I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 187: Kadalu Suspected His Life On The Spot! 【5/6 For Customization】

There are also strong and weak points between armed colors and armed colors.

The grade attainment of the armed color is the basis for judging the strength of the armed color.

And the armed color released by Layfon at this moment, exuding a fierce aura, vaguely seems to be stronger and more concentrated than the armed color released by Kadalu!

"Kadalu Rear Admiral......."

"Your armed color, it seems that the attainment is not very good!~"

Layfon's eyes twinkled, and he smiled playfully.

He is holding the blade of his right arm tightly, the blade is covered with black armed armor, the cold air spreads from the blade, it looks indestructible, as if a layer of steel armor has been added.

Compared with the armed armor of the blade in Kadalu's hand, it is obvious that Layfon's armed color is higher in strength and concentration!

This is a very intuitive and obvious contrast.


Kadalu himself also noticed this somewhat terrifying thing.

Of course he couldn't think of it.

Layfon, who was only seven years old, was able to cast Armament Haki!


It seems that the proficiency of the opponent's Armament Haki is much higher than his own level.

"how can that be?!"

Kadaru was dumbfounded.

His offensive movements have all produced some sluggishness, and his movements appear a little stiff.

He stared at the young Layfon in horror, his eyes turned, and he stared fixedly at the samurai sword in Layfon's hand, the sharp black armor stained on the blade.

A majestic aura of coercion was released from the blade, sweeping in all directions in an instant.

Kadalu, who was in front of Layfon, was the first person who was most directly affected by this terrifying aura.

"This momentum..."

Kadalu's pupils shrank, and his facial expression changed dramatically.

what's going on?!

How could this armed aura be so powerful?

Even, it far exceeds the strength of the armed forces he controls himself!

This is not scientific!

This little devil who is only seven years old has a higher level of armed color than himself?!

"Who can explain."

"Why is this?"

The kid who is only seven years old can not only cast Armament Haki. Even, the strength level is above his majestic Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral.

How can Kadaru believe this?

He was instantly taken aback by Layfon's armed colors.

All the offensives seemed to be fully resolved.

The wave of attack that was finally brewing was disintegrated by Kadalu himself, his expression became shocked and suspicious, and his movements stopped abruptly.

He dared not attack again.

The blade in his hand seemed to be firmly locked.

The sharp samurai sword that was originally cut at Layfon's body, and the samurai sword wrapped around the indestructible armed armor, froze in mid-air, unable to fall again.

Even Kadalu's body froze.

He stared at Layfon with a terrified expression, not daring to act rashly again.

Layfon's armed color really shocked him severely.

He thought so.

His assessment of Layfon's strength is already very high, but he never expected that he still seriously underestimated the level of Layfon's strength in front of him.

This level of Armament Haki, even he himself can't use it!

But, he saw it from a child who was only seven years old.

This kid's armed color is higher than the armed color he honed for thousands of years?!

Seriously unreasonable!

How old is this kid!

"Your armed color...

Kadaru's throat was dry, and he froze in front of Layfon for a moment.

He was dumbfounded.

His thinking became a mess.

What the hell?

what did he see

A kid who is only seven years old, the level of armed color is higher than him!

He is already forty this year!

It has been nearly ten years since I took control of the armed color!

Ten years!

How did he spend ten years?

Armed color, honed for a full ten years!

Ten years of training in the armed forces allowed him to have the strength of the armed forces he has today.

But how old is this little devil in front of him?


How long have you been practicing armed color?

a year?

two years?

With all the calculations, it will definitely not exceed five years!

Could it be!

This kid was exposed to armed color when he was two years old?

What kind of international joke is this!

Can a two-year-old's physical fitness withstand the burden brought by armed lust to the body?


"But what's going on, little brat?"

"He's only seven years old!"

"The level of armed color strength is higher than mine.

"Could it be that he has been exposed to armed colors since his mother's womb? What kind of monster is this!"

Kadalu's view of cognition has been completely overturned.

He has worked hard for ten years to cultivate his own armed color to this level.

But right now.

He saw that the strength level of the armed color controlled by a child who was only seven years old far exceeded the armed color he had cultivated for ten years.

This naturally made Kadalu unbelievable.

He doubted life on the spot.

After ten years of hard work, the relationship is not as good as the results of years of hard work by others?

This must be too outrageous!


This is still a seven-year-old kid!

No matter how high the talent is, there is no reason to be so scary!

"This must be an illusion..."

Kadalu suppressed the horror in his heart and swallowed.

But the terrifying sense of oppression emanating from Layfon's body swept across Kadalu's body all the time, oppressing his body.

in particular......

The coldness from the colored armor in Layfon's hands, and the cold air, made Kadalu only feel the cold on his back and the cold sweat on his forehead.


