I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 195 One Person Easily Suppressed Half Of Marineford? 【1/6 For Customization】

Under the spotlight.

Center of the training ground.

Layfon slowly put away the katana in his hand.

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the layer of black armed armor wrapped around the blade gradually began to restrain itself and fade away.

"Is there no one to challenge?"


The blade in his hand turned into silver again, and as the golden sunlight fell from the sky, the sharp silver blade reflected dazzling light.

Armament Haki, fully restrained!

This berserk force slowly began to return to Layfon's body, and was withdrawn by him freely.

There was a slight breeze.

Layfon was wearing a 'Justice' coat and a white Marine Ensign uniform, spotless, with no visible scars on his body [not even the slightest sign of damage to the clothes.

After going through two battles in succession, it didn't affect Layfon's state.

He's still in prime form, undiminished by two fights.

Those two fights just now?

At best, it can only be regarded as a warm-up for Layfon.

These two battles did not cost Layfon too much time in total.

The entire fighting process took less than three minutes.

Then, the fight is over.

And Layfon only made two cuts from the beginning to the end!

Two battles, only two knives!

The battle was declared over.

There was Marine Commodore Koresi, who was killed by Layfon!

Then there was Marine Rear Admiral Kadalu, who was also killed by Layfon!

The situation of the two is exactly the same!

Although the two of them are far apart in strength, in Layfon's hands, it doesn't matter how big the difference is in their strength. Anyway, they can't escape being killed by Layfon

These two battles broke out very quickly, and ended very quickly.

It feels like...

Before the battle even started, it was already coming to an end.

Be ruthless.

The battle ended without warning.

When the battle broke out and ended, there was no chance for everyone to react at all.

Let hundreds of thousands of official Marines around, they are completely unable to respond. The moment you have to react, the battle is over.

They were unexpected and caught off guard.


This is also a Commodore and a Rear Admiral!

As the elite Marine in Marineford, when the two add up, one-on-one, against a child who is only seven years old, he can't even delay the match by ten o'clock.

This is incredible!

The two battles totaled less than three minutes.

In other words.

Less than three minutes.

A Commodore and an elite Rear Admiral were defeated one after another!

The combined effect of these two people is meaningless at all.

The added effect is that...

Delayed Layfon by less than three minutes!

That's it……

Also Marine Commodore?

Return the headquarters Rear Admiral?

The boasted strength is so fierce!

Feelings come to an end.

Not even Layfon can stop it!

This is indeed a little too much moisture.

Rao is Layfon himself, who did not expect that the so-called Commodore and Rear Admiral are so good!

"This challenge seems a bit too easy..."

Layfon narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little emotional.

The only pity is that.

Whether it's Kelexi or Kadalu, neither of them can make themselves display their true limit strength. Naturally, Layfon is still unable to grasp the exact state of his own strength class.

The general strength is clear.

But helpless.

These two guys are useless at all.

As a result, Layfon didn't even have the chance to fully display his strength.

Two games, all seconds!

How does this give Layfon an accurate measure of its own strength?

"I originally thought that the mighty Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral would not be too weak. But the fact, after all, still made me a little disappointed`

"This Rear Admiral is ridiculously weak."

"One knife!"

"I tried my best for this strike. But he is Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, and he can't even block my strike. With this strength, what is Marine Rear Admiral doing?"

Layfon couldn't help complaining in his heart.

He really didn't expect that the dignified Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, in the end, couldn't even stop him with a single blow!

Marine Rear Admiral, that's it?

This strength is also worthy of being called, Marine's elite high-end combat power?

If this gets out, I'm afraid people will laugh it off!

"I'm not serious yet."

"As a result, one or two fell down."

"They were all instantly killed by me!"

"At any rate, you can use it a little bit. Let me measure my strength before falling down. Now, I guess no one will take the initiative to stand up and challenge."

Layfon's eyes twinkled and he looked around.

Wherever their eyes passed, everyone bowed their heads and retreated, not daring to look at Layfon.

Layfon at the moment is quite high-spirited!

But I have to say.

As Layfon killed a Commodore and a Rear Admiral in seconds one after another, this feat really shocked the hundreds of thousands of official Marines present.

Let them have a deep understanding of Layfon's strength.


It also allowed them to overthrow the previous label on Layfon, a seven-year-old kid.


They can't understand.

How strong can a seven year old be?

Why Naval Headquarters Ensign?

This moment.

After witnessing Layfon defeating Commodore and Rear Admiral one after another, all the questions that plagued their minds were finally solved and they suddenly became enlightened.

They finally understood why.


At only seven years old, Layfon possesses terrifying strength, which is the root of everything.

