I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 91: Eagle sauce panicked! Longguo ascended to the top of the world!?

Chapter 91: Eagle sauce panicked! Longguo ascended to the top of the world!?

Kimchi country.

The show scene.

When this show airs again.

For Kimchi people, they are very unhappy.

Because just now, they learned one thing, that is, netizens from all over the world are laughing at themselves.

As for the content of the ridicule, it is inseparable from the show.

To be precise, the reason for being ridiculed is all related to that expert!

Blame the expert's malicious speculation.

What do you say about bean curd dregs engineering, and what you say will collapse when you touch it!

If not for such a theoretical basis.

It is simply impossible for someone to go to the mountain school and then hit the wall with a big hammer.

And now.

Things are fine.

That scene was filmed.

Then, just now, a person from the Dragon Kingdom turned it into a joke in the chronicle of the world.

And they stand as one on the pillar of shame.

It is conceivable how many foreign netizens will laugh at him next.

Because of this, many people simply don't dare to look at social software.

The content above is almost the same.

"Omg, what happened to your Kimchi country? Why did you do such a shameful thing?"9

"My God, I feel ashamed to chat with you Kimchi people!


because of various encounters.

So much so that the kimchi people at the show now only have one emotion.

That is rage!!

And they also pointed the object of their rage at a person.

That's the expert.

And at this moment, the expert came into play.

So ever.

They just lost their minds, and no matter what they got, they threw them all.

Immediately after shouting loudly, let the expert roll off.

Not to mention the experts on stage.

With a suffocated expression on his face, he kept dodging things thrown from all directions.

And after dodging, I also heard a huge muffled sound from the stage.

"Seven Five Seven"

He turned around and saw the broken brick.

The whole person couldn't help but pause for a while, and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva.



He doubted life on the spot, then opened his eyes wide and shouted:

"You calm down!"

"What's the matter? 35

After all, he didn't know what happened.

This time, even the bricks were thrown up, which made people doubt life.

And this moment.

I saw Kimchi country netizens stunned for a moment.

To them.

He seemed to have heard something strange.

He was angry on the spot and shouted directly:

"You asked what happened to us! 99

"Who gave you face! 99

"Get off me!""

"It's grass!"

"Blood mold fell!"

"It's all because of you that we are so humiliated in front of netizens from all over the world! 35


When the Kimchi people were extremely angry.

The expert was completely stunned.

But he didn't stand still.

Instead, he immediately picked up the phone and checked it out.

He knew it happened for a reason.

Now provoking a group of people to become so irritable.

Then something must have happened!


After he browsed the whole story of Kimchi Nation being nailed to the pillar of shame.

I saw the expert suddenly widen his eyes.

Watching in disbelief.

He just speculated maliciously, but he didn't expect this time to be written in the world chronicle???

This is simply outrageous!

And it's still far from the big spectrum!

at the moment.

Seeing the audience so furious.

He knew he couldn't stay any longer.

The whole person immediately raised his hand and gave an apologetic gesture.

Immediately after, he turned around and ran down the stage.

Let's talk about kimchi people.

They simply do not accept this apology.

They were still pissed.

How could it be so easy to forgive this man?

So ever.

They smashed things up again.

Moreover, the mood became very irritable, and they cursed angrily:


"Your mother is gone!! 39

"Really vomited!"


Under a crowd of scolding.

Experts smashed all kinds of sundries directly on the body.

And at this moment, his whole person doubted his life.


This Nima is a bunch of incompetent things!!

thought here.

He can't wait to turn around and scold back his grievances.

But now.

He also knew that it was useless to scold him back.

Because from now on.

He no longer has a place in the specialist field!

And all of this is because of his malicious speculation about the thousand schools in the Dragon Kingdom!

The most important thing is that this is all his own fault and asking for trouble!

It is conceivable that the people in the country of Kimchi will spurn him after that.

Wherever he went, he was treated as a dog and chased after him.

thought here.

I saw the expert who was still full of grievances just now.

It just left a tear in desperation.

My heart was already roaring.

I did it wrong!!!!

And in the Dragon Country.

Many netizens saw the video of the expert crying on the Internet.

On the video, the expert said that he was treated like a dog, and everyone shouted and beat him.

