I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 177: Not so bad

Although Zhang Heng won the gladiatorial performance, he has more things to do next.

Although he was awarded the training sword symbolizing freedom by the Roman emperor under the witness of more than 90,000 people, he will next go to the "Freedom House" on Trajan Square with Marcruz and be on the household census list Changed his slave status to a Roman citizen.

In this way, he is considered to have completely obtained the status of a Roman citizen.

After that, he would go back to the place where he lived, pack up his belongings, say goodbye to a few acquaintances, and move out of the gladiator school. During this time, he had to negotiate with Marcruz.

In addition, Kang Maode also winked at him when he left. The young emperor's intention to solicit him was obvious. Obviously, he wanted to see him as soon as he was busy with the things at hand.

In addition, Zhang Heng will also meet with the Persian veteran trainer to find out whether this incident was planned by the blade of balance, because if it is not, it probably means that he is being followed by other forces. .

Looking at it this way, he is still quite busy.

Fortunately, things can be done piece by piece.

After the performance, Zhang Heng first returned to the lounge, where the other gladiators were almost gone, leaving only Bach and Julio Philos.

It is estimated that it was a little nervous because of the previous performance of the script that was prepared in advance. It seemed that Filous was a little scared to see Zhang Heng, but after hesitating, the big man stayed and decided to express his thanks.

He is not a fool. Of course, he knows how much he has gained this time. With his previous wonderful performances, he has also left a deep impression on the audience. He is second only to Zhang Heng, especially after Zhang Heng was free. It means that he is actually the hottest gladiator after this gladiator performance.

Although until now, Phililos still felt that his ranking was a bit unworthy.

And Zhang Heng seemed to see what he was thinking, and proactively said, "What do you have to entangle, you are the best gladiator except me."

After hearing Filous's words, it seemed to be true.

He was one of the first team's favourites to win the championship, and it happened that Satonillos and others played poorly. Some even failed the first round, and were executed by angry audiences. The rest of the results were dismal. , Filuosuo counted his fingers, probably, except for the Germans around him, no one can threaten him.

But Bach and his style are very close, they are all flowing power, but the power is obviously not as good as him, the two of them face each other, Bach's odds are slim.

So if you look at it this way, there is nothing wrong with the ranking of Law Filos, but the process is a bit hydrated.

But why was he so awkward before? Philip Philos thought again, presumably because Zhang Heng shocked him so much that the strength difference between the two was so great that even Philip Filos began to doubt himself.

"You're too strong, just like a monster." Symphony said with emotion, "But you don't look too old, I can't imagine how your martial arts were trained, but fortunately for me I should never meet you again. My host has been complaining about the high cost of accommodation in the city, and I guess we will leave Rome tonight. "

After he had said that, he extended his two stout arms and hugged Zhang Heng.

After that, he listened to the Orientalism in front of him. "That's not necessarily true."


"As long as your boss is not stupid, after this show he should consider how to sell you."

When he heard what he said, his eyes widened, and he seemed a little surprised. "No, it won't. Our relationship is very close. It's not like an ordinary master and slave. It's more like an old friend. What's more, I did well this time, and he has no reason to sell me. "

Zhang Heng didn't comment on the relationship between the two, but just said, "No matter how much friendship you have, selling you to him, even you both are the best choice. After this gladiator show, you are famous in Rome Now, you should gain a lot of audiences who like you, so you can only maximize your value and make the most money by staying here, but your host probably does n’t have the financial resources to move your gladiator school here. Besides, the city The other gladiator schools in it are not vegetarian. You alone cannot sustain the school, so selling you is his only option. "

After listening to Zhang Heng ’s words, Filous subconsciously wanted to refute, but suddenly he couldn't say anything. The big man knew that Zhang Heng was telling the truth, although it was cruel.

"Rest assured, you should be able to sell for a good price. With this money, he can go home and take care of the elderly, and you can get much more than staying outside in Rome," Zhang Hengdao said.

Although he had accepted what was about to happen in the bottom of his heart, Lulfilos wanted to talk to his master first, so he hurriedly left without saying anything.

After that, only Zhang Heng and Bach remained in the lounge.

The two were also the only two gladiators left in this gladiator show Victor Arena. In addition to those who were previously eliminated, Habitus let Bach kill, while another gladiator named Murkazan, Because the performance was too bad, the audience asked to be executed.

But before Bach said anything, he heard footsteps ringing from the door.

The person seemed to be very panicked and anxious. This could be heard from his messy footsteps. When Zhang Heng and Bach saw the people who rushed in, they knew for the first time that slaves were needed to walk normally. The supportive Marcruz can run on her own ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and it is not slow.

"How can they treat me this way ?!" The middle-aged Romans burst into tears as soon as they saw Zhang Heng. "Is it easy? I bought you and spent so much time training to develop an ace. Seeing This can be reproduced, no, it is the new glory and history of the Victor Arena, why suddenly this road was blocked again! You said that I was not bad to you before, I will give what you want What, if I do n’t date, I will push back those invitations, and I offend a lot of people for this. Did I get such a reward? "

The more sad Marcus said, the more tears flowed down.

Zhang Heng had to remind him, "This decision was made by His Majesty the Emperor. If you say that, if you are heard by someone who is interested, you may think you are dissatisfied with His Majesty."

Marcruz finally stopped tears when he heard the words, but there was no way to hide his sadness.

"In fact, it's not that bad. Even if I'm gone, isn't there still Bach? This performance of the gladiator show is second only to me and Julio Philos."

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