It is also the key to making Layfon become Naval Headquarters Ensign!

The strength of a Commodore in seconds, isn't it enough to be a mere Ensign?

If that's not enough!


Seconds the strength of a Rear Admiral, so what?

With this strength, he should be able to assume the status of a small Ensign, right?


After seeing the strength of Layfon, people dare not question the identity of Layfon Ensign any more. Instead, although they don't want to admit it, they have to say it.

With Layfon's strength, it's really a bit of a talent to serve as Ensign[.

At least the Colonel, and even the Commodore make sense!

As strong as Rear Admiral, they were instantly killed by Layfon.

This strength to serve as a small Ensign?

Isn't this a serious waste of talent?

"I heard you asking before."

"How strong can a seven-year-old be?"

"Now, I think, you should all see."

"A seven-year-old child can be so powerful that he can instantly kill Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral!"


"The strength can infinitely approach the level of Vice Admiral in the headquarters!"

"This is what we thought before, a seven-year-old child like a weak chicken. But the reality is completely different from what we imagined!"

Age does not necessarily represent the level of strength!"

Hundreds of thousands of Marines looked at the young figure of Layfon with lingering fear.

Of course they dare not underestimate Layfon any longer.

What Layfon did was a horror most of them could never imagine in their lifetimes.

Not to mention killing Rear Admiral in seconds.

Killing Commodore in seconds, in their view, this feat is enough to become a goal that they need to pursue urgently in their entire lives.

An unattainable distant goal!

Commodore powerhouses, in the eyes of most of their Marines, are their lifelong goals.

But Layfon, who is only seven years old, missed their lifelong goal in seconds!

"From now on, those who are above the age of five, don't call me anymore.

"Do not!"

"Anyone above the age of three, don't call me, I don't want to die!"

"As for the seven-year-old? Look out for yourself!"

Everyone was deeply moved by the strength displayed by Layfon.

Time flies.

Another two minutes passed.

The atmosphere here is still very strange.

Among the crowd, no third challenger dared to stand up.

The stalemate has continued and has never been broken.

After the Commodore and Rear Admiral were defeated one after another.

The terrifying strength of Layfon seems to have formed a huge deterrent to all the Marines present!

And lead to...

No Marine present dared to come forward again.

Even though they were hidden in the crowd, that group of powerful Naval Headquarters Rear Admirals didn't dare to take the initiative to stand up and challenge rashly, but chose to keep silent.


"No one wants to continue the challenge?"

With a look of anticipation, Layfon glanced at the Marines gathered from all directions, with a smile on his face, and a sharp katana in his right hand.

Seemingly harmless!

But actually...

Everyone present felt it deeply.

It is this seemingly harmless seven-year-old child who is a monster with terrifying strength!

With Layfon's voice just fell.

The atmosphere here is even more silent.

Dead silence!

no sound.....

Even if Layfon took the initiative to ask.

But still no response!

The crowd is still the same.

No one took the initiative to stand out from the crowd.

This also means that no one will challenge Layfon anymore!

"Is there still no one standing up?"

Look away, Layfon thought.

This was something he hadn't expected.

After brewing for three days, this battle was full of excitement.

Actually, it came to an end like this?

But there are only two challengers in total!

Is this too little?

What about the other challengers?

Where did they all go?

"Only two people dare to challenge..."

"The third person, don't you dare to make another move?"

"Could it be that my first two shots were too ruthless. (Nuo's) caused a certain psychological shadow on these guys, making them afraid to act rashly again?"

"It seems that I killed a Commodore and a Rear Admiral in seconds one after another, which really caused a huge psychological burden and pressure on them."


"I really didn't think about it that much."

"The main thing is that I didn't expect these guys from Marineford to be so cowardly!"

"I was a little more serious and beat two challengers in seconds. As a result, the third challenger stopped. It made these guys who were just about to move put away their thoughts of trying to challenge me.

Layfon looked helpless.

If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have shown so much strength!

This is just great.

Not even a challenger is known.

Hundreds of thousands of official Marines were present, but they couldn't find a third challenger!

Before the challenge even started, Layfon heard that these guys were making noise. It seems that everyone has to challenge themselves.

But after the real challenge begins.

After a total of two battles, these guys seemed to have suddenly wilted one by one, and they were no longer as energetic as before.

"Does this count as..."

"Suppressing half of Marineford by one man?"

"This challenge should come to an end here, right?"

Layfon looked at the group of formal Marines who were looking around, and thought in his heart.

If the third challenger did not stand up for a long time, the challenge that had been raging for three days in Marineford would naturally come to an end. .

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