I Got Reincarnated as a Weed

Chapter 193: Come and hold it!

"It's not easy," said the monster lizard king.

It is a bit nervous now.

I'm afraid it won't happen.

I was thinking about whether I could do the other side.

If you can do it, everyone will be happy to take the opponent's demon pill, everything will be perfect.

If you can’t do it, it’s a pity that you will be seriously injured.

In the secret realm, severe injuries are even more dangerous.

Once, a fellow Daoist of the Monster Lizard King was seriously injured in this secret realm.

In the end, that fellow Taoist did not leave the secret realm...

"Be serious." The Honey Badger Demon King glanced sideways at the monitor lizard demon king.

"Yeah." The monitor lizard demon king nodded.

It and the Honey Badger Demon King both had a two-hundred percent spirit, and the profound pill in the body was running at high speed, ready to face the enemy with the strongest posture.


The Spider King walked slowly.

The black mist around his body gradually dissipated, revealing the whole picture.

Each spider leg is three feet long, and the body is huge, almost comparable to the monster lizard king.

The Spider King has eight pairs of eyes.

There is no trace of emotion among the eight pairs of scarlet eyes.

There is no irritable breath, no violent feeling, it exudes a cold breath.


The Spider King screamed, opened his mouth and spit out a huge spider web, and pounced on the four creatures.

"Be careful, spider webs are poisonous!"

With sharp eyes, the monitor lizard demon king suddenly reminded.


The Honey Badger Demon King roared, his claws lifted, and the powerful profound energy surrounded his fingertips.

As it waved its paws, several bright lights cut through the air, tearing the spider web to pieces.

The monitor lizard demon king seized the opportunity, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and condensed a huge light group in his mouth, and a ray of light shot out from the light group.


The Spider King didn't move, just raised his head slightly and glanced at the ray.

The air seemed to freeze, and the ray could not go in half an inch closer to the spider king three feet away.


The rays of profound energy condensed began to shatter every inch, and a black energy entangled on the shattered rays and hit the monitor lizard demon king.

It was this black energy that forced the monitor lizard demon king to cut the connection between the ray and himself.

The monitor lizard demon king looked at it intently, and the ray of black air gave it great fear.

"Be careful, don't be touched by this black gas, not only has the ability to corrode, it can also kill you and me instantly!" The monitor lizard demon king loudly reminded the honey badger demon king.

The Honey Badger Demon King silently nodded, then turned into an afterimage and attacked the Spider King.

There was a problem with the black energy radiating from the Spider King initiative, it remembered.


The Honey Badger Demon King raised his paw and slammed it on the Spider King's leg.

The spider's legs did not move at all.

The feeling of being photographed on it is like photographing a hard shield, completely unable to shake the opponent.

Zhou Ye and the little elephant who were watching from a distance felt wrong.

"Did you feel that there is a problem?" Zhou Ye asked in a low voice.

The little icon nodded.

"It seems that behind..."

The little holy elephant suddenly turned his head, his complexion suddenly became ugly.

Another spider king!

"What level?" Zhou Ye took a deep breath.

The little holy elephant squinted his eyes, and instantly judged based on the breath of the opponent.

"Later stage of Fragmented Void! But the breath is unstable, it seems that it has only been a few days after breakthrough." said the little holy elephant.

Zhou Ye secretly said that he was finished.

A spider king dragged the honey badger demon king and the monitor lizard demon king.

One more one, wouldn't it be over? !

"Can you deal with it?" Zhou Ye asked.

With his cultivation base, he couldn't cause any harm to the opponent at all.

Can't hurt the opponent at all.

How can I fight even the body protection profound energy can't be broken?

"Can't beat it, but it can be delayed, but it can't be delayed for too long." The little icon shook his head with a solemn expression.


From behind, a violent explosion sounded.

The Honey Badger Demon King and the Spider King are in a battle.

The Spider King didn't feel the slightest injury.

And the Honey Badger Demon King was not injured, and it was so fierce that he was not afraid of death at all.

The monitor lizard demon king became a supporting role instead.

"Here!" Zhou Ye shouted toward the monitor lizard demon king.

The monitor lizard demon king froze for a moment, and then saw the brown spider king walking slowly on Zhou Ye's side.

"More?" The monitor lizard demon king was dumbfounded.

One is so difficult to deal with.

One of his mother?

"This only broke through to the late stage of Fragment Void, kill it first!" Zhou Ye said fiercely.


The monitor lizard demon king agreed, and then rushed over.

"Little holy elephant, let's go together!" The monitor lizard demon king greeted the little holy elephant, and then slaughtered the weaker spider king.

Zhou Ye rose in suspension, left the head of the little holy elephant, and began to observe the two spider kings.

The two spider kings are easy to identify.

One has scarlet eyes, and the other has green eyes.

The weaker one is the Green Eyed Spider King.

Looking at the two spider kings, Zhou Ye was lost in thought.

These two spider kings are in the same territory, they seem to be very powerful.

The cultivation base of the Honey Badger Demon King is at the same level as the Red Eye Spider King.

The Honey Badger Demon King's combat effectiveness is relatively high, and it is not afraid of death, and the combat effectiveness it can exert is even higher.

But even so, it was just a tie with the Red-Eyed Spider King.