And when he said these words, his actions were vivid and tearful!

saw this scene.

Longguo netizens all hugged their stomachs and laughed.

Or how about a brick home!

It just deserves it!!

And they have no sympathy at all.

Even cut off the video.

Not even the heat is going to be given to this expert.

And next.

All they have to do is to welcome Jiang Bai's return.

After all, this time is a national honor.


After Jiang Bai returned to China, he issued a statement directly.

The first is to celebrate this wonder of the world.

Then he has something to say to the whole network.

You must know that the Dragon Kingdom created this wonder of the world

this is next

The most important thing is that the children in the mountains can go to junior high school and high school without spending a few hours!

Arguably, that's the most important thing.

After all, they are the flowers of the motherland and the hope of the future!

And the second half of this statement.

This is Jiang Bai's summary of this point.

"When the school is completed, students in impoverished mountainous areas across the country will not have to walk more than ten kilometers to the city for the senior high school entrance examination.

"It doesn't take hours to get to school!

"They have their own test center, their own high school! 35

"They no longer have mountains they can't cross, they've come out!

"Next, they will have the opportunity to develop their ambitions, there will be a moment to realize their dreams!


After a few words.

For the entire mountain construction project, it is also the last wave of summary.

As you can see, the children have the nearest middle school next.

Whether it is going to school or studying, it will become much more convenient.

More importantly, they have greater freedom, and there is no longer a mountain that cannot be crossed.

when this announcement was made.

The whole network is completely blown up!!

The first is fans from Jiang Bai.

When they saw this good man and good deeds, they all sighed with emotion.


"Brother Bai has done another good deed!"

"Benefits all mountain children!"

"This time, Brother Bai has helped millions of poor students across the country!

"It is difficult to find Brother Bai, Brother Bai has many friends!


Under the emotion of everyone.

many quotes

spread again

Everyone is saying that it is difficult to find Brother Bai, who has many friends

And because Jiang Bai is a positive energy anchor.

Many people feel honored.

Involuntarily, I chatted with others.

Not to mention the gang of children in poor mountainous areas.

A reporter went to interview them.

Then came a thank you letter.

And those replies directly filled the entire table.

Inside is visible to the naked eye.

All are the sincere words of mountain children.

"Thank you for your gift!

"My name is Wang Yiming, thank you very much!

"My name is Daddy Zhang, thank you very much!"

"Brother Bai, when we grow up, we will definitely thank you!

"When I grow up, I want to be a man like Brother Bai! 35

"So positive!

"We are already fans of Brother Bai!


children in the mountains

Most are honest and simple.

And what they said was very direct.

Nor will it be around corners.

For what Jiang Bai has done, they can only be grateful.

Then when I grow up, I have to thank myself for going back.

many more

Already follow Jiang Bai

It's just that they can't watch the live broadcast.

but obviously

They all want to be this kind of positive person.

And just when the whole network is hot.

The people of the beautiful country have a voice that is getting louder and louder.

You must know that the Dragon Kingdom can build a thousand schools in two months.

But what about them?

Can't put out a fire in two months!

Under such circumstances, many people directly questioned, what the hell are the authorities doing?

Many people spontaneously made explainer videos and posted them on Douyin abroad.

You must know that the people of the beautiful country have endured for a long time.

So just riot at this moment!!

Questions are overwhelming!!

Immediately afterward, the jokes from abroad spread to all parts of the beautiful country.

Beautiful country high-rise

A congressman hurriedly entered the meeting room.

When the eyes inside look.

With a look of anger on his face, he said:

"The protests are getting louder and louder, there are already riots in the streets!

The voice fell.

The faces of the high-level officials present turned ashen.

And now, they are gathered together because of this.

"You sit down and watch this video!"

First, a high-level executive took out an explosive video in the media.

Then it was played.

The content on the video is the miracle of thousands of schools created by Long Kingdom within two months!

After watching the video content, I saw that the senior management was angry.

"The reason why the people of our beautiful country are rioting is because of this video?"

A member of parliament asked

Everyone present was tacit

If it weren't for the incident of the Dragon Country, the people of the Beautiful Country would be very calm...

There is no way to question the authorities about what you are eating.

