I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 564: ambush

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"It's simple, let's bet how long the three can last," Loki smiled, pointing at a building in the distance.

Zhang Heng looked in the direction of his finger. It was an apartment, about a dozen floors high, and there were three figures on the rooftop. It seemed to be looking at this side too. One of them had a telescope in his hand, but because of the distance Too far to see their faces.

But Zhang Heng guess can also guess who those three people are. Now Pripyat only has Loki and the players except the militia responsible for disaster relief. Although Zhang Heng said to others after solving Sauk However, let them stay in the hospital and protect themselves, but it seems that they did not heed his advice.

The three silhouettes on the roof, two men and one woman, one of them wrapped himself tightly, one had legs and feet inconvenient, and one had injured his arm. It seemed that he had been bandaged just after the operation. Needless to say, these three The people are the doctor, the mouse and Kui Ye.

Zhang Heng was also helpless. He knew that the three were kind and worried that he could not deal with Loki alone, so he came to help, and their actions were very cautious, and they did not get too close, but first upstairs next to the apartment Observing the situation here seems to be planning to wait for the opportunity.

This is also the safest and safest method.

Unfortunately, this time their opponent is Rocky. Zhang Heng can already hear the sound of the rubbing of the car engine and tires with the ground. I don't know how many military trucks are pulling the militia there.

Shelbin’s body was discovered by the militia who arrived after they left the Pripyat Hotel. The earthquake caused by this incident was even stronger than the reactor explosion, because Shelbin was sl The Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers, an absolute big man, was ordered to come to preside over the disaster relief work. But when the disaster was gradually controlled, the Vice-Chairman died unexpectedly in the hotel room where he lived.

Moreover, he was assassinated, whether it was the wound on the body or the mob attacked by the militia in the hotel. This was the case. Moscow, after receiving the news, was also shocked. It was even a little hard to believe. The relationship between sl and the United States Once nervous, but after Gorbachev came to power, there have been some signs of recovery, but Shelbina’s death, various suspicions and conspiracy theories soon came back, the political impact of this matter Probably beyond everyone’s imagination, Gorbachev can already foresee that some people will use Shelby’s death to make a fuss and even push the already fragile relationship between the two superpowers to the abyss.

Therefore, it is imperative to first catch the murderer and find out what is going on as quickly as possible. This is also the latest order issued by Moscow to Pripyat, so this time the Ministry of Internal Affairs dispatched about 700 people. Militia, everyone is fully armed.

In addition, because Zhang Heng left a deep impression on them in the previous battle, Beldorf also borrowed several armored vehicles from Kiev urgently. Now, these armored vehicles have also been sent to the surrounding houses with the convoy. It is as if their opponents are not three people at all, but a whole army.

Doctors, Kuiye and others found it was too late. Although there was still some time before the arrival of the convoy, every street and road available for escape were blocked by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Beldorf gave the people. With the death order, none of the goals tonight can be let go.

"Your companions don't look too good." Rocky just saw several military trucks passing by in the streets around him, and in order not to be found, he also bowed his head and waited for the vehicles to leave. Then he spoke again.

"Although you didn't know this copy before, but anyway, it's also a brother and a brother who had carried the nuclear explosion together, so... Come and bet with me, see who we guess is more accurate, if you win, let me let You cleared the question and solved your girlfriend’s problem by the way. If I won,” Loki rolled his eyes and smiled. “I won’t let you do anything that’s too difficult to do. I’ll eat copper lamb and shabu mutton."

Zhang Heng knew that things were definitely not as simple as Rocky said. The latter’s remuneration was not directly proportional to the price he needed to pay, and Zhang Heng had not seen a few people who could take advantage of Rocky, this guy obviously What conspiracy is being planned, and the most important thing is that Zhang Heng knows that it is difficult for him to win this bet.

Because the hiding place of doctors and others was obviously leaked by Loki to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he should have been thinking about it since the initial killing of Shelbina, and since Loki can call people, of course there are The way to let those militia leave, so guessing the time, Zhang Heng could never have guessed Loki.

However, regardless of the life and death of Kui Ye, rats, etc., Zhang Heng really cannot consume Rocky in this way, and does not crack the latter's ability to teleport. The current situation is a dead end for Zhang Heng.

Rocky was not in a hurry. He sat down on the roof of the laundry, and looked at the landscape with Erlang's legs, waiting for Zhang Heng to make a decision. He saw a falcon hovering above his head, seemingly looking for rats to starve. So Loki waved and let the falcon fly down.

As a result, the latter's body stiffened and flew down from the air with flapping wings, and finally landed on Rocky's arm. It didn't look like a raptor at all. It was like a pet parrot raised by Rocky, but it was A pair of eyes are still searching for traces of mice on the ground.

Rocky scolded with a smile, "Do you remember to eat all day long, but unfortunately the rats in the city are contaminated, and you will be crazy after eating it for a long time. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com"

The falcon couldn't understand it at all, still thinking about something to eat for a while, so Loki rushed to the following Zhang Hengdao, "Can you bother me to throw the little cookies I baked? ?I want to feed this bird."

Zhang Heng Wenyan looked at Loki and the falcon on his arm, said nothing, and turned to get the cookies.

"Remember to throw away from afar, but I'm scared that you're secretly thinking about me." Loki said happily.

Zhang Heng poured the plate of biscuits into a bag and threw it to Loki, but Loki missed it, watched the biscuits fall to his feet, waited another half a minute before stooping to pick it up, and waited He raised his head and saw that Zhang Heng actually raised the [Plague Bone Bow] in his hand and pointed at him coldly.

"Come back?!" Loki couldn't help rolling his eyes and smiled, "Are you really not bored, or do you intend to shoot my bird out of anger if you can't shoot me?"

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