I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 819: Finally, it's our turn

"Haha, it's not easy, it's really not easy."

At this time, Tang Nian moved his muscles and bones, not forgetting to speak to his eyes.

And as Tang Nian finished speaking, the people around were all looking towards this side.

After all, it's like this, in fact, they already see it clearly.

Regarding the current situation, how could they actually know nothing in their hearts?

Just looking at him a little bit, Tang Nian continued to speak at this time.

"It's not easy, finally, it's our turn!"

They had already seen Shen Xuan's dealing with the Deng family before.

But now, since Shen Xuan has decided to take a rest.

Then, for the next thing, it was time for their shadow troops to start showing their skills.

So now, when they raised their heads and looked in front of them.

The more so, in fact, they now take a breath.

"Brother Tang, tell me what you need to do now."

"That's right, in short, we all listen to you completely, and we all do what you say!"

"Does this still need to be said? Since now, we all have completely spared it, then naturally, it couldn't be better!"

Following these people in front of them, they did not forget to speak to this place.

In fact, Tang Nian felt the pressure on him now.

Invisible, it suddenly increased a lot.

As Tang Nian did this, the others all became quiet.

Yeah, now, how should we deal with all this?

In fact, it is just like this, how do you look at it, how do you feel it.

It's not easy how you look at such things.

"However, since we all have to do all of this, let's do it thoroughly!"

When Tang Nian looked at the people in front of him, Tang Nian spoke to him with a certainty.

As for the people around, after seeing this scene, they nodded in agreement.

In fact, everyone feels this way in their hearts.

But next, how do you plan to start from this aspect?

In fact, deep in their hearts, it is more or less clear that they have come.

But now, the more so, in fact, in their hearts, they feel more and more.

There seems to be something, completely contained there.

And this time, for these.

In fact, it seems to them how to deal with it so far.

In fact, they already have a bottom in their hearts.

"Well, since everyone is already looking forward to it now, how can we not do it?"

When Tang Nian subconsciously looked in front of him, the more so.

At this moment, Tang Nian, as far as he is concerned, how should he deal with such a thing?

In fact, this kind of thing does not come so simple.

In front of Tang Nian, everyone from the shadow troops around them all stared in front of them.

That's right, now, what exactly should I plan to do to deal with all this?

In fact, this incident is absolutely inevitable.

As for Tang Nian, she gritted her teeth and looked like she was willing to go.

"Well, let's start from this place of Deng's house now."

"Anyway, our goal is this elder!"

Tang Nian said, still looking at everyone in front of him.

Right now, in front of Tang Nian, the hearts of those around him took a deep breath.

In fact, when they are here, how could they all be unclear about how they should be dealt with now.

But from now on, the more so, in fact, how do you plan to deal with these things next?

All of them have a bottom in their hearts.

As for Tang Nian, the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger.

"Very well, if it's really just like this, then it's up to everyone!"

As Tang Nian was talking here, this made everyone in the surrounding shadow troops look like they were willing to go all out.

After all, for now, no matter what, these things should be dealt with more vigorously next.

Otherwise, continue to delay here, in fact, strictly speaking, it is not a difficult thing.

At this moment, the people of the other shadow troops are looking forward to it.

"Since Brother Tang has said so, there is no need for us all to wait any longer."

"Of course, all in all, since it has been decided to deal with this, then this point must go on."

"That said, so naturally there is no need to worry."

At this moment, as these people in front of me finished speaking.

At this moment, they had already made up their minds and planned to give it up completely.

But to deal with this, Tang Nian at this time, the more he watched, the more he felt very funny.

"Nevertheless, under the current circumstances, I feel that we must all make a quick decision."

After all, Tang Nian knew very well that in this state, he absolutely couldn't delay.

Because the more so, in fact, it is not good for everyone.

So in the next step, where do you plan to start dealing with.

At this moment, Tang Nian sighed.

"However, these guys finally came."

"Although they say that, if they want to continue, then just go ahead!"

Anyway, it seemed to Tang Nian that, at present, the impact here is actually not that big at all.

As for such things, Tang Nian actually didn't feel much at all.

"Very well, in fact, now, if that is the case, then this matter, I know it."

When Tang Nian looked in front of him, the corner of Tang Nian's mouth brought a faint smile.

Although now, this is indeed the case.

But it seemed to Tang Nian that this step really needed to be speeded up.

"If it is said that the entire Deng family should be wiped out at once, then perhaps the shadow troops cannot do it."

"But, if you just tear a huge hole like that, then I think you can give it a try."

It seemed to Tang Nian that, after all, these were not a big deal in themselves.

So next, how should we deal with all this?

In fact, in its own situation, where should we start to deal with it?

In fact, how could they know nothing.

As for Tang Nian, the smile on the corners of his mouth grew richer while looking at him.

"Since everyone has made up their minds to do this now, then, all of us, we should be able to continue."

When Tang Nian looked in front of him, Tang Nian was very calm at this time.

After all, now, all this is so. I become stronger when I rest. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 819 Finally, it is our turn ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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