I Got Reincarnated as a Weed

Chapter 192: Spider king

Not just among the ruins.

At the foot of the mountain, at the top of the mountain.

The mountains and plains are boundless.

A pair of scarlet eyes flashed in the gloom.

The tyrannical breath spread.

A chill rose from Zhou Ye's back.

"What's so..." The monitor lizard demon king was speechless.

Didn’t it just squeeze a little spider?

Nima, do you want to get revenge like this?

"I'm coming." The monitor lizard demon king stepped forward, blocking the little holy elephant and the honey badger demon king behind him.

Since its monitor lizard did the **** thing, then the monitor lizard will take care of it.

"Don't." The Honey Badger Demon King was unhappy.

Although these spiders look fierce, they are all younger brothers to the Honey Badger Demon King.

It's all done.


The Honey Badger Demon King is running its power, and the horror is overflowing.

If it is an ordinary creature, after feeling this terrifying aura, it will immediately retreat.

But these spiders, as if they didn't feel half way, rushed towards them like a black torrent.

"Be careful, don't get hurt. Although these things are not cultivated, they don't seem to be good things." Zhou Ye reminded aloud.

The black-haired spiders did not have a cultivation base, but in his eyes, these spiders were lifeless.

In other words, these spiders are not really alive.

Such a weird creature is probably not so bully on the surface.

"It is very likely to carry very poisonous." The monitor lizard demon king said.

It has been observing the black spider from the beginning.

The small particles on the legs of the black hairy spider are very likely to carry highly poisonous.


The black spider's call is like a mouse, but it is more acute.

There are screams reverberating across the mountains and plains, between heaven and earth.

One after another.

This cry, as if possessing magic power, made Zhou Ye and the other four creatures feel a little dizzy in their heads.

"Don't let them scream."

The little icon is a little irritable.

"Calm down, this should be a peculiar attack that can affect your mind." Zhou Ye's heart was solemn, and he began to appease the little holy elephant.

"Understood." The little icon nodded.

It lifted its nose, and then blew in sharply.


Its nose is like a hair dryer, blowing a strong wind.


Countless black spiders could not withstand the strong wind and were blown into the sky.

Some black-haired spiders lay dead on the soil, holding back the strong wind.

"Fuck it, don't blow." The monitor lizard demon king raised his head and glanced, suddenly shouted.

The black spiders that were blown into the sky danced wildly, like raindrops, overwhelming the sky and falling directly.

With the sharp eyes of the monitor lizard demon king, he saw the green faint venom on the mouthparts of those black-haired spiders!

The little elephant stopped quickly.

"Made, do it." The little holy elephant was a little helpless.

The Honey Badger Demon King didn't care about them, and went straight into the spider group.

The Honey Badger Demon King is full of black-haired spiders.

These black-haired spiders bit on the body of the Honey Badger Demon King, but they couldn't bite.


The Honey Badger Demon King was very proud, lifted his paw and slapped dozens of black spiders to death.

It is happy now.

Although these black-haired spiders cannot cause damage to it, they prefer to do it directly.

Regardless of whether the opponent has a cultivation base, just get it.


In the sky, two trails of a hundred feet long, shimmering with thunder light, fell.


A loud voice spread.

The tiny Razer in the soil walked around, looking for his goal.

Within two miles, it was surrounded by electric light, and all black hair spiders that entered this area, without exception, were scorched by the high temperature.

"Don't make too much noise, it's easy to attract more monsters." The monitor lizard demon king looked around, then whispered to Zhou Ye and other creatures.


The two claws of the Honey Badger Demon King were sinking into the soil, and the terrifying combat power began to show.

Within a few miles, the ground trembled slightly, and the black-haired spiders were shaken to the air.

The frequency of ground shaking is very messy.

The violent force wandered in mid-air, tearing the black spiders apart.


A black hairy spider the size of a grinding disc was vacated, and then a force appeared out of thin air, directly tearing it apart.

After tearing, green liquid came out.

At the same time, the black-haired spider's body began to curl up and fell to the ground, turning to ashes.

The monitor lizard demon king was busy dealing with the black hairy spider that was blown into the sky by the little icon.

It stood up, and then waved its paw.

A few **** rays of light fell off the tip of the claw and hit the sky.

Under the control of Divine Mind, the blood-colored light slew one after another black hair spider.

The little elephant is also contributing.

It lowered its head slightly, its big nose rolled on the ground, and every time it crushed, it would kill hundreds of black-haired spiders.

Zhou Ye was standing on the head of the little elephant.

"These black-haired spiders, their divine minds can't affect them..." Zhou Ye found a big problem.

These black-haired spiders are very strange.

Judging from the current situation, it is not a living thing at all.

But it's so active and can take the initiative to attack creatures, so there should always be spirits, right?

The result is regrettable.

These black-haired spiders don't even have a soul.

