I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 156 Garp: I Want To Promote My Grandson Layfon! 【4/6 For Customization】

When Marineford caused a stir and made huge waves.

Marshal's office.

The atmosphere here is much more peaceful than outside.

But occasionally, rumors of Marine's anger and dissatisfaction would come from outside the window, which inevitably reached the ears of Sengoku who was sitting in the seat.

"Garp, look, what a commotion you've caused me!"

Sengoku looked at Garp unkindly.

at this time.

Opposite Sengoku, Garp is holding a senbei, lying on the sofa seat, with a nonchalant expression on his face, biting the senbei with a pleasant and loud sound.


Sengoku's forehead bulged with veins, roaring with anger.

"It's alright, alright, Sengoku, you're mobilizing people for such a small matter. Why bother? These guys, they just don't know that my grandson's horror is yelling here."

"Once they understand the horror of this kid Layfon, they will naturally know that the seven-year-old Marine Ensign is just an ordinary thing."

Garp's expression was full of leisure, and he didn't affect his usual mood turbulence at all due to the movement of the outside world, appearing to be extraordinarily old-fashioned.

Seeing Garp's expression, Sengoku felt helpless.


Sengoku took a deep breath, and asked earnestly: "Garp. Tell me honestly, what are you planning? What are you planning? I always feel that things have developed to this point, as if you did it deliberately."


Sengoku has always had the feeling that with the turbulence in Marineford today, it seems like Garp is deliberately pushing the situation to this point.

This is beyond Sengoku's comprehension.

What is Garp thinking in his heart?

What else are you planning?


Garp was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Laughter spread loudly, lingering in the huge marshal's office, it seemed that the whole office was shaken by this burst of laughter.

"It was actually guessed by you, Sengoku."

"It seems that the old man is really not good at making these so-called layouts. You have to let Sengoku, an old ghost market like you, do this kind of insidious thing!"

Garp burst out laughing.

heard the words.

I saw the veins on Sengoku's forehead throbbing wildly, his emotions had obviously reached the verge of losing control, and his face was full of anger, staring at Garp tightly.

Are you human?

What is this kind of shady thing, and you have to let me, an old yin coin, do it?

Am I cunt?


In your eyes, Garp, I'm just an old coin?!

Can't bear it!

"Garp, you bastard!"

Sengoku stared at Garp with eyes full of anger, and shouted in a cold voice, "Hurry up, what are you preparing for? Is it the situation you want to see for Marineford to usher in this big movement?"

He didn't feel right at first.


These Marines, were really aroused and fully mobilized before Sengoku realized that something was not quite right.

Although things developed, in line with his expectations.

But it seems that everything is under control.

This feeling made Sengoku immediately think of Garp.

Things happen for a reason, and it is impossible to have no symptoms.

And the biggest reason is Garp!

"Sengoku, what do you think of my grandson Layfon?"

Garp didn't answer right away, but instead asked a nonsensical question.

Sengoku frowned: "Which aspect do you describe?"

"every aspect!"

Garp looked at Sengoku.


Facing Garp's words, Sengoku couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"In every aspect..."

"First of all, strength, your grandson Layfon is naturally too strong. At this age, he has such terrifying strength, which can be said to be a rare example that has been rarely seen in the sea for hundreds of years!"

"Talent, of course, needless to say. If it weren't for the terrifying Ultimate talent, it would be impossible for your grandson to have mastered such an unimaginable level of strength at the age of seven."

"As for ability? I can't judge yet."

"All in all, regardless."

"Just looking at his talent and strength, this is a rare and terrifying genius monster. It is Marine who must strive to absorb Marine's goal no matter what!"

Sengoku spoke very sincerely.

He did not hesitate to praise and praise Layfon in his words.

Sengoku certainly has a high eye!


Layfon's talent is higher than Sengoku's imagination.

That's why Sengoku's evaluation of Layfon is so rare!

