I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 941: Don't worry, I have already moved my hands and feet

At this moment, Jiang Ao subconsciously looked at his side.

In fact, deep in his heart, he also began to secretly ponder how to deal with this matter.

After all, from the current point of view, such a thing is not so simple.

Slowly, just looking at him subconsciously, Jiang Ao at this time looked proud.

"Now, as long as your side can succeed, then I estimate that this time the plan can proceed smoothly!"

When Jiang Ao said, it didn't take long for someone to come here.

When this person looked at Jiang Ao, there was a smug smile on his face.

"Boss, don't worry, he has already moved his hands and feet."

As the people around him said to Jiang Ao, Jiang Ao at this time subconsciously looked in front of him, for the current situation.

In fact, in the depths of Jiang Ao's heart, on the contrary, the more I look at it, the more I feel very clear.

These are actually nothing.

At this moment, Jiang Ao was talking directly while looking at him.

"Everyone, this time is indeed a good time for us to pay attention to."

"I hope you all, don't take it lightly!"

When Jiang Ao finished speaking to this side, at this moment, other people looked towards this side one after another.

From now on, these people become more excited as they watch.

After all, next, such a thing itself should actually be done.

So the next ones, in fact, the more they watched, the more excited they became.

"Yeah, if this is the case, then it is indeed a very good opportunity for all of us."

"If you really start from this aspect now, it's actually not impossible."

"I don't care about this now. The primary goal of all of us is to defeat Wan Kelai first. This is the most important thing."

At this moment, following the people around, they did not forget to speak to the eyes.

After all, such a thing, what should we plan to start to deal with?

In fact, from now on, deep down in their hearts, they are actually a little eager to try.

As for Jiang Ao himself, on the contrary, he didn't feel much.

"However, now that this is the end of the matter, this is a good opportunity for all of us!"

Slowly, as Jiang Ao saw this.

Obviously, I don't feel much at all.

By Jiang Ao's side, the others looked at each other, and the more they watched, the more they felt that it was starting now. In fact, such things should still need to be accelerated. This is the key.

Slowly, looking at these things in front of him, Jiang Ao now had a faint smile on his face.

"All in all, for us now, everyone naturally has to decide this side is the most important thing."

"As for the others, I think there is still a great opportunity for us all!"

Slowly, following Jiang Ao's words, the people around him all stared in front of them.

After all, the next step is to actually start from here.

In fact, in a strict sense, such a situation, in itself, has already been completely exposed.

Regarding these things, Jiang Ao at this moment is watching, his face is full of seriousness.

As for Jiang Ao, he didn't feel much at all.

"Well, now, in fact, we all have a complete victory."

"As for other things, you guys will solve it by yourself!"

When Jiang Ao looked at everyone in front of him, he didn't forget to speak here.

Slowly, Jiang Ao directly spoke to him.

There is no doubt about how to deal with such a thing next.

In fact, in their hearts, they are a little eager to try.

Regarding all this, what do you plan to do next?

In fact, Jiang Ao himself had already fully felt it.

Looking at these places, Jiang Ao himself at this time didn't feel much at all.

"All in all, this time we must occupy all of this."

When Jiang Ao was talking here, it was obvious that all of them were already very confident just for the current situation.

After all, all of the following is actually a good opportunity for them.

So next, where do you plan to start.

In fact, let's not say anything for now.

But at least for them, such a thing is not a bad thing.

Slowly, just look in front of you subconsciously.

Obviously, as far as Jiang Ao is concerned, all of this currently doesn't seem to matter at all.

"All in all, from now on, let's do this for all of us, that's right."

When Jiang Ao looked at this, it was obvious that Jiang Ao himself didn't feel anything wrong at all.

But just so, in fact, from Jiang Ao's perspective, a trace of killing intent emerged from the depths of Jiang Ao's heart.

"All in all, since we are going to do it now, then such things should still need to be done more thoroughly."

Slowly, as Jiang Ao subconsciously looked in front of him.

The more it is now, in fact, from now on, from what aspect should we start to deal with it.

In itself, such a thing is not a bad thing.

Looking at these things in front of him, Jiang Ao was moving his muscles and bones at this time.

"But think about it carefully, how could that kid be our opponent?"

Jiang Ao looked at him, as if he was determined to be here.

And these people around, when they talked about these things, a look of hatred appeared on their faces.

Obviously, in fact, all of them think so.

Not only that, but even here, these people will look like they are completely satisfied.

Slowly, as those around them watched, they nodded and kept talking.

"Yeah, that's right, in fact, now, we all should do this ourselves."

"Of course, otherwise, don't you think that we are all joking here?"

"In the current situation, the top priority is actually not these. The most important point is to see how everyone solves it."

Slowly, along with the people around, they did not forget to say this to the eyes.

After all, what is the next step in these questions?

I won't talk about anything else for the time being, but here, such a problem, in fact, after thinking about it carefully, I didn't even feel that it would have any impact.

Although looking at it now, it is true.

But as far as this side is concerned, in the hearts of others, it is very clear.

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