I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 544: trick

The latest website: "Is there any more?" The doctor played TT-33 and looked at the mouse in front of him with a bad look. "Although the coconut gave you [whisper], but who knows whether it is because your technique of acting is too good, first I deceived her, so it seems that you are more likely to be Rocky."

The mouse was staring at the hair, and the sweat on his forehead began to ooze out. He tried to remember what evidence could prove that he was not Rocky, but the more anxious the brain was blank, everything I couldn’t figure it out, I opened my mouth for a long time, and finally let out a sentence, “If it’s Rocky, it’s definitely not as easy to see as I am, but he is a **** of lies and tricks. Impeccable."

The doctor was surprised, and he obviously did not expect the mouse to be anxious, but came to a reverse thinking. According to him, the more unlikely it is to be a Rocky person, the greater the possibility is that Rocky, then who It was the person who was most unlikely to be Rocky. The doctor thought for a while and found out that he himself was suddenly angry, "No matryoshka!"

However, after the mouse said this, everyone also found that the problem seemed a little unsolved. I really want to play the live-action version of the werewolf kill. All the players added together may not be Loki's opponent.

The result was at this moment Zhang Heng said, "I have a way."

"What way?" the doctor asked.

"I have a prop on my hand, which has a bonus to the damage of mythical creatures," Zhang Heng said as he pulled out the "hidden sheath" from his waist.

The doctor looked alert, "Are you trying to cut us with this knife?"

"It's not such an exaggeration, just cut your mouth on your fingers." Zhang Heng said.

"What will happen to being cut?"

"Nothing will happen to ordinary people's words, but the words of supernatural beings will continue to bleed." Zhang Hengdao said, "This is the only way to verify who is Loki among us."

The doctor hesitated, but finally shook his head, "I won't let you cut my hand with game props you didn't know about."

"It doesn't matter, you can be at the end, let's watch our cut first. If you find Loki in the middle, you don't have to be cut. If you don't find it, you don't have to cut it." Zhang Hengdao said, regardless of whether the doctor agreed or disagreed, Turned around and asked, "Who comes first?"

The servant boy has always been Zhang Heng’s hard-core supporter, and this time, he did not let Zhang Heng disappointed. He immediately extended his hand with Wen Yan. Zhang Heng used [Tibet] on his thumb Touched gently with his fingertips.

It didn't take long for blood drops to flow out of the wound, and Zhang Heng threw a bag of cotton swabs to the chopping boy. The latter pulled one out of it and blocked the wound.

The atmosphere at the scene also became tense. About half a minute later, the teenager was removed and the cotton swab was removed, and his injured thumb was raised again.

The wound on his hand was crusted, and no blood dripped out.

"Huh." Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

"How is it, even if it passed the test?" Kui Ye asked, she also rolled up her sleeves, "It's my turn next."

"Well, reach out." Zhang Heng said as he pressed his palm against the hilt of [Tibetan Sheath], but the next moment something unexpected to everyone happened, and Zhang Heng was without warning. Suddenly burst out, [Tibetan Sheath] crossed a cold light, left the scabbard, and chopped to the left front at a speed that the naked eye could not track.

The doctor was taken aback by this sudden scene. He finally knew why Zhang Heng said before that a TT-33 could not kill him, because with the distance between the two parties, the doctor might not have time to shoot, [Tibetan Sheath He has cut off his hand holding the gun.

As if now, the doctor was waiting for Zhang Heng's blade to fall, so he panickedly raised his pistol and pointed at Zhang Heng again, "What does that mean?"

Zhang Heng didn't answer, but just looked at the young boy who was not far away.

Just now his knife was unexpected, the knife was extremely fast, and he used the technique of drawing a knife. However, what he did not expect was that the young boy who was targeted by him was hiding. No, more precisely, it should be Almost hiding.

Although the servant boy hid quickly and showed an incredible speed at the moment of life and death, but the opponent he faced tonight was Zhang Heng with the lv4 knife, the blade of [Tibet] finally cut him. The clothes, and the skin under the clothes, left a shallow wound on his chest.

The servant boy looked at Zhang Heng on the opposite side, and the look on his face became a little strange.

The vast majority of players are still in a daze at this time. I don't know why Zhang Heng should shoot at the servant. Only Kui Ye seemed to have thought of something, quietly moved his footsteps, and stood with Zhang Heng.

Killing a teenager is like not seeing the wound on his chest. He bowed his head for a moment and suddenly said, "Your knife... itself has the property that the wound cannot be healed, and the bonus damage to mythical creatures also exists. , Um, a feeling of powerlessness withdrawn."

Zhang Heng didn't answer, but just slowly put out a starting hand.

Against the famous evil **** Loki, he did not dare to take it lightly. Zhang Heng actually had a prop specifically for lie detection-[Oath Ring], but Zhang Heng did not need to take it out to know this F quality. The props have no effect on Loki, the **** of lies.

And considering the time when Loki was born~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now he needs to take a glance at the props held by players, except for [Tibetan Sheath].

Because [Tibetan Sheath] was born from [Ordinary Knife], but after recasting, it has almost no similarities with the previous ones. The only one who knows the properties of this knife except its forge is Zhang Henghe Miss Shi, including the bartender, after the Yemengaard incident, Zhang Heng can be sure that she is also intending to be close to herself, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Rocky,

The forgeer invited for recasting is also a tight-lipped person in the words of the bartender, so Zhang Heng still tends to think that Loki does not know enough about this knife, but even so, Zhang Heng did not tell the truth .

He didn't even conceal the characteristics of the "hidden sheath", he just attributed the bleeding characteristics to the bonus damage to mythical creatures, precisely because of this to subdue the teenager, or more accurately, Loki finally got hooked.

"Wonderful tricks." Luo Jianren didn't seem to be very angry, but instead praised, "However, how are you sure that I will be willing to cut your fingers?"

"Because you are Rocky, you will always feel that you are the smartest person in the house."

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