I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 596: Carnival and new visitors

Aleixia recognized that this was the group of fanatics they had been pursuing because they were so easy to recognize.

The pale face, the vain footsteps, the wild and anxious excitement in his eyes.

But the girl was not happy at all, because the number of the other party was completely beyond her expectations. Alexia surveyed this group of people for some time, knowing that many of them usually choose because they are difficult to be tolerated by the world. Hidden in the mountains, or in the no-man’s-minded area, but did not expect Nuuk, the largest city in Greenland, to hide so much under their eyes.

They usually use the identity of an artist as a disguise, but secretly I am afraid that there are not many secret gatherings and **** sacrifices. Alexia noticed that many of them looked very young, and some were not even older than her, obviously. It was just recruited.

This made Aleixia couldn't help but shudder. Since the attack that year, the fanatics seemed to know that the Inuit were looking for them, and disappeared for a while, but now it seems that they They didn't stop there. Instead, they continued to grow in secret, lurking to plan something, until the earthquake and the red aurora reappeared. They seemed to have received some signals and poured out again.

At the Art Museum alone, Aleixia saw at least the thirty or forty people, and they quickly surrounded the two, fortunately, except for the previous harpoon gun, the others were holding The weapons are not so lethal. Some people even directly took the spears off the walls of the museum, and the physical conditions of these people seem to lack exercise, and they are not even as good as ordinary people.

But there are too many people who can't stand them, and there are only a knife and a baseball bat in the hands of Aleixia and Ole. Ole has danced a baseball bat into a wind at this time, and he has not backed off. Instead, he gritted his teeth and greeted him.

Ole knew that if they let them siege them completely, then they would have only one way to go. Instead of sitting still, it would be better to work together while the siege didn't close, and try to see if they could break out.

So he picked the direction that seemed the sparsest in the figure, and a stick hit the head of the man who ran at the front. As a result, the opponent failed to avoid it, and did not make a blocking action in time. It's a real mess.

With the strength of Ole, this is not a joke. The baseball bat just touched the head and everyone heard the sound of broken bones. Finally, the bad luck head was smashed into a piece and fell to the ground. , I just can't live.

Ole followed and swung the baseball bat to another person beside him. The man finally had time to react, but when he saw the baseball bat hit him, he unexpectedly did not choose to defend against it, but The electric drill in his hand continued to poke into Ole's eyes, and his eyes flashed with madness.

Ole is still satisfied with his eyes, and does not want to lose them, especially the other party’s craftsmanship does not look good, maybe he can’t poke his eyes at this time, but instead directly opens a hole in his eyebrow, so He had to retract the baseball bat and dodge to the right first.

But in this way, his momentum of rushing outward was interrupted, and after half a second, others began to lean towards this side.

Although Ole roared again and again and smashed a few people with a baseball bat, he still couldn't stand many people on the opposite side, especially when he was a twelve-three-year-old boy, he bit his thigh with his mouth open while he was not prepared. Under the pain, Ole wanted to reapply, and hit the teenager's head with a baseball bat, but he hesitated again when he saw the child's young face.

And for this moment of hesitation, he was cut in the arm by another person with a kitchen knife, and the baseball bat also disengaged, and then someone jumped on his back. The fanatics saw that Ole was already the end of the crossbow, so he just Like a group of sharks smelling blood, all swarms of bees rushed up and wanted to share this beautiful meal together.

Ole was quickly crushed on the ground, and Rao was so powerful that he couldn’t stand the big man now. Once he fell, he couldn’t stand up anymore, and the situation on the other side was even worse. Although she used a knife to kill the two fanatics who first approached her.

But then he was shot in the thigh with a blown arrow. What’s worse is that the blown arrow was also covered with poison. Alexia soon felt his left side was no longer felt, and was given to him by two fanatics. He got up and fixed it on the wall, while the other person punctured her chest with a spear.

Am I going to die here today?

Aleixia thought a little bit blankly, but her parents' enmity had not yet been reported to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ nor could she find out the main messenger behind all of this.

But no amount of unwillingness could stop the spear that stabbed her.

Fortunately, bullets can!

With the sound of a gunshot, the fanatic who held the spear suddenly had a body, and then fell to the ground weakly.

Immediately afterwards, while holding an electric drill, he was wondering where to open the hole first in Ole. Another fanatic also went with his companion.

There was a riot on the side of the fanatics, because an uninvited guest appeared in the museum sometime and interrupted the carnival.

Alessia raised her head in amazement, and saw a somewhat familiar figure in the direction of the museum's side door.

It was the Chinese who had defeated her and Ole before!

Alessia did not expect to see each other again here! ! ! And she didn't expect that she would become so ecstatic one day that she met her opponent again, and even burst into tears.

It was just after the initial excitement that Aleixia's heart sank again.

Because she noticed that Zhang Heng came here alone, even if Song Jia, who had followed him, was hard to imagine how the two of them had dealt with so many fanatics, in the end, it was just entering her and Ole Just follow.

And as if to confirm her guess, the fanatics not only did not feel fear and fear after seeing their companions shot by bullets, but became more excited one by one.

For them, death and killing were like spiritual opium. Whether it was someone else’s or their own, they were equally pleasing, so apart from a small group of people who subdued Ole and Alexia, the rest of the fanatics We all rushed towards the figure in front of the side door.

(End of this chapter)

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