I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 563: Deadlocks and bets

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[Tibetan Sheath] Having cut through Loki’s jacket, he must continue to work hard to split its owner into two, but Loki’s figure disappeared again at the next moment.

When he reappeared, he stood on the top of a laundry shop 15 meters away from Zhang Heng, looking shocked.

Zhang Heng frowned, just now he saw clearly that this time Rocky did not have time to snap his fingers, but he still completed teleport at the critical moment. In other words, his teleport ability and snapping fingers were actually It doesn't matter. This guy has been acting from the beginning. By hinting, he forcibly snapped his fingers to his teleportation. Even for this, he even suffered a cut by Zhang Heng and was cut off several fingers.

However, his bitter drama was finally in use now, and he was rescued from Zhang Heng's knife.

And Loki was really scared this time. His jacket was cut into two pieces, and he couldn’t wear it anymore. Loki looked at the jacket separated from the middle and knew that as long as he was later, he would end up. I'm afraid, like this jacket, I can't help but show a lingering look, "Huh, huh, it was too dangerous just now, and I really can't be distracted when facing you."

Zhang Heng did not continue to pursue. Although he only shot a knife, but he did not have the power to save it. It was the pinnacle of his spirit and body. It was not a small consumption of him. I used [The Scales of the Earth], but fortunately Zhang Heng also left room for himself, and he only doubled his strength, but he did not appear to be in a state of weakness.

But he also needs to breathe a little, the most important thing is to find a way to continue to deal with Loki.

The knife just now was not completely fruitless. In addition to breaking Loki's little trick, Zhang Heng finally found the secret of Loki's teleportation.

The latter is actually a dagger.

After Zhang Heng cut through his jacket, the dagger was also exposed from his waist, mainly because its shape made Zhang Heng too familiar and recognized it at a glance.

[Escape Dagger], also known as Kohler’s Dagger in the game, this is an out-of-the-box game prop that once had a fairly high appearance rate in a certain MOBA game, and Zhang Heng saw it for the first time Still at the auction.

As a rare escape prop, it is quite attractive to almost all players. Eventually, it was sold at a price of 2050 points. If Zhang Heng did not have too many points at the time, he also wanted a self-defense.

In addition, Zhang Heng remembers that the [Escape Dagger] seen at the auction has a limited number of uses, a total of three times, which is like a Rocky, idle and idle, it will teleport, this guy is getting this prop The latter 80% did something strange.

Seeing Zhang Heng's eyes fall on his [Escaped Dagger], Loki also admitted generously, "Yes, I used this gadget to escape your attack. You know it now, but unfortunately I won’t risk approaching you anymore, so what are you going to do with me next?"

Loki looked at Zhang Heng with interest, and the latter fell into silence.

After a while, Zhang Heng reopened, "Why do you want to talk to me about the transaction, and why did you change the main task of this copy to kill you? In that case, wouldn't only one of us survive?"

"What you said makes sense," Rocky nodded, annoyed. "I just couldn't help itching for a moment. Whoever made you cut it off without saying anything. It's not my style to hate. , I have forgotten this crop in a hurry."

Zhang Hengcai didn't believe someone's gossip. He was standing opposite Rocky and not Thor. How could he give up his original plan because of a sudden head fever.

However, he really did not think of any way to deal with Loki. The latter has been counted by him twice. As the **** of lies and mischief, this is probably the first time in his life. With Loki's IQ, he wants him to be the first. Three times is almost impossible, so Zhang Heng can only pick up the plague bone bow that fell on the ground and put it on his back again.

And Loki seemed to see that Zhang Heng had no way to threaten him anymore, so he recovered his relaxed expression and asked.

"Are we deadlocked now?"

"If you don't plan to shoot me, it seems like this."

"You don’t have to think about how to lie to me to get close to you. I have known all your deeds. Don’t forget that I put a small nail around you. How is she so cute? It's a pity that you don't have much feelings left, otherwise you might be able to join forces to perform an alluring love, but I'm also surprised that you are willing to do this for her. You shouldn't really be prepared to use it Does a B-level prop change her life?" Rocky said gossip.

"You don't really want to stay on the roof and drink cold wind?" Zhang Heng didn't answer, but asked instead.

"Of course, considering the white horse rider and the end of several other poor friends, I suddenly felt that blowing hair on the roof is also very good, at least don't be afraid. And I don't need to take risks to do it for you, this copy is as soon as you come up I was irradiated. Even if I left Pripyat to find a hospital now, it would be too late with the amount of radiation absorbed by your body. As long as I consume you and hang up, even if I win.” Loki was interested on the roof I walked vigorously, and then suddenly stretched my head to look at the following Zhang Heng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But I still decided to give you another chance, anyway, I’m still idle now, why not make a bet? ? "

"Not very good," Zhang Heng said lightly.

"Don't refuse so ruthlessly, listen to the bet anyway." Rocky stopped and akimbo, "If you win, I will let you pass this round of copies, and you know my daughter is the goddess of death Hella, after the death of Badr, the **** of light, the gods of Asgard sent messengers to find my daughter and ask him to resurrect Badr, but because I did not succeed in doing it, you came to me because of this story. Yes, I want to go to the goddess of death and talk about your girlfriend Fan, I can also agree to this matter."

Loki blinked, "Hella is my daughter anyway, and I have to save face. I can't save my little girlfriend by packing tickets, but at least I hope it's quite big. How? , Is it very rewarding?"

"What do you want to bet on?" Zhang Heng asked after a moment of silence.

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