country, in order to verify their malicious speculation, did not hesitate to maliciously destroy the newly built school! 99

"They brought a lot of tools, including big hammers, iron bars, drills,

"If it wasn't for the arrest, then we wouldn't find out that the other party brought so many tools for this operation! 35

"And then, they wreaked havoc on walls, desks, blackboards, ... and so on!

"It's a shameful act like this!!

"For your own selfish desires, you will only be cast aside and condemned by everyone!"

"Here, I hope that the people of Kimchi will do it well and find their way back!! 35

"And they never gave Dragon Country an apology!!


After a few words.

From the actions of the Kimchi people, they have been exposed to the eyes of the people of the world one by one.

And the last few sentences.

It even directly nailed the Kimchi country to the pillar of shame.

They have done bad deeds for their own selfish desires.

And next, you will definitely be scolded by the world!

Speaking of the host.

When he heard that Kimchi Kingdom has not given an apology.

Everyone was shocked.

It's a shame after all.

Are you still dead skinned??

Not even an apology??

But said Jiang Bai.

Final statement still in progress.

And this is a summary of the above statement.

Accompanied by his voice, some eloquent words rang out.

"The great dragon people are invincible!!!

When this sentence appeared.

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly gave a shock!

Afterwards, they boiled over!!

The barrages in the entire live broadcast room were all swiped.

And that's what the content is!

To say that they are so excited is also obvious.

Isn't Kimchi Nation coming to provoke us now?

But in the end, all the reporters in Kimchi Nation were arrested.

Then, the kimchi country was nailed to the pillar of shame because of this.

In the end, instead, it was the people of the Dragon Country who completely pulled back a level.

In this case, it is not a perfect correspondence to this sentence.

"The great dragon people are invincible!!!"

thought here.

The audience in the live room became more violent!!

at the same time.

The white man in charge of recording the history of the world was also very shocked after hearing it.

Then a comment was added to the slogan:

"True gold is not afraid of fire: after the building was completed, the Kimchi people maliciously destroyed it without causing any damage!"

・Seeking flowers・・

And this comment.

It will follow Jiang Bai's words, all recorded in the history of the world.

After the awards are over.

Facing the loud applause, Jiang Bai walked off the stage.

Although here is the end.

But the topic directly detonated the Internet!


The whole faute directly occupied the first three hot searches for Jiang Bai.

Foreign netizens were shocked.

The hot search of this faute was actually contracted by the people of Longguo?

And after they read the content under the three hot searches.

That expression was even more astonished.

The first hot search: The Dragon Kingdom has created a miracle in the world, and Jiang Bai has received this honor on behalf of the hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom! (hot)

The second hot search: World Chronicle has added a super event! (hot)

The third hot search: Kimchi people were nailed to the pillar of shame! (hot)

For foreign netizens.

After they read three hot searches.

The first thing that struck me was this wonder of the world.

After all, this is an honor passed down through the ages.

As long as people in later generations see it, they will sigh. In the far east, there was a person from the Dragon Kingdom who led hundreds of millions of people to write a myth, and this myth was listed as the ninth wonder of the world!

And after the shock was over.

Netizens from all over the world have paid attention to the things that the Kimchi country has nailed to the pillar of shame.

At first they didn't understand what was going on.

But combined with the second hot search, they understood.

It turned out that the whole incident was a very provocative act by the Kimchi people, and then it was directly recorded in the world chronicle.

After reviewing it again.

Netizens from all over the world couldn't hold back.

One by one, they laughed:

"Oh god, you nailed the kimchi country to the pillar of shame!!

"wow! wow! Kimchi country has lost all face in front of the whole world!

"Hahahaha! This is the funniest thing in the history of the world!"

"As a native of Sakura, I would like to say that this time the Dragon Kingdom is a direct explosion!!"

"Long Guosang! How do you say that old saying! I'm so grateful, I can't repay it!!"

"The Elephant and Tower Country sent a congratulatory message to the Kimchi Country incident!"

"Ma Laiguo +1"

"Windmill Country +1"


For netizens from all over the world.

After they heard the news.

One by one boiled.

Many people couldn't help but laughed.

After all, there are not many records of this kind of thing in the world chronicles.

And kimchi country is such a shame!!

Let's talk about Sakura people.

They were very moved and thanked Jiang Bai directly in old words.

After all, they are really unhappy with kimchi people.

After Jiang Bai made such a move.

Just don't be too cool!

After the whole thing happened.

People from all over the world see it as a joke.

And that's the international joke.

It is conceivable that Kimchi Kingdom will have to endure such laughter for a long time to come.

When netizens from all over the world laughed.

Kimchi country netizens have all learned about it.

And this time.

The five orifices that they directly give to the gas are smoking!

The whole person was ashamed and angry.

A face turned into a pig's liver color.

And in kimchi country.

It's time for another show.

Then again, the expert.

He is now preparing backstage.

To say he was in a very good mood.

Because these days, his popularity has skyrocketed very quickly.

And that popularity means money.

Next, he can not only appear on various programs, but also continue to increase his popularity.

And he also understands that all this is done by relying on Long Guocai, so he is ready to make an evaluation of Long Guo's real-time news again.

And this time, the interesting thing is.

The director can only watch real-time news after talking about the program scene.

So, he still doesn't know what's going on in the world.


The show is about to start.

Before the expert came out of the aisle, he was properly dressed.

Then he walked away with a smile.

at this time.

There was a commotion at the scene.

It wasn't obvious at first.

But it was vaguely heard that it was a protest against the experts.

Immediately after.

The moment when an expert takes the stage.

I saw that everyone was angry, and threw garbage directly on the experts.

For the audience.

At this moment, there is no reason to speak.

When they saw something next to them, they picked it up and threw it up.

Someone threw a bottle.

Someone threw slippers.

Someone threw eggs.

There were also people throwing bricks.

And to this moment.

The suffocated expression on the expert's face aroused the anger of everyone present.

They shouted in unison:

"Get off!

"Get off!

"Get off!""



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