I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 1070: These are necessary

At this time, the owner of the business, Long Ze, had already learned of this.

So here, Shang Longze's whole person's eyes are even more murderous.

"Damn bastard, I didn't expect Han Jia to really compromise!"

When Shang Longze said these words, it is for the present.

The people around him also looked very depressed.

Yes, it is precisely because of this, so how to deal with this matter next, just these, in fact, has come very critical.

At this time, Shang Longze looked in front of him, but he didn't forget to continue talking to this side.

"However, although the matter is over now, if you think about it carefully, in fact, for us, there is still a chance!"

When Shang Longze said this, it did arouse the great interest of those around him.

It seems to them that this matter has been resolved almost.

Next, if you still want to start from this aspect, what else can you do?

Therefore, some of them are confused by the second monk.

But at this time, Shang Longze looked in front of him, but he didn't forget to continue talking.

"Actually, at the current level, if we really want to solve such a thing next."

"The best solution is to start now!"

When Shang Longze looked in front of him, people from other merchants saw this place beside Shang Longze.

In fact, they are very moved now.

Now that this is the end of the matter, it would be better to take advantage of the present and work hard for this.

Otherwise, isn't it too passive now?

So next, these security guards of the merchants looked forward to them one after another.

"Since they have planned to do this now, then we can take advantage of this good opportunity to start, this is the key."

"That's what I said, so next, what do you plan to start from? Actually, if you think about it carefully, it's totally okay."

"It seems that everyone seems to think so, so now, let's speed it up!"

But in front of my eyes, along with the people around, you have said one word to me, not forgetting to speak in front of you.

After all, what is the plan to start to solve this matter next?

In fact, it seems that Shang Longze can only do so now.

"This, you all, is completely right."

"Since everyone thinks that way now, then we all must still need to increase our efforts!"

When Shang Longze said these words, and even dealt with these things, how he planned to deal with them.

In fact, deep down in their hearts, they are dealing with all of this, and they are becoming more and more understanding.

And Shang Longze smiled triumphantly: "That girl named Jiang Xiaoli is now the goal for us to clean up."

"I hope everyone can still be prepared!"

When Shang Longze finished speaking, the people around him nodded in unison.

Such a thing is even more inevitable.

So now, since we have grasped such a good opportunity, then, when the time comes, it is bound to take advantage of this time to start quickly, this is the key.

Otherwise, it is not a good thing to just think about it for a long time.

Slowly, he looked in front of his eyes subconsciously.

In fact, there is nothing to be entangled with at all for other things.

But it's just that, in fact, the more you look at it this way, at this time, Shang Longze's whole person's face is filled with a hint of playful smile.

"It's interesting, but from now on, now that this kind of thing has happened, then we all can take advantage of this good opportunity to start quickly."

Slowly, as Shang Longze finished speaking, everyone else began to prepare.


"What you said is true?"

At this time, Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him and couldn't help asking.

As for Lei Tianming, looking at Shen Xuan like this, he focused his head and didn't forget to speak before his eyes.

"Such a thing is absolutely true!"

Following the present, these words were spoken out.

Obviously, with regard to things like this, where are we going to start?

For other issues, there is nothing to say for the time being.

But the more so, it actually treats these things.

Shen Xuan's heart became clearer and clearer.

Slowly, while looking at these things.

At this moment, Shen Xuan frowned.

"Unexpectedly, Shangjia has really made up its mind to do this."

"However, since they want to find death, then we can fulfill them!"

When Shen Xuan said these words, it made those around them become more excited as they watched.

After all, next, since it has been planned to do so.

So no matter what aspect you start with, in fact, such a thing can be carried out completely.

Slowly, looking at these.

At this moment, Shen Xuan, while watching, did not forget to continue talking here.

"But now, even if you really make up your mind and continue to consume it like this, the final result is still the same."

"Then there is no need for the merchant to exist!"

When Shen Xuan said, this made the people around him become more excited as they watched.

Now that I have made up my mind to do this, no matter what, this kind of thing should actually need to be speeded up and solved quickly. This is the key.

By Shen Xuan's side, the other Divine Sword Sect people watched.

Now, in fact, they are getting more and more angry.

"Although I don't want to say that, but next, we can take advantage of this good opportunity to do something."

"That's right, otherwise, what are we all waiting for here?"

"Since everyone feels so now, then I think we can all start at any time."

Accompanied by the people around, they did not forget to speak to the eyes.

There is no doubt that this is the case, let's look at it now.

Actually, how should we plan to deal with such a thing? Actually, here, Shen Xuan is getting more and more excited.

After all, next, finally can start from this aspect.

It's not a bad thing to think about it this way.

As for Shen Xuan's side, Lei Tianming was completely free from it.

"These bastards, in short, anyway, our primary goal is to start from here."

"In that case, that's right."

When Lei Tianming spoke to this side, it was obvious how the current situation should be carried out.

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