I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 545: Task change

The latest website: Dr. Zhang Heng's voice and the system were promptly received by Doctor Kui Ye and others.

【Ding! Congratulations on the completion of the main task of the first phase-find key characters, game points +100, you can go to the character panel to view related information...]

[Because the main task of the first phase has been completed, the main task of the second phase will automatically start, please confirm]

[Mainline task update...]

[The main mission has been updated, and it is now changed to-Kill Loki]

[It will return after the completion of the main mission...]

After Kui Ye heard the new system prompt, he almost didn't scold the street. Can tm play like this? ! Obviously they have completed the main line mission, they can leave the copy, but they did not expect the system to regret it, and changed the main line task halfway, forcibly leaving all players in the copy.

And the content of this second phase of the main mission is too ridiculous, what is the killing of Loki? If Rocky had done so well, the Nordic gods would not have taken him at all for a long time, and kept watching him jump up and down, causing trouble all over the world.

The fighting power of Loki in Nordic mythology is not the strongest, but it is definitely the most difficult to kill.

The corners of Loki's mouth raised slightly, his eyes swept across the audience, and all the expressions on the faces of the players at this moment were as if they were enjoying a drama.

But the smile on his face was stagnation for the next moment.

【alarm! ! ! alarm! ! ! Detected an unknown external force to intervene in the game, the main line task is unusually difficult, has been reported, and activated an emergency response mechanism]

[Starting emergency response mechanism...]

[The main line mission has been modified and corrected-the main line mission kills Loki unchanged, the new mission restrictions are as follows, during the mission Loki must not leave Pripyat, killing Loki’s five incarnations can weaken Loki’s strength, 12 Rocky is not allowed to shoot the player within the hour. Rocky can choose a building in the city as a stronghold. After 12 hours, Rocky stays in the stronghold and cannot move anymore]

"Uhhhhhhh... Is this really going to treat me as a boss setting?"

A lot of playful color flashed on Loki's face, "Okay, it's rare to have the opportunity to move the muscles and bones, I will accompany you to play this game."

After talking about it, he turned to look at Zhang Heng aside, and was about to say something to Zhang Heng before leaving, but he never thought Zhang Heng didn’t give him this opportunity. He hacked over, and Loki gave a sigh, regardless of whether his posture was good or not, he quickly rolled on the spot, evading Zhang Heng's slashing attack, and the forcing that he had mentioned before was gone.

But Zhang Heng didn't hit and didn't give up the chase, but instead posted it up like a tarsal maggot, [Tibetan Sheath] collided with the concrete floor continuously, and made a jingling sound. Get up, just like a ball, keep rolling down.

"It's too much!" Loki was chopped and lost his temper. He almost got shot again. Although he didn't know what method he used to stop the bleeding from the wound before, he could see the "hidden sheath" in Zhang Heng's hand. 】It's still quite daunting, obviously I don't want to add another wound to my body, I can only keep shouting, "You will regret it if you don't close the knife!"

Zhang Heng ignored Rocky’s intimidation. After hearing the task limitation, he realized that this was an opportunity. In addition to killing the incarnation, he could weaken the power of Rocky. Zhang Heng also noticed that the latter Rocky could not be within 12 hours. Hands-on regulations.

The purpose of this rule is to allow players time to kill avatars. But now it is used by Zhang Heng, bypassing the killing of avatars. Looking at him, he wants to slash Loki who cannot fight back here.

And Zhang Heng greeted while chopping and returning, "Wait for what, do it."

The player on the side just woke up like a dream. Doctor Liang Mang raised the TT-33 in his hand and aimed at the Rocky on the ground to pull the trigger. The latter was suppressed by [Tibetan Sheath]. There was no other way, just He can take advantage of the two evils and eat the bullet with his belly.

Seeing that Kui Ye and the mouse were going to rush to join the battle, Loki also had to make up his mind, gritted his teeth, stretched out his left hand, and grabbed Zhang Heng's [Tibetan Sheath].

As a result, it was no accident that his four fingers were directly cut off by Zhang Heng, but at the cost of it, Loki finally gained valuable time and extended his other hand and snapped his fingers.

When 【Tibetan Sheath】dropped again, Loki had disappeared from her place.

Zhang Heng pulled out the blade embedded in the wall and heard footsteps coming from above his head, so he chased all the way up.

Restricted by the newly added rules, Loki can't do anything to the player yet, so Zhang Heng doesn't have to worry about this being a trap. He ran directly to the roof of the building and saw Loki standing on the roof.

Rocky seemed to be unaware that he had been forced into desperation. He stopped and sullenly appeared to have something to say to Zhang Heng.

As a result, Zhang Heng, who was catching up, took off the [Plague Bone Bow] on his back and took the [Arrow of Paris], but this time Loki learned well and didn’t wait for Zhang Heng to shoot the [Arrow of Paris] The finger has disappeared again.

And this time it completely disappeared, Zhang Heng looked around again, and no longer saw Loki's trace.

Zhang Heng is not disappointed either. He knows that the gods of lies and tricks are not so easy to get rid of, and the battle just now was not meaningless. [Tibetan Sheath] unique bleeding and damage to mythical creatures are not even available on the spot Killing Loki is definitely enough for him to drink a pot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And if you can kill his five incarnations, you can further weaken Loki, then the final decisive player's chance of winning It will be further improved.

Zhang Heng turned [The Plague Bone Bow] back on his back again, and was about to go downstairs, but saw the militia military truck approaching here on the street in the distance.

"What's the situation?" At this time, Kui Ye also went to the roof. She was the second best player in the body. She followed Zhang Heng up. Unfortunately, the battle ended before the start, but Kui Ye also paid attention to it. To those two trucks.

Zhang Heng seemed to have thought of nothing, but didn't say anything, just turned his head and ran downstairs. He encountered doctors and mice who rushed over the way. As a result, the two saw Zhang Heng hurried to the third floor, Schell Bina's room.

Zhang Heng directly opened the door, and saw the vice chairman in the living room who was lying in the pool of blood. The latter had no breathing at this time, and even the body had cooled down. It seemed to have died for at least one day. Also noticed the flies around Shelbina's body.

"Close the door!" Zhang Heng said to Kui Ye who was coming next.

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