Zhou Ye found that the two spider kings seemed to ignore the injuries, as if they could not feel the pain.

"There is no life, no soul, is it so powerful?" Zhou Ye felt his roots hurt.

The situation on the two battlefields is a bit stalemate.

Zhou Yexiu's base is neither high nor low, just at the pinnacle of the Transcendent Realm, and he can't help with any help.

"If there is an early stage of the Fragmented Void Realm at this time, I am afraid it can help a little." Zhou Ye was a little annoyed.

His gaze was placed on the green-eyed spider king.


Suddenly, the green-eyed spider king stubbornly resisted the monster lizard's tail, and then sprayed the spider web onto the little elephant's knee.

Only in a moment, the knees of the little elephant began to become wrinkled.

"What's this stuff?" The little elephant withdrew from the battlefield, shaking his legs frantically.

The power exploded, trying to drive away the spider web clinging to his knees.

Zhou Ye saw the situation of the little holy elephant.

The life energy of the little holy elephant kept passing and dissipating.

I am afraid that within a quarter of an hour, the little icon will become skinny and die.

Immediately, Zhou Ye lifted a blade of grass, and the law of life began to be mobilized by him, and the majestic, pure life energy was injected into the body of the little holy elephant.

When the breath of the law of life appeared, the green-eyed spider king seemed to feel some terrifying substance, and regressed one after another.


The Green-eyed Spider King frantically hissed at Zhou Ye.

It felt threatened.

Zhou Ye was a little startled, and then he laughed wildly in his heart as if he had found some solution.

These dead beings are actually afraid of pure life energy?


Since they can absorb the life energy in the little holy elephant, they should not be afraid of life energy.

What they fear is the law of life!

In an instant, Zhou Ye understood.

After the little elephant was cured, Zhou Ye's blades of grass were rubbing against each other, smiling inwardly.

"Leave this guy to me, you go and help Brother Flathead first."

"Can it work?" the little holy elephant asked worriedly.

Although it didn't understand how Zhou Ye cured itself, it felt that Zhou Ye could not be tough with the Green Eyed Spider King.

"Let's come." The monitor lizard demon king said to Zhou Ye, guarding the green-eyed spider king.

"No, I found something to restrain them."

"Monu Lizard Demon King, you go to help Brother Pingtou, Little Elephant, you are responsible for passing the profound energy to me." Zhou Ye said to them both.

"That's OK." The monitor lizard demon king nodded, and joined the battle where the honey badger demon king was in a flash.

Although the little elephant didn't understand why Zhou Ye said that, it still obeyed the command.

The pure profound energy surrounded the white ivory, and then connected to Zhou Ye's body.

Feeling the majestic power entering the Dantian, Zhou Ye began to mobilize the law.

The boundless life energy covered Zhou Ye's body.


A sword light split out, carrying thunder light and the law of life.



The green-eyed spider king hurriedly responded, still being cut off by one leg.

Zhou Ye has never been so cool.

With the cultivation base of the peak of the Transcendent Realm, fight against the weird creatures in the late stage of the Shattered Void Realm.

"Awesome." The little holy elephant was dumbfounded, and then began to call 6.

"Big Brother 666!"

The little holy elephant shouted.

Zhou Ye felt very helpful when he heard it. Sure enough, it was correct to call the little holy elephant ‘666’.


The sword light in the sky formed a huge power grid, which instantly enveloped the green-eyed spider, leaving it with no way out.


The green-eyed spider roared, his voice full of fear.

It can be seen to the naked eye that when the sword light touched the black energy on the green-eyed spider, it even directly dissipated the black energy.

The black energy that was blown away disappeared without a trace.

This move caused great damage to the green-eyed spider.

All six spider legs were severed.

The green-eyed spider struggled fiercely, and once again black gas appeared on its body.

Nourished by the black air, the six spider legs began to grow again.


Zhou Ye cut off the tip of the leaf sharply.


A three-hundred-meter-long sword light carrying a strong aura of law slammed on the body of the green-eyed spider.

The violent explosion sound attracted the Red Eye Spider King.

The eyes of the Red-Eyed Spider King flicked, and then directly pushed away the Honey Badger Demon King and ran away.

The breath of law makes it very uncomfortable.

Instinctively, want to escape.

Zhou Ye's side.

The green-eyed spider king was beheaded.

The black air dissipated, and a dark green Xuan Dan was lying quietly on the scorched earth.

Zhou Ye raised his hand, and the profound pill was rolled up by the tip of the leaf.

"The energy is pretty strong, not bad." Zhou Ye laughed, and then said to the little holy elephant: "Go, chase the escaped guy."

"Good!" The little holy elephant was very excited.

This is simply a win.

Very comfortable.


The little elephant ran wildly, chasing the escaped Red-Eyed Spider King.

Both the monitor lizard demon king and the honey badger demon king are a little dumbfounded~www.wuxiaspot.com~the green-eyed spider king, is that all there?

Isn't it too fantasy?

far away.


Jian Guang fell to the ground, then burst.

One of the legs of the Red Eye Spider King was cut off.

The speed of its escape suddenly dropped.

"Come and hold it, don't let it run!" Zhou Ye shouted towards the Honey Badger Demon King and the Monitor Lizard Demon King.

"I'm coming!"

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