Zhou Ye didn't understand, what kind of power was it that supported them, these non-spirited, non-living things attacking them frantically?

Just because the monitor lizard demon king killed a small spider?

Nima, it doesn't make sense.

Zhou Ye jumped up and fell into the spider group.

He was walking on the scorched earth, surrounded by sword light carrying lightning, and no black spider could approach it.

He watched the black spiders carefully.

Zhou Ye discovered that these black-haired spiders have one characteristic, that is, madness.

As if being stimulated, he attacked endlessly.

It's like, if you don't kill the four of them, you won't stop...

"Why on earth?" Zhou Ye couldn't figure it out.

He noticed that every black spider's body was wrapped with black energy.

So, could it be the problem of this black air?


Zhou Ye lifted the tip of the blade and wrapped the blade of grass with profound energy. After protection, he rolled up a black-haired spider.


The black-haired spider barked wildly, opening his mouth and biting on the cyan mysterious energy.

Zhou Ye saw that the black spider's head had two sharp teeth, like the fangs of a poisonous snake.

At the same time, the moment the sharp teeth came out, a drop of green faint thing condensed on the tips of the teeth.

That is venom.


The venom dripped on the profound energy.


"Profound energy can corrode?!" Zhou Ye couldn't believe it.

This kind of creature really feels a bit unpleasant.

Unlike ordinary spiders, he remembers that Crimson has eight spider legs, and these spiders only have six spider legs, and they also have sharp fangs. They are entangled with black energy, and the three pairs of blood-red eyes are full of tyrannical aura... …

It looks like an evil thing in every way.


On Zhou Ye's tip, the sword light spit out, cutting this crazy struggling black spider in half.

He summed it up and thought it was a problem of black air.

But how to solve this matter, he didn't know.


"Why do you have the feeling that you can never finish killing?" The little holy elephant frowned and asked with some doubts.

Around, the number of black hair spiders seems to be always so large, and there is no trend of reduction at all.

"Hahaha..." The Honey Badger Demon King seemed to be a lunatic, smiling madly among the black-haired spiders.

The monitor lizard demon king felt his brain hurt.

I've said it all, quietly in the secret realm, quietly.

Why don't you listen to it anymore.

"Is there a quick solution?" Zhou Ye asked towards the monitor lizard demon king.

"No." The monitor lizard demon king shook his head.

If there is a quick solution, it has already said.

The point is, there is none at all.

"Didn't you come in?" Zhou Ye asked.

The monitor lizard demon king looked bitter.

"It's correct to have been here, but I have never encountered such a monster." The monitor lizard demon king sighed.

It actually feels pretty good when encountering this group of black-haired spiders.

At least these black-haired spiders did not cultivate themselves.

If you encounter that kind of monster that has cultivation base and is extremely terrifying, it is despair.

"Push horizontally." The little holy elephant said helplessly.

The monitor lizard demon king considered for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Then push horizontally."

Zhou Ye jumped on the head of the little holy elephant.

Next is the performance of the three demon kings.

When the Honey Badger Demon King heard the horizontal push, he was immediately refreshed.


It roared, sound waves bursting, and killed a large number of black spiders.

Boundless profound energy surged out like a meat grinder, strangling black spiders.


The black hair spider seems to be endless, constantly gushing from the ruins, the foot of the mountain, and the top of the mountain.

However, under the horizontal push of the three demon kings, the number of black hair spiders decreased linearly.

Suddenly, a foul smell spread into the senses of the four creatures.

"No! Be careful, a large monster is coming." The monitor lizard demon king was tense.

This taste is very familiar.

The cultivation base of the visitor is definitely not low.

The source of the stench is the mountain top in the distance.

A tall shadow appeared in the pitch black smoke.

Zhou Ye's first reaction was to fail.

The coercion emanating from the opponent is too terrifying.

Has surpassed the transcendent realm.

It is the existence of Fragmented Void Realm.

"It's the same level." The Honey Badger Demon King shook his whole body. After shaking off the black spider that had been smashed to death, he flexed his hands, preparing to blow the head of the future.

"Don't be impulsive," the monitor lizard demon king reminded.

"These existences are not good things. They either carry highly poisonous or have some insidious tricks. Try not to get injured on their hands, otherwise it will be particularly troublesome to recover."

Hearing the heavy tone of the monitor lizard demon king, the honey badger demon king also got serious.

No matter how much you usually hold, you can't be careless at this time.

The little icon is a little behind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the late stage of the Broken Void Realm, it can help, but the big brother is still on his head.

It's not good to belch your eldest brother and be burped by the aftermath.



A huge shadow is walking down from the top of the mountain.

When its feet step on the scorched earth, they will corrode the soil.

On the legs, there are thick black hairs.

It is a huge black-haired spider.

I am afraid that one of the spiders can be king!

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