I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 194 Seven-Year-Old Vice Admiral Is The First Person! 【6/6 For Customization】

Marineford, as Naval Headquarters, accommodates hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of official marines, and is a solemn and sacred place in the minds of countless marines.

There are strong ones here!

There are many Commodore level powerhouses.

Rear Admiral powerhouses are innumerable, too numerous to count.

According to outside rumors, the Admiral-level top existences who have never seen the end of Shenlong are all working in Marineford.

A dozen or twenty Vice Admirals from the headquarters also guard Malindo.

With such a luxurious lineup of Marineford, countless geniuses and monsters have been born.



Naval Headquarters Marineford, withstood an unprecedented shock!

A child who was only seven years old, alone, directly overturned almost half of Marineford, and swiped half of Marineford alone without being unstoppable.

Similar examples are simply unprecedented.

This is the first time!

As powerful as Marineford, Marineford with so many powerful people is a sacred and inviolable place in the hearts of countless Marines.

Unexpectedly, it was pierced in half by a child who was only seven years old!

Half of Marineford was trampled underfoot by this seven-year-old child.


None of the Marines dared to imagine the shocking worldly thing happening before their eyes at this moment.

This challenge itself is limited to Vice Admiral's participation.


Rear Admiral, the strongest challenger!

But now the problem is.

The powerhouses at the Rear Admiral level have all been instantly killed by their strength.

Just ask.

Who else, Rear Admiral, can come in and shake this seven-year-old monster 14?

No Rear Admiral is willing to do this early bird!

Kadaru's strength is beyond doubt.

Everyone is Rear Admiral, and they know each other well, and know the limits of their respective strengths.

Now even Kadalu has been instantly killed!

Naturally, they didn't even have the slightest chance of dealing with Layfon.


They don't think that with their strength, they can instantly kill Kadalu!

But Layfon, just seven years old, did it.

This strength lies here, who thinks they can do it?

No one dares to move!

"Half Marineford, is it really about to be trampled under by this brat?"

"It's a disgrace!"

"Out of our hundreds of thousands of Marines, none of us can stand up and suppress this brat. We can only watch helplessly, allowing this brat to trample on our dignity!"

"Having said that, who else can come in and challenge? Koresi Commodore got knocked out, and now even Kadalu Rear Admiral is knocked out. Come to think of it, who else can get in?"

"Vice Admiral?"


Right now, the only ones in everyone's minds who are qualified to enter the arena but are sure to win are the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral level powerhouses.

But Vice Admiral, was limited admission qualifications.

If Vice Admiral makes his move, the rules of this challenge will be broken!

But without Vice Admiral, who can deal with this seven-year-old kid?

Rear Admiral?

The powerhouse of Rear Admiral was also defeated!

Who is sure and can shake this monster?

not a single one!

There were a lot of Marines present, and there were quite a few strong Naval Headquarters Rear Admirals among the crowd. But in the face of the current situation, they dare not act rashly.

They didn't want to face the embarrassing experience of Ka Dalu being killed.

"Kadalu has been caught in seconds, and I am afraid that I will be no exception when I enter the challenge."

That's what Rear Admiral had in mind.

They don't think that they can kill Kadalu in seconds.

By contrast.

The strength of Layfon, who killed Kadalu in seconds, is obvious to all!

Thinking of the huge Marineford......


Surprisingly, he couldn't find another person who could try to challenge Layfon in front of him and who was sure of defeating Layfon.

Ever since.

The situation is so deadlocked.

One minute...….…

two minutes...

Time goes by little by little.

Hundreds of thousands of formal marines watched with horror and awe at the young figure standing in the center of the training ground.

No one dared to take the initiative to stand out from the crowd.

A total of two challengers were killed in seconds one after another.

This challenge has ushered in a strange deadlock.

The third challenger has never appeared!

Let the atmosphere here become extraordinarily weird!


The uproarious challenge has become a little deserted.

The noisy environment has also become dead silent.

"Who can shake this monster but the mighty Vice Admiral?"

Similar thoughts arose in everyone's minds.

They stared at the young figure.

A majestic sense of oppression swept over the bodies of all of them, suppressing them heavily, making their hearts more and more stressed.

this moment.

In the bottom of their hearts, a very absurd idea also came into being, an idea that subverted and shattered their worldview.

This little devil who is only seven years old...

Strength, perhaps already infinitely close to Vice Admiral!

Be the top class in Rear Admiral!

"At only seven years old, is his strength infinitely close to that of Vice Admiral?"

"What a terrifying existence!"

