I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 817: So, you Denglin must die

"The reason for this incident was all caused by your Deng family."

"To be precise, you, Deng Lin, provoked it."

At this time, Shen Xuan looked calm, looking in front of him, giving the feeling of others.

It's like starting now, anytime, anywhere, planning to shoot.

But here, in front of Shen Xuan, Deng Lin smiled angrily.

Even he gradually felt that what Shen Xuan said seemed very ridiculous.

But only so, Shen Xuan is more direct, the more he looks.

"It's a bit interesting, but now, so you Deng Lin must die!"

When Shen Xuan finished speaking to this side, his speed suddenly accelerated.

It seemed that it was like a sudden gust of wind, and in an instant, it quickly appeared in front of the eyes.

But here, Deng Lin in front of him, while watching, the smile on his face became more and more intense.

"Haha, ridiculous, really ridiculous."

"Aren't you so confident in yourself?"

"Then, I really want to see and see and see how you beat me!"

When Deng Lin moved his gaze, he looked in front of him.

Although, from now on, this scene has indeed become like this.

But now, between the two sides, the winner must be determined.

As for Deng Lin, he still feels confident.

However, with Deng Lin doing this, Shen Xuan at this time behaved very coldly.

Although it is indeed like this, it seems to Shen Xuan that, in fact, Shen Xuan does not even feel that there is something wrong with this situation.

"Interesting, this kind of thing is actually quite interesting."

"However, I can only say that all of you still think too simple."

When Shen Xuan's gaze shrank and looked in front of him, the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more intense.

However, with Shen Xuan so.

Now, in front of Shen Xuan, Deng Lin in front of him just felt that there was a flame burning in his heart.

As for Shen Xuan, he didn't care about these at all, but the speed started to accelerate, and he quickly appeared before his eyes.

"What's wrong, do you want to do something now?"

"However, I'm afraid you are still thinking too simplistically."

When Shen Xuan finished speaking in front of him, he shot quickly without saying a word.

In front of Shen Xuan, Deng Lin in front of him originally wanted to say something, but now he fell down quickly.

The whole process happened so fast that it was jaw-dropping.

Even for a long time, they didn't even see clearly how they did it here.

In front of him, Shen Xuan didn't feel much at this time.

It was here, at this moment, Shen Xuan looked at the Deng family guards around him.

"What's the matter, your Deng family, isn't it great? What's wrong now?

As for Shen Xuan's side, the warriors from the Temple of War, when they saw this place, they sighed here one after another.

The more it is now, in fact, what kind of method is going to be used to deal with this point next.

In fact, there is nothing else to say for the time being.

But now, this point can be continued.

As for Shen Xuan, he didn't even feel that there was something wrong with his current appearance.

"Interesting. At the moment, it's quite interesting."

"It's just that now, I'm afraid you still think too simple."

When Shen Xuan's gaze moved slightly, he subconsciously looked in front of him.

Even so, if you start from now on, it will actually make Shen Xuan want to get angry even more.

The warriors of other temples of war are eager to try.

"Come on, everyone still decides the winner today."

"Their boss has been dealt with, what else can they do?"

"That said, all in all, take advantage of this time, give them a little color to see."

Now, everything is said around.

Even in front of them, these people became more excited as they spoke.

After all, next, this point is actually quite critical.

As for Shen Xuan, he didn't care about it.

Because Shen Xuan discovered that these guards of the Deng family had become much stronger and more direct than Shen Xuan had imagined.

"It's kind of interesting, you guys, is this going to fight stubbornly?"

After Shen Xuan finished speaking, at this time, these guards burst into anger.

They also realize that this is their last chance now.

That being the case, what are they all waiting here for next?

Rather than that, it would be better to take advantage of this time and step up your shots.

"What are you talking about so much nonsense with them? Just fight it."

"Yes, especially if you kill Shen Xuan, otherwise, it will be hard for us all to get rid of our hatred."

"Since all of you think so, then what are we waiting for? Let's just do it."

Following in front of them, these Deng family guards did not forget to speak in front of them.

After all, if you think about it carefully, it feels like.

That is to make these things very obvious.

But just here, Shen Xuan at this time, the more he looked, the more he felt very funny.

"Very well, you guys, it's much more interesting than I thought."

"However, I really want to see and see and see if you guys really have such capabilities!"

When Shen Xuan smiled playfully in front of him, he simply waved his hand to this side.

The people around them started to speed up and moved up.

Just in the blink of an eye, it has quickly arrived in front of the eyes, without saying a word, it started to start suddenly.

But here, at this moment, Shen Xuan smiled slightly.

"Interesting, this scene is quite interesting."

"It's just that you originally shouldn't have done this."

Shen Xuan looked in front of him subconsciously, sighed helplessly, and couldn't help speaking to him.

Even so, but now, since this scene has become the way it is now.

Then, for the next thing, you can take advantage of this time to take advantage of it. This is the point.

As for here, the guards of the Deng family can hold on a little bit at first.

But now, for them, it is like a nightmare.

Just looking at it like this, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Shen Xuan's mouth.

"Very good, in fact, now that you have made up your mind to do this, then we should indeed be able to make a break."

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