I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 176: Winner

Although Marcruz was shocked and furious now, he was incapable of stopping those who were fooling around in the stands, and he did not dare to stand up and interfere with Kang Maode's decision, so he just sat in the stands with his beard and stared.

Now he can only hope that Kang Maode is more fair and will consider his loss. After all, he still owns Zhang Heng right now, but he only borrows his gladiator to the Flavi Arena, although the gladiator performance The organizer has the right to decide the gladiator's life and death and whether to grant the gladiator freedom, but after doing so, he must compensate the school behind the gladiator.

The question is how should Zhang Heng price now?

In the eyes of Marcruz, Zhang Heng is simply priceless. After Sinatus, no, he is the strongest gladiator in Roman history. How much is this worth?

But the problem is that this is only his opinion, and generally this compensation standard is determined based on the price of the gladiator when it is purchased and the reference to the performance period of the next gladiator, but these two Zhang Heng are few.

According to Gabby, it took only an average price to buy Zhang Heng. This is because the other party has an Oriental identity, and the performance period is even worse. Zhang Heng ’s rushing speed is too fast, almost overnight. An unknown little puppet became a household name. Even by this standard, even if Kang Maode was kind, if Zhang Heng was released, he would only have to pay him thousands of Seths.

But this time, Marcruz has lost money to his family. Even conservatively, Zhang Heng can bring more than 30,000 gold coins to the arena in one year. Even if he only works for three years, it is still 90,000 gold coins. With such a large sum of money, only a few thousand copper coins are left, which is just cutting the meat of Marcruz.

So Marcruz is now the most nervous person in the entire Flavi Amphitheater, but the little extravagant hope in his heart shattered with the next move of Camoude.

The young emperor hosted this gladiatorial show to win the hearts of the people. How could he go against the voice of the people? Moreover, Kang Maode himself was worrying about how to take Zhang Heng away from Marcruz. Rarely has such a good opportunity now, as long as After turning Zhang Heng into a free man, he could naturally justify this Oriental in his pocket.

Of course, if he let a gladiator become his close friend, it will surely cause protests and dissatisfaction of the old antiques in the Senate, but this is not the first time he has done such a ridiculous thing, and his two current consultants are not of the same origin. Isn't it good, and he is sobbing up newcomers just to compete with those old guys and old forces.

The Empire is like an old man in his twilight years, and he needs fresh blood to rejuvenate it.

Kang Maode has always believed in this, so he doesn't care about the mood of the poor gladiator school master.

The young emperor took the training sword symbolizing freedom from his followers, threw it before Zhang Heng, and announced loudly, "This is what you have won for yourself."

His actions also triggered a new round of cheers. The people seemed to be happy that their voices were valued, and the empire ushered in a good emperor who loved the people like a child.

However, the good emperor who loved the people like a child stunned Marcruz in just one sentence. By the time he opened his eyes again, Zhang Heng had picked up the wooden sword.

This also means that the latter has been freed and will never have anything to do with Victor Arena from now on.

Then Marcruz, who had just opened his eyes, passed out again.

Obviously he was the biggest winner of this gladiator show in the last second. He looked forward to the new future of Victor Arena with great ambition. However, he fell from the cloud in the next second and became the biggest loser in an instant.

Even if Sato Nilos and others who do not know why they are so poor, most of them have survived. After this battle, their reputation will definitely be seriously damaged, but there is no way to repair it, not to mention the one on their heads. Dashan is also gone, and they will have a chance to retake the throne in the future. Marcruz was miserable here, but the performers who won the show were gone.

There is no ups and downs in life.

Perhaps the only thing that can comfort him is that the German Bach performed well in this gladiator performance, showing stable performance, second only to Zhang Heng and Julio Philos, but how can a Bach compare with Zhang Heng's popularity.


When Zhang Heng picked up the wooden sword, he was slightly surprised because he also knew the rules on the arena. There were few gladiators like him who got freedom after only a few games, because the beloved gladiator audience also thought You have to watch a few more shows.

And the timing of the call for freedom this time was also subtle. Just as everyone discussed what the reward should give him, those rewards continued to increase in weight, and the crowd fell into a state of enthusiasm, at which time the highest-value freedom was thrown out.

So the crowd also shouted subconsciously, in other words this was actually a premeditated guidance and the use of public opinion.

The question is who is behind this. Zhang Heng first looked at Kang Maode. Of course he knew that Kang Maode wanted to pull him into his own team. This is also what Zhang Heng has been intentionally leading Kang Maode to do, so He is undoubtedly also a beneficiary of this matter, but through previous relationships, Zhang Heng's understanding of the young emperor has also deepened, and Kang Maode's rank should not have reached such a high level.

This matter is very cleverly done ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It can be said that there are almost no traces. The planner behind it has a very superb political skill and is good at leveraging forces to make a fortune.

Such people obviously should not be newcomers to politics like Camouflage.

Zhang Heng thinks about it. The only thing that is more likely is the political forces behind the blade of balance. According to the agreement between the two parties, Zhang Heng helped the blade of balance to do things. The blade of balance must finally guarantee his freedom, although after the completion of the matter However, it does not rule out that the blade of balance saw the present opportunity and paid a part of the reward in advance, which also facilitated his further access to Kang Maode.

If this is the case, I am afraid that it has confirmed some of Zhang Heng's previous conjectures. The blade of balance is not as pure as it claims, it is to maintain the balance of the world, but a tool in the hands of a political force, just an organization The members inside did not realize this, or some members like the Persian veteran trainers did not realize this, thinking that this political force was their help, but they did not know that the service relationship between the two parties was actually reversed.

In addition, Zhang Heng also received two long-lost system prompts. One of them is a 100-point game point reward for winning a gladiator show, and a 50-point game point reward for restoring freelance status.

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