"The grandson of Vice Admiral Garp, he is so strong!"

Everyone's views and feelings towards Layfon are no longer contempt and dissatisfaction.


Their eyes were full of awe and amazement.

Layfon is excellent!

Excellence makes them feel only admiration and worship in their hearts.


At this moment, their mood is full of aggrieved and helpless.

The main reason is that Marineford was singled out by Layfon, a seven-year-old kid.

Singled out half of Marineford's feat, really let Layfon achieve it alone!

This shows that, as Marineford Marine, their strength is very good!

Such a big Marineford can't even stop a Luo kid.

Isn't that why they are?

Weakness is the original sin!

They felt the humbleness of their own strength.

Even a seven-year-old child can swipe almost half of Marineford by himself.

But they can only watch helplessly, and they can't stop it if they want to stop it!

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit it so far."

"This kid who is only seven years old is Layfon, the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp. His strength may already be called..."

"First person under Vice Admiral!"

A group of Marines looked serious.

They were shocked, but they had no choice but to make such an evaluation.

Layfon who killed Kadalu Rear Admiral in seconds, can be called the first person under Vice Admiral!

This is by no means an exaggeration.

If he didn't have such a terrifying level of strength, how could Kadalu be instantly killed?

Anyhow, the mighty Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral is quite terrifying in strength.

But without exception, just like Koresi Commodore, who was killed in an instant, and didn't even have the ability to fight back at all.

You can judge from here.

Layfon's strength, even if you look at the strength of the Rear Admiral, there is no Rear Admiral that can stop Layfon's progress.


The title of the first person under Vice Admiral is well deserved!

"Oh my God!"

"Under Vice Admiral, number one!"

"What kind of terrifying strength is this?"

"But he is only seven years old..."

Mentioning this, everyone fell silent.


This kid is only seven years old this year!

At the age of seven, the strength has reached the first person below Vice Admiral!

Infinitely close to Vice Admiral's level of strength!

Has there ever been such an example in the sea?


There has never been an example of someone who is only seven years old but whose strength is infinitely close to that of Vice Admiral.

For thousands of years, there has never been one!

Today, hundreds of thousands of Marines have witnessed it with their own eyes.

Such a terrifying genius who can be called a monster!

Such a feat at the age of seven.

What is this concept?

It's totally conceivable.

Given time.

Admiral, can this monster be far behind?

Not far away!

The first person under Vice Admiral is obviously only one step away from the threshold of Vice Admiral's power class!

Step into the Vice Admiral with a little jolt.

Thus that is...

"Ever, the youngest Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral!"

"Under the age of ten, a terrifying existence whose strength has reached Vice Admiral's level?"

Everyone was shocked.

They seem to have seen that scene.

The strength is already infinitely close to Vice Admiral, and the distance to break through the strength level of Vice Admiral is naturally not too far away.

As for Admiral?

It's also close!

A seven-year-old can do it, raising his own strength to the feat of the first person under Vice Admiral 363.

What terrifying talent does such a monster possess?

They can't imagine.

But it doesn't hinder them, they can be very sure.

With Layfon's strength, it is definitely not a problem to attack Vice Admiral!

"Seven-year-old Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral?"

"Or eight-year-old Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral?"


"No matter which one it is, it's too amazing!"

Whether it is seven years old, or eight years old.


Can be under the age of ten, Vice Admiral Headquarters.

This feat is enough to subvert people's worldview, and it also refreshes the record of the youngest Vice Admiral set by Naval Headquarters over the years.

If they hadn't seen what Layfon did today, they would never dare to imagine it.

In this sea, there really is such a monster beyond imagination!

By contrast.

Many Marines fell silent.

They figured it out.

What were they doing when they were six or seven years old?

I'm afraid I'm still wearing crotch pants


What did other people do when they were six or seven years old?

Soon to be the youngest Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral ever!

The strong contrast made them feel ashamed and lowered their heads with low self-esteem.

i'm trash

I'm an idiot!

I don't deserve to live in this world!

"You say..."

"How much time does it take for a seven-year-old or eight-year-old Vice Admiral to become the main Admiral?"

When this question was born in people's minds.

Their mood became even more frightening.

Think carefully.

This question made them fall into deep thought.

How much time will it take?

Is three years enough?

Is five years enough?

ten years?

Even if it is ten years!

But how old are you?


Still eighteen?

Just come of age?

Countless thoughts poured into the minds of hundreds of thousands of Marines, making their thinking confused and their expressions full of astonishment.

This is really amazing!

Always feel, unconsciously.

They're like...

Guess something amazing!.

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