I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 188 Looks Stable On The Outside, But Panics Inside! 【6/6 For Customization】

Kadalu, representing the face and dignity of half of Marineford!


Among the hundreds of thousands of official marines, the bottom line and self-esteem of the last integrity!

Kadalu, who is Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, has already stood up and challenged Layfon. Naturally, what he represented was not his own honor, but half of the Marineford collective.

Strictly speaking.

Kadalu represents half of Marineford's Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral. If he loses, naturally the rest of the Rear Admiral will not have to play again.

on the contrary.

If Kadalu wins, this challenge will end here.

Officially so.

Kadalu's psychological pressure will appear so huge.

Facing all directions, the voices of cheers and cheers spread.

Instead of feeling full of confidence, Kadaru became more and more guilty.

Do not know why.

He could only feel that the cold sweat on his back was pouring out crazily, almost soaking his 'justice' coat wet. The cold touch on his back made his body become more dull and stiff

in particular...….…

Feeling the overwhelming sound sweeping from all directions.

This made Kadalu's state plummet, and his mood became more and more frightened and uneasy.

These guys feel as if they want to let themselves die!

Shouting and cheering all the time!

Can't you be deaf yourself?

Is the "February 47" that I need is cheering?

What I need is a way to get myself out of danger!

Instead of cheering and shouting!


"Stop shouting!"

"Still shouting?"

"Want me to die faster?"

"This brat, he is very wrong!"

"I have mastered such a terrifying and proficient armed color at the age of seven, and the level of this armed color is still so high. You let me deal with this terrible monster?"

"Are you all right?"

"Is there something wrong with me, or is there something wrong with you?"

"Let me deal with a freak who is seven years old and has a higher level of armed color than me?"

"I must be crazy!"

Kadalu felt remorse in his heart.

Made is so sloppy!

I'm still too impulsive.

Who knew that this seven-year-old kid's strength could be so terrifying and strange!

Only seven years old!

Who the hell can control such a high-level armed color when he is seven years old?

This is heavy and unreasonable, okay?

Whose child can master the armed color at the age of seven? And he has also refined the weapon to such an extent? It is higher than the armed color that I have practiced for ten years!

Can anyone explain?

I can't understand it anyway!

Kadalu subconsciously took half a step back, staring at Layfon in front of him with eyes full of vigilance and horror, not daring to act rashly again.

He had finally brewed an offensive, but it was disintegrated by himself on his own initiative.

By himself, he forcibly defuses the offensive!

The reason for all this is because Kadalu saw the katana in Layfon's hand and the black armor wrapped in it.

That fierce aura, facing Kadalu's body directly, made him feel very deeply, a majestic and incomparable aura of coercion enveloped his body.

That moment...

Kadalu also vaguely had an illusion, as if what he was facing was not a seven-year-old child, but a Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral with terrifying strength.

It was this illusion that made Kadalu goose bumps all over his body, his face became a little frightened, the cold air rose from the soles of his feet, and his scalp was numb.


too strong!

That majestic sense of oppression is always entangled in Kadalu's body.

The Layfon in front of him gave Kadalu the feeling that he was a young but terrifying monster!

All this is beyond the scope of common sense.

It stands to reason.

For such a young brat, his strength is at best like that. But only the Layfon he encountered before him is a completely different and terrifying existence!

Young, but with extremely terrifying strength!

"Vice Admiral?"

"Although it may not be as good as Vice Admiral, but the strength of this brat must have been infinitely close to Vice Admiral, not the level of the so-called just entering Rear Admiral!"

"This kid, what did he eat to grow up?"

"How the hell can he be such a monster!"

"There really is such a monster in this sea. I have learned a lot today."

Kadalu had lingering fears, and his mind was in a mess.

I can't figure it out all the time.

How did a monster grow up to what it is today?


Is this something talent can do?

After thinking about it, it seems that this is the only possibility.

Other than talent, the assembly couldn't think of a second possibility!

Insanely talented!

If not, how could this kid have allowed his own strength to reach such an unimaginable level at only seven years old? This is already infinitely close to Vice Admiral!

This strength, even if placed in the first half of the Grand Line, is already a top level powerhouse!

"Sloppy, too hasty."

"Before launching the challenge, I didn't even know the enemy's ability."

"This wave is really too impulsive!"

Kadalu was full of regret.

How did he know.

The strength that kills Koresi in seconds is not the ultimate strength of the seven-year-old Layfon. On the contrary, it is more than enough, and it is deeply clumsy.

This moment.

Kadaru saw it.

Layfon's clumsy strength should not be too scary!

This brat was never serious from the beginning.

Even when he killed Ke Leixi in seconds, the brat didn't take it seriously either.

