I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 818: Of course, it continues

Finally, everything here has finally been resolved.

However, Shen Xuan felt as if nothing had happened.

Is such a thing really true for Shen Xuan?

In fact, Shen Xuan couldn't tell what was the cause of this situation.

Slowly, when Shen Xuan looked at this place, Shen Xuan only realized that A Guang had finished cleaning up.

"Shen Xuan, our matter here has been resolved."

"Next, all of us, what should we do?"

When A Guang looked at Shen Xuan, he couldn't help but ask before his eyes.

And as A Guang said these words, this made Shen Xuan even more amused.

In fact, other warriors in the Temple of War are also very eager to know this.

However, when Shen Xuan slowly looked in front of him.

At this moment, in fact, a faint smile appeared on Shen Xuan's face.

Although from now on, it is true.

But for Shen Xuan, Shen Xuan shrugged slightly.

"Does this still need to be said, of course it is going on now."

"Anyway, we have already reached this point, even if we don't continue next, what impact will it have?"

Slowly, when Shen Xuan looked at him.

At this moment, Shen Xuan just had a feeling in his heart.

It's as if it was suddenly suppressed by something.

Just dealing with this, Shen Xuan's side, the other warriors in the Temple of War, just felt like there was a flame in their heart, constantly pouring out.

However, the more it is now, in fact, for them, this point is completely sustainable.

"Of course, since the hall master has already said so, then I think we should continue."

"That's right, what the Deng family is, so many of the previous families were very powerful, and they were still destroyed by us."

"In fact, I don't think there is any problem with what you all said. We should do what the hall master said!"

At this moment, following the people around, they all looked in front of them.

After all, what is the plan to start from next?

In fact, for them, such a thing is still nothing in itself.

As for Shen Xuan, he was very satisfied. After all, everyone was in a very good state.

However, Shen Xuan always felt that something would happen.

But if you start from now, Shen Xuan can't really tell. From what aspect did this influence begin to expand.

"Shen Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

A Guang found something wrong with Shen Xuan, looked over, and couldn't help asking this side.

In front of A Guang, Shen Xuan quickly recovered.

But here, when Shen Xuan watched it a little bit.

At this moment, Shen Xuan was very calm, staring at him, Shen Xuan said indifferently.

"Actually, if you think about it, it doesn't matter."

"I just feel that it seems that I'm approaching the core figure in the Temple of War."

"Of course, there is also the third son."

As Shen Xuan said, it made the others confused.

However, such a thing, after all, Shen Xuan had said it once before.

So at that time, everyone just felt that it must be the kind that doesn't hurt or itchy.

Even the core figure of the Temple of War should be there to help them.

But looking at it now, in fact, they are not so optimistic.

Because of these, perhaps more cruel than they thought.

So now, these people come back to their senses, they are talking one after another.

"So, maybe the core figure of this temple of war will be in the Deng family of the second echelon, or the first echelon?"

"Although I don't want to admit this, I still feel that such an assumption will actually exist."

"If it is really because of this now, then I think we should all work harder."

Following in front of them, these people have said something to you, not forgetting to speak in front of them.

After all, the next thing like this is already here.

The warriors of the other temples of war didn't care about these.

Anyway, everything is controlled by Shen Xuan.

What Shen Xuan said, what they do will be done.

As for Ah Guang, he was very excited.

"Shen Xuan, then, shall we directly attack Deng's family now?"

After all, the current Deng family can be said to have hurt their vitality.

Of course, such a situation is not particularly obvious from its own perspective.

As long as you seize this opportunity and continue to start, then the effect will definitely be quite good when the time comes.

So next, they will actually be like this.

But here, at this moment, Shen Xuan doesn't even feel that there is something wrong with this situation.

As for the eyes, Shen Xuan watched, the smile on his face became more intense.

"Although it looks like this is the case at the moment."

"However, I still hope everyone can have a good rest!"

Shen Xuan did this, but it made those around him even more moved.

After all, Shen Xuan treated them with such an attitude, and it made them all sigh in their hearts.

He even desperately wants to do something here.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to repay Shen Xuan's kindness.

However, Shen Xuan actually had such a feeling in Shen Xuan's heart when he first came here.

From now on, it's just right.

Just looking at these things, the more so, even dealing with these things.

At this time, Shen Xuan felt more and more that, in fact, he should be completely free from this point. This is the key.

"However, even if I really want to do it now, I think I should let them go!"

When Shen Xuan looked in front of him subconsciously, while staring in front of him, Shen Xuan couldn't help but speak in front of him.

Despite all this, it is indeed the way it is now.

But as far as other people are concerned, in fact, the next step is to go all out.

Otherwise, think about it carefully, this scene actually gives people the feeling that it still seems to be a lot worse.

In front of Shen Xuan, others stared at him.

Even for them, how are they going to solve it next.

I won't talk about anything else for the time being, but here, in fact, all of them can start around this area anytime, anywhere.

"Okay, take a break first, other things, see my arrangements!"

Shen Xuan knew that now, it was time for Tang Nian to start taking action. I become stronger when I rest. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 818, of course, continues ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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