I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 178: What luggage do you carry?

Speaking of Bach Marcruz, it ’s also very angry. Although the Germans are not as completely uncontrollable as Zhang Heng, it is obviously not a fuel-saving lamp. Before the confrontation with the black sickle Rufus, he was struggling to kill himself and was killed. Opponent, and this time he did the same thing, killing Habitus from the same gladiator school.

Both of them are gladiators who can sell tickets at the Victor Arena, especially Habitus, and the ability to sell tickets is still above Bach. Now it is such a senseless loss.

But Marcruz couldn't open his mouth and scold Bach, because the latter achieved good results in this gladiatorial performance. As soon as Habitus died, Zhang Heng was free again. Marcruz found that he seemed to rely on German There is no other choice outside of human beings.

So Marcruz stared at Bach for a while, and finally he could only helplessly sighed, "Although he is good, but compared to you, you are the champion of this gladiator show."

"If you really want to reproduce the glory of Sisnatus, someone may be able to help you." Zhang Hengwen said.

"Who?" Marcruz froze, but it wasn't without reason that he could make the Gladiator's School the second largest in Rome, and soon he responded, "Oh, Lulfilos, you are free He is equivalent to the most powerful gladiator in this gladiator performance. Indeed, the gladiator school behind him is not in Rome and cannot maximize his value, but the problem is that he is not easy to win. There are many homes in his gladiator school, and if I were his master, I would definitely sell them. "

"The relationship between Lilfilos and his master looks good. It is not just as simple as the master and the slave. You can try to start with him." Zhang Heng added.

"Well, is that right? This is a useful clue." Marcruz touched his chin and then sighed. "Even so, a lot of money is still needed." He said reluctantly. Look at Zhang Heng, "Forget it, let's go through the formalities first."

Even if Marcruz is still unwilling to fight against His Majesty the Emperor, unlike others, he is one of the few people who knows that Kang Maode secretly ran to the gladiator school to meet Zhang Heng. Since then, Marcruz There was already a bad feeling in his heart. He had a premonition of the day, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

However, his arms could not twist his thighs, and he finally obediently went to the "Freedom House" on Trajan Square with Zhang Heng, asking the clerk to change Zhang Heng's identity from a slave to a Roman citizen.

When he signed his name, there was applause in the Freedom House. Zhang Heng's fame is now very strong in Rome. Many people in the Freedom House watched his performance and saw him finally. In hopes of getting a free body, they all congratulated him.

Only Marcruz saw this scene even more sad.

Either Bach or Filiphos, the two together are not as popular as Zhang Heng, and as long as he operates casually, his Gladiator School is the first in Rome.

And now that's all gone.

But at this moment Zhang Heng patted him on the shoulder. "I remember that Rome seemed to have a rule, right? The released slaves need to take some time each year to work for the former master."

Marcruz heard some surprises. This is not a law, at most it is a custom, and the master is not a unilateral enjoyment of slave labor. He also has to be the protector of the latter. Once the free slaves are restored, If you have trouble in your life, you can ask the protector for help.

If there was no such thing as Kang Maode, it would be normal for Zhang Heng to let him be a protector after he was free, but now that the emperor has this big thick leg, where does Zhang Heng need him to protect?

Then he really listened to Zhang Hengdao, "I don't need you to be a protector, oh, don't get me wrong, I just don't want to cause you trouble."

Marcruz was speechless, and he looked at Zhang Heng resentfully, as if to say what are you doing about it, please me?

However, he heard Zhang Heng follow up again, "But I can spare time every month to play a show for you, but the opponent must tell me in advance, with my consent."

"What?" Marcruz suspected something was wrong with his ears.

So Zhang Heng had to repeat his previous sentence.

The next moment, the whole person of Marcruz was completely caught in ecstasy. Although he had some fantasies, Zhang Heng was still willing to perform in the Victor Arena after recovering from his freedom. However, it is not surprising that the Oriental before him will follow Kang Maude is confused, even if it is to make money, there is no need to return to Victor Arena.

So when Marcruz heard the news, he asked subconsciously, "Why, why are you willing to come back?" But when he asked, he regretted it.

Fortunately, Zhang Heng didn't mean to repent, but just smiled and said, "Of course I have conditions."


Zhang Heng won the championship at the Flavi Amphitheater, and the news spread throughout the city not long before, so the little female slave naturally knew it, but she was proud and happy for Zhang Heng while realizing that the two were separate. The time is coming.

Like Marcruz, the little female slave did not expect Zhang Heng to be free so quickly. Even if he had only spent more than two months in the Victor Arena, he was probably the fastest ever to be free. The gladiator is gone, but it also means that he is going to move out from here, and the little female slave as Marcruz's property naturally cannot leave with Zhang Heng.

So when Zhang Heng returns, this is probably the last time the two met, so the little female slave's original mood of excitement because of Zhang Heng's victory has become low again.

But it's useless to be unhappy. After all, she is just a little slave girl that no one will notice. It is no different from other little slave girls.

Thinking about that, she finally heard the familiar footsteps coming from the outside, but the little slave girl suddenly didn't want to see that figure again, but it was too late to run out of the house at this time, so she could only find one. The place hid itself.

She listened to the footsteps and walked into the room. The other side didn't seem to notice that the little slave girl who had been with her was gone. She just walked around and packed her things.

The little female slave sighed in her heart. Is that really the case, but she began to regret it again. Isn't it meaningless to be angry with herself like this, and you should know that this is probably the last time the two met. com ~ Did you even have a chance to say goodbye?

But the next moment she heard the footsteps stop outside the cabinet she was hiding in.

Then someone outside knocked on the door of the cabinet, and said, "Hey, you're leaving, aren't you coming out to carry me luggage?"

After a while, the cabinet door opened quietly for half a door, and the little female slave poked out her head, her eyes were still red, and she sniffed, "What luggage?"

"You say, you should get the news, we are moving."

"We? But I'm not your slave." The little female slave said stupidly.

"Well, congratulations, you are now free. Marcruz decided to give you freedom after so many years of hard work, but I remember you said that your parents are no longer there and nowhere to go. If so, you first Move out and live with me, and wait until you find a job, but before that, you have to do housework to repay the rent. "Zhang Hengdan said.

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