Kadarun can estimate very accurately.

At the moment of instantly killing Coresy, Layfon used at most 10 to 20 percent of his strength.

But it was Koresi, the Commodore powerhouse whose strength was infinitely close to Rear Admiral!


Kadalu understood, it was too late.

He has officially entered the training ground and challenged Layfon!

All this, there is no way back.

You can only go forward, not backward!

This is the dilemma Kadalu needs to face now!

"It's over."

"Should I give in first and make a statement?"

"However, I am also a dignified Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral!"

"Can I be subdued?"

"You let me be a dignified Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral to give up? To admit defeat? Is Kadalu shameless? Are you kidding me!"


"I won't be the target of Marineford if I throw in the towel?"

just thought of.

Much of Marineford, had high hopes for itself.

Can be final.

He didn't even fight himself, so he suddenly gave in.

In this way, what are the consequences of welcoming yourself?

Kadalu's face suddenly became a little pale, and his face was full of fear.

Not good!

I'm afraid it's...

I want to be the target of everyone in Marineford.

Very bad!

Kadaru had a bad feeling.

If he really takes the initiative to admit defeat, he will be finished!

When the time comes, Marineford, where is his place?

Each of these hundreds of thousands of official Marines will drown him with every mouthful of saliva!


Absolutely cannot admit defeat!

You can't admit defeat even if you are killed!

The main reason is not to be afraid of being cast aside by colleagues like Marineford. Is it because I am Rear Admiral, don't I want to lose face?

That's right!

You still have to save face!

I'm not scared anymore, these guys from Marineford spurned me!

"This is..."

"You can't go in, you can't go back?"

"I stepped on the horse and was trapped in the middle?!"

"Wolf before and tiger after?"

"This wave is over!"

"It's still caused by impulsiveness. If you are not too impulsive, let's wait and see what happens...at least, I will not be the one who died. The other Rear Admiral rushed forward, and they were the ones who died."

"I'm still too young after all!"

Kadaru shuddered all over, and his lips trembled.

In a short time, he thought a lot.

He finally understood.

Why are other Rear Admirals indifferent?

Of course they are Rear Admirals, all of them are human beings!

They are all waiting for an early bird!

Just like.

Everyone was waiting, just like the scene where Keresi was killed in seconds. Keresi was the first to stand out.

And inside the countless Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral...  

I am the first bird in Rear Admiral!

"As the saying goes..."

"Shoot the bird that stands out!"

"My current wave has become the first bird? The target of being a seven-year-old brat?"

"I'm a Rear Admiral, am I so humble? It's unscientific, like I am a dignified Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, where is it not Daxian Kamui? Will I suffer at the hands of a seven-year-old kid?"

"This group of old cunts!"

Kadalu couldn't help complaining in his heart.

A group of Rear Admirals are waiting for him, a young bird!

it's good now.

At this moment, he is facing a dilemma!


Then he will have to face Layfon, whose armed color level is several times higher than his!

Although he is only seven years old, how dare he really treat Layfon as an ordinary ten-year-old kid with such a high level of armed color?

have you seen....…

The imp child who controls Armament Haki?

What the hell, the armed color controlled by this kid is several times higher than that of Kadalu!

After all, he had honed for ten years before he possessed the strength of the armed forces he has today. But Layfon, a brat, has only been in contact with armed colors for a few years at most.

But the opponent's armed color level and strength are so high!

Who would dare to treat this little ghost as an ordinary seven-year-old child?

Ordinary 4.1 seven-year-old child, is there such a scary thing?

Kadalu slandered inwardly.

The Layfon in front of me is completely different from the other children!

From the essence of life, it is completely different!

"I shouldn't, I shouldn't, I shouldn't take the initiative to stand up and challenge!"

"However, whoever steps on a horse can think of it."

"This kid who is only seven years old, his strength can be so strong!"

Kadalu stared at Layfon in front of him tightly, not daring to relax.

He has already pulled up his spirits, his eyes are focused and cautious, and he dare not be careless at all.

At this moment, he showed two completely different emotional waves from the one who entered the arena in high spirits before.

When he first entered the arena, Kadalu still seemed confident, and seemed to be in control of everything, the kind who could dominate the outcome with a single thought.

But at the moment.

Since Layfon cast the armed color.

Kadalu's mood ushered in a completely opposite change.

The current Kadalu is not only lacking in self-confidence, but also full of fear, apprehension, tension, and many negative emotions are filling his heart.

resulting in...

Kadalu stood stiffly on the spot, his body was like a statue, motionless, appearing extraordinarily calm and steady.

But no one knows.

Although Kadalu seems to be very stable on the outside, in fact, he has a lot of virtue in his heart!.

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