"Is this horse riding an illusion?"

"I always feel that if I move a little bit, this brat will suppress me on the spot!"

"Is one or two of these brats so ferocious?"

at first.

Kadalu also intends to let Layfon see what a strong Rear Admiral is!

Only those who have mastered the weapons and knowledge can naturally be called Rear Admiral.


Kadalu wants Layfon to feel what a terrifying method Armament Haki is. And what a powerful existence Rear Admiral is.

He wanted Layfon to understand.

Marineford, not a place where Layfon can be unscrupulous!

But after all...

As a result, Kadalu's world view collapsed.

He is proud of the armed color, not only does Layfon also master the strength level of Dongshi, which is higher than his own!

This invisible strong contrast seemed to form a slap, slapping Kadalu's face fiercely, making his face a little painful at the moment.

Armed color only controlled by Rear Admiral level powerhouses?

terribly sorry!

The other party will too!

Moreover, the intensity level is higher!

This brought Kadalu's mentality close to the brink of collapse.

What the hell!

Before he could show off, he slapped Layfon on the opposite side, causing Kadalu's forehead to buzz and his thinking to become rigid.

This blow is too heavy!

It directly overturned the self-confidence that Ka Tianlu held before.

Even though he had been mentally prepared for a long time, he knew that Layfon's strength had reached the Rear Admiral level. But when he actually saw Layfon displaying his armed color, Kadalu was still stunned.


Layfon's armed color level is higher than that controlled by Kadalu himself!

"What kind of monster was I just now, showing off that I know Armament Haki?"

"Whether I count it as lifting a rock and shooting myself in the foot.

Recalling his careful posture just now, Kadalu's face was aching, the corners of his mouth were twitching constantly, his eyes were filled with horror, and his mood was so shocked that it was difficult to calm down.

...asking for flowers...

He suddenly regretted it.

How nice it would be to not need armed colors!

Everyone needn't be armed!

It's over now!

He used the armed color in advance, so that Layfon on the opposite side also used the armed color.

But here comes the problem.

His armed color and level are no longer at the same level as Layfon's armed color!

But the most important thing is that...

He himself does not know.

How did a seven-year-old kid manage to control Armament Haki?

Not only that, but the level of the armed color controlled by the other party is much higher than that of Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral who has cultivated armed color for ten years!

This naturally made Kadalu express that it was very difficult to accept.

He had cultivated for ten years before he could barely reach this level of armed color.

And this kid who is only seven years old, why should he?!

Why is the level of armed color higher than his?!

I have practiced for ten years!

Only then has the armed color strength of today.

This kid, how long has he been pretending?


It's a pity that even if Kadalu wailed unwillingly, it would be difficult to change the current situation.


Doesn't help!

Things have developed like this.

No matter how unwilling to cry, it doesn't make any sense.


The situation is so deadlocked.


Hundreds of thousands of Marines watched the eerie battlefield.

Feel the weird atmosphere.

No one knows why.

what's going on?

Didn't the fight break out?

But what is going to happen in this weird situation now?

Kadalu Rear Admiral, not menacing ready to strike?

Why did Mao suddenly stop?

Why did the offensive stall?

This is not right!

They were still preparing, cheering and cheering for Tianlu.

But when they saw the scene in front of them, their cheering voices got stuck in their throats and could no longer be heard, and they looked at Kadalu with suspicious and puzzled faces.

"Here, what's the situation?"

A group of people were puzzled.

"Kadalu Rear Admiral, you go!"

"It's just a seven-year-old brat, but you are Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral!"

"That's right, Kadalu Rear Admiral, we believe. With your strength, you can easily kill the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp!"

"What is there to fear when dealing with a seven-year-old kid?"

*You are the Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, how can you be restrained? Let us show the majesty of our Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral!"

"We can't let this brat continue to show off unscrupulously. Kadalu Rear Admiral, the dignity of our half Marineford Marine is up to you."

"No, the dignity of half of our Marineford rests on you. At the critical moment, you can't lose the chain. How does this make our Marineford's Marine feel?


Everyone shouted loudly.

The sound is loud and resounds in all directions.

Immediately, this made Kadalu sweat coldly in the battlefield.

Stop shouting!

Call a hammer!

If I dare to go up, I still use you to teach?

Are you teaching me how to do things?

damn thing!

You go, you go!

A group of dogs who stand and talk without back pain!

If I dare to go up, why am I still in a stalemate? Do you want you to cheer by the side?

The key is.

I'm not even sure about it myself!

How did I know that this seven-year-old monster is actually Grandmaster Armament Haki. And the level seems to be much higher than my armed color level.

This still makes me rush up?

Wouldn't that make me die?

You guys, your heart can be punished, soil!.

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