I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 155: Do You Really Think Layfon's Title Is For Nothing? 【3/6 For Customization】


After working hard for more than ten years, I barely became Naval Headquarters Ensign.

During this time, how many hardships have you experienced?

How many life and death battles have you experienced?

This is the status and identity of today, and the privilege of enjoying the current status!


A seven-year-old child, relying on the background and the backstage, trampled all their efforts under their feet, how can this be accepted by their hard-working Marines?

Even if you want to go through the back door, it's not so outrageous!

Right from the start, it is the identity of Marine Ensign!

The essential……

This is only seven years old!

How capable is a seven-year-old child?

How can he be competent for the identity and status of Marine Ensign?

What does Marine Ensign mean?

Not only does it mean power, but it also means the burden and responsibility on the shoulders!

He has a heavy responsibility for the safety of his subordinates!

Just ask.

How can a seven-year-old child ensure the safety of his subordinates?

How to judge whether the situation is serious? How to judge whether the enemy can be defeated? And how to consider, what tactics should be used to defeat the enemy?

Can a seven-year-old child really develop his thinking to such an extent?

Can you really consider such a comprehensive issue?

the most important is.……

How strong can a seven-year-old kid be?

Strength is the foundation of everything!

"I want to know, this seven-year-old kid, can his strength reach the level and standard of Marine Ensign?"

"Don't be kidding, a mere seven-year-old child, how could his strength reach the standard of Marine Ensign. I thought, "Maybe even some of our recruits who just joined Marine are far behind."

"When I think about it, the strength of a dignified Naval Headquarters Ensign might not even be as good as a recruit egg? Isn't this a big joke!"

All kinds of angry and mocking remarks spread wildly in Marineford.

this moment.

Not only Marines are deeply angry with Layfon.


Even Garp, was seriously affected.

Garp, who has always been regarded as the object of worship and belief in mind, has become the object of people's dissatisfaction at this moment.

Going through the back door is too open and above board!

Even Garp, who is the hero of Marine, seems to be vaguely condemned.

However, most of them only expressed their dissatisfaction and anger verbally, but they dared not go to Garp to confront them face to face. They obviously did not have such courage and courage.

But even the verbal dissatisfaction and anger caused by the many speeches still swept through Marineford, causing waves of turmoil in this huge Naval Headquarters.


It's so lively!

Marineford, it hasn't been this lively for a long time.

But this time, because of a seven-year-old Ensign, it became the source of dissatisfaction and anger among these Marines. Let Marineford, ushered in a very clear noise.

Although they are all negative emotional effects, they still add a lot of lively and noisy seasonings to Marineford, which has always been boring.

Even some Vice Admirals got involved.

Such as.

Flying squirrels, ghost spiders, Huoshaoshan, etc. Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral are all deeply curious about this matter.

They are a little puzzled.

From what they knew of Garp, Garp wasn't the type to let relatives go through the back door.

The character of the other party has always been very honest!

This point, the veteran Vice Admiral and Marine are obvious to all.

They also followed Garp, fought against pirates with Garp, and were also taught by Garp. Naturally, they know Garp better than most Marines.

How can a dignified Marine hero be as unbearable as these Marines describe verbally?

"It's weird w.!"

"What is Vice Admiral Garp trying to do this time?"

"But having said that, when did Vice Admiral Garp have an extra grandson? In the past, we seemed to have never heard of it!"

"Vice Admiral Garp has a grandson named Straw Hat Luffy, who has been making a lot of noise among the pirates recently. I will understand this at the time."

"But I've never heard that Vice Admiral Garp has a seven-year-old grandson. What's the situation?"

A group of veteran Vice Admirals were puzzled.

They were not too deeply affected by the so-called back door incident.

For them.

This kind of thing is just a trivial matter.

Still can't get their real attention.

Of course.

When they have nothing to do, they don't mind observing to what extent this turbulent trend and development will evolve.

The boring Marineford finally ushered in such a noisy and lively moment, and they naturally wanted to feel it well.

"There is something strange about this matter!"

"Not to mention, Vice Admiral Garp suddenly had a seven-year-old grandson. From what I know of Vice Admiral Garp, he is not the kind of person who would casually make someone a Marine officer.

"What's more, he's still a seven-year-old kid!"

"Can you think of the reason for this?"

A group of Vice Admirals were deeply curious.

They are very familiar with Garp's personality, and they are all veteran Vice Admirals, so it is impossible not to know what kind of personality Garp is.

through the back door?

Maybe there really was a back door to it that made a seven-year-old kid a Naval Headquarters Ensign. But inside, there must be some reasons.

These reasons are the main factors that prompted the birth of a seven-year-old Marine Ensign.

As for the back door?

This is purely a small factor.

"When you mentioned it like that, I suddenly became very curious and wanted to know.

"What is so magical and special about this seven-year-old kid? As a result, both Vice Admiral Garp and Marshal Sengoku unanimously broke the rules for him and let a seven-year-old child serve as the Naval Headquarters Ensign!"

