I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 1071: It seems that you can't hide

"What, towards us?"

Jiang Xiaoli looked in front of her subconsciously, and her beautiful eyes were even more curious and puzzled.

After all, all this looks really wrong.

It seems that these are completely prepared for them.

So the more this happens next, in fact, it seems, the more it makes other people feel faintly uneasy.

As for Jiang Xiaoli's side, a subordinate said.

"Miss, we absolutely can't wait for death like this anymore, we must do something."

As the men around him said, this was the time when Jiang Xiaoli was looking at this place.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoli's face was even more serious.

"Very well, since they have made up their minds to do this now, then we all must accompany you to the end!"

When Jiang Xiaoli looked in front of him, the more so, in fact, how to deal with these things at present, how do they plan to solve them?

I won’t say anything for now, but at least here.

In fact, it seemed to Jiang Xiaoli that there was still a need to take such a thing seriously.

"However, now that I have made up my mind to continue to consume it like this, in fact, after careful consideration, it is still a big difference."

When Jiang Xiaoli looked at these things, at this moment, Jiang Xiaoli didn't care about them at all.

As for Jiang Xiaoli's other guards, they all went out one after another.

"The eldest lady is right, but if they really think we are soft persimmons, then I'm afraid they still think too simple."

"Of course, if you have any ability, just take it out, anyway, at the end, it's still the same."

"Fighting with them, we are seeking wealth and wealth, and now we can only do that."

But those people around did not forget to say.

Jiang Xiaoli at this time also thought so.

"It seems that this matter can't be avoided."

"But now that I have made up my mind to do this, it is totally okay to look at it now."

When Jiang Xiaoli looked at him, the more so, in fact, in order to deal with this point, in which way he intends to start.

In fact, here, Jiang Xiaoli herself has completely settled all this.

But just that, in fact, here, Jiang Xiaoli feels more and more that from now on, it is completely possible to proceed in this way.

Standing in place, Jiang Xiaoli's eyes moved.

"It seems that they have already come."

With these words, the people around looked far away.

Sure enough, they found that there was already someone not far away, constantly surging towards this side.

But the more it is now, in fact, all of them feel that there is nothing to worry about next.

Slowly, looking at the front.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoli felt very excited as she watched.

"You guys, finally came."

"Business people, are you planning to start directly?"

When Jiang Xiaoli said these words, it made all the people in front of him look towards this side.

After all, what should we plan to start with for such a thing?

In fact, there is nothing to say about other things for the time being.

And the more the situation is now, in fact, how should we plan to deal with this matter now?

Jiang Xiaoli's heart was quite clear.

Not far away, Shang Longze's eyes shone sharply.

"Hmph, I just came to find you, then who should I find."

"After all, you are Shen Xuan's woman. I believe Shen Xuan will feel very distressed if you act on you!"

When Shang Longze said this, Jiang Xiaoli at this time, her heart was even more awkward.

Such a thing, in fact, Jiang Xiaoli still hadn't expected it at all until now.

But the more the situation is now, in fact, what needs to be started next.

The more it was in this situation, Jiang Xiaoli slowly recovered her senses at this time, looked at what was in front of her, and said very simply.

"If you have any means, just take it out."

"Anyway, no matter what it is, I will stay with you to the end!"

When Jiang Xiaoli was talking here, Shang Longze clapped his hands.

"Okay, very good, I still admire your courage."

"However, even so, there is only one fate for you, and that is to die. Give it to me!"

When Shang Longze said these words, the people around him stared in front of him.

Soon, these people stepped up their efforts and quickly arrived in front of them.

After all, next, such a thing, in fact, has reached the time when it should be completely sacrificed.

Slowly, look at these.

At this time, Shang Longze, the whole person is active.

"However, even if you have made up your mind to do this, in fact, the end result is the same."

When Shang Longze finished speaking, the guards of the merchants around him were desperate to move quickly in front of them.

After all, after all, this kind of thing, no matter how to deal with it, is the key to it.

"Patriarch is right, we can't continue to consume it like this now."

"Yes, this is of course, otherwise, if we all continue to delay here, wouldn't it be too ridiculous?"

"If this is the case now, in other words, then next, I feel that in fact, all of us can start anytime, anywhere."

Slowly, following these people in front of you, one after another, you did not forget to speak in front of you.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoli seemed to be stronger than anyone.

As for here, someone next to Jiang Xiaoli was talking.

"Miss, it's too dangerous here, you should leave here first, leave it to us!"

When the people around him said to Jiang Xiaoli, at this moment, Jiang Xiaoli's face was even more serious.

"No, I don't plan to leave just now."

"Besides, now even if I leave, do you think it will be useful?"

When Jiang Xiaoli said to this side, the more so, in fact, the people around him were all silent.

But at this time, Jiang Xiaoli looked in front of her, but she didn't forget to continue talking.

"I only stay here, so that they will not dare to attack us."

"Otherwise, all of you would think, would this look really be useful?"

When Jiang Xiaoli said, all the people around him fell silent.

After all, this point actually seemed very heartbreaking to them.

But in that case, it must be time to work hard now.

Otherwise, if you think about it, you will be very passive. I become stronger when I rest. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (see Chapter 171, hide Can't drop) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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