I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 175: Do you know what I like most about you?

The contest between Zhang Heng and Philip Filos is undoubtedly the most exciting performance today.

Both were top gladiators. The fighting process was intense and exciting, and another set of twists and turns fully met the strong desire of the audience to watch a shocking battle. In the end, Zhang Heng took the advantage of half-stroke to win the victory and win the victory. Detonated the jubilant atmosphere of the arena.

Although the performance has not yet completely ended, in the eyes of the audience this championship has no suspense.

If even the "hidden strength" of the law Philos can't pull Zhang Heng off the horse, can it be expected to suddenly slump like Satonilos and others who are now languished?

And the end result is exactly what they expected.

After solving the only tricky "enemy", Zhang Heng's battle quickly became clear again, and Lienke's opponent finally won the championship of this gladiator performance easily.

After the referee announced Zhang Heng as the final winner, including the young emperor, people stood up from their seats and cheered and blessed the champion.

There was a rain of rose petals in the sky, and then the referee sent the prepared palm branches and laurels to Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng wore the crown under the watch of more than 90,000 spectators at the scene, then raised the palm leaves in his hand and walked around the field for a week.

"Congratulations, I made a lot of money this time, making me a little jealous."

Pompeianus probed to Lucy, who was the first to bet. At that time, Zhang Heng's odds were relatively high. In this way, Lucilla could almost make twice as much income, but only used it before and after. Just three days.

"So people sometimes take risks." Lucilla smiled.

Pompeianus smiled and nodded, "You're right."

"Do you know what I like best about you?"


"Even if you do not agree with one's point of view, as long as it does not affect your interests, you will not refute the other party, but will agree with the other party's words, but in your heart, 80% think the other party is stupid. [Beep] . "

"What made my beautiful wife misunderstand me like this?" Pompeianus smiled bitterly. "I really envy you. Your vision is unique and full of courage. This courage even surpasses those around you. Men, I just earned a jealous income, how can I ... "

Pompeianus's words were only halfway, and Lucilla pressed her lips, and then Lucilla kissed again without warning.

Unlike other women Pompeanus had seen, Lucilla's kiss was quite aggressive, just like her people, bold and unrestrained, and did not hide her charm.

The two just kissed each other in the stands, but during this time Lucilla's eye was staring at Zhang Heng on the arena at the same time, a funny smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, like It was a little girl who suddenly found a new toy.


When the cheering was a little smaller, the young emperor cleared his throat.

"Brave gladiator, come forward and let me take a good look at you." Camo said.

"Observe, Your Majesty." Zhang Heng also behaved as if the one-on-one training last night never happened, and walked to the stand of the young emperor.

Kang Maode now feels more pleasing to the eye of Zhang Heng. This oriental man is strong, and even more rare is very clever. He can always understand exactly what he means, and now he is lacking such a person.

Of course, it is more accurate to say that there are no talents around Kang Maode. Although his father left him a group of elderly assistants, these old people did not have his own hands after all, and Kang Maode can feel it. Although they were very respectful of his attitude, they did not recognize his ability to govern.

In fact, the old guys are basically following the traditions and regulations left by the Oleriu era. Rather than maintaining Conmode, they are better at ensuring that Oleriu's last will be carried out smoothly. Even the young emperor often pointed at himself.

Before the decision to halt the war between the Commodities and the Germanic tribes was strongly obstructed by senior military officials, and felt that this kind of thing was an honour to the empire, and it was clear that it would take only a few years to defeat those Germanic tribes. Why, and why? You also have to pay the barbarian tribes.

However, Kang Maode felt that the empire had used too many soldiers in these years. Since his birth, he has witnessed his father's southern and northern battles, but after each battle, there will be another battle. Those savages are like It is weeds in the field. After one batch is cut, the next batch will emerge, endless.

So what about defeating the Germans? They will change places to recuperate for a while and they will make a comeback. It might as well end the war now. In addition, Kang Maode thinks that he has been fighting for so long. The military has made a lot of military achievements. His mood is gradually heating up, and his approach is to conform to public opinion.

But at this time the military moved out of Aurelius' last life to suppress him.

If Camelot could bear it while Ole was still alive, but the problem is that he has now ascended the throne, and has tasted the sweetness of power, only to find that his decree is difficult to be issued, then the emperor sits What else does it mean?

Therefore, the formation of a team who is willing to follow him, loyal and easy to use is his top priority now.

And now there is a good talent.

"My people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Please tell me, how can I reward him for his wonderful performance?" Kang Maode pointed to Zhang Hengdao on the arena.

In the beginning, some people said bounty, and some people said women. Everyone shouted in a mess, but in the end their voices were finally unified, and they became a word. It was also the color that made Marcruz smell. Words.


This is what the slave gladiators most coveted, because without freedom, everything they have is just a mirror, but according to normal rules, the average gladiator has only played for the arena for a considerable period of time and experienced dozens of wonderful Only after the killing will be asked by the audience to give the identity of a free man.

However, it may be because Zhang Heng performed so amazingly before that that the majority of people in the audience demanding his freedom now account for the majority. Of course, the most important reason is that Zhang Heng is not their property anyway. That's great, but the problem is that Marcruz is miserable.

Although Zhang Heng won the championship on behalf of Victor Arena, and captured the hearts of the residents in the entire city of Rome in one fell swoop, the problem is that Marcruz has not had time to realize these honors and attention. The hen who laid the golden eggs must first ran away.

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