"Sengoku, it seems that you have admitted that my grandson Layfon is a once-in-a-century genius!"

Garp's mood became extraordinarily comfortable.

The feeling of being admitted face to face that his grandson is a very good genius simply made Garp deeply intoxicated and unable to extricate himself from it.

in particular.....…

This person admitted that his grandson was a genius in front of his own face.

Still rival Sengoku!

That puts Garp in a better mood.

It's really rare...

From your point of view, Sengoku would describe a person like this!

This incidates that.

My Garp's grandson, what a terrific genius!

Many thoughts were caught by Garp. Under Sengoku's gaze, Garp slowly explained: "My purpose is to create momentum for my grandson Layfon!"

Building momentum?!

Sengoku's pupils shrank, a bit unexpected.

What's the meaning?

What momentum?

"Explain in detail."

Sengoku pondered.

"It can be regarded as giving this kid a little pressure. Young people have no pressure, so what is the motivation? Only when the pressure is sufficient will it turn into motivation."

"This turmoil in Marineford is naturally something I would like to see.

"Of course, I didn't do it on purpose. I don't have such great ability yet."

"I just hoped so. Unexpectedly, it really developed in the direction I thought in my heart.

"After this incident, presumably, Layfon's name can be regarded as a prestigious existence in Marineford.

"And that's my main purpose."

"As for this prestige, whether this kid can maintain it depends on his own good luck."

Garp's expression was full of exclamation.

"That is to say..."

"Are you pushing him?"

Sengoku frowned.

This is what he understood.

"Basically, while building momentum for him, it can also be regarded as squeezing his potential, allowing him to develop a more terrifying potential to solve these cumbersome difficulties."


"Layfon, his potential is far more than that!"

Garp's eyes twinkled.

"Garp, what are you talking about in your sleep?!"

Sengoku looked suspicious.

What the hell?

The meaning of your words is that...

Your grandson Layfon, at the age of seven, has such a level of strength, isn't it the limit?!

What are you kidding!

Garp, you don't have a fever, do you?

Only seven years old, not only has mastered Conqueror's Haki, but also has good sword skills, Grandmaster Marine Six Styles

These horrifying feats of the world have come to your eyes.

Isn't it the limit?!

Sengoku has been whining.

What's the situation?

He stared at Garp in horror, unable to speak for a while.

He wanted to ask.

What kind of monster is your grandson?!

Was it really you who gave birth?

You Garp can have such a freak grandson?

Or, this is what you picked up from Garp?

If it was picked up, then I would like to know.

Where did you pick up the grandson of such a monster?

Can I find it again in that place?

I was suddenly a little impulsive, and wanted to pick up a monster grandson and come back to raise the heir of Marshal Marine!

"Sengoku, don't you believe it?"

"Next, you will believe it!"

"Under the interference of such severe external conditions, this kid will definitely inspire even more terrifying talents. He will become stronger at an unimaginable speed!"

"Become stronger at a speed far beyond our imagination!"

Somehow, Garp has such a lot of confidence.

Feel endless trust in Layfon!

If it's someone else, maybe it can't be done!

Only Layfon can do it!

"You really have high hopes for your grandson...(beae)"

Sengoku saw Garp's thoughts and couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

Rarely does Garp have such confidence in a person.

But this time, Sengoku saw it.

"Of course!"

"It will be a good seedling of Admiral in five years, this is my grandson!"

"My grandson..."

"He is an out-and-out peerless genius!"

Garp laughed loudly.


Sengoku was speechless.


as long as you are happy.

Who made you have a monster grandson, we have nothing to say.

Why don't we have a monster grandchild?

After a pause, Sengoku continued to ask: "So, how do you plan to deal with the current turmoil in Marineford? You don't want to tell me that you haven't prepared anything, do you?"

The movement of Marineford naturally had to cool down.

Even if Garp doesn't move, Sengoku will press directly.

He just wanted to see if Garp was already prepared.

He also wanted to see what kind of arrangements and plans Garp had made for this.