"I can't figure it out."

"But one can guess that there must be something unusual about this kid."

Vice Admiral's thinking is completely different from most Marines.

They did not question Garp and Sengoku's decision too much, but began to wonder what is so special about the seven-year-old kid Layfon.

after all.

Sengoku and Garp can be said to be admirers who will never be shaken in the minds of Vice Admiral and Marine, who have countless senior qualifications.

This small disturbance still cannot change their belief in Sengoku and Garp.

Turmoil sweeps through Marineford.

The dissatisfied voices of countless Marines spread to that Admiral's ears unstoppably.

To this.

The three Admirals didn't want to mobilize the crowd, and they didn't intervene in it. They just showed some concern about it, and they didn't have the intention of paying too much attention.

Marine Ensign was nothing more than a seven-year-old Naval Headquarters Ensign, and it wouldn't cause them too much emotional ups and downs.

They have already stood at the highest level of Marine!

This kind of trivial matter naturally cannot attract their attention.

Their time will not be wasted in this kind of place.

Only Aokiji, paying attention for a moment.


His relationship with Layfon is relatively close.

And I know Layfon "Aokiji much deeper than the other two Admirals.

"Seven-year-old Marine Ensign?"


"No problem!"

Aokiji looked weird.

Anyway, he didn't think there was any major problem with Tian Sui's Marine Ensign.

Do not!

Not right!

To be more precise, it was Layfon who served as Marine Ensign, and Aokiji felt that there was no problem at all. On the contrary, he also felt that this position may be too low for Layfon.

With Layfon's strength, it would be too wronged to be limited to Marine Ensign.

"If I didn't have a deep understanding of the kid's strength, I'm afraid I would have expressed doubts. Seven-year-old Marine Ensign? Breaking the rules!"

"But only this kid, Layfon, is different..."

Aokiji thought so in his heart.

If it were any other seven-year-old Marine Ensign, Aokiji might have doubts like these Marines for many years.

But a thought.

The seven-year-old Ensign is Layfon, and Aokiji thinks it's normal.

This is simply the most normal thing!

"This brat..."

"But the only one who can hurt me at this age!"

Mentioning Layfon, Aokiji suddenly felt a dull pain in his shoulder.

he recalled.

On the warship himself, teaching Layfon Armament the embarrassing situation of Haki.

Logia Devil Fruit, directly neutralized...

Aokiji still has lingering fears.

All of Admiral's face was lost at that time!

Admiral, the dignified headquarters, actually gave a seven-year-old kid a knife!

Although there is a premise that Aokiji is defenseless, not everyone can do such a terrifying feat like Layfon.

For example.

Who can do it, control Armament Haki at the age of seven?!

This alone is enough to eliminate 99% of the people in Da Hai.

Those so-called geniuses are not even worthy to carry Layfon's shoes!

It is such a terrifying monster.

This moment.

In Marineford, there are still people who dare to question, doubt?

Isn't this a joke?

This brat......

But at the age of seven, you can fully master the monsters that Armament Haki has achieved!

What's up with being a little Marine Ensign?

Who has an opinion?

These guys are really blind!

Even Aokiji felt that Marine Ensign was serious.

It's not too much to give a Marine Commodore.

after all.

Who of you have seen......

Seven-year-old mastered Armament Haki's monster?!

Have any of you ever seen...

Seven-year-old freak running Conqueror's?

and also.…………

Mastered it at the age of seven, comparable to Naval Headquarters Commodore's sword skills!

Seven-year-old Grandmaster Marine Six Styles...

All these horrible examples, the whole pig gathered in one person.

One can imagine.

This must be such a terrifyingly gifted monster (Li Dehao)!

Is such a monster still being questioned?

This is simply unreasonable!

"...a bunch of blind guys...."

"Come on, keep on making noise!"

"These guys have no idea. How loud they are at the moment, how loudly they will be slapped in the face by Layfon!"

"I might be crazy that I'm expecting..."

"Time for the kid Layfon to slap these guys in the face!"

Aokiji still feels a little tingling on his face.

The face was slapped too hard by Layfon!

This made Aokiji look forward to it.

I want to find a group of 'companions' who were slapped in the face by this brat like him!

"This kid, I blindly guess that he is already brewing. How to use a more appropriate way to swell the old faces of these guys!"


"How do you think Layfon, the face-slapping monster, got the title?"

Aokiji rubbed his face, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

I don't know why.

Aokiji always feels that this is Layfon's trick on all the Marines in Marineford!

It gave him a sense of familiarity......

At the beginning, the situation where I was slapped in the face, and the current huge movement in Marineford, don't they happen to have similarities in the same way?

"This little brat, isn't he really caught up?"

"The routines of these young people nowadays are really one set after another, and it is almost impossible to guard against.

"I can't afford to provoke..."

"Cowardly, cowardly."

Aokiji felt a little guilty in his heart. .

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