I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 548: 2nd incarnation

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After Kui Ye and others heard the system prompts, they were all in a trance, and they couldn’t believe it. Until they found the body of the fly that had been turned into two halves, they finally realized that Loki’s first incarnation had really been Get rid of it.

They didn't expect that the flies that seemed to move quickly and coquettishly, after a fierce operation, they sent themselves to the spring water so quickly, and Zhang Heng who killed it didn't even turn on the flashlight, just lightly toward the A knife was cut in the dark, which ended the less fierce battle.

In addition, he had previously rolled Loki one by one. Although there are reasons for the restrictions in the rules, other people can’t do it by themselves. Regardless of their strength, they didn’t even deal with Loki. The courage to do it is to know that the latter is the **** of lies and tricks.

Ordinary players will be unconsciously short of the first three points on Loki's momentum, wondering if they will step into the latter's trap without even knowing it, and dare to do anything to calculate Loki.

So is it the strength of the first place in the agent war rankings?

Kui Ye, the doctor, and the mouse were all in a trance for a while. The previous step-by-step investigation was not obvious. They even felt that Simon’s strength was not as strong as the legend. Until tonight, they intuitively felt themselves and Simon’s How insurmountable is the gap between them.

But they haven’t been able to sigh for a long time. Besonova has been pointing out the window to remind them. In a short time, four military trucks were parked outside the hotel door. Not only the militia, but also the regular army. People, this time also brought heavy weapons.

Zhang Heng just glanced at it and judged that it was difficult to break out, so he said, "Go upstairs."

After experiencing the previous events, the players did not even ask where to go after going upstairs, so they followed Zhang Heng together.

It’s been a while since Zhang Heng returned to Shelbin’s room, and he hasn’t appeared in the downstairs for a while, but fortunately the deterrent he left behind is still there. He didn’t immediately attack when the second group arrived, but First find a way to block the hotel to prevent the people inside from escaping, and this also gives the players time to transfer.

The five men ran nonstop and went directly to the rooftop. It happened that the helicopter landed on the roof of the building. As a result, the pilot just stopped the aircraft, heard a gunshot, and then got a chest pain, lying in the driver's seat.

The remaining ten people quickly took out their weapons, but at this time the player’s second wave of attacks had arrived. Zhang Heng distributed the snatched rifle to a mouse, plus the TT-33 held by the doctor. There is some firepower.

However, the shooting skills of the two are basically still at the beginner stage of lv0 and lv1, that is, they can aim and shoot, and whether they can hit the target depends on the distance and luck of both parties.

As a result, in addition to the mouse having a little better luck and hitting the calf of a militia, the bullets after the two of them either shot or hit the door of the helicopter.

But even so, the enemy is still falling down. Zhang Heng uses the rooftop water tank as a cover to keep hitting the target. Although the mouse and the doctor didn’t hit the opponent very much, they also helped him share a lot of attention and let Zhang Heng’s Combat is more calm.

On the other side, Kui Ye finally reached the level she deserves. She was worthy of her codename. She actually quietly arrived on the other road when there was a gun battle between Zhang Heng and others in the helicopter. Go to the side of the helicopter. Kui Ye has never practiced marksmanship, but as a female, her melee combat level is quite good, her shots are fierce, and she doesn't suffer much in terms of strength.

The attack from behind broke the neck of a militia, and then wiped the companion next to the militia with a dagger, and when she killed the two talents, it was found, but there were only three people left in the cabin. An injured casualty who lost his fighting ability, Kui Ye was quick in his eyes, kicked the gun in one person's hand, and then fell together with another person.

When Zhang Heng and others arrived, the battle inside was over. Lord Kui climbed into the pilot seat of the helicopter. When she introduced herself before, she also said that she had helicopter posture skills, so it was logically replaced. The driver's position, plus the battle that just made her relieved, felt that her party was no longer just a pendant beside Simon.

"Where to go?" Kui Ye asked, holding the steering rod.

"Flying east, about 120 kilometers, there is a small village, and Rocky has an avatar there." Zhang Hengdao, he did not grab the driving seat with Kui Ye, and sat behind the doctor, mouse and Besonova.

He now directs Grandpa Kui to look for the old woman named Sock, who is also the Rocky avatar he encountered in the parallel copy when he and the receptionist returned to the country. If it was placed in the copy at the beginning , Doctor, Kui Ye and others 80% would ask Zhang Heng that he knew where Loki's incarnation was.

Because during this time, except for the doctors and maintenance workers who have left, the rest of the people have been in collective action. Except for the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, they have not been to any place other than Pripyat, let alone from Pripyat. The small village of Yaji is 120 kilometers away. Why did Zhang Heng determine where Rocky has an incarnation?

But now, no one questions Zhang Heng's judgment.

In the past, it took Zhang Heng about two hours to reach the small village by car~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time he drove a helicopter because it took less than 40 minutes to reach his destination without going around the road.

The dilapidated house that had collapsed halfway can be seen from the air, standing alone on the slope, which is no different from when Zhang Heng first saw him.

At this time, the villages near Pripyat also began to evacuate, but the village where the grandfather of Snejana was located is not listed here. Most people have fallen asleep, but Sauk's room is still lit.

Kui Ye was controlling the helicopter and was about to land on the side of the field, but the gunshot suddenly sounded without warning at the next moment.

A tall, rickety old woman was lying behind her haystack, and was holding a gun at the helicopter in the sky, her mouth still seeming to scold.

Kui Ye's right arm hurt, and he unconsciously toggle the joystick, so the good helicopter that had been flying started spinning around his tail like a cat, and he swooped down, and it was about to crash. At this momentous moment, a hand stretched out from behind Kui Ye, grabbed the joystick, and stabilized the helicopter's fuselage again.

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