In the face of the riots of the people

They also discussed

There must be a solution to this.

If anyone is listening here.

Then you will find that they have not thought about how to solve the problem of low efficiency.

During the discussion, the discussion was all about how to suppress this news.

But this also made them very upset.

At this time.

A high-level executive slapped the table angrily.

"Fake! The Dragon Kingdom must be punished!! 35

He growled angrily.

Hearing these words, the other members raised their heads in astonishment.

Why is it so good, suddenly the Dragon Kingdom is going to be sanctioned?

But soon, they all came to a sudden realization, nodded and said:

"Indeed, if it weren't for the thousand schools built by Long Guo, this kind of thing wouldn't happen now!

"That's right! They must be punished, and their arrogance must be suppressed! 99

"That's right, Long Guo has been too arrogant recently, it's time to teach them a lesson! 35

"The people in the country have made us devastated, and the Dragon Kingdom will not have a good life in the future!

"Then use sanctions to divert conflicts and attract people's attention to the past! 99

under the discussion of many parliamentarians.

A decision immediately surfaced.

That is to sanction the Dragon Kingdom.

This decision was also approved by the members present.

Immediately, someone raised their hands to vote.

"I agree!"

"I support!!

"This is the best way!"

"We can make Long Guo not let out a single fart!

Accompanied by these words.

The deputies present also moved quickly.

After all, the people are still in riots.

They have to put this on the agenda.

So next, they are pondering which aspect of sanctioning the Dragon Kingdom.

not long

A congressman patted the table and said firmly:

"I propose to implement a comprehensive chip blockade on the Dragon Country and prohibit companies from all countries from exporting chips to it!"


The eyes of others suddenly lit up.

Someone directly said: "Great idea!

Some people suddenly showed a playful expression, "Aren't they very arrogant recently? When you ask us to import chips, I think you are still arrogant!"

Someone directly said disdainfully: "They can only produce chips above 22nm now, this time, as soon as our chip is blocked, they all have to jump!

By this time

A plan came out unexpectedly.

And now we need someone who can make a decision.

not long

A group of congressmen all looked at one of the higher-ups.

Let's talk about this top

After he heard it, he was thinking

But it doesn't take long to think

He already had an idea in his heart, and said with a smile:

"We want to impose chip sanctions on the Dragon Country, isn't it just a matter of words?! 95

"I agree! Full lockdown next!

a word sounded

Full house 0.7 cheers

The feeling of being overwhelmed before is completely gone.

Instead, they were excited.

This time it is not only to resolve the riots of the people.

It can even tie the hands and feet of the Dragon Kingdom.

A cheerful atmosphere has appeared in the conference room.

The members looked left and right and scrambled to discuss it first.


A group of top executives made a unanimous decision.

High-pressure sanctions against Longguo and chip blockade!

Ban companies from all over the world from exporting chips to the Dragon Country!

with the passing of the resolution.

The overwhelming news swept the beautiful country directly.

"Heavy Punch! Beautiful Country Decides to Implement Chip Blockade on Dragon Country, Prohibiting Enterprises from Various Countries to Export Chips to Dragon Country"

And this news

It caused a heated discussion on the spot!

Immediately afterwards, it was also spread to the external network, causing a global heated discussion!!

Including kimchi country, big bear country...

All these netizens saw the news

And this moment

The whole world felt that the Dragon Kingdom was going to be miserable.

Being blocked by beautiful country chips means that their mobile phones, computers and other equipment will lag behind the world from now on.

In a few years, it will be completely reduced to the third-rate world.

Many others were worried one by one.

And their worries actually carry a sense of superiority.

"It's too pitiful! The people of Longguo will soon be abandoned by the international mainstream!"9

"They're about to go back thirty years and become a third-rate world!""

"Poor Dragon Kingdom, just after being complacent for a long time, he will be punished soon!"


Under the heated discussion of netizens from all over the world.

This lockdown is in full swing.

Enterprises in various countries have weighed their own situation one by one, and then chose to block the chip without hesitation!

In the next ten years, no one will sell any chip products or provide any patent assistance to Longguo.


When the news reached the Dragon Kingdom.

Instantly aroused countless people's anger!!.

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