I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 550: Room 302

Latest website: Rocky looks awkward now.

Although the four fingers he had cut off had grown out by this time, it still looked a little different from the original on the other hand, and the skin color and size were somewhat like newborns.

And the blood flow in the place where Zhang Heng was cut on the chest has long been stopped. [Tibetan sheath] The non-healing attribute is like it has no effect at all on him, but if you look closely, you can see that his wound does not It didn't heal completely, only became extremely tiny, and the blood flow could no longer flow out of it, and there were such small wounds on his broken finger, and the gunshot wound to the abdomen had already recovered.

Now Rocky looks like a middle-aged man who has just been optimized by the company. He walks on the way home with a frown, sighing while walking, it seems that he has a headache, how to face his family and wait for him to get off work Wife and children.

He deliberately slowed down, rubbed for a while, and stayed in front of a clothing store for a while, changing a new coat before continuing on the road.

During the period, I heard the sound of a helicopter flying overhead, looked up at the plane flying out of the city, made a gesture of aiming to shoot, and his mood value seemed to be after being self-entertained. It also picked up again, regained its brisk pace, and hummed a little song in his mouth. He jumped forward, and finally came to an apartment building.

This apartment building doesn't look anything special, just like other apartment buildings in the city, and it looks deserted because of the big evacuation.

Loki also encountered a cat downstairs, which is different from the stray cats that the previous players encountered who suffered radiation and became deformed, and because of lack of food, this cat looks very beautiful. Very leisurely, with bright hair and rounded posture, squatting beside the flower bed and licking his paws.

Loki walked to the cat's side, crouched and scratched the latter's chin, the cat also showed a comfortable expression, and at the same time his body began to change, as if it were put together one by one, if If a player sees this scene nearby, they will probably be unable to send out a near, because the cat now looks exactly like in the game Minecraft.

Rocky's mouth also made a loud noise. He left a tin of canned fish for the cat that became a cube, and then got up and went on.

As a result, a man dressed as a mercenary was encountered at the gate, not the kind of mercenary in the modern world that was active in local wars to fight for the warlords, but the medieval dressed mercenary in the world of swords and magic. .

He wore a chain mail, two swords on his back, one made of steel and one made of silver. The long scar on his left eye showed that he had rich combat experience, but None of this was conspicuous by his golden pupils and white hair.

Rocky sighed after seeing the white-haired man. "He also said that I didn't follow the rules. He wasn't playing too much, and even "The Witcher" was sorted out."

And he just finished speaking, the man with white hair opposite also spoke, using his low, hoarse and masculine voice, "You look terrible, this day is not going well, how, with your girlfriend Are you arguing?"

"Typical Geralt humor," Rocky shrugged. "But my relationship with my wife's lover is good. Just because of your boss's blessing, I was almost chopped."

"So you are here to get back the scene?" The white-haired man said as he put a hand on the hilt of the silver sword behind him.

"Relax, demon hunter," Rocky said. "I just came over here to say hello to the creators of this world and offer my humble respect."

"I can smell the taste of intrigue and deception from you ten miles away. You'd better be as honest as you said, Evil God, otherwise the sword in my hand is for you." The man said coldly, but after staring at Loki for half a second he still let himself go.

"Thank you very much," Rocky said politely, and said by the ear of the white-haired man when he passed by the man, "If you are tired of all this, tired of being manipulated I feel like I can come to me if I want to change my job."

"Put up your devil's whisper, I will pass the grass trial, and my will will be firm." The white-haired man replied.

Loki didn't care, and glanced at the position behind him again. There seemed to be a hooded figure hiding in the shadow. Loki waved at the man, but when the other party didn't respond, Not angry, took his steps and continued to walk upstairs.

He climbed up to the third floor and finally stopped in front of Room 302. He reached for the door and knocked, but there was no response.

"I'm coming in." Loki grinned, then pushed open the unlocked door.

After the residents of the whole city left by car, no one thought that there was a little boy about ten years old in Room 302. His parents should have evacuated with the convoy, and they were still in the house before they left. Rummaging around to pick up the marks left by the things.

However, the careless couple forgot to take away their children, leaving the latter alone in this abandoned city. The ghost knows how he came here these days.

But when he was discovered by Rocky, he didn’t cry. He was much quieter than the average child. At this moment, he was sitting on the floor with his back to the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Loki seemed to be worried Frightened by the little boy, he walked behind him lightly and saw that the latter was playing Go chess with himself, holding white chess in one hand and black chess in the other, killing on the chessboard.

The abandoned boy seemed to have fully invested his spirit in the game, and even Rocky walked behind him without realizing it, until Rocky coughed twice and said, “I’m just curious about a question, if in the end you If you win yourself, then did you lose or win?"

"For me, winning or losing is far from the joy of playing chess itself." The little boy was looking at the lower right corner of the board at this moment, thinking about the most intense piece of black and white chess in the small area. When Loki asked, he answered casually Tao, his voice is full of childishness unique to this age.

"In this way, we still have some similarities." Loki nearly licked his face.

But I didn’t expect the little boy to shake his head, “No, I and you are two types of people. I respect the rules of the game, because in most cases, you can only get the most fun by playing under the rules, which is why the rules exist. The reason is that they are not just constraints, but also a source of fun."

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