I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 174: What is dramatic

Zhang Heng was willing to give pointers to this big man. In addition to his good feelings about Julius Philos, and willing to give him a reputation, the main reason was that he also needed a heavy-duty gladiatorial performance to help him ascend to the throne of the championship.

Although the rolling battle seems to be very enjoyable, it will be boring once the time has passed, and the audience will start to expect that challengers will appear to pose a threat to Zhang Heng. Now what Filus plays is This role.

And more importantly, he found that he could not refuse, not to say that he could not bear these reputations, but Zhang Heng also told him very frankly that if he chose to admit defeat in a close match, I am afraid that he would have to bear the disappointment of the audience. With anger, in other words he is likely to be executed by the audience.

Therefore, now that Philo Filhos has no choice at all, he can only cooperate with Zhang Heng to complete this wonderful battle.

So the audience on the stand was finally able to take a look and enjoy the showdown between two outstanding gladiators. Among them, Zhang Heng had excellent combat skills and agile physique, while his opponent giant Lulu Philos was in action. It can't keep up with Zhang Heng's rhythm, but has a fighting smell that is almost against the sky.

No matter how Zhang Heng's footsteps change, he can always complete the defense before the opponent's weapon falls, and sometimes he doesn't even look away, and his big shield arrives first, and the audience watching is shouting magic.

Of course, there are also some people who feel strange, such as the owner of Gladiator's School behind Rilphlos, he is full of doubts.

Because of the strength of Julio Philos, he knew it well. Seeing that the giant took the initiative to pick Zhang Heng, he shot the thigh continuously. Since Zhang Heng showed his strength, he has no hope of winning anything. He just wanted to let Julio Philos take advantage of it. With this performance, I will accumulate a lot of popularity to sell tickets in the future, but I don't know if the goddess of fate has finally begun to care for him.

Rival Philos, a competitor like Santonilos, suddenly inexplicably dilutes, dropped the chain at a critical moment, and performed poorly. Some of them have not yet resolved the first round of opponents, so the owner of Ravi Philos I hope that Phililos will not meet Zhang Heng so early, defeat a few opponents and show his strength, this can also be regarded as a rise in the city of Rome.

But I didn't expect that this big man didn't know which muscle in his head was adjusted, and he did not avoid Zhang Heng like everyone else.

So it was troublesome. The owner of Filophos was worried that Filippos was defeated by Zhang Heng, so that his popularity that had been accumulated for a long time would be a thousand miles away, and he missed this rare opportunity.

It's a pity that this is the end, he had no other way than to pray to Philolos not to lose so quickly.

As a result, I didn't expect that Filuros had brought him an unimaginable surprise. The big gladiator is now the only person who can fight back and forth with Zhang Heng.

The question is, is this Philophos or the Philophos he knows?

You need to know that he is too familiar with this ace gladiator under his control. From buying Philo Phelos to finding a teacher for Philo Phelos, tapping the potential of Philo Phelos a little bit, he is no less in this. Spend time and effort.

In other words, he was watching him grow up a little bit, to this day's height, so he has a few pounds and a few pounds. No one knows better than him.

But now he saw a philanthropy on the arena that made him a little strange. Whenever he finished reading, this philanthropy could always break him with excellent performance. The pessimistic prediction seemed as if he was proving to him what Shibei was for a long time.

Could it be that the big man suddenly opened up, or did he hide his strength before, that he has always been better than he showed? The question is why is he hiding his strength, wait, is it because he wants to escape? When did he give his master a fatal blow?

The more I think about this, the more frightening I am.

Just as the master of the Philophos suffered in the stands, the battle below became more and more intense.

When the giant gladiator took Zhang Heng's attack again with a flashy action, he finally couldn't help but breathlessly said, "But ... okay? We have also played a lot of time, I I think the audience should be satisfied too. "

And the next moment he finally heard the coveted words, Zhang Heng nodded, "Well, it's almost time to stop."

When he heard that, Filous had a sense of relief.

Before that, there was never a gladiator performance that made him so tired. The scene was evenly divided, but he felt that he was no longer a gladiator, but an actor in the theater. He held the script in a step-by-step performance. When the class is over, you can think about where you can relax next.

As a result, he did not expect that his nightmare was not over, and then he heard Zhang Heng continue to say, "The ending is still a little dramatic to make an impression."

"Why ... what is dramatic?" Filophos was now fully obedient, and just wanted to end the battle of honour without honor.

"I will attack you after you, you take my attack with a shield, probably an accident when the eleventh sword, my sword will cut into your shield, then your chance to fight back comes . "

"What, I still have a chance to fight back?" Rilphlos almost didn't cry.

"Yes, I want to suppress it first."

"Then how can I fight back?" Lillefiloth humbly asked for advice.

"Just follow your usual fighting habits."

I want to say that I have been instructed by you now to forget my usual fighting habits, but fortunately, I was held back by his words and became "I know."

"Relax, it will end soon." Zhang Heng comforted.

"It's better to do this." Filophos now seriously doubts someone's integrity, after all, things that can perform acting can be done, presumably not a good person who is honest and trustworthy.

Fortunately, Zhang Heng did move and opened this final chapter with a beautiful set of combos.

Filius also had to shake his spirit and use the big shield to take the attack like Zhang Heng's hurricane shower. He had some doubts about Zhang Heng's words, but when he counted the eleventh sword, Zhang Heng's hand The Persian sword did get stuck on his shield. So Filophos seized the opportunity. Instead of wielding a sword, he ran directly into the shield.

This is the on-the-spot judgment of the top gladiator ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ because the sword wielding time will be longer, and the shield is closer to Zhang Heng, first use the shield to strike the opponent to lose their balance, and then take the swing effect will be better.

The actual situation was indeed the same. Zhang Heng was knocked into a slap, and an exclaimed apprehension broke out in the stands. However, Zhang Heng soon released the Persian sword of the owner, and then fell to the ground to avoid it. With the next sword of Filus.

Lu Feiluos also responded quickly, slamming Zhang Heng on the ground with a shield immediately, but he reminded him politely, "I smashed it."

As a result, when he waved the shield, he also opened his arms. The next moment, he saw Zhang Heng didn't know how to get up quickly from the ground. Not only did he avoid the shield that had been dropped, but he also deceived the Philophos In front of him, this time Filous was really scared. He subconsciously chopped to Zhang Heng, but his movement was still a half slow. After all, when his dagger was still a few centimeters away from Zhang Heng's arm, Zhang Heng has already placed another Persian sword on Julio Philos's chest.

The referee glanced at the positions of the two, and finally confirmed that Zhang Heng won, and a long-depressed cheer broke out in the stands. Instead of being disappointed, Filous, the loser, also showed a long-lost smile, as if the winner was him.

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