I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 940: Legendary kitchenware

"Fifteen minutes to rest, get legendary kitchenware."

When he saw this, Shen Xuan was a little curious.

In the end, what kind of legendary kitchenware is it.

However, after Shen Xuan saw it clearly, he discovered that there were only two true legendary kitchen utensils.

One is Yongling Knife, and the other is Zhuanlong Kettle.

These two legendary kitchen utensils can make the dishes delicious.

And not only that, if the material suffers from problems as a result.

It can also be repaired automatically, which is nice.

Shen Xuan took a look and nodded in satisfaction.

Because these are exactly what Shen Xuan needs now.

"Shen Xuan, are you back?"

Jiang Ningxue had been waiting for Shen Xuan a long time ago. After seeing Shen Xuan's return, her face was filled with indescribable excitement.

As for Shen Xuan, he smiled faintly.

"Yeah, Jiang Ao's person just asked me to go over, so they came back."


Jiang Ao?

After learning this news, Jiang Ningxue's beautiful eyes were even more curious and puzzled.

After all, Jiang Ningxue knew exactly what kind of person Jiang Ao was.

But now, why did Shen Xuan come back unscathed?

Could it be that Shen Xuan agreed to some of their requirements?

Otherwise, it definitely won't be the case.

But here, Shen Xuan seemed to know what Jiang Ningxue was thinking.

Slowly and subconsciously, I looked in front of my eyes.

Let's not talk about other things for now.

But now, the more so, at least it seems to Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan himself, on the contrary, behaved very calmly.

"In fact, these things are nothing right now."

"I have solved it, Jiang Ao's people were injured by me!"

As Shen Xuan said, Jiang Ningxue was taken aback.

"Scared me to death, I thought, what did they do to you."

"But fortunately, if you are okay, I will rest assured."

You know, Shen Xuan came to participate in the competition on behalf of Wanke.

If Shen Xuan really had anything to do with it, then it would definitely be a huge loss for Wan Kelai.

As for Shen Xuan, he was very calm.

"Don't worry, there is nothing in this matter at all."

"Besides, they, in fact, to me, they will not pose any threat at all!"

For such a thing, it is actually at hand.

Shen Xuan himself didn't feel at all what impact would it have in his current situation.

Slowly, look towards this side.

At this moment, Shen Xuan himself didn't even feel what would happen to all of this at present.

"It's okay, you all don't actually need to worry."

"Furthermore, if you are worried now, they are actually right!"

After listening to Shen Xuan's words, Jiang Ningxue thought of Shen Xuan's magical powers again.

In her heart, she gradually felt relieved.

However, Shen Xuan looked at Jiang Ningxue, thought of something, and whispered a few words into her ear.

"Ah, what you said is true?"

The more Jiang Ningxue looked at it, the more he felt that such a thing was coming so that people could not prevent it.

But putting it here, Jiang Ningxue didn't feel anything at all.

"It turned out to be like this. I will let people pay attention when the time comes."

In fact, Jiang Ningxue felt that among the thousands of visitors, there shouldn't be such a person.

Therefore, Jiang Ningxue naturally did not take these things into consideration.

At this time, Jiang Ningxue looked at Shen Xuan and said with a nod.

"Shen Xuan, don't worry, I will never let this happen."

As Jiang Ningxue said, but Shen Xuan didn't care at all.

Anyway, the other party will definitely do this.

As for what the other party would do, Shen Xuan would know for a while, but he hadn't thought of it.

Of course, Shen Xuan actually feels that thinking about it now is of no avail in itself.

So next, the easiest and most effective way is to wait calmly.

In this case, there is no problem.

"Well, everything here has been arranged."

"Then next, no matter what they plan to do."

"At least for me, it doesn't work."

Shen Xuan began the final drill, he knew that this time was very critical.


Jiang Ao Restaurant, Jiang Ao calmly looked at these things in front of him.

"How about it, have you arranged it?"

When Jiang Ao finished speaking, he was by his side.

One of his staff nodded and said: "Don't worry, boss, we have already done all this."

"When the time comes, we can..."

When the people around him said, at this time, Jiang Hongfei came here.

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Jiang Hongfei suddenly realized.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

You know, this time, Jiang Hongfei intends to compete fairly and win such an honor.

But here, Jiang Hongfei himself does not feel that there is any problem with this.

At this moment, Jiang Ao was speaking very seriously.

"A Fei, Dad did this, but it's all for you."

You know, what Shen Xuan had done before was still too strong.

Such Shen Xuan is actually full of threats to them.

Now that I really want to deal with this matter, the best solution is to start from here.

Therefore, when these people looked over, Jiang Hongfei frowned slightly when he looked at them.

"How can this be?"

Jiang Hongfei finished speaking. At this time, Jiang Ao was talking.

"Actually, I don't want to be like this, but the problem is, that kid's threat is really too great."

"If you don't get rid of him, what shall we do next?"

When Jiang Ao said these words, it made Jiang Hongfei stunned.

Thinking about it carefully, the one called Shen Xuan is indeed very strong.

The more so, Jiang Hongfei became silent even more.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no problem.

After thinking about it this way, even if you really did this, it would actually be nothing if you think about it carefully.

After understanding this, Jiang Hongfei subconsciously looked in front of him.

Regarding the current incident, in fact, how could Jiang Hongfei not understand it?

"Dad, if that's the case, then I can only do this once."

Jiang Hongfei did not hope that he would become a despicable and shameless fellow in the future.

And now, these are all his bottom lines.

After Jiang Hongfei finished speaking, Jiang Ao by his side was even brighter.

In fact, he was not afraid that Jiang Hongfei would not agree.

However, looking at these.

At this time, Jiang Ao said very directly: "Son, don't worry, if you win in the future."

"At that time, we will get the support of the family, and then we can make a world of it in Zhonghai."

"At that time, do you still need to worry about this?"I will become stronger when I rest. Latest chapter address: https:/ /www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read the full text address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www. wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot. com/read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 940 Legendary Kitchenware) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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