"It's easy!"

Facing Sengoku's question, Garp answered truthfully, "I plan to come forward directly and give everyone a letter of approval. Let them, they can make their doubts public."

"It's a big challenge!"

"It is a challenge to vent all their inner dissatisfaction and anger openly."

This made Sengoku even more puzzled.

Big challenge?

What do you mean?

You may have seen Sengoku's doubts.

Garp then made detailed introductions one after another.

"in short."

"I will personally come forward and hold a public challenge for Layfon!"

"Now in Marineford, not everyone is questioning why a seven-year-old can be a Marine Ensign? Next, I will let them feel it."

"Why can a seven-year-old be a Marine Ensign?"

"Of course it's because of having absolute strength as the prerequisite basis!"

"As for how to convince them that this kid, Layfon, is very powerful?"

"It's very simple."

"Let them challenge!"

"Let all those who are dissatisfied, who have doubts and doubts, everyone can try to challenge Layfon!"

"In this way, they will naturally know whether Layfon's strength is qualified for Marine Ensign!"


"Challengers are limited to those below Vice Admiral!"

"Even Rear Admiral can be straight

Go face to face with Layfon!"

After Garp finished speaking.

Below Vice Admiral, is Rear Admiral, and then to Commodore!

Rear Admiral, has been infinitely close to the status of Vice Admiral.

Garp's remarks made Sengoku dizzy.

He was immediately confused by Garp's words.

Vice Admiral below casual challenge?!

Is this serious?

"I remember you didn't say that your grandson Layfon is only at the level of Commodore? Then if you let someone at the Rear Admiral level challenge him, wouldn't he be sure to lose?"

Sengoku said he couldn't understand.

The strength is only Commodore, how to meet the challenge of Rear Admiral?

Isn't this a must lose?

"Sengoku, what I told you is all about the old calendar."

"What I'm saying is, when this kid first came to Marineford, he only had the strength of a Commodore. But in a few days, who knows how strong he will become?"

"What I want is this motivation and a sense of urgency. To force this kid not to be lazy and slack, to constantly squeeze his own potential and become stronger quickly!"

"Only in this way, can this kid hit the Admiral's throne at the fastest speed!"

"Otherwise, what will become Admiral in five years?"

Garp's eyes twinkled expectantly.

"You are really......"

Sengoku spoke for a while.

This is too crazy!

That kid is only seven years old this year, can he really withstand these pressures?

Sengoku wanted to say it.

That kid is so sad...

With a grandpa like you!

This is simply not treating children as human beings!

Crushing child labor!

Simply hateful!

"I'm going to let this challenge brew for three days..."

"During these three days, let things ferment and become more and more magnificent."

"It's also just right, Layfon can have three days of growth, let him feel the fierce competition atmosphere carefully.

"Three days later..."

"Come on after Vice Admiral."

"As long as there is one person who can defeat this kid Layfon, then I will immediately revoke the official title and status of this kid Layfon Marine Ensign."

Garp continued on.

"Three days? Are you sure?"

Sengoku looked suspicious.

three days?


You let a person whose strength is only at the Commodore level, within three days, raise his own strength to the strength level of Rear Admiral?!

What a joke!

Anyway Sengoku thinks...

This matter is very suspenseful!

"If it's Layfon..."

"He can really do it, it's not blowing."

Garp laughed, "Furthermore, isn't there still Kizaru? I remember, you have told Kizaru to teach Layfon swordsmanship, right?"

"Three days, under Kizaru's teaching."

"I can be 100% sure that with the terrifying talent Layfon possesses, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds!"

heard the words.

Sengoku also wanted to dissuade: "Having said that..."

"Needless to say, it's decided!"

"Sengoku, when did you become such a mother-in-law?"

"One more thing, my grandson Layfon's talent is more terrifying than Sengoku's imagination. If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

At Garp's strong insistence.

This matter has been finalized in this way!.

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