I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 549: mural

The latest website: It is only a matter of seconds for the helicopter to get out of control.

But the people on the plane felt that after a century and so long, seeing the only driver, Kui Ye, was shot, many people felt that they were dead this time, but they could do nothing but look around for support points to fix their bodies. Can only watch the plane fall.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Simon shot again, took over the control of the helicopter, and stabilized the fuselage. At the same time, Zhang Heng also completed the transposition with the injured Kui Ye and sat in the driver's seat.

But the old woman named Sock below also scolded the shotgun again.

This time she was aiming at Zhang Heng. Sock was obviously not as crazy as she seemed on the surface. She knew that as long as the people on the pilot helicopter were killed, no one could escape.

But this time she met her opponent, although she can fly the plane, but the driving level of Kui Ye and Zhang Heng are completely two concepts. Kui Ye’s helicopter driving technology was learned in a previous copy, but Limited by playing time, she only learned a fur, spent half a month learning to go up and down, and can fly from point A to point B, enough for daily use, but that's all.

Unlike Zhang Heng who was soaked in NASA's flight power laboratory, he followed the ace pilot Armstrong's hard work for half a year, not to mention Zhang Heng's shooting skills are also at the level of lv3, but just looked at Kui Ye's injury It can be roughly estimated that Sauk's shooting level should be at the peak of lv2, so as long as he can land steadily, Zhang Heng can be sure to kill Loki's second incarnation.

So when Zhang Heng took over the helicopter driving, he first pulled the joystick to the left, tilted the helicopter fuselage, and tried to block the shooting angle of Sauk. At the same time, he first pulled down and then lifted the throttle stick to lift the helicopter towards Nodded, but just swayed a shot, tricked Sock below, and continued to pull up the moment before the latter shot, and Sock's second bullet flew out of the helicopter's landing gear. .

After that, Zhang Heng did not take the helicopter to risk the descent, but continued to ascend to a relatively safe altitude, and then flew to the other side of the field. After leaving the shooting distance of the shotgun, he finally picked a suitable place to land. Down.

After three minutes of the shock just now, many people haven't been able to catch their breaths at this time. They were dizzy by someone's extreme operation, but the look in Zhang Heng's eyes became more admirable.

Although they are not the kind of Simon pure fans who have subjugated young people, they have also seen a lot of posts related to Zhang Heng on the forum or more during this time. There have been rumors before that Simon may be short of skills. , A rare all-round player, because this is the only way to explain why he has always insisted on single row.

But most people are skeptical of this statement, because it is known that a person’s time and energy are limited, it is difficult to believe that someone can really do what a team can do alone, which is really ridiculous. , But after arranging a copy with Simon himself, now they all believe it.

Zhang Heng first glanced at Kui Ye’s injury. The latter was shot by Sauk in the right arm. The situation did not look too good. The area where the gun was shot was already blurred and bleeding a lot, but fortunately, it was not fatal. It is a lucky luck.

The doctor was already bandaging her, so Zhang Heng said to the mouse, "Your legs are inconvenient to move, so stay here to protect them. Let Loki's incarnation be handed over to me."

The mouse is also very self-knowledge, Wen Yan did not succeed, but instead nodded, "Okay, we will keep this well, and strive not to drag you down, God."

After explaining, Zhang Heng looked around and confirmed that there was no danger. Then he found out the [filter lens] and put it on again. Then he held his rifle and leaned down, hiding his body in the wheat field and moving towards Sauk’s residence.

It took him about a quarter of an hour to touch Soke’s hut again, and the light was still on, but there was no sign of Soke after the haystack. Zhang Heng was not in a hurry, and now it was just the start of the second phase of the mission. An hour passed, and the time was still sufficient. He made a circle and approached quietly from the south side.

When he was approaching, he shattered the window with stones first, and put his body against the wall on the other side. As a result, there was still no movement in the room. Zhang Heng heard the sound of stones falling on the ground and rolled around. It hit another wall and stopped, and at almost the same time, Zhang Heng also broke the gate and rushed into the house.

Because there is also a kerosene lamp in the house, you don’t need [filter lens], you can also see the scene inside. Unlike ordinary houses, the big house is empty, except for a wooden table. No, Zhang Heng didn't even find the bed to sleep in, it was really the same as the cave.

In addition, Zhang Heng also saw a mural on the wall, which was drawn with charcoal pen. It was the five incarnations of Loki. Among them, one of them was a corpse and a fly. The figure was very close to Shelby's, Zhang Heng's heart moved, and he looked at the other couples, one of whom was an old woman running away in the forest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Black Shadow was chasing him, and if nothing else happened, the old woman was Sauk himself, and Black Shadow was Zhang Heng.

In addition, there is a painting on the wall that Zhang Heng has also seen. It is a horse drinking water by a stream, and a Rada is parked on the other side. Afterwards, Zhang Heng's eyes quickly swept over other murals and took note of the above content, because these murals are obviously equivalent to the prompts in the game, indicating the direction for players to find Loki incarnations.

Of course, Zhang Heng did not fully believe in the content of the murals, because with his knowledge of Rocky, he did not think that this guy would be so kind and would think about the players. In fact, it is strange that these murals will appear here. Especially the one about the white mare is a scene in the parallel copy.

The Rada that appeared in the mural was not accidental. The person who painted it had obviously witnessed this scene with his own eyes, but this also meant that Loki had followed him into the parallel copy, but Zhang Heng recalled the parallel What happened in the copy found that except for the two incarnations of Loki who appeared halfway through, he did not feel that any of the people he had contacted were pretended to be Loki.

In addition, looking at the appearance of the young boy before he was obviously obsessed with the werewolf killing, he did not expect Zhang Heng to suddenly shoot him. Is it that someone else painted the mural on the wall?

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