I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 597: Siege

Seeing that the nearest fanatic had rushed in front of him, Zhang Heng ignored the other party, but raised the Beretta M92F and aimed at the other person behind the guy.

The target just picked up the electric drill that fell to the ground, preparing to continue the companion's unfinished business, to see what color the brain of Ole was, but did not expect his brain to flow out first.

A bullet passed through the crowd and accurately hit his eyebrows!

Ole on the ground was also shocked with a cold sweat. This was his second escape from death. Since he was thrown to the ground, he knew that he was probably more fierce this time. He has been growing up since he was small. He was praised for his bravery, even when he was still weak, he dared to go out to sea with the whaling team without fear of the wind and waves.

Later, he hunted seals alone, and stayed in the wilderness for two weeks before coming back. Because of this, he was recognized by the elves and had the strength to match this courage.

Ole always felt that bravery could overcome the fear of death as he took it for granted, but when this moment really came he realized that he still overestimated himself.

Listening to the rotation of the electric drill and approaching his own voice, Ole tried his best to make himself silent, but it was only that, so when the horrible sound finally stopped, Ole felt his own The body is about to collapse.

Despite this, he gritted his teeth and shouted to Zhang Heng, "Don't worry about me, first solve the opponent in front of you, be careful that they besiege you!"

It's a pity that Zhang Heng can't understand Greenlandic language. Of course, from the expressions of Ole and Alexia, they can actually see what they are worried about. In fact, Ole does not need to remind him, and Zhang Heng will certainly ensure his safety first. It's just that in the extremely desperate situation in the eyes of Ole and Alexia facing him, it's far from the point of needing to sacrifice who will protect who.

Zhang Heng turned his muzzle after lifting Ole’s crisis. Beretta M92F re-pointed the enemy in front of him. The latter almost rushed to him. Zhang Heng also inserted the gun barrel into his big posture. In his mouth, the trigger was pulled, and the blood spattered out with the brain, splashing on the showcase next to it.

And as before, other fanatics saw their companions dying in front of themselves, and showed no fear of normal people. Instead, they all rushed up one after another, as if Zhang Hengfa was not a gun, but The special vouchers for supermarkets are the same.

The most worrying things about Ole and Alesia happened.

This group of fanatics is obviously ready to reapply the old tricks, using the same method to deal with them before to encircle Zhang Heng, and Zhang Heng is not the same as their situation at that time, not only to deal with the enemies in front of them, but also to separate them. Pay attention to the situation on their side.

Zhang Heng fired seven shots, of which four rounds were given to the guy who wanted to take the opportunity to ask Ole and Aleixiya. Although he successfully shot the bullet and successfully saved the two, he himself was also killed by the gang The fanatics were surrounded.

Fortunately, Zhang Heng fired three more shots in a row, killing the three enemies closest to him, and then he used two bullets to completely clean up the remaining fanatics around Ole and Alexia. .

Alexia's feet landed on the ground. Without checking whether there was any injury to her body, she quickly stumbled towards Zhang Heng because she saw Zhang Heng put away her pistol.

Is there no bullets? Just at this time!

Alexia's heart mentioned his throat. Zhang Hengquan killed nearly a third of his enemies with his excellent shooting, but the figure in front of him did not decrease. This group of fanatics is true He is not afraid of death at all. Aleixia can’t imagine how Zhang Heng should deal with the siege of so many people if he lost his only weapon.

Ole also wanted to help when he saw it, but his injury was heavier than Alexia, especially the position of the waist. Not long ago, he was stabbed by a fruit knife, and he is still bleeding. Ole took off. The jacket was bandaged indiscriminately, trying to get up from the ground but was helpless.

But then he saw a scene that made him stunned. He saw that Zhang Heng, who had put away his gun, had been forced into the corner by fanatics, but then he saw that he had drawn a knife from the travel bag he had been carrying.

When Zhang Heng held the knife in his hand, even those fanatics whose minds had become a bit crazy also smelled a dangerous breath. The closest guy didn’t even see how Zhang Heng did it, so he covered Kneeling on the ground on his neck, blood poured from his fingers, and his throat could no longer make a sound in a blink of an eye.

And this knife is just the beginning. Zhang Heng, who read UU reading www.uukanshu.com, put down the travel bag in his hand and pulled out the second knife from it. Then he no longer retreated, but rushed directly into the crowd. in.

Although those fanatics are still as fearless as they used to be, they still have some remembrance on Zhang Heng’s body even if they fight for their lives. However, compared with Zhang Heng, their movements are too slow to keep up with their opponents. The speed and pace are like a gourd baby to save grandpa. In the eyes of Ole and Alexia, they take the initiative to put their necks under the blade of Zhang Heng.

The scene in front of me can no longer even be called a battle, it is a massacre.

Ole and Alesia didn’t realize until this time that Zhang Heng was merciful when the two sides last played against each other, and did not use their full strength at all, otherwise their performance might not be better than the fanatics in front of them. Where to go.

Inuit teenager widened his eyes. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe that someone could really refine his combat skills to such an extent, because he was so fascinating that he even forgot his waist injury.

"Really, please trouble me. Where is this killing **** coming out from..."

On the second floor of the museum, the man on crutches murmured. He used to drink in his office while staring at the fanatics downstairs through monitoring to see how they besieged and killed Ole and Alexia. Seeing that the battle was coming to an end, he was interrupted by an unexpected visitor.

At the beginning, the person on crutches didn't care much. In his view, it was nothing more than a number of people running to give people a head, but he didn't expect the other person to be so powerful. Wushuang Shangshang was coming, so the man on crutches dared not watch the show anymore, put down his glass, and picked up a shotgun aside and quietly touched the office.

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